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Nb-Ta fractionation in peraluminous granites: A marker of the magmatic-

hydrothermal transition

Article  in  Geology · February 2016

DOI: 10.1130/g37475.1

111 2,254

6 authors, including:

Christophe Ballouard Marc Poujol

University of Lorraine Université de Rennes 1


Philippe Boulvais Yannick Branquet

Université de Rennes 1 Université d'Orléans


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Nb-Ta fractionation in peraluminous granites: A marker of the
magmatic-hydrothermal transition
Christophe Ballouard1, Marc Poujol1, Philippe Boulvais1, Yannick Branquet1,2, Romain Tartèse3,4, and Jean-Louis Vigneresse5
Géosciences Rennes, UMR CNRS 6118, OSUR, Université Rennes 1, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France
Institut des Sciences de la Terre d’Orléans (ISTO), UMR 6113 CNRS, Université d’Orléans, BRGM, Campus Géosciences,
1A rue de Férollerie, F-45071 Orléans Cedex 2, France
Institut de Minéralogie, de Physique des Matériaux et de Cosmochimie, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Sorbonne
Universités, CNRS, UPMC, IRD, 75005 Paris, France
Department of Physical Sciences, The Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA, UK
Université de Lorraine, UMR 7539 GéoRessources, BP 23, F-54501 Vandoeuvre Cedex, France

ABSTRACT can also be involved during the differentia-

In their late stages of evolution, peraluminous granitic melts exsolve large amounts of fluids tion of granitic melts, fractional crystallization
which can modify the chemical composition of granitic whole-rock samples. The niobium/ also changes the Nb/Ta ratios: Nb/Ta increases
tantalum (Nb/Ta) ratio is expected to decrease during the magmatic differentiation of granitic during high-temperature fractional crystalli-
melts, but the behavior of both elements at the magmatic-hydrothermal transition remains zation of Ti-rich melts due to the preferential
unclear. Using a compilation of whole-rock geochemical data available in the literature, we saturation of Ti-oxide minerals over biotite,
demonstrate that fractional crystallization alone is not sufficient to explain the distribution of whereas Nb/Ta ratios decrease during low-tem-
Nb-Ta in most peraluminous granites. However, we notice that most of the granitic samples perature differentiation of granitic melts due to
displaying evidence of interactions with fluids have Nb/Ta < 5. We propose that the decrease the fractionation of biotite and/or muscovite
of the Nb/Ta ratio in evolved melts is the consequence of both fractional crystallization and (Stepanov et al., 2014). In the most evolved
sub-solidus hydrothermal alteration. We suggest that the Nb/Ta value of ~5 fingerprints the peraluminous melts, the lower solubility of
magmatic-hydrothermal transition in peraluminous granites. Furthermore, a Nb/Ta ratio of ~5 manganocolumbite (MnNb2O6) compared with
appears to be a good marker to discriminate mineralized from barren peraluminous granites. manganotantalite (MnTa2O6) also enhances the
decrease of the Nb/Ta ratio in the melt (Linnen
INTRODUCTION In order to decipher the specific role of mag- and Keppler, 1997). In lithium-fluorine (Li-F)
In granitic systems, the magmatic-hydro- matic and hydrothermal processes in the evolution granites, melt inclusions indicate a separation of
thermal transition separates a purely magmatic of Nb/Ta ratios, we compiled the whole-rock an immiscible F-rich hydrosaline melt that can
system dominated by a crystal-melt interaction geochemical data available in the literature for induce a decrease of the Nb and Ta contents in
from a system dominated by a crystal–melt– peraluminous granites having various mineral- the residual melt (Badanina et al., 2010).
magmatic fluid phase interaction (Halter and ogy and geochemical properties and emplaced
Webster, 2004). Hydrothermal activity in per- in various tectonic contexts at different times. Nb-Ta Behavior in Hydrothermal Systems
aluminous granites can be either localized, as Nb and Ta are generally poorly soluble in
evidenced by pegmatites and/or quartz veins, PRESENT KNOWLEDGE aqueous solutions, Ta being even less soluble
or pervasive, leading to significant element than Nb (Zaraisky et al., 2010). Experiments with
mobility and, in the most extreme cases, to the Magmatic Behavior of Nb-Ta aqueous F-rich fluids and aluminosilicate melt
formation of greisens (Pirajno, 2013). These In highly evolved granites and pegma- indicate that Nb and Ta preferentially partition
alteration events occur during the sub-solidus tites, columbite [(Fe,Mn)Nb2O6] and tantalite into the melt (Chevychelov et al., 2005). How-
stage of granitic magma emplacement and may [(Fe,Mn)Ta2O6] are the main mineral phases ever, the solubility and hydrothermal transfer of
lead to the deposition of economically significant hosting Nb and Ta. Experimental studies have Ta and Nb are greatly enhanced in F-rich solutions
mineralization such as tin (Sn) or tungsten (W). shown that the solubility of these two miner- under reducing conditions (Zaraisky et al., 2010).
Niobium (Nb) and tantalum (Ta) are litho- als in granitic melts increases with temperature These experimental results are consistent with
phile elements considered to be “geochemical but decreases with increasing the aluminum the fact that several F-rich cupolas of greisenized
twins” because they have the same charge and a saturation index (ASI), a parameter related to peraluminous granites are significantly enriched
similar ionic radius. As a result they have simi- the degree of polymerization of the melt (e.g., in both Nb and Ta (e.g., Zaraisky et al., 2009).
lar geochemical properties and should not be Linnen and Keppler, 1997).
fractionated during most geological processes Partial melting can produce granitic peralu- VARIATIONS OF WHOLE-ROCK Nb/Ta
(Goldschmidt, 1937). However, Nb/Ta ratios are minous melts with Nb/Ta ratios higher or lower RATIOS IN PERALUMINOUS GRANITES
variable in several types of igneous rocks, more than that of their source, depending on the tem- We compiled data for peraluminous granites
particularly in granites (<2–25; Green, 1995). perature (Stepanov et al., 2014). Melts formed [i.e., with an Al2O3/(CaO + Na2O + K2O) ratio
Some authors have demonstrated that the Nb/ during high-temperature anatexis tend to have (A/CNK) >1; excluding aplites and pegmatites],
Ta ratios decrease in granites during fractional high Nb/Ta ratios, as a result of the complete as well as for some greisens, of different ages
crystallization (Raimbault et al., 1995; Linnen consumption of biotite and the high abundance (Archean to Mesozoic) that were emplaced in
and Keppler, 1997; Stepanov et al., 2014). Other of titanium (Ti)-bearing oxides in the residue, various geodynamical contexts (see Table DR1
studies have suggested that Nb and Ta could which preferentially incorporate Ta over Nb in the GSA Data Repository1).
be fractionated in evolved peraluminous gran- (Stepanov et al., 2014). Conversely, low-temper-
ites during the interaction with late magmatic ature partial melting generates melts with low GSA Data Repository item 2016069, synthesis of

peraluminous granites reported in this study, is available

fluids (Dostal and Chatterjee, 2000; Tartèse and Nb/Ta ratios because residual biotite preferen- online at, or on
Boulvais, 2010; Ballouard et al., 2015; Dostal tially incorporates Nb over Ta (Stepanov et al., request from or Documents Sec-
et al., 2015). 2014). Because biotite and Ti-bearing minerals retary, GSA, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301, USA.

GEOLOGY, March 2016; v. 44; no. 3; p. 1–4  |  Data Repository item 2016069  | doi:10.1130/G37475.1  |  Published online XX Month 2016
© |  Volume
2016 Geological 44  | ofNumber
Society America. |
3  For permission to copy, contact 1
Nb-Ta Fractionation During Magmatic of 0.5 wt% Fe-Ti oxide (e.g., ilmenite or rutile) Ti

Processes in the cumulate, in which Ta and Nb are highly

As shown in Figure 1, the Nb/Ta ratios in compatible (Stepanov et al., 2014), makes things A
the compiled data are highly variable, between even worse. Indeed, the fractionation of this
~15 and ~0.1, and the lowest values are shown cumulate causes a decrease of the Nb content Primary Ms
0.5 0.5
by whole rocks displaying the highest Nb and (Fig. 1A), resulting in a trend opposite to the
Ta contents. Mica fractionation in granitic melt trend displayed by the peraluminous granites. Nb/Ta (WR)

induces a decrease of the Nb/Ta ratios (Stepa- Crystal-melt fractionation is likely to occur 0.2 -
nov et al., 2014). Figure 1 also shows our model during the crystallization of granitic melts in
Secondary Ms
of the evolution of a melt with initial Ta and magmatic bodies (Dufek and Bachmann, 2010) Mg 0.5 0.7 Na
Nb contents of 1.5 ppm and 12 ppm (Nb/Ta = and during magma ascent in dikes (Tartèse and 3.5 Armorican Massif
8), respectively. This melt undergoes extrac- Boulvais, 2010; Yamato et al., 2015). However, B Iberian Massif
Lekkersmaak granite

[MgO / (Na2O + TiO2)] (Ms)

tion of a cumulate made of 80 wt% (quartz + numerical modeling shows that the efficiency 2.5 muscovitization
feldspar) + 10 wt% muscovite + 10 wt% bio- of crystal-melt segregation in dikes is restricted Dulong granites
tite, using the Rayleigh distillation law and the to cases where crystals represent a low percent- Greisen
silicate-melt partition coefficients compiled by age of the total magma volume (<45%; Yamato 1.5
Stepanov et al. (2014). The modeling qualita- et al., 2015). Indeed, 70%–75% crystalliza- 1.0
tively reproduces the behaviors of Nb and Ta, tion marks the particle locking threshold (PLT
but it requires an unrealistic amount of min- in Fig. 1B; Vigneresse et al., 1996) where the
eral fractionation (>90 wt%) to reach low Nb/ interstitial residual melt cannot escape from the 0.0
0 2 4 6 8 10
Ta ratios of ~2 and Nb and Ta contents of ~20 crystal framework without deformation. The Nb/Ta (WR)
and 10 ppm, respectively (Fig. 1). The addition extraction of low-fraction residual melts (with Figure 2. A: Mg-Na-Ti ternary classification di-
an amount of fractional crystallization >75%) is agram of muscovite (Ms) (Miller et al., 1981).
thus restricted to areas affected by strong shear B: Diagram reporting evolution of Nb/Ta ra-
16 tios for whole-rock (WR) samples from differ-
A stress such as magmatic shear zones (Vigneresse
14 ent peraluminous granites against average
et al., 1996) and dike walls, which represent a value of MgO/(Na 2O + TiO 2) ratios of their
12 small percentage of the granites compiled in this dioch­tae­dral micas.
10 study (Fig. 1). The model presented here thus

8 Degree of suggests that fractional crystallization alone is greisens) with low Nb/Ta (<5). These samples
25% crystallization not sufficient to explain the behaviors of Nb and also display high contents of Cs (35–1000 ppm),
Nb/Ta = 5
Ta in most peraluminous granitic rocks. F (>0.4%–4%), Li (250–2000 ppm), W (10–
4 75%
90% 1000 ppm) and Rb (>500 ppm). Because such
Nb-Ta Fractionation during Magmatic- incompatible elements have a strong affinity for
0 Hydrothermal Processes magmatic fluids, their enrichment is commonly
1 10 100 1000
Nb (ppm) used as a marker of a magmatic-hydrothermal
B X Kd Mineralogical Markers alteration in highly evolved crustal granites. In
Secondary muscovitization and greiseniza- Figure 3A, the Sn content of granites increases
12 Ms 0.1 3.5 0.4 tion occur under sub-solidus conditions during from ~10 to ~1000 ppm. During fractional
Ilm 0 73 86
Qtz-Fds 0.8 0 0 the interaction between crystallized granites crystallization, an increase by two orders of
Cumulate 0.7 0.2

8 and acidic late magmatic fluids (Pirajno, 2013). magnitude of highly incompatible elements,
6 50%
Figure 2 shows that the Nb/Ta ratios of whole- with a bulk partition coefficient Kd between the
4 75% ~ PLT
rock granites and greisens are anti-correlated mineral phases and the melt close to 0, requires
Nb/Ta = 5
90% with the average MgO/(Na2O + TiO2) ratios of a degree of fractionation of up to 99 wt%. This
2 Ilmenite
the muscovite they host (a chemical marker for unrealistic degree of fractionation suggests that
0 1 10 100 1000 secondary muscovitization; Miller et al., 1981). hydrothermal processes are also involved. Such
Ta (ppm) This observed anti-correlation suggests that the enrichments in highly incompatible elements,
fluids involved in the secondary muscovitiza- attributed to interaction with magmatic fluids,
Figure 1. Nb/Ta versus Nb (A) and Ta (B)
abundances for peraluminous granites. Col- tion processes could also be responsible for the have been noticed in the Erzgebirge (Germany
ored curves represent model of evolution decrease of the Nb/Ta whole-rock values. Whole- and the Czech Republic; Förster et al., 1999),
of Nb and Ta in liquid L0 (Nb = 12 ppm, Ta rock hydrothermal enrichment of Ta during in the South Mountain batholith (Nova Scotia,
= 1.5 ppm, Nb/Ta = 8) during fractionation secondary muscovitization is, for example, Canada) (e.g., Dostal and Chatterjee, 2000), and
of assemblage made of 10 wt% biotite + 10
wt% muscovite + 80 wt% (quartz + feldspar). observed in ongonites (topaz-bearing microleu- in the Armorican Massif (France; Tartèse and
Numbers above curves indicate amount of cogranites), and this process is associated with Boulvais, 2010; Ballouard et al., 2015).
fractional crystallization. Black dashed line the crystallization of late Ta-rich overgrowth on Also, the Nb/Ta ratios correlate with the
represents same model during fractionation Nb-Ta oxides (Dostal et al., 2015). K/Rb ratios (Fig. 3B). Most granites with low
of assemblage composed of 10 wt% biotite Nb/Ta display K/Rb values <150, characteris-
+ 10 wt% muscovite + 0.5 wt% ilmenite +
79.5 wt% (quartz + feldspar). Bulk partition Geochemical Markers tic of pegmatite-hydrothermal evolution (Shaw,
coefficient (Kd) values used and presented The whole-rock Nb/Ta ratios of peralumi- 1968). This tendency is observed in the South
in inset are from Stepanov et al. (2014, and nous granites are anti-correlated with their Sn Mountain batholith, where it was interpreted as
references therein). X phase—proportion of contents, Sn being an element highly mobi- evidence for a magmatic-hydrothermal altera-
a mineral phase in the cumulate; PLT—par-
ticle locking threshold (Vigneresse et al., lized at the magmatic-hydrothermal transition tion (Dostal and Chatterjee, 2000).
1996); Bt—biotite; Ms—muscovite; Ilm— (Fig. 3A): high Sn contents (30–10,000 ppm) Finally, the whole-rock Nb/Ta ratios can be
ilmenite; Qtz—quartz; Fds—feldspar. are only encountered in granitic samples (or compared with the degree of the tetrad effect,

|  Volume 44  |  Number 3  |  GEOLOGY

16 16
14 14 TE1-3 = 1.1

12 12

10 10

8 8

6 Nb/Ta = 5 6 Nb/Ta = 5
4 4
Figure 3. Evolution of
Nb/Ta ratios of peralumi-
2 2
nous granites as function
of selected markers of
0 0
1 10 100 1000 10000 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 magmatic-hydrothermal
Sn (ppm) TE1-3 alteration. Degree of tet-
16 rad effect (TE1–3) has been
B calculated using equa-
14 tion of Irber (1999). CC—
CC French Armorican Massif continental crust compo-
12 Iberian Massif French Massif Central sition (from Rudnick and
Gao, 2005).
Central Vosges Cornubian batholith

Erzgebirge Fichtelgebirge
8 South Mountain batholith
Peninsula pluton granite Hunan Province
6 Nb/Ta = 5 Dulong granites Belitung
4 Kukul’bei Complex Lekkersmaak granite
Ongon Khairkhan Greisen
K/Rb = 150
10 100 K/Rb 1000

which corresponds to the intra-REE (rare earth in granites where Sn, W, Mo, Be, and Ta min- Nb/Ta ~5: A Critical Ratio for Granite
element) fractionation observed in the REE pat- eralization is described (Zaraisky et al., 2009). Petrogenesis and Mineral Exploration
terns of highly fractionated magmatic rocks and In a Nb/Ta versus Zr/Hf diagram (Fig. 4), most Strategies
hydrothermal precipitates (e.g., Irber, 1999). barren granites plot in the field defined by 26 < Peraluminous granites that show signifi-
Although Duc-Tin and Keppler (2015) have Zr/Hf < 46 (CHARAC range of Bau, 1996) and cant evidence of interaction with fluids (i.e.,
recently suggested that the tetrad effect could 5 < Nb/Ta < 16, whereas peraluminous granites Sn and Cs contents >30 ppm and >35 ppm,
result from monazite and xenotime fraction- associated with Sn, W, and/or U deposits have
ation, most authors have argued that such REE comparable Zr/Hf ratios between 18 and 46 and
patterns actually reflect a selective complex- Nb/Ta ratios <5. Rare-metals granites are char- 16
(Zr/Hf = 26 - 46)
ation of REE during the interaction of granitic acterized by even lower Zr/Hf ratios (<18) with 14
melts with F-rich and Cl-rich aqueous fluids Nb/Ta ratios that are still <5.

(Nb/Ta = 5 - 16)
12 Barren
(e.g., Bau, 1996; Irber, 1999; Monecke et al., From the diagrams presented in Figures 2, granites
2007). Irber (1999) quantified the degree of 3, and 4, we highlight significant mineralogical

tetrad effect (TE1–3) by determining the devia- (secondary muscovitization), geochemical (Sn 8

tion of the first and third tetrad of granite REE contents, K/Rb ratio, tetrad effect), and metal- 6 Rare metals
related granites
patterns from a hypothetical tetrad effect–free logenic (Sn-W-U and rare-metal mineralization) 4 Ta-Cs-Li-Nb-Be-Sn-W Sn-W-(U)
REE pattern. The large majority of the samples evidence that magmatic-hydrothermal processes 2 granites
with a significant tetrad effect (TE1–3 > 1.1) are account for the decrease of the Nb/Ta ratio in (Zr/Hf = 18 - 46)
also characterized by low Nb/Ta ratios (<~5) peraluminous granites. In reduced F-rich aque- 0 10 20 30 40 50
(Fig. 3C). ous solutions, the solubility and hydrothermal Average continental crust
Barren granites
transfer of Nb and Ta are greatly enhanced by Lizio granite - Armorican Massif : Sn
Metallogenic Markers up to three orders of magnitude with some frac- Questembert and Guérande granites - Armorican Massif : U - (Sn)
Beariz, Jalama and Carbalinno granites - Iberian Massif : Sn - W - (Nb - Ta)
The Nb/Ta ratio is commonly compared to tionation of Nb over Ta, Ta being less soluble Cornubian batholith : Sn - W - (Cu)
the zirconium/hafnium (Zr/Hf) ratio, as the latter (Zaraisky et al., 2010). Therefore, the sub-sol- Li - mica granites and greisens from the Erzgebirge : Sn - W
Leucogranites and greisens from the Davis Lake pluton - SMB : Sn
has been proposed as a marker of either mag- idus alteration of peraluminous granites leads Tanjungpandan pluton - Belitung - Indonesia: Sn-W
matic-hydrothermal interactions (Bau, 1996) or to deposition of a mineral assemblage with Ta Leucogranites from the Kukul’bei Complex - Transbaikalia: W - Sn
Dulong granites - Yunnan Province - South China: Sn
fractional crystallization (Linnen and Keppler, > Nb. Consequently, we suggest here that the Ongonites from Ongon Kairkhan, Central Mongolia : W
Li - F granites from the Kukul’bei Complex - Transbaikalia : Ta
2002; Claiborne et al., 2006). The Zr/Hf ratio is decrease of the Nb/Ta ratios to values <~5 in Beauvoir granite - Massif Central: Ta - Be - Sn - Li
a geochemical indicator of the fertility of gra- peraluminous granites reflects the concomitant Ponte Segade granite - Iberian Massif : Sn – Ta – Nb – Li – Be – Cs

nitic rocks, as a Zr/Hf ratio <~25 (corresponding effect of fractional crystallization and sub-sol- Figure 4. Nb/Ta versus Zr/Hf diagram differ-
to the lower limit of the charge and radius con- idus hydrothermal alteration, likely by F-rich entiating barren and ore-bearing peralumi-
trol [CHARAC] range; Bau, 1996) is expected acidic reduced fluids of magmatic origin. nous granites.

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|  Volume 44  |  Number 3  |  GEOLOGY


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