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Table 2.

Level of Acceptability of Light Switch Automated Motion Sensor in Terms of Durability is
Perceived by the Respondent

Items 5 4 3 2 1 Total Average Verbal

1. The product will 15 3 2 93 4.65 Highly Acceptable
last longer
2. The product can 17 2 1 96 4.80 Highly Acceptable
stand hot weather
3. The product can 10 5 5 85 4.25 Acceptable
be used for a long a
4. The product is 14 6 94 4.70 Highly Acceptable
made of metal and
will last long
Total 4.60 Highly Acceptable

The data on table 2.2 shows the level of acceptability of the Light Switch
Automated Motion Sensor in terms of Durability as perceived by the respondents.

Item no. 1 which is about the Product will last longer obtain a mean of 4.65
interpreted as Highly Acceptable. Item no. 2 which pertain the product is can stand at
hot weather acquired a mean average of 4.80 interpreted as highly acceptable. Item no.
3 which is about the product can be used for the long time got a mean average of 4.25
interpreted as acceptable. Item no. 4 which has the product is made of metal and will
last long got mean average of 4.70 interpreted as Highly Acceptable.

Item no. 2 got the highest mean average this is because the respondent’s beliefs
that they can survive at hot weather.

Item no. 3 got the lowest mean average because the respondent’s beliefs that
the product can’t last longer.

The total mean score for durability is 4.60 interpreted as Highly Acceptable.
Thus, the product Light switch for comfort rooms automated by motion sensor it
perceived as highly acceptable by the respondents.

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