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Impact of sudden pandemic

outbreaks on the environment Student ID P294562

Module code fc 300, module title, extended project assignment title,

final report , project title, impact of sudden pandemic breakout on the
environment. Date of submission 6-12-2021, word count 2786.

I confirm that it is my own work. Where I have referred to academic sources, I

have provide in-text citations and included the resources in the final list.
Impact of sudden pandemic outbreaks on the environment.

Table of Contents
Section 1...................................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction:............................................................................................................................. 3
Aims and objectives:................................................................................................................ 3
Research questions:................................................................................................................ 3
Research metrology:................................................................................................................ 4
Section 2...................................................................................................................................... 4
Environmental impact of coronavirus.......................................................................................4
2.1 positive impact of COVID-19 on the environment:..............................................................5
2.1.1..................................................................................................................................... 5
Improvement in air quality:....................................................................................................5
2.1.2..................................................................................................................................... 6
Improvement in water quality:...............................................................................................6
2.1.3..................................................................................................................................... 6
Redemption in fossil fuel and energy resources:..................................................................6
2.2 negative impact of COVID-19 on the environment:............................................................6
2.2.1..................................................................................................................................... 7
Increased PPE waste:.......................................................................................................... 7
............................................................................................................................................. 7
2.2.2..................................................................................................................................... 7
Increased medical waste:.....................................................................................................7
2.2.3..................................................................................................................................... 7
Lessen recycling activities:...................................................................................................7
Section 3:..................................................................................................................................... 7
3.1 Statistical representation of data:.......................................................................................7
3.2:........................................................................................................................................... 8
Data analysis:........................................................................................................................... 8
Section 4...................................................................................................................................... 8
4.1............................................................................................................................................ 8
Suggestions:............................................................................................................................ 8
4.2............................................................................................................................................ 9
Conclusion:.............................................................................................................................. 9
References:................................................................................................................................. 9

Impact of sudden pandemic outbreaks on the environment.

COVID-19 outbreak suddenly in the city of Wuhan and spread all over the globe within few
months. All of the countries of the world practiced the lockdown to prevent the spread of this
fatal disease.COVID-19 took the lives of many people and smashed the economies of many
nations. Here in this research, the researcher tried to determine the impacts of the pandemic on
the environment. Both the positive and negative effects are discussed here also proposed some
solutions to address these widespread problems.

Impact of sudden pandemic outbreaks on the environment.

Section 1
It was a month of December when a small virus grabbed the attention of all the world that
started in Wuhan in the city of china because of its rapid transmission. Till July 14, 2020, it
spread in almost 200 countries. This virus becomes the cause of severe respiratory infection
with cough and fever; all the symptoms are quite normal, just like the common cough and fever,
but the situation becomes so bad with time. It leads the patient to death within 14 days. This
pandemic took the lives of many people on the globe and left their loved ones in a miserable
state. According to one survey, this virus has gulped almost 3 million people on the earth.
In February 2020, this virus was declared coronavirus as a pandemic. All countries have a
lockdown on social activities, jobs, offices even industries to minimize the spread of this on
the globe. All air and land connections also were disconnected to keep its violation limited.
It is stated that almost 3 million of the people had faced the lockdown in different form till
the 7thof April 2020. This lockdown had very bad impacts on the economies and all the
social activities of the world. It is stated that almost all the countries of the world suffered
bad economic consequences of a pandemic by losing the total annual GDP. The
superpower America also has to lose approximately 90% of its annual GDP. So think about
the developing countries and their loss that is beyond the calculation. Here in the report,
the researcher tried to determine the bad and the good impact of this sudden pandemic
breakout on the environment. Here environment means the social, as well as the natural
environment, is concerned. Overall the pandemic has become the cause of gigantic socio-
economic interruption that directly or indirectly affected the environment "like the
improvement of the air and water quality and decrease in the use of resources reduction of
noise and restoration of ecology."(Imran Khan & Sahabuddin, 2021)
On the other hand, the overuse of personal protection equipment (EPP) and their disposal has
created an environmental burden. In these situations, the researcher has tried to find out the
positive and negative ecological results of the COVID 19 and tried to propose the possible
policies as the future recommendation for environmental sustainability.
Aims and objectives:
To find out the impacts of COVID19 on the ecological systems in the world.
To investigate the features of how this change may impact the climate of the world.
To probe into the weakness that became the cause of environmental damage.
To make the comparison between both (pre-COVID and post-COVID) environments.
To provide some better suggestions that can be helpful to overcome the breaches of our
lifestyle that is making our environment more polluted.

Research questions:

Why is an ecological system essential?

What are the features of sustainability in the world?

Impact of sudden pandemic outbreaks on the environment.

What are the changes that occurred in air and water resources at the time of the pandemic?
How has the lockdown opened the gateway for sustainable life?

Research metrology:
This research is secondary research performed by reading all the literature on different
websites, case studies, and government and non-government organization information but
systematically. It is research about the post-pandemic environmental impact on other places of
the world. It is a comparative case study to investigate pre and post-pandemic climate
differences around the globe. Also, the research uses triangulation as triangulation provides the
opportunity to describe the different perspectives of the same things. The study researcher has
tried to examine the best impact of pandemic lockdown on the environment and compare them
with pre-pandemic ones. Furthermore, the researcher has attempted to define reasons behind
these widely spared issues of pollution and have designed some solution to address them on
the whole. Finally, the research has a deep inside focus on different countries' development to
educate them on their responsibilities towards a sustainable life.

Section 2
Environmental impact of coronavirus.
The global interruption that the COVID-19 has produced has left many impacts on the
environment and climate. For example, because of the lockdown and restriction of air travel, the
air quality improved, the excessive use of PPE like face mask and gloves, etc., has increased
the haphazard kind of hospital waste and has left a negative impact on the environment. (R.
Khan et al., n.d.)
negative impects
positive impects

improvement in the air increased PPE

quality waste

improvement in the water

increased medical
quality waste
Redemption in the use of lessen recycling
fossil fule and energy
resources activities
Impact of sudden pandemic outbreaks on the environment.

2.1 positive impact of COVID-19 on the environment:

Improvement in air quality:
From the very beginning of the COVID, many countries had started lockdown that brought a
sudden drop of the" greenhouse gases" releases. It is estimated that the level of air pollution
had decreased in New York by about 50% because of lockdown. It is also estimated that nearly
50% of NO2 and CO redemption is measured in china because of lockdown. The shutdown of
heavy industry. In the United States, NO2 decreased up to 25% during this time of lockdown. In
Canada, the level decreased to 1 ppb from 4.5 ppb it means that NO2 decreased 34.4% in
Canada. This N2O is the reason for acidic rain globally, and its increased amount in the air
becomes the reason for many respiratory and lung diseases in human beings.
"Beside industry transport sector is also the reason of the air pollution.
It is estimated that the vehicles and the elevators are the main
Contributor of the emissions and contribute nearly 72% emissions annually.
The measures are taken globally for the containment of the virus also have
a dramatic impact on the aviation sector."(Wang et al., n.d.)

Because of the decreased passengers the international

Many countries canceled flights in some
Countries the domestic flights also canceled that was
The reason for the gigantic decrease in air pollution.
On the other hand the hill stations and the mountain
Areas that were populated all the time were also
Restoring themselves and started to provide fresher
Air to all the world. This figure is illustrating the
Decreased level of air Pollution in world.

Improvement in water quality:
Water pollution is a common issue in developed and developing countries. in many developed
countries, untreated wastewater is thrown into the sea. Industrial waste, domestic waste, and
even hospital wastewater are not treated to threaten marine lives. Seawater depilation level
decreased almost 56% in this period of lockdown. Besides mixing filthy water of the cities in the
sea, the submarines are another source of water depilation. The seaways do all the trade the
ships release the oil and fuel in the ocean that is becoming water is stated that in the

Impact of sudden pandemic outbreaks on the environment.

history of 100 years, the river Ganga meets the standers of water quality means PH (7.4 to 7.5)
and dissolved oxygen (9.4-10.6mg/l).this improved water quality is also noticed
The grand canal of Italy turned clearer that saved and reserved many aquatic species.
(Environmental Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic and Potential Strategies of Sustainability |
Elsevier Enhanced Reader, n.d.) The below figure is stating the improved water quality during
the lockdown period.

Redemption in fossil fuel and energy resources:
Yes, it is true that in this lockdown, the fuel and energy resources were also reduced because
all the offices and educational institutes were closed, and everyone was bound to stay at home.
However, it made a great redemption in the fuel usage. According to the survey, 87.9% less fuel
was used at the time of shutdown. The same happened with the energy resources like electricity
and gas (Imran Khan & Sahabuddin, 2021)(Environmental Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic and
Potential Strategies of Sustainability | Elsevier Enhanced Reader, n.d.)
Global coal consumption was also reduced during this time. Coal is mostly used in power
generation in many sectors. This fossil fuel consumption decreased the carbon from the air.
Online work or the new concept of work from homemade the world ably to save more resources
was previously used as a necessity. People have realized that they can do jobs without going
away from their homes.
On the other hand, the companies have realized that we can hire the best and skilled people
from the globe without giving them extra incentives. Moreover, the companies have saved the
rental money that they had to pay per month. This thing increased the revenue of big companies
visible in bonuses and pay increment of employees. (I Khan et al., 2021)

2.2 negative impact of COVID-19 on the environment:

We have discussed the positive effects of COVID, but nowhere will we try to cover some threats
to the environment because of covid-19.
Increased PPE waste:
, it was necessary to wear gloves and mask besides the social distancing To protect from the
virus. With the pandemic outbreak, many companies increased the production and export of
medical masks and gloves. Only in China, it is increased up to 14.8 million daily and same in
many countries. It is stated that polypropylene is used in the suits, gloves, and mask generated

Impact of sudden pandemic outbreaks on the environment.

for safety. Still, this polypropylene itself releases the dioxin and toxic elements in the
environment that are causing the polypropylene. (Wang et al., n.d.)
Increased medical waste:
With the outbreak of the virus, medical wastage increased all around the world. The proper
disposal of waste is becoming a threat to public health and the environment. Many medical
wastes are generated for diagnostic of patients, treatment of patients, and disinfection
purposes. Only in the city of Wuhan is it estimated that 240 metric tons of wastage are
generated(China's Coronavirus Lockdown Curbs Deadly Pollution, Likely Saving the Lives of
Tens of Thousands, Says Researcher - CNN, n.d.) when this pandemic India, it was
550 kg per day, and in America, it was seven metric tons daily

Lessen recycling activities:
Municipal solid waste also increased because of lockdown. Moreover, many people increased
online shopping the shipment and the packaging increased household waste. On the other
hand, many countries like America, Italy, and Canada postpone their recycling activities,
expanding the municipality waste. Moreover, the maximum waste is non-recyclable, which is
also becoming the issue of environmental pollution. (Smith et al., 2021)

Section 3:
3.1 Statistical representation of data:
The positive impact of COVID-19:

Objects to investigate: Pre- pandemic During Lockdown

Water quality All kind of depilation level is The depilation level is 15.9%
69% in 88 collected sample in the samples in the same
Air quality The air quality index states 30% improvement in air
the depilation level up to 68.9 quality during lockdown
around the globe.
26,388 to 38,977 decline in
Fossil fuel and energy 3340 metric tons of fuel and 28% reduced in the
resources energy used in a day around consumption of power and
the globe. energy on the whole.

The negative impact of COVID-19:

Object to investigate: Pre-pandemic During lockdown
PPE waste 532 million ton 89% increased
medical waste 485 million ton 67% increased

Impact of sudden pandemic outbreaks on the environment.

recycling activities 893 metric ton 58% decreased

Data analysis:
From the above-collected data, we can say that pollution in the environment is changed. Means
air, water, noise, and industrial pollution replaced by medical waste. But if we try to find out the
differences, we can say that this medical waste is far less than the prior. This time of agony
gave a restoration time to Mother Nature. The ecological system is important to make the chain
for all humans and all systems. In a survey of wildlife restoration, about 3 million hedgehogs
were saved in the country of Canada. This is only the calculation of one animal in one country
so think about the all world for all animals that gained time to restore their generations. The
decreased amount the NO2 has given time to the ozone layer to repair itself. (Dentener et al.,
2020)The Ozone layer provides us protection from the sun's ultraviolet rays. These ultraviolet
rays are the reason for skin cancer in many cases. The issue of global warming is also directly
related to air and water pollution. Due to water depilation, acid rain has become the cause of
many diseases and damage crops.

Section 4
 Here are some suggestions that could be beneficial for a better ecological and
environmental system. The researcher has intended to provide some solutions for the
increasing issue of pollution.
 We should opt for a sustainable lifestyle rather than an artificial one.
 All people should take care of personal hygiene to save themselves and their loved
 Industries are vital for the economy's growth, so it is time to set a sector that should be
less energy-consuming, and cleaner fossil fuel should be used in it.
 Wastewater from industries should be thrown into the aquatic bodies after treatment.
 The concept of personal vehicles should be decreased, but using green and public
transport should be appreciated.
 Try to find out some resources of renewable energy resources like solar, wind,
hydropower, geothermal heat, biomass, etc. These energy resources could provide a
permanent reduction in GHGs emissions and improve the air quality.
 We should revise our lifestyle in daily life. We should reduce the carbon footprint and
carbon emission in regular life. We should use fresh and locally grown food items and
avoid processed and packaged food. ((No Title), n.d.)
So, in conclusion, we can say that the pandemic directly or indirectly affects human activities,
life, the global economy, and all these things, leaving an impact on the environment and climate.
This time of pain gave us an important lesson to live a sustainable life and save the resources
and environment for generations. This time of pain provides a reading with humanity and unity
that we should work together in our life for the betterment of all society. We had neglected the
importance of environmental restoration that we were destroying with our own hands. The
impacts of COVID are shorted and will finish soon. Still, a united and purposeful long-termed

Impact of sudden pandemic outbreaks on the environment.

effort can be practiced for a sustainable life that can be stabilized and save the global
environment for the long term. We can say that this pandemic is a blessing in disguise.


(No Title). (n.d.). Retrieved May 24, 2021, from

China's coronavirus lockdown curbs deadly pollution, likely saving the lives of tens of
thousands, says researcher - CNN. (n.d.). Retrieved June 11, 2021, from
Dentener, F., Emberson, L., Galmarini, S., Cappelli, G., Irimescu, A., Mihailescu, D., Van
Dingenen, R., & Van Den Berg, M. (2020). Lower air pollution during COVID-19 lockdown:
improving models and methods estimating ozone impacts on crops: O3-crop impact during
COVID-19. In Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical
and Engineering Sciences (Vol. 378, Issue 2183). Royal Society Publishing.
Environmental effects of COVID-19 pandemic and potential strategies of sustainability | Elsevier
Enhanced Reader. (n.d.). Retrieved June 12, 2021, from
Khan, I, Shah, · D, & Shah, · S S. (2021). COVID-19 pandemic and its positive impacts on
environment: an updated review. International Journal of Environmental Science and
Technology, 18(3), 521–530.
Khan, Imran, & Sahabuddin, M. (2021). COVID-19 pandemic, lockdown, and consequences for
a fossil fuel-dominated electricity system ARTICLES YOU MAY BE INTERESTED IN. AIP
Advances, 11, 55307.
Khan, R., Saxena, A., Shukla, S., Sekar, S., & Goel, P. (n.d.). Effect of COVID-19 lockdown on
the water quality index of River Gomti, India, with potential hazard of faecal-oral
Smith, L. V., Tarui, N., & Yamagata, T. (2021). Assessing the impact of COVID-19 on global
fossil fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. Energy Economics, 97, 105170.
Wang, M., Liu, F., & Zheng, M. (n.d.). Air quality improvement from COVID-19 lockdown:
evidence from China.

Verma, A. K., & Prakash, S. (2020). ep rin t n ot pe er re v iew Pr rin t n ot pe er. 09(5), 7352–

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