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fUameSagaY Clas- eahonical 2

Exam yon0-&05859% Clan ollo-127
Subjeck E Date-2Z|03/2

ina To_rau the Lizley hart as her gien_elim

Aketch eaturtLite ALeehOrhude zaul
Éxom he sketoh ah selecd linczhe a_
hoizamtal lint _12o m_lyincline lint
_making 0 angle 1BL m lora Ld a
haiankl_linep h 265 mlorg
LAe iWeB Ca2mtncto acke drtLsith inchine
endh0mantal_line erc echu i Le
R21S cncl Kl cshechicly
Nb_clih 2 sclectsAeehtrom th Satep
kb slec secbion tnthangecl ael clich an
akekehslecl halll pam shclehas enel
selettT haofile sm h shebheecltho
Clich shekh fem thu macle! abpseleet-
Lrentplene a Tsechom useLne
Command h dau a itsline 2-
_eliueling scll4 b4 hseLbin
Daa hoink! Lin wr uedica/_lint
lench4 lo mh lecd dheeeuti
al ndaglelan olakne To dhia

hard claus
Lor ahan
Onph Jelet o cli'eh o
give i
Chh N_nel ha Ahelch_ap pland_anel
Selert shekek chas kso incli
a cotlk ned L2[mmlang he gop
fhis hso ioslinsLine ilD be
Luiale Ludei and
92lec dhelkh_2ncd alas ocizle om
hsk Aiele 2m by lecking aanL
he a
plon 4 T:8eclim h i h _ c i n
liael cixcl_Daau nothy ciuch
hick Aeleceukach Qi 2 ctlh
n D _mrel u be
LoD clik 0/
Celen h chauuiz acle! anl sdel erhzss
uitus he 2ele h
dinL a Tnb
o n uie h r pooclel
hrintod_ ly hee

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