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POD XT PRO Self Test Instructions

Document Revision: A
The POD XT PRO has a built in self test utility. The following procedure outlines the test setup,
process, and analysis:
1. SETUP: Attach and IEC power cable to the POD XT PRO. Plug this into a 120V 60Hz
AC outlet. Connect a MIDI cable between MIDI IN and MIDI OUT. Plug a special RJ-
45 loopback cable into the RJ-45 jack .

SharcPOD PRO Self Test Instructions REV A.doc

2. Press and hold down the D button (right most button below LCD) and turn the power
switch ON.

3. ALL LED’s should turn on and the LCD will display the results of the automated
SDRAM, SRAM, MIDI, and RJ-45 test (PASS/FAIL).

4. The LED’s will light in sequence starting from the bottom left going clockwise.
5. Next the LCD test runs. ALL PIXELS turn on then off. Then a line sweeps horizontally
and then vertically across the display. When it is finished it will display “LCD Test
Complete.” See pictures below for reference.

Vertical line Horizontal line LCD Test Complete

SharcPOD PRO Self Test Instructions REV A.doc

6. Any button, potentiometer, or encoder can be activated and its movement will show up
on the display. Perform the following operations:
a. First test the encoders. The encoders will display 0-16. Turn the lower right
encoder clockwise from 0-16 and then counterclockwise and leave it at 10 to
achieve good contrast to perform the rest of the tests. Test the rest of the encoders
by first turning them to the left and then to the right (counter-clockwise then
clockwise). When all encoders have turned correctly the display should read

b. The buttons can be activated by pressing them. Press each button and the name of
the button will be displayed when pressed. Check that the name displayed
matches the button being pressed. When all the buttons have been pressed the
display will read “KEYS PASS.”

c. All the pots except the “Output Level” pot (R116) will display 0-127. Turn all the
pots from 0-127. When all the pots have been turned from minimum to maximum
positions, the display will read “ POTS PASS.”

7. You are now completed the POD XT PRO Self Test. Note any failures and issue an
appropriate report for the unit under test as necessary.

SharcPOD PRO Self Test Instructions REV A.doc


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