Third Semester MBA: Moj - ,.. Fin111 ..., and Sc.. LLLLL Maj

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Third Semester MBA

*lbeSummtrtrainingprajtclrq,rrt"'ill htnallla!Non inl,:mal aodexu,mal basis. faallllOOII aod

inscotalion of the rq,nrl wiU ht done by internal aod external=·=· lbett will ht n!Cmal
ex11miner lo bt scleclCd by the DiRICIOIIPrincipallHOO of the insli•uie fmm 1bt panel of exami""""
JlfflllOl"(d by BOS and approv~ by HVC. RTIJ. T1r roncttntJ institute will htar the tnm,lling.
rcmu.....,,tion. DA ondotherincidcnla.l npendi rurc ofextemal euminer•·ith~1<> RTIJ.

H lbel""Jl'lKofthi, labi•togivcexposurctosrudcnts,,·ariouscomputersoftwattrcle,·a,ntowhjccu
bting tauglu in 111 >emnlff of Dual Ma_ion ,uch as Finance Lob, Muketing Lab. HJI.M Lab. Operation,
I.ah d<: . Fur enmple ff a stU<lc:nl ha., <,plnl r,w r,,..1 moj<• ,.. Fin111<..., and sc..~lllll maj<• a,, M•rl«.iins thtn
incouneM-304thelab•ork"'ould compriseolooft....,,relatedtofinan,c:e andMarutingrouncs
hting Uought in Ill scmffiff and in ne-xl !IC!nC$lC1 in coune M-40j the lab work '"°"Id bt fmm rowws of
Fin•ncc Ind Mulu:1in1 hlui:t,t in IV >emoler.

RO.<. of Managemenl Studies

RTU MBA SYLLAB US 20! 3-20 15

Buol,_ Palley • Stnlteglc Management

Extllmlll Marks: 70
No. al TutDrlal Hn, _ , 01 Exam Time: 3 Hn,
II Contact Hn, comprioN al..-,.. and TutDrlal Hn,

Ob ve
The objective d the cooo.e is to equip the students with analytical tools for
solving case studteS by scanning the business environment and coming to a
conclusion and in · strat ic decision maki skills.

-..1e Counoal>eKrlptlon Contact
-..1e Introduction: Business polk:y- Evolution, Vtsion and mission 6
1 d a firm, Differenc.e between business policy and strategk: Houn,
managemen~ Introduction tn Strategic Management, Strategic
Man - n t Process.
-..1e Strategic Declllon Making: Mlntzberg's modes of strategic 7
D decision making, Strategic decision-making proa,ss, Strategic Houn,
Planninn nrocess.
-..1e scanning the environment: Identifying external 6
m environmental variables, Porte(s aPl"OOCh tD Industry Houn,
Analysis. Internal scanning - Resource based approach to
organizational analysis, Value chain analysis, scanning
functional resoura,s.
Strategy Formulation· Situation Analysis -
5tmogy: Situation Analysis-SWOT Analysis;
Strateov- Porte(s COmoetitive Strateoies.
-..1e Strategy Formulation- COrporate Strategy and 7
V Functional Strategy Houn,
Corporate Strategy-Directional Strategy, Portfolio Strategy, and
Parentino 5tra........_, Functional StratPOV and StratMic Choice.
Strategy Implementation
Concept of strategy Implementation, Stages of startegy
developmen~ Advanced Types of organizational structures,
OroaniZino for Action Staffino and Directino. Global Issues.
-..1e Evaluation a n d ~ 6
V11 Evaluation and Control in Strategic Management, Measuring Houn,
Performance, Strategic Information Systems, Pl"cblems in
MeasurinQ Performance Guidelines for strateQic C.ontrol .
1..- Strategy
Identifying International challenges and opportunities, Ololce
of international entry modes, Strategic competitive outcomes,
... .
Risk in an international environment.
Integrated Martceting Communication

External Marks: 70
Exam Time: 3 Hrs

• To equip participants with strategies, plan, and implementation of a multi-
channel communications program in synergy with the other marketing mix
• To develop an understanding of the economic justifications for marketing
• To sensitiZe the students to legal and ethical considerations in the formulation
and the imclementation cl marketil"IQ canmunications strate<1v.


Module Course Desaiption Contact

Modukt 1 Introduction:
CNerview of marketing corrmunication, Role of IMC in
marketing process, Facto<s affecting the marketing Hours
communication mix, Integrated Marketing Communication
tools, Models of consumer responses.

ModuleD Advertising:
Objectives of Advertising, Role of Advertising in the
Marketing Process, Types of Advertising, Advertising Hours

Modulem Advertising -g<!ting and Advertising agency:

Advertising budgeting methods, Advertising Agency
functions and types. Departmentalization and Hours
remuneration, Criteria for selecting the agencies, client-
agency relationship.

Module IV Creathle Strategy: 6

Creativity in advertising, Creative Process, Creative
Strategy-Appeals and execution Styles, Advertising Hours
Copywriting, copy principles for print advertising and
broadcast copy, Advertising art-Layout-Functions and
Module¥ Media planning & Scheduling : 6
OVerview of Media Planning, Est!blishing Media
objectives, Evaluation of Media mix -print, Broad cast Hours
(T.V. & Radio), Onema, Outdoor, Direct Mail and
Internet, Developing and Implementing Media strategies,
Media SchedulinQ.
-•leVI Sales-Promotion, Direct Marketing, Personal 6
Selling: Sales-promotion objectives, Consumer-oriented
sales prornotioo tools, Trade-oriented sales promotion Hours
tools, Designing the sales promotion program. Direct
Marketing objectives, benefits and elements. Personal
Selling objectives, strategy and process.

Module VII Event, Public Relations, Interactive Marketing 4

Key elements of Events and Sponsorship, Concepts of
promotion and pricing in events. Public relations meaning, Hours
objectives, tools of public relations. Interactive Marketing
and Social media Marl<eting -Meaning, c.omponents.

-•le Monitoring, Evaluation and control: 5

vm Measuring the effectiveness of the Promotional Program
Evaluating the social, ethical and economic aspects of Hours
advertising and promotion.

At l.eut OM CaN Study from Mch module
Q.-w111 be cue/1..-.ces/appllcatlon .,._.

Practical ComDOnent
• Study the IMC programs adopted by any FMCG marl<eting finn of your choice and
assess how effectively has the company mixed and matched marl<eting
• Study the role of newspapers, radio, television, billboards, internet and other
media in the marketing of mobiles, soaps, shampoos, cars etc.
• Choose a popular event. Assess its sponsors and evaluate how they are building
brand equity with their sponsorship and how are they integrating the event with
other marketing communications.
• Take an advertisement introducing a new product like car, LED TV and find the
media in which it was advertised. Ask your ciassmates if they can recall this
advertisement and the message. Analyse if they would or would not buy the
product on the basis of this advertisement? And why?
• Evaluate the Web site for two major brands, for exampfe, Nike, Levi's, Adidas
and record your observations.
• From a current issue of 8usiness Jndiil or Business Today maoazjne decide which

Salel Dlstrl-on and Loglfllcl Management

Course Pa r : M-322 MBA-·W

No. of .._re Hrs 02 Internal Marks: 30
Total No of Contact Hrs: 42 External Marks: 70
No. of Tutorial Hrs week:01 Exam Time: 3 Hrs

• To familiarize the students with the importance of gaining market access and
coverage as well as providing aJstomer services through proper design and
management of sales force, marketing channels, physical distribution systems in
the context of the Indian marketing environment.
• To make the students understand the key principles of organizing and managing
Sales force.
• To make the students aware of the key principles in designing, managing,
evaluating, and modifying marketing channels and physical distribution system in
the context of chanaina Indian marketina environment.


-ule Course Description Contact

Module Introduction: Sales Management, Process, Role of Sales 4
1 Manaaer Dualities of a Successful Salesman.
-ule Concept of Personal Selling: Sales Management and 6
II Salesmanshio, Process of Personal Sellina. Buver Seller Dvad
-ule Goals in Sales Management: Goal Setting Process in Sales B
m Management, Analyzing Market Demand and Sales Potential,
Preparation of Sales Budget, Fonnulating Selling Strategies,
Designing Sales Territories and Sales Ouota.
-ule Sales Form Management I : Designing the Structure and 5
IV Size of Sales Force Recruitment and Selection of Sales Force.
-ule Salel Form Management D : Leading and Motivating the 4
V Sales Force, Training and Compensating the Sales Force,
Evaluatina the sales force oerformance.
-ule Introduction to Dlstrl- Management: Concept of 5
VI Distribution Olannel, Importance of a Olannel, Types of
-ule Dlstrl- Channel Management: 4
VII Olannel Design and Planning, Managing Marketing O\annels,
Evaluation of Olannel Perfom01Ce.
-ule Physical Distribution Management: 6
VIII Components of Physical Distribution Transportation,
Warehousing and Inventory Control System, IT and Logistics
Product • Brand Mainagement

Course Pa r : M-323 MBA--m

No. of Lecture Hrs week: 02 Internal Marks: 30
Total No of Contact Hrs: 42 External Marks: 70
No. of Tutorial Hrs week:01 Exam Time: 3 Hrs

• To present a contemporary view of the role of Product and Brand
management in marketing-mix decisions.
• To equip the students with the various dimensions of product management
sud1 as new product development, product life cyde, and product-line
• To explore the various issues related to Brand Management and to enhance
the understanding and appreciation ct this important intangible strategic
• To develop a critical understanding d the processes involved in building &
manaaina brands and brand eouitv.


Module Course DeKrlptlon Contact

Module Product Offering Dec.i-: 8
l Marketing Mix and Product Strategy - Integrated Approach,
Levels of a Product, Product Characteristics and aassificatioos,
Product and services Differertiation, Product Ufe-Cyde
Marketing Strateoies.
Module Setting Product stntegy: 6
II Product-Mix Decisions, Product-Line Strategies, Product-Mix
Pricing, Packaging and Labeling Decisions, Product Manager's
role in organization, New Product Development, Consumer-
Adootion Process.
Module llnlnd Management 4
m Concept of a brand, Types brands, Strategic Brand
Management Process.
Brand Buildino Blocks
Module Identifying and Establlmlng llnlnd Positioning and 4
IV Val,_:
Concept of Brand Positioning, Choosing Points-of-Difference
and Points-of-Parity, Positioning Strategies, Repositioning
Module Managing Brands: 6
V Brand Personality, 8ements of Brand personality. Brand
Awareness, Brand Loyalty. Brand Identity-concept and sources,
Desionlna brand ldentltv - Kallferer's Brand Identltv Prism
Brand !mace,
Module u.-...ndlng Brand Equity: 6
VI Brand Equity - Definition and Significance, Brand Equity
Models, Building brand equity, Brand Value and Brand
Strength, Measuring brand equity-cost Based Method. Price
Based Method, Customer based Method.
Module Bnncllng Strategy: 6
VD Designing and implementing Branding Strategies- name ,
symbol, slogan. Brand Extension- Meaning, Types, Need,
Advantages & Disadvantages, Evaluating Brand Extension
Oooortunities Reinfordna and revitalizina brands.
Module Managing Brands over Geographic Boundaries and 5
YID Market Seg...rts:
Advantages and disadvantages of Global Marl<eting Programs,
Standardization versus Customization, Global Brand Strategy,
Buildina Global Customer-Based Brand Eauitv,


At laR - C.. Study from eadl module

Q,-.s will be case/lnferencm/appllcatlon -

Prac:tic,iI com-ent
Make a list of ten of your favorite brands and evaluate reasons that have
positively cootributed towards their likeability.
Visit a supermarket and assess the brand elements in various brands of
soaps, shampoos, tea, bisaJits and other products.
Study your favorite brand characters and evaluate their contribution in
building brand equity.
Oioose ane FMCG brand and ane Coosumer Durable brand, analyze their
pasitioning and suggest WWfS to reposition them?
Pick a multipraduct company and as completely as possible analyze its brand
partfolia and brand extensions.
Pick an FMCG brand, a consumer durable and a service brand and - p t to
identify its soorces of brand equity. Assess their level at brand awareness and
the strength, favorability and uniqueness of their associations.
COnsider same groups like P&G, HUI.. Dabur, etc and analyze their branding
strategies in Indian context.

I R - - Books(....- Edition)
Text Books:
I. Kevin Lane Keller: Strategic Brand Management Pearson Education, 2011.
2. Kirti Dutta: Brand Management- Prirdples and Practices, Oxfo<d University
Press, 2012.
5uggesled Readings:
Training and Organlzatlonal Development

Courwe Pa r : M-330 MBA--m

No. of Lecture Hrs week: 02 Internal Marks: 30
Total No of Contact Hrs: 42 Marks: 70
No. of Tutorial Hrs _,01 Exam Time: 3 Hrs

• The course would facilitate understanding of the role, importance and
place of training in organizations as well as the approach to adult learning.
• To assist students to understand the processes of change in organizations
and implement various behavioral science principles and practices in the
fonn of interventions towards the goals of effective organization


Module Course Description Contact

Module I Introduction to Employee Leaming and 6
Development In Orpnlutlonl: Leaming, the forces
influencing working & learning, classification of learned
capabilities, learning theories, the basic principles of
learning, the learning process, mental & physical
nrocesses the leamina c:vde aae influences on leamina.
Module n Training: Introduction, relationship, meaning, designing 5

effective training, forces influencing working & learning,
training practices, strategic training, training needs
assessment Transfer of Training : implementation of the
trainina oroaramme
Module Training Traditional training methods: 5
DI presentation methods, hands-on methods, group building
methods. Choosing training methods. E-leaming & use of
technology in training, , developing effective online
learning, blended learning, simulations, mobile technology
& trainina methods =terns for trainina deliverv
Module IV Evaluation of Training • Employee development: 5
Reasons for evaluating training, overview of the
evaluation process, evaluation practices, evaluation
designs, threats to validity, considerations in choosing as
evaluation designs, determining ROI, determining costs,
measuring human capital & training activity.
Employee Development: introduction, approaches to
employee development, the development planning
process, company strategies for providing development,
soec:ial issues in trainina &. em olovee develooment
ModuleV Introduction to OD: Definition, Introduction & 5
Foundations of Organizational Development: Conceptual
Framework of OD, Characteristics of OD, Participation &
Empowerment, Teams & Teamwork, Parallel ~arning
Module VI OD Diagnosis: Components of OD process, Diagnosis, 5
Diagnosing the system, its subunits & processes, phases
of OD programs, Third Wave Consulting: The Action
component: nature of OD intervention, analyzing
discreoancies ..

Module OD Interventions: Definition, factors to be considered, 6

VII choosing & sequencing intervention activities,
classification of interventions: individual (coaching,
counseling, training, behavioral modeling & mentoring),
group ( conflict management, group facilitation, group
learning, self-directed work teams, team building & virtual
Module OD Process: Restructuring organizations, OD in global 5
VIII settinQs future direction in OD


At Least one case Study from each module

Suggested Case Studies: Detailed study of Bain & Company & Mc. Kinsey
Questions will be case/Inferences/application based

Practical ComDOnent
Prepare skill matrix for few selected jobs and identify the types of training
needed to impart those skills
• case studies/ role plays to understand how these methodologies can be
effectively used for training
• Conduct a mock training session induding need identification and a set of
students to evaluate the effectiveness of the same.
• Training needs analysis case and ask the students to find out the training
Organize a training program
Make a Presentation in the dass in presence of preferably a HR Manager / HR

Recommended Books (La- Edition)

Text Books:

1. Naik G Panclu, Training and Development, Excel Books, 2007.

2. Noe A. Raymond, Employee Training & Development, McGraw Hill, 2008.

Suggested Readings:
1. Janakiram B Biztantra Traininq and Develooment 2007.

Course Pa r: M-331 MBA Semester-m

No. of Lecture Hrs week: 02 Internal Marks: 30
Total No of Contact Hrs: 42 Exwrnal Marks: 70
No. of Tutorial Hrs/week:01 Exam Time: 3 Hrs

• The purposes of this course are to Understand Strategic HRM, Aligning HR
systems with business strategy, Strategy formulation, Strategies for
performance and development with knowledge of global economy factors.
The score card approach is al~o
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Module Course Oesaiptlon Contact

Module Understanding Strategic HRM: Traditional vs. strategic HR, 5
I "best fit" approach vs. "best practice" approach, HR strategy
and the role of national context, sectoral context, and
I- .
oroanizational context on HR strateav and oractices.
Module Aligning HR systems with business strategy: Sustained 5
D competitive advantage - how HR adds value to the firm - HR
as scarce resource - non-substitutable resource, linking HRM
f--·· .
nractices to oraanizational outcomes.
Module HR Audit: Auditing HR practices and department, linking 6
ID strategy to HRM practices - corporate HR philosophy and
companywide HR standards -
HRM leading strategy
formulation, SHRM: Universalistic, Contingency,
Configurational, Congruence Approaches and integrated HR
Module· HR strategy in work force utilization: Efficient utilization 5
IV of human resource - cross training and flexible work
assignment -work teams - non unionization, strategies for
emolovee shortaaes strateaies for emolovee suroluses.
Modu1e· Strategies for performance and development: Typology 5
V of performance types - marginal performers - under achievers
- stars - solid citizens, recruitment and selection strategy
tvl"VIJnnv-:-incentive alianment osvcholoaical contractina.
Module Evaluating the Effectiveness of SHRM: Overview of 5
VI evaluation - scope - strategic impact - level of analysis -
criteria - level of constituents - ethical dimensions,
approaches to evaluation - audtt approach - analytical
I-· .
Module Balanced score card perspective, bench marking, accounting 5
VII for HRM - purpose of measuring cost and benefits of HRM -
employee wastage and turnover rates - cost of absenteeism -
measurina human resource cost.
Module The Future of SHRM 6
VDI SHRM practice in the future. O,ange, Restructuring and
SHRM Comoetencies of HR Professional in a SHRM Scenario.


At Leut one case Study from each module

Questions wlll be case/Inferences/application -

Practical ComDOnent
Identify and evaluate key HR issues which critically impact on organizational
performance and strategic direction in any organization.
Identify and enact the key roles assumed by HR in the context of a strategic
resource management approach.
Identify relevant metrics in strategic human resource management
Demonstrate the interventions needed to generate commitment among key
stakeholders and business partners for a strategic HR agenda.
Role plays on HR taking a seat on strategic table.
Role plays on handling under achievers.
Strategic approach to use Golden Handshake with live Company experiences
Strategic approach to handle retrenchment with live company experiences
VRS scheme as an instrument of strategic change in any organization with live
comoanv exoeriences
Rea>m,,,.,,_ Books
Text Books:

1. Jeffrey A Mello, Strategic Human Resource Management, South western

Thomson Leaming, 2001
2. Tanuja Agarwala, Strategic Human Resource Management, 61t1 Edition, 2009
Oxford University Press.
Suggested Readings:

I. Bohlander, Snell & Sherman, Managing Human Resources, 2012

2. Pearce & Robinson, Strategic Management: Formulation, Implementation 8
Control, 12~ Edition, 2010, Mc Graw Hill
3. Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, Wright-IRWIN, Human Resources Management
Gaining a competitive advantage, 61t1 Edition, 2007
4. Das, Pulak, Strategic Human Resource management, Cengage Leaming
2011 Latest Edition
5. Olarles R. Greer, Strategic Human resource management, Pearson Latest
6. James Baron and David Kreps, Strategic Human resources, WIiey Latest
Leadership Skills & Change Management

Course Pa r : M-332 MBA Semester-Ill

No. of Lecture Hrs week: 02 Internal Marks: 30
Total No of Contact Hrs: 42 External Marks: 70
No. ofTutorlal Hrs week:01 Exam Time: 3 Hrs

• The course will let the student understand the impact and importance of
becoming a leader, effective leadership behavior and styles. Understanding
the chan e its role and im lementation.


Module Course Description Contact

Module Introduction: Concept, Evolution of leadership theories, s
I Attributes of effective leaders.
Module Leadership Styles, Skills and Tactics: Different styles of s
II Leadership, The impact of leadership styles on work climate;
1-c-c~~+-L;cce=ad=ershio skills and tactics.
Module Leaming organization: Leading a learning organization, s
Ill The leader as a coach, Understanding teams and teamwork,
Principles of great teams, Leadership approaches that foster
team oerfonnance.
Module Classification of Leaders: O,aracteristics and operating s
IV style of level 5 leaders, Characteristics and operating style of
narcissistic leaders.
ModuleLeadership Challenges: Challenges of knowledge work, S
V Realities of the E-commerce environment Manaa_!_Q9...~!.Y.~-~.!!Y.:...1 - - - -
Modulelntroduction to organizational change: Nature of 6
VI change, forces of change, reinventing Kurt Levin, change
need analysis, content of change, types and styles of change,
building capability for change, providing leadership to change,
_ _ C::t~~~-1"19_§_~PP9_r!_§Y~~§_?!l"l9..rI!~l"l~_9il"l9..t!~_Q§i_~.9:l"I.:
Module Appreciating change: External environment as drivers of
VII change, business cycles, industry cycles, technology and
strategic change, industry evolution and concentration,
developing a change agenda. Cognition and organizational
_ _ C::h?1_1_19~1.1.!1.~.Q!:?!_l __rri9g_~l§,_.9:f9_?ll"li_~i_Ql"l?I.I.J~?t.r:Di.lJQ:
Module Mobilizing support and executing change: Four
VIII approaches to change, parallel organization, ownership and
involvement in change, Executing change: challenges of
execution, execution framework, developing cross functional
~ - - ~ l~in~ka=3a_es, .......aligning ... _oolicies and removina structural
impediments, developing new routines for innovation and
im rovement considerin human element.


At Least one case Study from each module

Questions will be case/Inferences/application based

Practical Com nent

• Role play on different styles of leadership.
• Leadership profiles of successful business leaders.
• Prepare a report on changes that have taken place in various industries over
a period of 5-10 years.
• Role la on mobilizin rt for a chan e im 1ementation r ramme.

Recommended Books
Text Books:
1. Cummings T.G. and Worley C. G., Organizational Oevelopment and
Change, Cengage Learning, 2005.
2. Harigopal K, Managing organizational change, Response Books, 2006.
Suggested Readings:
1. Nilakant V. and Ramnarayan S., Olange management, Response books
2. Palmer, Dunford and Akin, Managing organizational change, 2011.
3. Kavitha Singh, Organizational Change and Development, Excel Books,

List of Journals Periodicals Ma azlnes News rs etc.

• Journals of Organization Development
• Harvard Business Review
• Journal of Human Resource Development
• Human Resource Development Review
• Management Review- IIM Banglore
• Vikal - IIM Ahmedabad Human ca ital

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