Concrete and Abstract Nouns Common and Proper Nouns Collective Nouns Countable and Uncountable Nouns

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Concrete and Abstract Nouns

Common and Proper Nouns

Collective Nouns

Countable and Uncountable Nouns

It is the name given to a person, animal, thing,
feeling, or idea.

Michael likes to go the zoo and see the animals.

Nouns can also be animals: lion, deer

Noun can be a thing: watch, pen
Noun can be a feeling: love, anger

Concrete and Abstract Nouns
Nouns that have a physical existence, and can be
seen or touched are concrete nouns.

Abstract nouns don’t have a physical existenc,

which means we cannot touch them or see them,
such as, ideas or feelings.

Honesty is the best policy.

Hatred is a powerful emotion.

Common and Proper Nouns
Common nouns are general nouns.

Proper nouns are names given to a specific

individual, place, thing etc

Nirmal is a girl.

Common and Proper Nouns
Common Noun Proper Noun
man Ross
woman Rachel
city New York
country The United States of America
university New York University
company Google
restaurant Central Perk
religion Christianity
language Spanish
day Friday
month January

Collective Nouns
Collective nouns is the name given to a group of
people, animal, places, or things.
A group of … Collective
players team
employees staff
students class
criminals gang
soldiers army
onlookers crowd
wolves pack
bees swarm
keys bunch
shoes pair
stairs flight
Countable and Uncountable Nouns
Countable nouns can be counted, while
uncountable nouns can not be counted.
Countable Nouns Uncountable Nouns
Book, pen, man, spoon, Water, coffee, air, salt, sugar,
building, elephant love, advice
a/an, plurals NO a/an, plurals
Measures 0 glass, tbsp, cup
Pounds, kilograms, ounces,
How many …? How much …?
A few A little
Many, a lot of much Much, a lot of
some some

Countable and Uncountable Nouns
My neighbourhood : 5 buildings
Your neighbourhoods: 10 buildings
I drink: 2 cups of coffee
You drink: 4 cups of coffee

Countable Nouns Uncountable Nouns

More More

Fewer Less

Collective Nouns cont.
A group of … Collective
dust cloud
crows murder
flowers bouquet
lions pride
whales school
sailors crew
kings dynasty
ants army
musicians band
cattle* herd
stars galaxy
wood stack
ships fleet
dancers troupe

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