Stress Physiology: 1 BSC Psychology DR Devi.N.P

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Stress Physiology

1 BSc Psychology
Dr Devi.N.P.
Emotional disturbance/tension arising out of a
situation or circumstances that causes the
manifestation of of anger, fear, anxiety, apprehension,
nervousness etc.
Anything that causes a state of strain or tension.
What is stress response?
When the body is exposed to harm or threat, the result
is a cluster of physiological changes that is generally
referred to as the stress response.
In short term, it produces adaptive changes that help the
animal respond to the stressor (eg, mobilization of energy
resources, inhibition of inflammation, and resistance to
In long the run, it may produce certain maladaptive behaviours
like enlarged adrenal glands.
Stressors acting on the neural circuits stimulate the release of
ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone) from the anterior
pituitary gland and ACTH inturn stimulates the adrenal cortex
to release Glucocorticoids which then produce many of the
effects of stress response. The level of glucocorticoids is the
Stressors also activate the sympathetic
nervous system, thereby increasing the
amounts of epinephrine and norepinephrine
released from the adrenal medulla.

The magnitude of the stress response

depends on
1)stressor and the individual
2)strategies the individual adopts to cope
with the stress.
According to American Psychological association – 3
types of stress
1) Acute stress- Mental health condition that can occur
immediately after a traumatic event. Least damaging,
but if left untreated, it can lead to post traumatic stress
Symptoms: Difficulty in sleeping, nightmares, repeated
reenactment of the traumatic event through play,
concentration problems, detachment and irritability.
2)Episodic acute stress - Acute stress that is
suffered too frequently. Occurs in people who
takes on too many tasks, becomes overwhelmed
by all the demands and bring too much stress in
their attempt to accomplish these goals. They are
often short tempered, irritable and anxious.
3)Chronic stress: the response to emotional pressure suffered
for a prolonged period of time in which an individual perceive
they have little or no control. It also involves an endocrine
response in which corticosteroids are released.
Symptoms:This affects the whole body.
Extreme Irritability, fatigue, head aches, difficulty in
concentrating, rapid disorganized thoughts, sleeping
difficulties, Digestive problems, changes in appetite, feeling
helpless, loss of control, low self esteem, loss of libido,
nervousness, frequent indications or illness.

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