Indian Pharma - Industry

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Assignment on identifying the Concept Dimensions and variables

Write any two concepts identify the dimensions and Write the operational
definitions of these two concepts.

• Concept is Success of a person:


Happiness Success of
a person

Dimensions: Happiness, Creativity and Hard-work


Variable 1: I am always committed and involved

a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) Strongly disagree

Variable 2: There is a gap between what I would like to do and what I have done

a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) Strongly disagree

Variable 3: On a scale of 0 to 10, 10 being the highest, I am happy with the way my life is.


Variable 1: Creativity is “inborn” and cannot be developed

a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) Strongly disagree

Variable 2: Are you constantly on the look-out for new ideas?

a) Yes b) No

Variable 1: How satisfied are you with the result of all the efforts & hard-work you have put in?

a) Extremely Satisfied b) Satisfied c) Unsatisfied d) Extremely unsatisfied

Variable 2: Do you think you really work hard? If yes then on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being the
lowest and 10 being the highest) how much will you rate your hard-working skill?

a) Yes b) No
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Operational definitions:

1. Success of a person: Success of a person is a measure of a person’s sense of achievement.

Success of a person is the result of his hard-work, creativity and happiness. The more creative
and hard-working a person is the more are his/her chances of being successful in whatever
they are putting their efforts into.

2. Happiness: Happiness is an emotional state characterized by feelings of joy, satisfaction,

contentment, and fulfillment. It can be measured based on a variety of factors that a researcher
or data analyst decides are sufficient for measuring that happiness.

3. Creativity: Creativity is the capacity to produce ideas that are both original and adaptive. In
other words, the ideas must be both new and workable or functional. It can be measured by
asking a number of creative questions.

4. Hard-work: A key to working intensely and being able to put in long hours, take great care
and focus is being able to get truly into a task. It can be measure using a number of questions
just to see how much a person can appreciate and give credit of his/her success to all the hard
work he/she has done.
2) Concept- Quality of product

Aesthetic Quality of Performance



The dimensions for Quality of products are:

1. Performance
2. Durability
3. Features
4. Aesthetics


Variable 1: How happy are you with the performance of the product

a) Very happy b) happy c) Satisfactory d) Unhappy e) Very unhappy

Variable 2: Does the product gives desired output

a) Always b) Most often c) Sometimes d) Never

Variable 3: How will you rate overall performance of the product

a) Very good b) Good c) Normal d) Bad e) Very bad


Variable 1: Do you like the design of product a) Yes b) No c) Can’t say

Variable 2: Does the color looks attractive a) Yes b) No

Variable 3: Is there need of improvement in the size of product: a) Yes b) No


Variable 1: How many features of this product out of all do you use (give range)
a) 0-20% b) 20-40% c) 40-60% d) 60-80% e) 80-100%

Variable 2: There is a need to add more features to this product

a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) Strongly disagree

Variable 3: Are these features easy to use a) Yes b) No c) Sometimes difficult

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