Name: - Max. Marks: 25 Course Code: IT-242 Roll No: - Section: - Time: 150 Mints

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Mid Term Examination Spring-2021

Faculty of Computing and Information Technology

Course Title: Database Name: ____________________________ Max. Marks: 25

Course Code: IT-242 Roll No:___________________ Time: 150 mints
Note: Answer the following short questions.

1) Write a note on stages of Database System development lifecycle (any four). (02)
2) Differentiate between single-valued attributes and simple attributes with example. (02)
3) Briefly define the following terms. (03)
i. Cardinality
ii. Schema
iii. Repository
4) List and describe some of the problems of the traditional file environment. (02)
5) Contrast the following terms: (02)
i. Structural dependence and Data Dependence
ii. Data Administrator and Database Administrator
6) Differentiate between the External schema and the Logical schema. (02)
7) Given a relation with scheme
{ID, Name, Address, Postcode, CardType, CardNumber}, the candidate key {ID}, and the
following functional dependencies:

• {ID}  {Name, Address, Postcode, CardType, CardNumber}

• {Address}  {Postcode}

• {CardNumber}  {CardType}

Explain why this relation is in second normal form, but not in third normal form. (02)

8) What is role of fact finding technique in database? Enlist it and compare any two
common techniques. (03)
9) What elements of a Data Flow Diagram should be analyzed as part of data modeling?
10) Draw an ER Diagram representing the requirements for a real estate company that lists
property for sale. The following scenario describes the company. (05 )
The company has a number of sales offices in several locations. Each sales office is
assigned one or more employees. Attributes of employee include Employee ID
(identifier) and Employee Name. An employee must be assigned to only one sales office.
For each sales office, there is always one employee assigned to manage that office. An
employee may manage only the sales office to which he or she is assigned. The firm lists
properties for sale. Attributes of a property include Property_ID (identifier) and Location.
Components of Location include Address, City, State, and Zip_Code.  In addition, we
want to know the selling price of the property and the year it was constructed. Each unit
of property must be listed with one (and only one) of the sales offices and one and only
one agent in the company.  A sales office may have any number of properties listed, or
may have no properties listed. Each unit of property has one or more owners.  Associated
with an owner is Owner_ID and Owner_Name.  An owner may own one or more units of
property. A feature of the relationship between property and owner is Percent_Owned.

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