Aqua Culture Management Manual Final

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Live food organisms include all plants (phytoplankton) and animal

(zooplankton) livesgrazed upon by economically important fishes.
Phytoplankton’s are generally eaten byZooplankton. Thus,
phytoplankton forms the basis of the food chain.


When selecting food to be fed to the larvae, the following points

should be considered:

1. The food must be perceived by the larvae

2. The size of food must be such that it can be accommodated by the

mouth of the larvae.

3. The feed should have high nutritional quality especially Highly

Unsaturated Fatty Acids (HUFA) essential to the growth and survival
of the larvae.

4. The feed can be digested by the larvae.

5. Food organisms must be hardy.

6. They must be able to reproduce rapidly and can mass produced

under controlled condition.

1.Marine microalgae are the floating microscopic unicellular plant of
the sea water which is generally free living, pelagic and the size range
from 2 to 20μm.

2. The important components of microalgae are the diatoms,

dinoflagellates, green algae, blue-green algae and coccolithophores.

3. Most microalgae has got immense value are rich sources of

essential fatty acids, pigments, amino acids and vitamins.

4.These micro organisms play a critical role in the coastal and marine
aquaculture of fish, molluscs, shrimps and oysters.

5.This phytoplankton plays a vital role in aquaculture to meet the

nutritional requirement of the larvae as well as for bioencapsulation.

6. It is an established fact that the success of any hatchery operation

will depend mainly on the availability of the basic food, the

Rotifers are commonly called as “wheel animalcules

1. They are usually microscopic and size is around 0.1-0.5 mm long,

and are common in freshwater throughout the world with a few
saltwater species

2. It occurs in tropical and subtropical waters all over the world

3. Males are usually smaller than females.

4.The important starter feeds used in larviculture are the marine

rotifers; Brachionus plicatilis (Large type or L-rotifer) and Brachionus
rotundiformis (Small type or S-rotifer).

5. It has been most widely used as essential food source in raising

marine fish, shrimp and crab larvae due to its tolerance to the
marine environment.

6. It thrives best when temperature range is between 22 – 25 0C and

salinity between 10 – 15 ppt.


1.The use of copepod nauplii as live prey for first-feeding marine fish
larvae is enabling the culture of many marine fish species with
small, difficult to rear larvae.
2. Copepods have higher nutritional value than Artemia and are
better for meeting the nutritional requirements of marine fish larvae.

3. Copepods are good source of proteins, amino acids, fatty acids,

vitamins and minerals.

4. Their typical zigzag movement, followed by a short gliding phase,

is an important visual stimulus for fish larvae.

5. The males are smaller in size and lower in abundance. Several

candidate species belonging to both the calanoid and the
harpacticoid groups have been studied for mass production

6.. Calanoids can be easily recognized by their very long first

antennae (16-26 segments), while the harpacticoids have only a
short first antennae (fewer than 10 segments).

1.Among the live diets used in the larviculture of fish and shellfish,
nauplii of the brine shrimp Artemia constitute the most widely used
food item.

2. It is also called as brine shrimp or sea monkey.

3. The widely used species of Artemia is A. salina.

4. The females can produce eggs either as a result of mating or via


5. The thin shelled eggs hatches immediately and thick shelled eggs
can remain in dormant state and forms cysts that float at the water
surface and that are thrown ashore by wind and waves.

6.These cysts are metabolically inactive and do not further develop

as long as they are kept dry.

7. Upon immersion in seawater, the biconcave-shaped cysts hydrate,

become spherical, and within the shell the embryo resumes its
interrupted metabolism.

8. After about 20 h the outer membrane of the cyst bursts and the
embryo appears, surrounded by the hatching membrane.

9. While the embryo hangs underneath the empty shell, the

development of the nauplii is completed and within a short period of
time the hatching membrane is ruptured and the free-swimming
nauplii is born

1 these are generally called water fleas.

2 it is important as live feed.

3 two cladocerans namly daphnia and monia.

4cladocerans have the advantage of high reproduction rates, wide

temperature tolerance.

5 daphnia enzymes serves as exoenzymes in the gut of fish and

6 spirulina

1 spirulina is a blue green algae like a spiral of long thin threads.

2 it is a blue green algae.

3 spirulina is regarded as a rich source of protein,vitamins,essential

minerals,aminoacids etc.

4 spirulina is lacking toxicity and having corrective properties against

the pathogen.

5 the use of spirulina as complimentary feed in various sector of

auacuiture resulting fast growth factors,enhancing the pigmentation
and immunity.


Feed formulation is essentially applied nutrition. A number of terms

and expressions are introduced that will be put to practical use as
information is presented on the nature and qualities of various
feedstuffs and the information presented on the nutrient
requirements of fish. Precise understanding of these terms is
essential to their correct application. One must recognize that some
of these terms have a built-in error that cannot be escaped. This
does not eliminate their usefulness in feed formulation. However,
one must appreciate the fact that some are useful approximations of
the values and not true values.

The terms that one needs to understand to formulate practical fish

diets are: crude protein level; energy level, either expressed as
metabolizable energy (ME) or as digestible energy (DE); specific
amino acid levels; crude fibre level; and ash level. Since most
complete practical fish diets are supplemented with a vitamin premix
at levels in excess of the dietary requirement, this category of
nutrients will be ignored temporarily. The potential problems occur
For example, the proximate composition of fish meals changes
during the spawning season. Generally, the lipid levels increase
before spawning and decrease after spawning. This will alter the
percent of protein, ash, and carbohydrates in fish meal as the
seasons change. Similarly, many plant feedstuffs vary in proximate
composition with their stage of maturity at harvest, location grown,
and other environmental conditions, such as the weather. Tabled
values represent an average value that is usually close enough to the
actual value to allow accurate feed formulation. However, one must
be aware that assumptions are being made in order to recognize the
potential sources of error that may exist.

Metabolizable, energy and digestible energy values are obtained

biologically and, thus, should accurately represent the true energy
value of feedstuffs to fish. It has recently been reported that the
digestibility of feed by rainbow trout was lower at 7°C than at 11°C
or 15°C. At 11°C and 15°C body size (18.6 g, 207.1 g or 585.7 g) did
not affect feed digestibility. The digestibility of carbohydrate and
energy was slightly reduced by meal size in rainbow trout fed at 1.6
percent body weight. Protein and lipid digestibility was not reduced
by meal size. Obvious differences exist between fish species in
nutrient digestibility, especially in the carbohydrate fraction of feed.
Herbivorous and, to a lesser extent, omnivorous fish have longer
digestive tracts than do carnivorous fish and are able to obtain more
digestible energy from carbohydrates. An awareness of these facts
will prevent misuse of ME and DE values.

Each feedstuff in any diet formulation should be present for a

specific reason; i.e., it is a good energy source, it is rich in a limiting
amino acid, etc. In addition, each feedstuff in a particular diet
formulation should be the least costly ingredient available for its
particular function in the diet. This leads to another assumption in
feed formulation; that is, any nutrient in a particular feedstuff, such
as an amino acid, is just as valuable as the same nutrient in any other
feedstuff. This allows feed formulators to interchange one feedstuff
with another as cost and availability change. Thus, it is assumed that
there is no "ideal formulation", but rather an almost infinite number
of possible feed formulations that met the nutritional needs of fish


Sampling of individual Indian Mackerel Rastrelliger kanagurta

fishes ranging in size from 13 cm to 25 cm of Total Length (TL),

collected by man during the summer period (February to April), the
period in which the fish is available along the Coast.

the length at first maturity ranges from 20 cm to 25 cm.

Therefore the sample consists of both juvenile and adult forms

together. The specimens were preserved in ice until it reaches to the

The Morphometric measurements of each individual samples were

taken before dissection

Total Length (TL), Fork Length (FL), Standard Length (SL) and
Intestinal Length (IL).

Length measurements were made to the nearest centimeters (cm)

whiles the weight measurement to the nearest gram (gm).

The fish samples were dissected.

The stomach content removed and the weight of the stomach

content measured.

The stomach contents were preserved in 4% formalin solution for

further analysis.
The weights of each food item were weighed with sensitive digital


AIM: To identify the presence of Proteins in the given sample.

The presence of proteins in the sample (egg albumin) can be


by Biuret test and Xanthoprotein test.


Apparatus and Chemicals: Test tubes, Test tube stand, pipette, 10

NaOH, 0.5% Cuso4, egg albumen.

Preparation of Reagents :

1.10% NaOH: Dissol ve 10 gms of sodium hydroxide pellets in 100

mlof distilled water.

2. 0.5 Copper sulphate: Dissolve 500 mg of CuSO4 crystals in

100mlof distilled water.
PROCEDURE Take two test tubes and fill one with 3ml of water
andthe other ml of sample (known food sample protein). To both
thetest tubes add 3 ml of T0% NaOH and shake thoroughly. Now to
eachtest tube add 23 drops of 0. 5% Cuso4 solution, drop by drop
shak ingaften each drop. Do not add more than 2 drops of CuSO4
5oluttonObserve the colour change in the test tubes if any.

Result: Violet color appears in egg albumin test tube showing the
presence of peptones which has been tor med as a result of prote in

The other test tube containing water will serve as blank. serves as a
point of comparison, as ths Will help you in distinguishing the colour
of the renction from the originanl blue colour of cuso4.


AIM:To identify the presence of carbohydrates in the given sample.

est for Monosaccharides

the Presence of monosaccharides in the sample can be detected by

Benedict's test.


Apparatus and Chemicals:

Test tubes, test tube stand, pipette, spirit

lamp, Benedict' s reagent, glucose solutions of various


preparation of benedict's reagent:

Prepare two solutions i.e., solution A and B.solution

Solution A; dissolve 7.3 gms of sodium citrate and 100 gms of

anhydrous sodium carbonate in 800 C.C. of distilled water by

solution B Dissolve 17.3 gms of copper sulphate crystals in 100 c.C.

of distilled water

Cool both the solutions. Then add solution B to solution 'A'With

constant stirring 1n 1000 C.C. titration flask and dilute withdistilled
water upto the mark 1.e. to make 1t to one litre. NoW the Solution is
ready for use.


take 5ml of benedict reagent in a test tube and to that add 0.5 ml of
sample (glucos solution), Mix it well and heat to boll for 2 minutes.
Then cool under tap water Green to brick red precipitate is formed
depending upon the concentration of sugar in the solution.the
precepitate is due to the formation of cuprous oxide.


A known quantity of sample dried in hit air oven at 105Cfor

overnight ti constant weight and the loss of weight is expressed as
moisture. The dilference in weight represents the moisture content
of the sample and is expressed as a percentage of the original
sample weight.


1.take the weight of empty Aluminium foil/Petridish [w]

2 .take 5gms of sample i [W1]

3 .Dry it in hit air oven for overnight at 105±1C till the constant
weight ±1C take the container with tongs oven

4. keep the container in dessicator and allow cooling

5 .take the weight of the contsiner[ W2]

6 .% of dry matter=W2-W/W1*100

7 . %of moisture =100-dry matter or

8. weight loss in the sample/sample weight ×100.



When the tree sample is subjected to 550° C for 5 hrs in Muffle

furnace, the organic burns away and inorganic matter is left.


1 Take empty crucible weight [W]

2 Take 3-5 gms of the sample in crucible [W1]

3 ignite the sample in muffle furnace at 550° C for 6 hrs till we get
white color

4 Switch off the muffle furnace and allow to cool

5 take out the crucible with Tongs & keep it in dessicator and allow
to cool

6 take the weight of the crucible [W2]

7 % of dry matter = W2-W/W1*100


Identification and evaluation of fish /fishery products



Air bladder (fish maws) usually in the dried form serves as the raw
material for making isinglass. Isinglass is probably the most
important product from bladder and is chiefly used as a clarifying
agent for liquors.

1 Principle

The hard dried bladder must first be softened by soaking in water.

The treatments given either for drying bladders or for converting to
isinglass should not adversely affect the quality of the protein,
collagen, contained in it. It’s this collagen that is responsible for the
special properties of isinglass. Air bladder in the softened form is
flattened to a low thickness, followed by drying.

.2 Requirements

• Dried fish maws

• Knife, scissors, vessels, polyethylene bags, etc.

• Balance

• Rollers (or roller press with cooling facility, if available)

• Drier

3 Procedure
1) Weigh the dry fish maws.

2) Soak in chilled water for several hours until it become soft.

3) Cut into small pieces or strips.

4) Press the material on a hard surface using rollers. Reduce the

thickness in

stages down to less than 1/16 inch. Prevent any temperature rise by

the material in chilled water in between pressings.

5) Place in drier at 40–45ºC. Dry slowly to a moisture content of less


10%. The material becomes hard dried as ‘leaves’.

6) Weigh and pack in plastic bag.

7) Test for the ability to form gel: Put a sample of isinglass in hot
water (above

80ºC). After dissolution, keep the solution in fridge (chilled). Observe


formation of jelly.

Prawn shells form a good raw material for preparation of chitosan a

valuable industrial chemical. Chitosan finds use as a sizing material
for cotton, wool, rayon and other synthetic fibres.


1. Boil the prawn shell in about 37% solution of sodium hydroxide for
about 30 minutes. Drain off the solution and repeat the treatment
with the residue. Treatment with sodium hydroxide removes the
protein content of the shell. Wash twice with water.
2. Treat the protein free residue with bleach liquor containing 0.3-
0.5% available chlorine at room temperature for an hour. Wash two
times with water.

3 Treat the bleached residue with 10% commercial hydro chloric acid
at room temperature for 2 hours so as to remove calcium and
phosphorus contents in the residue completely. Wash the residue
free of acid, which is almost pure chitin.

4. Treat the chitin at 100 C with 1:1 solution of sodium hydroxide for
90 minutes. Wash with water to free it of the alkali and then dry to
get the final product chitosan.

5.The yield of chitosan is about 3% of the weight of the fresh prawn


Fish by products.


1 surumi is refers to a Japanese food product intended to

mimic the meat of lobster, crab, and other shellfish.
2It is typically made from white-fleshed fish (such as pollock
or hake) that has been pulverized to a paste and attains a rubbery
texture when cooked.

3the gelatinous paste can then be combined with various

additives to become fake crab ,fake lobsters.

2Fish glue

1 Fish glue is made by boiling the skin, bones and swim

bladders of fish.

2 If has strong adhesion power.

3 Fish glue has long been valued for its use in all manner
of products from illuminated manuscripts to the Mongolian war bow.

4 fish glue is ideal inall creative projects of furnitures and

wood work .
5 it is used in the gluimg of wood,crd boards etc.

3Fish oil

1 Fish oil is recommended for a healthy diet because it contains

the omega-3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and
docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), precursors to eicosanoids that reduce
inflammation throughout the body.

2Fish emulsion is a fertilizer emulsion that is produced from the

fluid remains of fish processed for fish oil and fish meal industrially.

3Fish hydrolysate is ground up fish carcasses. After the usable

portions are removed for human consumption, the remaining fish
body – guts, bones, cartilage, scales, meat, etc. – are put into water
and ground up.

4Fish meal

1.Fish meal is made from both whole fish and the bones and offal
from processed fish.
2 .It is a brown powder or cake obtained by rendering pressing the
whole fish or fish trimmings to remove the fish oil.
.3 It used as a high-protein supplement in aquaculture feed.

4 traditionally used as livestock feed supplement.

5 rich in calcium ,phosphorus,copper and iron.

5.Fish sauce

Fish sause is a condiment that is derived from fish that have

been allowed to ferment. It is an essential ingredient in many curries
and sauces.

6 Isinglass

1 Isinglass is a substance obtained from the swim bladders of

fish (especially sturgeon),

2 it is used for the clarification of wine and beer.

3 It is used in making jellies,glue etc.

4 it is used as an effective preservative for fresh eggs

submerged in it .

5 it can also be used to coat tissue or gold beaters skin.

7 Tatami iwashi

Tatami iwashi is a Japanese processed food product made

from baby sardines laid out and dried while entwined in a single
layer to form a large mat-like sheet.

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