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Table of Contents

The phases of Six Sigma Application:.....................................................................................................4
c) Control:............................................................................................................................................7
Introduction to SIPOC.............................................................................................................................8
SIPOC table:..........................................................................................................................................12


1) Introduction:

DMAIC is the process of five steps of Six Sigma Methodology which is used for problem-
solving and improving strategies. DMAIC stands for Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and
Control. It is also called a process improvement methodology. The six sigma project goes
through this DMAIC cycle, which is a detailed version of the six sigma process. The benefits of
DMAIC in a Six Sigma approach are not the top-level categories itself but the content of each
category of it. This provides a very usual and systematic way to problem-solving. At each stage,
there are specific tasks. Six Sigma is a useful way to solve problems and provide an important
measurement method. This has a mathematical basis and with the actual use of methods that can
also help while improving the standard of the both process and the product. While providing the
data processing mathematical tools to improve the standard, this approach also focuses on it as
certain size of business processes, reducing variability around the average value of the process of
more companies, Six Sigma clearly means a certain amount of standard fighting with imminent
perfection. It is a command, in removing any defect process, which includes production and
trade, along with services and products. The main purpose of Six Sigma how to implement a
scale-based tool that has the main focus on task development and reducing variability through
the specific type of projects. DMAIC (define, measure, analyze, improve, control) a task that
improve existing fall systems below the specification and want further improvements.

The problem of food waste attracts increasing attention because of its social, economic, and
environmental impact. Prashar (2017), Powell et al. (2017), and Garza-Reyes, Torres Romero,
Govindan, Cherrafi, and Ramanathan (2018) provide solid evidence that such a system will be
more efficient and effective while using a structured approach which includes logical and well-
explained interim sections. ‘It was found to be impactful for waste elimination activities which
facilitate in the visualization and analysis of information as well as the demonstration of value
and non-value-added tasks in the mapping’ Hartini et al. (2018)  It is suggested the first step to
resolving the most sustainable of the food waste problem to accept these produced method of
consumption and to deal with its food and waste residues throughout the world food chain.
‘Although food loss and food waste occur throughout the whole food supply chain, from farm to
table, food waste at the consumer stage attracts particular attention because the relatively large
amount of consumer food waste means that all resources input at production, processing, storage,
and distribution stages was used in vain, and a significant amount of Greenhouse Gas (GHG)
emissions occurring at these stages and waste management is added’ (Vittuari, M., De Menna,
F., & Pagani, M. 2016). In this assessment, the DMAIC approach is used in Farm Best
Manufacturer, a well-known food manufacturer in Rawang to solve a problem regarding their
excessive amount of waste on the daily average of 10% in the chicken nugget product line which
leads to the annual loss of RM600,000 in the raw material. To solve this problem the
manufacturing firm is facing, the DMAIC approach has been followed. The main focus of this
assessment is to propose a Six Signa DMAIC and redesign the food waste tracking system which
can be used by the firm for the implementation to reduce the amount of raw material on the
chicken nugget product line and reduce the annual percentage of the loss in the raw material. The
Six Sigma DMAIC approach will help evaluate and make improvements in the process in the
prevention of chicken nugget surplus and waste.

1) The phases of Six Sigma Application:

To lower the process variability, associated increasing disability rating, Six Sigma keeps its
focus on implementing an improvement method, then DMAIC has been brought up many times
from the present time and always how to improve overcome the gaps, and solve the problems.
The following are the phases and explanation of Six Sigma implementation.

a) Define:

Defining the problem is the first and most important phase of this approach. In this step, you
have to highlight the main problem that affects the company processes and also finding out how
long this problem the company has been facing. This phase is also the part of approach at which
size of a project is explained. Increasing the scale is a huge issue. Someone begins to try to take
out a solution to a small problem, and after that you see that you have to take out a solution of a
big issue. To define the magnitude of the problem it is best to define it, so that you can find out
the situations when trying to take out the solution to a problem which is beyond the range. After
defining the main problem, the six sigma team keep the check and balance of the development.

The main problem that is defined in this company was the excessive amount of waste of chicken
nuggets product line on the Farm’s Best food manufacturing company. They had a lot of daily
waste in their chicken coops. The amount of daily waste in the line averaged 10%. The initial
goal of the project was to make a 50 percent reduction in the main metric percentage of daily
waste. The project was selected to cover the start of processing to the end of the process. Hosting
has been described as incorporating all the food items collected in non-perishable red bins,
machinery and floors, and the removal of packaging materials. The core team members include
process development engineers, leading and production managers, as well as staff from R&D,
finance, and planning. A game-starting meeting was held with the core team, where members
used multi voting to identify where they believed more waste was being built and that there was
more room for improvement. This information has been used to help make attention to the
process, during developing a better acknowledgment of the approach.

b) Measure:

Measurement is an important temporary pace on Six Sigma approach that assists the team of the
project to refine the issues and to look into causes that will be the purpose of Analysis action in
DMAIC. However, there is a need to verify the problems by the project team the problem,
improve the goal, and measure key steps. After defining the problem we measure the problem
through statistical figures. The main motive of this phase is, infact to measure and determine the
data through the collection of a daily percentage of the wastage made in the chicken nugget
product line.

There are three standards of measurements in this phase which are:

 Percentage of daily wastage

 The number of waste generated
 Waste formation
These three measures are also called metrics. In the first metric, the percentage of daily wastage
is measured and in this, the per day average of wastage of chicken nugget product line is 10%. In
the second metric, the amount of waste generated is calculated, it is estimated according to the
annual loss of raw material that is, RM600,000, the per day loss of raw material is RM1643. The
third metric that is waste composition evaluates how the waste was created. We study the
ingredients and other tracking areas to see where the actual problem and tell how to solve the
problem. The team ran the test in some areas in the product line of chicken nuggets.

c) Analyze:

The third stage after define and measure for DMAIC is Analysis. This analysis section aims to
review the processes of business and to generate the data to understand the main reasons for the
problem. In this section, we analyze the space which is identified by the process to close the
space between the currently going performance and the outcome that is desired. The team uses
data analysis techniques to achieve the proven reasons of the issues. Strong understanding of the
required mathematical examination tools is required to determine the number at this stage of the

After analyzing we came out with the following problems that have been facing by the chicken
nugget product line:

 Excess flour from drum breeder wasted

 The full tank emptied at the night
 Speed of drum breeder
 Oil level
 Speed of fryer belt
 Gap at transition points
 Dull blades
 Temperature of chicken
 Overfilling bucket conveyor
 Lack of space and ownership
 Bagger inefficiencies

d) Improve:

After knowing the core reason for the excessive amount of waste in the product and also
calculating its average. Now is the time for the team to come up with the solution of eliminating
waste from the chicken nugget product line. The team gave the solution elements for the
problems generated which are:

 To include placements of carts and bins for rework, it has to be updated inline
 The rework bins should be emptied after every 30 minutes
 There should awareness of performance that should be brought into line and every day’s
performance report should be generated
 The flour that is disposed of after the use should be reused after once used and emptied
into the drum breeder.
 To capture the waste at the line, the cart should be created inline 1 freezer, to transfer
nuggets inline 2 freezers.
 To improve performance and to reduce the waste in the chicken nuggets product line,
these proposed solutions should in took under consideration.

e) Control:

This is the final phase of DMAIC Lean Six Sigma, at control section of DMAIC take charge of
the in-depth implications of the advanced program, setting the system up monitoring controls so
that profits are sustainable. The team applies the solution given in the improvement phase and
transfers a charge of the newly addressed process to the owner in charge. It has put in place a
control system to monitor progress. The team uses some statistical tools and daily checklists are
updated to check the newly developed process and to confirm that these elements of solutions are
used daily by the workers.
2) Conclusion:

This assessment presents the use of Lean Six Sigma-DMAIC for reducing food waste in Farm’s
Best Food manufacturing company. Statistical interpretation and innovation strategies are used
by the team to overcome the reasons of wastage of food in the product line. In this assessment
proper use of the DMAIC approach leads to finding out the main reason of the wastage of food
and the better outcome in the product line with the solution to the problems.

Question no 2.


1) Introduction to SIPOC

SIPOC is a Six Sigma Process methodology that includes various stages. These stages include
Suppliers, Input, Process, Output, and Customers. An analysis is used to document the process at
a high level and visually reflect process inputs and how the process providers convert these
inputs into customer products and services. This process is also known as the Customer-Supplier
Model. Process management frameworks use the SIPOC model when the ‘Measure’ phase of the
Six Sigma DMAIC is running, to identify appropriate aspects of process development before the
commencement of project work. The SIPOC model encourages teams to consider process
priorities, such as Suppliers [S] process providers, required inputs [I] in the process, different
process functions [P], considerable outcomes [O] coming out of the process, and the customer
[C] or the last user who is also called end-user or customer, who gets results of the process.
SIPOC works as a visual tool which helps to understand the whole process, from its beginning to
the end. It provides important details in areas where major issues take place. Difficulties may
arise at the end of the provider; they may be linked with input definitions or may be linked to
processes and outcomes that do not meet customer needs.
In many ways, the SIPOC model is useful Concept, Purpose, and Practice. As long as all issues
are not the only ones related to the process, there may be a chance to find the wrong input. The
results may be unsatisfactory due to lack of communication or the client is unable to articulate
their needs. Some of the people, while the process is running, may ignore or leap the SIPOC,
because they do not know how much SIPOC is useful. They could not understand where the real
problems take place. For example, as a physician, who is treating a patient, he would not treat a
patient without knowing where the real problem exists.

As it is mentioned earlier, SIPOC provides an overall view of the whole process and the next
steps. There are many advantages, making it easy to recognize the advanced process
improvement projects before the start of work. It assists in the continuation of projects that are
poorly filtered due to unexplained or poorly defined information. These steps also help in
removing the doubts.

This process answers the questions that are frequently asked that is, we look at where the process
will start and end? What are the major steps involved in this process?

It gives facts about input suppliers. Therefore, in process development, we get in-depth
knowledge up to the level of providers; to find the causes of issues or requirements. Providers
can be internal or external, can be upgraded or adapted accordingly.

The customers who are providing input can be internal or external. Through SIPOC, we know
end-users and customers who are affected by any issues that are related to satisfaction of
customers, and who want to undertake projects.

The SIPOC table, or SIPOC diagram, provides an excellent opportunity for teams, senior
management, and all stakeholders to resolve process-related issues and create appropriate
development strategies.

SIPOC does the following:

• Recognize process parameters.

• Recognize customers and process providers.
• Recognize the process inputs that are used by suppliers and the processing results given
to the customer.
• Assists to recognize valid customer needs and potential index results.

SIPOC components:

• A Process meaning it is a description of the process that provides results to meet

customer needs.
• The Input and output boundaries explain the initiation and set of process parameters.
• The Results are the “positive results” of the process. These results should be written in a
way that describes the desired (or positive) results obtained from the process result.
• The customers by people who discover and establish the requirements for results.
Customers can be internal or external; the SIPOC chart must specify the registration.
• Customer requirements and steps unparalleled expectations of process outcomes. By
interpreting the results according to the desired results, the output can be easily matched
to customer requirements that define customer satisfaction.
• The input is a process that needs to work and often the results of a one-step process
become the next step input.
• The provider use input to produce results. SIPOC should be as specific as possible in
recording supplier details. For example, if the supplier is in-house, SIPOC must add to
the list of tasks and contact details for a specific installation process.

This assessment requires to choose one service organization to develop a process map with using
the SIPOC map. The service organization that I am choosing to develop a map is the IT call
center. IT call center is one of the service organization

IT Services is a fierce field with all organizations that provide valuable online support and
various call centers. Many IT customer services businesses come to know that their customers
have an option and, at the same price range, they focus on the support company where the
service is moving forward.

In this IT services assessment, marking helps to measure what a business already knows - a
competitive position it was completely unprotected. There are many ways a company can
respond to this challenge. During his company to develop the necessary capacity for Six Sigma,
its management saw that development was not as easy as creating a project team and to deliver
them from trouble. Senior executives had realized that a major part of their job as leaders was to
find well-defined issues and that should be appropriate for the Six Sigma DMAIC project team.

Customer satisfaction in the call center is the most basic part of the IT Company that deals with
the problems and requirements that are associated with the customers’ needs and wants.

In Six Sigma efforts, the main goal of development is to reduce the variability of process
releases. This needs to identify the reasons for diversity that is where SIPOC can be used.
Everything that falls within the SIPOC class of input and procedure is a likely source of variance
in results to be considered or to look into. Once a SIPOC map has been made, see at the items
realized under each SIPOC class and think about how they might affect the results of the process.

The elements in the SIPOC approach are what they define the whole approach from the suppliers
to the customers. The first element that is suppliers are an important part of the company as they
provide necessary inputs, these suppliers are internal as well as external. This process at first
identifies the supplier to get the process done, these suppliers are based on what kind of intel or
input the approach or process is going to use. In this IT call center the suppliers are Phone
service providers, IT groups, Call center management, Human Recourse or training, Call center
staff, etc. after the step of a supplier, there comes Input, this input is the material that is given by
the suppliers to get them into the process. Input is what the suppliers give for the processing
which includes materials, information, or services. Input plays an important role in the whole
process. The input in the IT call center works as an active phone line, switching software,
available, representative, a database available, staff experience, FAQ database, customer
availability, call management, internal access, etc. After receiving the input the process gets
started. The process changes the input to the output, some steps are value-added and some are
not value-added. It supplies the process steps like manual training, giving a picture of the
process. Then, after getting all the inputs, for deciding the whole process there is always the first
step. The first step in serving would be to take the issues or requirements from the customers,
and then supply them according to their needs. They should always keep in mind while serving
the customer and while getting the requirements from the customers that what is the customer
expecting from the services that are providing to them and after getting the input and then
processing they have to give the outcome while keeping in mind the requirements of the
customers. The entire process depends on the output, after the investment period in the
processing and input. Results are final products or final results that come after processing. If the
processing and input do not reach the mark, the result will fail. The output in IT calls centers in
the approach gives results i.e. call engaged, the information in the system, escalation decision,
resolution information, and documented call resolution. After taking all these steps of the
approach from the supplier to the output, the main element is customers, the customers are the
source of business. These customers are internal and external, like the suppliers. In the IT call
center, the customers are eternal, the process improvement step runs for them. These customers
decide whether the end product fits into their requirements and expectations or not. The customer
decides to accept or reject the output given by the company. The results get affected by the
decision of the customers.

2) SIPOC table:
Active Phone Phone service
Line Provider
Call Engaged Answer Call Internal Call
Switch IT Group
Information in Gather Customer Available Call Center
systems information Representative Management
Assess Ability to Database IT Group
Resolve Available
Client Escalation Staff Human
Experiences/ Resources
Next level Transfer call Available staff Call Center
support staff for transfer management
System Documentation
documentation Group
Resolution Gather FAQ database IT Group
information Resolution
Deliver Customer Call Center Staff
Resolution Availability
Call Data Log Call Data Staff
Logged to Availability
Customer File
and FaQ
Staff Discipline
Call Center Documented Confirm Web Monitor
Management Call resolution Resolution with IT Group
Internet Access

3) Conclusion:

Six Sigma is a process-focused program, the aim of this is to improve while using methodologies
that are based on the DMAIC cycle. The Define phase of this Cycle uses the SIPOC approach to
define the problems or requirements. In this assessment, the argument was to whether it is good
to use the SIPOC steps to improve customer satisfaction. In the IT call center, to keep the
customer happy and to deal with their problems and requirements are most important. So using
the SIPOC process map and learning problems and their solution is mandatory for the
improvement. Here, it comes into our knowledge that how SIPEC can help in recognizing the
process, this provides insight into where problems are taking place. When creating a project
document in the Define section, SIPOC should be given priority; because it shows those
potential problems throughout the process which can take place. These issues may come from
the provider's side, it could be issued while input. While keeping this in mind, we can design the
whole process to improve our services.

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