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Course Title: Humanities (World Civilization and Literature)

Instructor: Rechie Monsalve - Calumag

Activity # 1: Compare and Contrast Paper

Each civilization has its own stories about how the world was created. These myths
teach us about what was most important to our ancient human ancestors. Fire. Water.
Life and Breath. Elements such as these recur in creation myths from all over the world.
[Skill: Analyzing literature as primary source material; comparing cultures; speculating
about differences using supporting evidence.]

The Darkness, the Water, and Breath:

Ancient Birth of the World Mythology

Introduction: One of the most valuable lessons in historical study comes when a

student realizes that the human experience over the centuries has been more similar
than different. Food, Shelter, Birth and Death are universal concerns. Our basic
similarities in biology and mentality are strikingly apparent when one compares the

Instructions: Read the Genesis, the Enuma Elish, and the Rig Veda accounts. Write a
short paper which compares and contrasts the stories you read. What do the stories
teach you about the culture which produced them? What accounts for the differences?
The similarities?

Deadline for Submission: June 24, 2020

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