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Republic of the Philippines


Tagaytay City

OBE Learning Program

1st Semester, AY 2019-2020

Course Code: ENGL1a

Course Title: Purposive Communication
Pre-requisite: None
Course Credit: 3 Units

Course Description:
Purposive Communication is about writing, speaking, and presenting to different audiences and for various purposes (CMO 20 s 2013). It is a three-unit
course that develops students’ communicative competence and enhances their cultural and intercultural awareness through multimodal tasks that provide them
opportunities for communicating effectively and appropriately to a multi-cultural audience in a local or global context. It equips students with tools for critical
evaluation of a variety of texts and focuses on the power of language and the impact of images to emphasize the importance of conveying messages responsibly.
The knowledge, skills, and insights that students gain from this course may be used in their other academic endeavors, their chosen disciplines, and their future
careers as they compose and produce relevant oral, written, audio-visual and/or web-based output for various purposes.

Course Outcomes and Relationship to Program Educational Objectives

Program Educational Objectives (based on the program CMO)
Program/Student Outcomes (based on the program CMO 20, series of 2013)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
By the end of the second semester, students can:
1. Define and see Philosophy as part of everyday life and society /
2. Analyze self and other’s actions in line of ethical theories / /
3. Analyze concepts of right and wrong in cultural, natural and human laws /
4. Synthesize patterns in moral and ethical experiences /
5. Distinguish the significance of Ethics in society /
6. Evaluate Philippine culture in ethical theories /
7. Understand and internalize ethical behavior in other concepts of society /

Course Outcomes and Relationship to Student Outcomes

1 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
Program Outcomes Code
Program Outcomes addressed by the Course after completing this course, the students must be able to:
Define Ethics and its significance in the society and other field such as working place, hospitals, business,
1. D D D D D D D
be it with money or other concepts
2. Identify the genre of Ethics and its importance in human life D D D D D D D
3. Demonstrate different ethical theories and categories I D D D D D D
4. Evaluate ethical dilemmas in both society and culture, to cultivate solutions E E E E E E E
5. Evaluate how other factors influence ethics in the Philippines as a member of society I E E D D D D
*Level : I-Introductory E- Enabling D-Demonstrative (LIED)

Course Outcomes: By the end of the semester, students can:

1. help students appreciate the role that communication plays in private and professional lives of individuals;
2. improve the students’ English language proficiency in oral communication;
3. communicate formally and informally through writing, speaking, and listening;
4. present ideas persuasively using appropriate language registers, tone, facial expressions, and gestures;
5. write and present academic papers using appropriate tone, style, conventions, and reference styles;
6. adopt cultural and intercultural awareness and sensitivity in communication of ideas, and
7. adopt awareness of audience and context in presenting idea.

Course Coverage:
Course Character- Intended Learning Topic/s Week/s Teaching-Learning Activities Assessment Strategies
Outcomes Contextualized Outcomes
Characters I. A. Orientation Week 1  Class Discussion
for August –  Course  Question and Answer
Cleanliness, ----------  Syllabus Approach
Honor,  Grading System
Hardwork  Policies
Creativity  Recognize the B. Chapter 1: Communication in the Twenty-First Week 1  Class Discussion  Recitation
CO 1 importance of Century  Group Discussion  Quiz
communication in  Collaborative Learning  Seatwork
society Approach
 Differentiate the Lesson 1: Communication Models
principles and
processes of
2 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
communication as
embodied in the
models provided
 Relate the
models to their
experiences and
apply them to their
own communication

COs  Recognize how to II. Lesson 2: Communication Ethics

1&2 communicate in an Weeks 2 – 3  Class Discussion and  Recitation
ethical manner Collaborative Learning  Seatwork
 Execute these ethical Approach on what ethics is,  Quiz
principles to their why there should be ethics in
communication communication, and problems
process arise when people are not
ethical in their communication
COs  Explain the Lesson 3: Communication and Globalization  Class Discussion  Recitation
3&6 implications of World Englishes  Group Discussion on the  Seatwork on accomplishing
globalization on Culturally Sensitive and Bias-Free “Readings in World Englishes” the table
communication Language  Collaborative Learning  Quiz
 Elucidate the notion Approach
of World Englishes
in the context of
English being a
global language
 Execute Standard
English and bias-free
language in writing
 Explain the history  Class discussion on the  Graded Recitation
1&3 III. Chapter 2: Public Speaking and Reports in the Week 4
of public speaking importance of public speaking,  Seatwork
and the nature of Information Age
different traditions about  Quiz
communication Lesson 1: Public Speaking
A Short History of Public Speaking public speaking, and other

3 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
 Dissect a speech famous Greek teachers.
using the general  Collaborative Learning
principles of logos, Approach
pathos, and ethos

CO 2
 Create a credible, Lesson 2: The Tools Needed in Critical/Creative Week 5  Collaborative Learning  Graded Recitation
logical report that is Reports Approach  Group activity on
Characters thoroughly Best Practices of Public Speaking “Reflections on Speaking
for researched and fact- Style”
September – checked  Quiz
Discipline  Deliver a report
and using effective
Sensitivity verbal and non-
 Augment a report
with relevant and
eye-catching visual
IV. Preliminary Examination Week 6

COs  Recognize the I. Chapter 3: The Documented Essay on a Concept Weeks 7 – 8  Class discussion using  Recitation
3&5 characteristics of Lesson 1: Academic Research and the collaborative approach on  Group Activity
academic writing by Documented Essay in the Twenty-First Specific and Clear Language,  Quiz
reading excerpts Century Informal versus Formal
from academic Academic Writing Usages, A balanced and
papers Documented Essays Credible Voice, Documented
 Identify the Essays versus Standard Essays,
principles and What is Plagiarism, Telltale
methods of and signs of Plagiarism, Effects of
research in the Plagiarism, The Principles of
twenty-first century Documentation, and Writing a
 Write a paragraph Documented Essay and
using a register Avoiding Plagiarism
(language and style)  Group Discussions
appropriate to the
academic context
 Evaluate and select
4 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
sources of
information on a
relevant topic
 Organize
information from a
variety of sources
into a sample
reference list

 Conceptualize an
COs Characters original argument or Lesson 2: Critical Thinking, Collaboration, and the Weeks 9 – 10  Class discussion on Choosing  Graded Recitation
3&5 for October thesis on a relevant Writing Process a Topic and Limiting It,  Group activity on
– Initiative social or cultural Writing as a Process Asking Research Questions Worksheet 2: Pre-Writing,
and issue The Pre-Writing Stage and Establishing the Writing, and Rewriting a
Punctuality  Organize supporting The Writing Stage Significance of One’s Documented Paragraph
ideas into a working Research, Composing a Thesis  Quiz
plan or outline Statement, Preparing a Writing
 Write a paragraph Outline, Doing Research and
that integrates Finding Credible Sources
original ideas with
paraphrases, and/or
summaries from a
variety of supporting

 Explain what  Graded Recitation

COs concepts are, Lesson 3: Concepts of Social and Cultural Week 11  Lecture and Class Discussion  Writing Activity
3, 5, & through the critical Significance in the Philippines  Collaborative Learning  Quiz
6 reading of sample Writing about Concepts Approach
documented essays
on concepts of social
and cultural
significance in the
twenty-first century
5 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
 Evaluate sample
documented essays
written by Philippine
scholars to explore
techniques of
developing and
explaining concepts
 Write an effective
documented essay
that critically
engages with a
concept from
Philippine culture

II. Midterm Examination Week 12

COs Characters  Describe the purpose I. Corporate Culture and Communication Weeks 13 – 14  Class Discussion on Corporate  Recitation
2, 3, & for and features of the Lesson 1: The Principles of Professional Culture and Professional  Seatwork (Exercises on
5 November – register of Communication Communication, Professional Worksheet 1)
Humility and professional Purpose, Audience of  Quiz
Justice communication Professionals, The Style of
 Identify the Professional Writing,
principles that guide Professional Language, Genres
professional of Professional Writing, and
communication The Design Principles of
 Apply these Professional Writing.
principles by  Question and Answer
revising professional Approach
documents or
excerpts from these

 Lecture
 Explain the Lesson 2: Intercultural Issues in Workplace Week 15  Class Discussion  Graded Recitation
6 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
CO 6 importance of Communication  Group Discussion  Seatwork
considering culture Communication and the Twenty-First  Quiz
in workplace Century Workplace
communication in Cultural Differences
the twenty-first Effective Intercultural Communication
 Identify the cultural
factors that influence
intercultural or
 Apply the principles
of effective
communication in
the writing of

 Construct basic
workplace  Lecture  Graded Recitation
documents based on Lesson 3: Simulating the Philippine Workplace Weeks 16 – 17  Class Discussion  Seatwork (Writing Activity)
COs the principles of Professional Correspondence  Group Discussion  Group Work
1, 2, & corporate/profession The Job Application Process  Quiz
3 al communication Job Interview
 Write an effective
cover letter and
Characters resume based on the
for guidelines for the
December – job application
Generosity process
and Sincerity  Effectively introduce
oneself and answer
questions in a
scenario simulating
the job interview

7 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
II. Final Examination Week 18
- Mock Job Interview

*Written Examination is teacher’s prerogative.

Uychoco, Marikit Tara A., et. al. (2018). Communication for Society (Purposive Communication). Rex Book Store

Internet Sources:
Retrieved from
Retrieved from writing/#:~:text=Academic%20writing%20is%20a%20formal,and%20dissertation%20in
Retrieved from process/?
Retrieved from
Course Assessment:
Grading System (Numerical)
1. Attendance - 10%
2. Class Standing - 50% (Quizzes – 20% / Recitation – 30%)
3. Major Examination - 40%

Final Grade Computation: Prelim Grade (30%) + Midterm Grade (30%) + Raw Final Grade (40%)

Course Policies (as guided by Manuals and Minutes of Meeting)

1. Special or make-up quizzes and performances will be given only if there are justifiable reasons.
2. The use of cellular phones during class hours is prohibited unless a special permission to do so is granted. In addition, the use of electronic gadgets unless
otherwise relevant to the class lesson/discussion, is not allowed.
3. Concerns relative to grades, activities, performances, etc. can be politely discussed with the subject teacher.
4. Students are expected to display the highest degree of honesty and professionalism in their class work, requirements and activities and in dealing with fellow
students and teachers.
8 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
Prepared by: Noted: Approved:

Liberal Arts Division RIZZA C. GATPANDAN Prof. SEGUNDO E. SIM, PhDCand.

Chair, General Education Dept. Dean, School of Sciences and Arts

9 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n

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