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Advance Computer Networks

Spring 2020-21
Lect. #05

Prof. Suchismita Chinara

Dept. of Computer Science Engg.
National Institute of Technology Rourkela-769008
27-12-2020 Advance Computer Networks 1
Communication Network Model

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Collision-Free Protocols in Computer Network
• Almost collisions can be avoided in CSMA/CD.
• They can still occur during the contention period.
• The collision during contention period adversely affects the system
performance, this happens when the cable is long and length of
packet are short.
• some protocols that resolve the collision during the contention period
• Bit-map Protocol
• Binary Countdown
• Limited Contention Protocols
• The Adaptive Tree Walk Protocol

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• Pure and slotted Aloha, CSMA and CSMA/CD are Contention based
• Try-if collide-Retry
• No guarantee of performance
• What happen if the network load is high?

• Collision Free Protocols:

• Pay constant overhead to achieve performance guarantee
• Good when network load is high

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Bit-map Protocol:
• Bit map protocol is collision free Protocol.
• In bitmap protocol method, each contention period consists of exactly
N slots.
• if any station has to send frame, then it transmits a 1 bit in the
respective slot.
• For example if station 2 has a frame to send, it transmits a 1 bit during
the second slot.

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Bit Map Contd..
• In general Station 1 Announce the fact that it has a frame by inserting
a 1 bit into slot 1.
• In this way, each station has complete knowledge of which station
wishes to transmit.
• There will never be any collisions because everyone agrees on who
goes next.
• Protocols like this in which the desire to transmit is broadcasting for
the actual transmission are called Reservation Protocols.

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Ex: Bit map Protocol

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Binary Countdown
• Binary countdown protocol is used to overcome the overhead 1 bit
per binary station.
• In binary countdown, binary station addresses are used.
• A station wanting to use the channel broadcast its address as binary
bit string starting with the high order bit.
• All addresses are assumed of the same length.

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• In this method, different station addresses are ORed together who
decide the priority of transmitting.
• If these stations 0001, 1001, 1100, 1011 all are trying to seize the
channel for transmission.
• All the station at first broadcast their most significant address bit that
is 0, 1, 1, 1 respectively.
• The most significant bits are ORed together.
• Station 0001 see the 1MSB in another station addresses and knows
that a higher numbered station is competing for the channel, so it
gives up for the current round.

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• Other three stations 1001, 1100, 1011 continue.
• The next bit is 1 at station 1100, swiss station 1011 and 1001 give up.
• Then station 110 starts transmitting a frame, after which another
bidding cycle starts.

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Ex: Binary Count Down

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TCP / IP Protocol suite - Model

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Network Access Layer
• This layer defines how data should be sent, handles the physical act
of sending and receiving data, and is responsible for transmitting
data between applications or devices on a network.
• This includes defining how data should be signaled by hardware and
other transmission devices on a network, such as a computer’s
device driver, an Ethernet cable, a network interface card (NIC), or a
wireless network.
• It is also referred to as the link layer, Data Link Layer, network
interface layer, or physical layer and is the combination of the
physical and data link layers of the Open Systems Interconnection
(OSI) model, which standardizes communications functions on
computing and telecommunications systems.

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Internet Layer
• The internet layer is responsible for sending packets from a
network and controlling their movement across a network to
ensure they reach their destination.
• It provides the functions and procedures for transferring data
sequences between applications and devices across networks.

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Transport Layer
• The transport layer is responsible for providing a solid and
reliable data connection between the original application or
device and its intended destination.
• This is the level where data is divided into packets and
numbered to create a sequence.
• The transport layer then determines how much data must be
sent, where it should be sent to, and at what rate.
• It ensures that data packets are sent without errors and in
sequence and obtains the acknowledgment that the destination
device has received the data packets.

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Application Layer
• The application layer refers to programs that need TCP/IP to
help them communicate with each other.
• This is the level that users typically interact with, such as email
systems and messaging platforms.
• It combines the session, presentation, and application layers of
the OSI model.

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IP Address
• An Internet Protocol (IP) address is the unique identifying number
assigned to every device connected to the internet.
• An IP address definition is a numeric label assigned to devices that use
the internet to communicate.
• Computers that communicate over the internet or via local networks share
information to a specific location using IP addresses.
• IP addresses have two distinct versions or standards.
• The Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) address is the older of the two,
which has space for up to 4 billion IP addresses and is assigned to all
• The more recent Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) has space for trillions of
IP addresses, which accounts for the new breed of devices in addition to
• There are also several types of IP addresses, including public, private,
static, and dynamic IP addresses.

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• IPv4 is the fourth version of the IP.
• The protocol was first deployed on the Atlantic Packet Satellite
Network (SATNET), which was a satellite network that formed a
segment of the initial stages of the internet, in 1982.
• It is still used to route most internet traffic despite the existence
of IPv6.
• IPv4 is currently assigned to all computers.
• An IPv4 address uses 32-bit binary numbers to form a unique
IP address.
• It takes the format of four sets of numbers, each of which
ranges from 0 to 255 and represents an eight-digit binary
number, separated by a period point. Ex: A.B.C.D

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IPV4 address classes
1.Class A: IP addresses between and
2.Class B: IP addresses between and
3.Class C: IP addresses between and
4.Class D or multicast: IP addresses between and
5.Class E, which are reserved for experimental usage: IP
addresses between and

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