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Mock Exam

Section Questions minutes

Grammar 30 15
Vocabulary 30 15
Reading 1 5 10
Reading 2 5 10
Reading 3 7 15
Cloze 1 2 8
Cloze 2 2 8
Sentence Builder 1 3 5
Sentence Builder 2 3 5
Sentence Builder 3 5 10
Para Builder 1 2 5
Para Builder 1 2 5
Writing 1 30

By Mr. Amor Chamekh

Grammar Section (30 questions) (15 minutes)

1. Australia is ----------- continent in the world.

a. small
b. the smaller
c. smallest
d. the smallest

2. My sister is good at languages. She wants to be ----------- of English.

a. teacher
b. a teacher
c. teachers
d. teach

3. Everyone knows that wood ----------- when you put it in water.

a. floats
b. was floating
c. floated
d. is floating

4. Mrs. Smith works in a bank. ----------- is a cashier.

a. He
b. It
c. She
d. Her

5. Excuse me. Can you tell me ----------- the hospital is? It is straight ahead.
a. why
b. where
c. when
d. who

6. Where are all the -----------? They are playing outside.

a. child
b. children
c. childrens
d. childs

7. ----------- is one of the most difficult and interesting jobs.

a. Teach
b. Teacher
c. Teaching
d. Teachers

8. If Ali ----------- early, he will call us.

a. arrive
b. arrived
c. arrives
d. had arrived

9. Whose car is this? It is ----------- .

a. my
b. mine
c. me
d. myself

10.Are you interested in ----------- cricket games?

a. attend
b. attended
c. to attend
d. attending

11. Ali and Omar are twin brothers. ----------- were born on the same day.
a. Their
b. They
c. We
d. Them

12. My cousin ----------- get married next week.

a. is going
b. is going to
c. was going
d. going

13. Mike: I saw Roger in Dubai.

Tim: When did you see -----------?
a. he
b. his
c. them
d. him

14. If Mona studied hard, she ----------- her exams with flying colors.
a. will pass
b. would have passed
c. would pass
d. passed

15. Even though there was still snow on the ground, ----------- flowers were
a. much
b. a little
c. a lot
d. a few

16. There are three ----------- on the table.

a. knifes
b. knives
c. knife
d. a knives

17. Listen! I think the telephone ----------- .

a. would ring
b. rung
c. was ringing
d. is ringing

18. In the past, people ----------- their weddings in tents or outdoors.

a. hold
b. held
c. were holding
d. were held

19. Did you ----------- the football match last weekend? Yes, I did.
a. saw
b. seen
c. see
d. seeing

20. Have you ever ----------- to Malaysia?

a. go
b. went
c. are
d. been

21. Sarah: What is John doing? Bill: He ----------- his bedroom.

a. cleans
b. is cleaning
c. cleaning
d. clean

22. I am looking forward to ----------- my relatives and friends in Oman.

a. visit
b. visited
c. visiting
d. visitation

23. If Ali had come home early, his parents ----------- angry.
a. would have been
b. would have
c. wouldn't have been
d. will have been

24. How ----------- is it from Dibba to Khor Fakkan? It is 32 kms.

a. many
b. long
c. far
d. much

25. I am thirsty. I want to stop and drink ----------- water.

a. some
b. a few
c. any
d. many

26. If I knew his address, I ----------- write him a letter.

a. will
b. would
c. won't
d. can

27. I ----------- a plane but I wish I knew how to fly a plane someday.
a. can fly
b. can not fly
c. do not fly
d. am fly

28. They have been watching TV ----------- 7 o'clock.

a. for
b. at
c. during
d. since

29. She has been married ----------- ten years.

a. for
b. ago
c. in
d. with

30. Is this the period ----------- we go to the lab?

a. where
b. when
c. why
d. who

Vocabulary Section (30 questions) (15 minutes)

31. It is not a good idea to eat ----------- eggs, they can make you sick.
a. glad
b. eager
c. raw
d. sympathetic

32. The ----------- of this computer isn’t working properly, it keeps going blank.
a. clause
b. monitor
c. conflict
d. version

33. What shape is the box? Rectangular or ----------- ?

a. dead
b. square
c. foreign
d. serious

34. Although Ali failed two quizzes, his ----------- score in science was good.
a. overall
b. internal
c. principal
d. approximate

35. It rained ----------- last night so the garden is really wet this morning.
a. nearly
b. skillfully
c. practically
d. continuously

36. In many parts of the world people ----------- their hands when they say goodbye.
a. eat
b. wave
c. forget
d. prevent

37. You need special clothes to protect against ----------- heat or cold.
a. busy
b. orange
c. extreme
d. admirable

38. Yesterday I cut my ----------- when I was preparing dinner.

a. spot
b. shop
c. finger
d. extent
39. The main ----------- in Mali is corn.
a. host
b. crop
c. liquid
d. colonist

40. Don’t eat that orange. It isn’t ----------- yet.

a. selfish
b. purple
c. sore
d. ripe

41. We watched the air show from the ----------- of our house.
a. roof
b. lawyer
c. pleasure
d. protection

42. She wanted a better -----------, so she changed her job.

a. grave
b. advice
c. salary
d. photograph

43. The cat ----------- all the milk on the floor.

a. spilled
b. flattened
c. sharpened
d. heightened

44. The team has to decide on the best ----------- to the problem.
a. expression
b. exception
c. solution
d. application

45. I've left my wallet at home; can you ----------- me some money for lunch?
a. freeze
b. lend
c. repair
d. apologize
46. The sun caused the curtains to -----------.
a. fade
b. shave
c. polish
d. astonish

47. The boat went ----------- the river.

a. anything
b. already
c. across
d. together

48. When my nose is itchy, I -----------it for relief.

a. harm
b. insure
c. decrease
d. rub

49. Joan ----------- travelling to other countries.

a. speaks
b. believes
c. appears
d. loves

50. In some countries people still hunt with a bow and ----------- .
a. arrow
b. mouse
c. thunder
d. poverty

51. Our neighbours painted their house green and pink. My mother likes it, but I think
it looks -----------.
a. ugly
b. false
c. silver
d. grateful

52. When you fill in the form, make sure that your ----------- is clear.
a. thorn
b. feast
c. nuisance
d. handwriting
53. I am new to Dubai, so I don’t know which ----------- of town is best to live in.
a. income
b. area
c. approach
d. environment

54. They only printed part of the speech in the magazine so I looked up the full -------
on the Internet.
a. region
b. text
c. community
d. element

55. The school offers a wide ----------- of subjects to the students.

a. journal
b. credit
c. range
d. culture

56. She ----------- badly to the news. She started crying.

a. reacted
b. implied
c. convened
d. contributed

57. The street runs ----------- to the river.

a. parallel
b. adequate
c. subsequent
d. professional

58. If a person gives you something, you should -----------by saying, “Thank you.”
a. assume
b. analyze
c. interpret
d. respond

59. May I have a ----------- of cake, please?

a. piece
b. beauty
c. fear
d. demand

60. A child’s ----------- is important in every society.

a. ratio
b. license
c. welfare
d. revenue

Reading Section 1 (5 questions) (10 minutes)

We all love games, and in the UAE on a quiet Friday afternoon at home, or over a
Turkish coffee with your cousin, you can kick back and have some fun with the
board game, backgammon. A game for two players, backgammon uses a rectangular
board with 24 long triangles, or points, and 30 black and white pieces. Players throw
two dice and move the pieces according to the number shown on the dice. The
winner is the first player to remove all their pieces from the board.

61. What is the topic of this passage?

a. Backgammon has triangles
b. A description of backgammon
c. The history of backgammon
d. Board games around the world

On long, hot summer days in the UAE, we often wish we lived in a cooler climate.
But have you ever thought about life in the Arctic Circle - the region of the North
Pole covering parts of Canada, the US, Russia, and Greenland? Eskimos’ inhabit this
challenging, but beautiful hunting and fishing region all year round. In fact, the word
Eskimo means “eater of raw meat”.

62. The word inhabit means …………….

a. live in
b. sing about
c. eat meat
d. make cool

When someone suffers a heart attack, he stops breathing and his heartbeat stops or is
irregular. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is an emergency procedure that can
mean the difference between life and death. CPR involves two main processes. The
first is resuscitation, which requires you to blow air into the victim’s mouth. You can
help prevent brain damage by blowing air into the mouth, and therefore into the
lungs. It also allows more time for you to re-start the victim’s heart. The second is
chest compressions to keep blood circulating around the body.

63. What are the processes of cardiopulmonary resuscitation?

a. calling for help and holding the nose
b. resuscitation and compressions
c. helping to prevent brain damage
d. blowing air into mouth and lungs

Pandas live in a deep bamboo forest, or at higher elevations in snowy or rocky areas.
They prefer to live on the ground, but can also climb trees to look for food. Like the
bear, the panda tends to live alone. However, it does not sleep through the winter like
bears. The panda eats bamboo, fish, and a small amount of meat. It can spend 10 to
12 hours a day eating up to 12 to 15 kilograms of food.
64- A panda spends half of its day …………… .
a) climbing
b) sleeping
c) fishing
d) eating

The life of a Pacific salmon begins in a small creek or stream. These fish are born in
nests that the mother fish makes with small rocks. Young salmon live in freshwater
lakes, rivers, and streams for about two years. Then they swim long distances down
rivers until they reach the Pacific Ocean. Salmon are different from other fish
because they can live in both saltwater oceans and in freshwater rivers and lakes.
They spend the last half of their lives in the ocean, where they grow to a size of
around nine kilograms. A few giant salmon have been found which were 60
kilograms in weight and 1.5 metres long.

65. Pacific salmon are born in…………… .

a) large rivers
b) saltwater
c) the Pacific Ocean
d) small streams

Reading Section 2 (5 questions) (10 minutes)

In 1852, it was determined that Mount Everest, on the Nepal-Tibet border, was the
highest mountain in the world. For the next 100 years, several groups tried to climb
the mountain but were unsuccessful. It was too cold and windy, and the oxygen was
too thin. Some people said it was impossible and several climbers died trying to
climb it. However, Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay finally climbed Mt. Everest
in 1953.

66- Before Hillary and Norgay, climbers were unsuccessful at climbing Mt. Everest
because …………….
a) the weather was too bad
b) the mountain was in Tibet
c) they did not have guides
d) their clothing was too thin

Mozart was born on 27th January 1756 in Salzburg, Austria. He was the seventh
child of Leopold and Anna Mozart, but only had one sister, a pianist, who was four
years older. At the age of 4, Mozart played the keyboard; and he mastered the violin
at the age of 5 and also wrote his first piece then. Mozart’s father noticed his
children’s talents. He then decided to make his son and daughter perform for money
to increase the family’s income. In 1762, Mozart, who was now 6 years old, and his
sister, who was 10 years old, toured Europe with their father and performed in
Munich and Vienna.

67- Mozart first performed in public in ……………

a) Salzburg
b) Munich
c) Italy
d) Paris

Perhaps the most important ice cream discovery was made during the 1904 Louisiana
Purchase Exposition in Saint Louis. At the exposition, Charles Menches had a
successful business selling ice cream in bowls. However, he had so many customers
that he soon ran out of bowls. Sad, but determined to still find a way to sell his ice
cream, he asked his friend Ernest Hamwi, who was selling a wafer-like biscuit called
“zalabia”, a Syrian sweet, to form a cone from the wafers to hold his ice cream. The
combination proved very popular and the ice cream cone was born!

68- The main idea of this passage is…………. .

a) ice cream at the 1904 Exposition
b) how bowls were used in the ice cream industry
c) the invention of the ice cream cone
d) how Syrians contributed to the history of ice cream
From the records of countries like India, China and Egypt, we know it was the Greeks
and Romans who developed and improved toothpaste. They also made significant
discoveries in the field of dental care. For example, they developed a medical device
to pull out teeth and were also the first people to tie loose teeth together so they didn’t
fall out.
69- The word they in paragraph 3 refers to .
a) people from India, China and Egypt
b) scientists
c) Greeks and Romans
d) Persians.

One of the most famous early pioneers of electricity was Benjamin Franklin who was
an American writer, publisher and scientist. He helped prove that lightning and the
spark from amber were both caused by electricity. Franklin attached a piece of metal
to a kite which he flew during a thunderstorm, while holding the end of the kite string
by an iron key. When lightning flashed, a tiny spark jumped from the key to his wrist.
The experiment proved that there was electricity in lightning, but it was extremely
dangerous because Franklin could have easily died.

70- Benjamin Franklin might have died in his experiment because .

a) it was raining and he could have become sick
b) the lightning could have killed him
c) at that time, nobody understood kites
d) a tree could have fallen on him

Reading Section 3 (7 questions) (15 minutes)

I love maps, and I am not alone in feeling this way. Maps have been important to people
throughout the history; humans have been using them in some form or another for more than
4000 years. The first known map is a clay tablet from the city of Babylon. Soon after that
came the first paper maps, and they have been changing ever since. However, the biggest
developments have happened in the last 100 years with satellite systems and, earlier in the
century, aerial views.

First, here’s a question for you. Have you ever been lost? I mean really lost, when you don’t
even know which way you’re facing, have no idea what is behind you, or any clue as to
what is ahead? For the last few years, the reality is that it’s been getting more and more
difficult to do this. Current technology now shows us everything we need to know about our
trip and the final destination before we set out on our journey. It shows exact distances
between locations and it shows alternative routes in case you have a change of plan.
Basically, you know where you’re heading. No longer will you get lost in an area, or be
surprised by something you see in the road, like a traffic jam or an accident. Satellites have
been there before you, tracking the route, providing pretty much all of the data we will ever
need. And don’t forget … it’s not just the route and the traffic on the way that is being
tracked. While we have been following the map on our phone, computer or satnav, the
device has been tracking us too. Even if we are not sure where we are, someone, somewhere
can find out.

Despite our modern maps and tracking systems, we still haven't mapped the whole world in
detail. In fact, in the early 21st century, less than 15% of the world had local maps with
enough detail for emergencies such as a natural disaster. Having no map can create
problems in these situations. For example, millions of people needed help after a cyclone in
Myanmar in 2008, but the rescue workers couldn't get to them because there were no
detailed maps of roads or hospitals. However, since then, this situation, thankfully, has
changed, and in the past few years, thanks to exciting new technology, local people have
been making their own maps, detailing features of their local area.

One way that this has happened is through crowd-sourced maps, or maps created by
ordinary people working together. Community members in more remote areas have worked
together to build maps using technology such as Google Mapmaker and OpenStreet Map.
People with good knowledge of the local area can add roads, rivers, businesses, hospitals,
routes and alternative routes to maps which were previously not good enough to help
anyone from outside the region. Since 2008, in the Google community alone, over 25.000
people around the world have worked on maps in 200 countries, identifying things that are
important in their lives and their areas. You are an expert on your area: Why not check out
some of these map applications and see what you can contribute?

These programs add features to digital maps and already users have created a level of up-to-
date detail that people didn't think was possible in some parts of the world.

71- When did people start using maps?

a. in the last 200 years.
b. over four thousand years ago.
c. in ancient Myanmar.
d. around two thousand years ago.

72- In which order did maps appear?

a. clay, paper, aerial, satellite
b. paper, satellite digital, aerial
c. paper, aerial, digital, satellite
d. clay, paper, satellite, aerial

73- What does the word this refer to in paragraph 2?

a. get lost
b. technology
c. what is behind you
d. reality

74- What do the words these situations refer to in paragraph 3?

a. maps
b. local areas
c. emergencies
d. being in hospital

75- What was the problem with the maps in Myanmar in 2008?
a. too much information
b. maps were very expensive
c. not enough information
d. wrong information

76- How many people have worked together to make maps recently?
a. less than 15%
b. over 2000
c. more than 25000
d. more than 200

77- What does the writer say about technology and where we are now?
a. It is easy for other people to discover our location.
b. We can show friends on a map.
c. Satnavs are the best way for showing our location
d. The traffic around us is always a problem.

Cloze Section 1 (10 questions) (8 minutes)

78. Drag the words to the correct spaces. There is one extra word.
complete designed people island science journey

First Mars mission from UAE

In the early morning hours of July 20 on Tanegashima, a small ………...…... just off
the southern coast of Kyushu, Japan, a 174-foot rocket roared to life and lifted a
spacecraft on the first leg of a 306-million-mile ………...…... to Mars.

The spacecraft itself, however, is not Japanese. Called al-Amal, or “Hope,” it was
………...…... and managed by the Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Centre (MBRSC)
in the United Arab Emirates. Safely separated now from the Japanese rocket, the
probe will fire its own thrusters to leave Earth orbit for Mars in about 28 days,
arriving in February 2021 to ………...…... the first interplanetary voyage initiated by
an Arab country.

“It was an indescribable feeling,” Sarah al-Amiri, the UAE’s minister of advanced
………...…... and the Hope science lead, said after the launch. “This is the future of
the UAE.”

79. Drag the words to the correct spaces. There is one extra word.
crucial activity mountain sport artificial formations

Rock climbing
Rock climbing is a sport in which participants climb up, down or across natural rock
formations or ………...…... rock walls. The goal is to reach the summit of a
formation or the endpoint of a usually pre-defined route without falling. Rock
climbing is a physically and mentally demanding ………...…..., one that often tests a
climber's strength, endurance, agility and balance along with mental control.
Knowledge of proper climbing techniques and the use of specialized climbing
equipment is ………...…... for the safe completion of routes.

Because of the wide range and variety of rock ………...…... around the world, rock
climbing has been separated into several different styles and sub-disciplines, such as
scrambling, another ………...…... involving the scaling of hills and similar
formations, differentiated by rock climbing's sustained use of hands to support the
climber's weight as well as to provide balance.

Cloze Section 2 (10 questions) (8 minutes)

80. Drag the words to the correct spaces. There is one extra word.
in of for to by on

The Nobel Prize

The Nobel Prizes, awarded annually ……….. distinguished work in chemistry,
physics, physiology or medicine, literature and international peace, were made
available ……….. a fund bequeathed for the purpose by Swedish philanthropist,
Alfred Nobel.

The prizes awarded since 1901, are administered by the Nobel Foundation ………..
Stockholm. In 1969, a prize for economics endowed by the Central bank of Sweden
was added. Candidates for the prizes must be nominated in writing by a qualified
authority in the field of competition. Candidates are judged by Swedish and
Norwegian academies and institutes ……….. the basis of their contribution to
mankind. The awards are usually presented in Stockholm on December 10, with the
king of Sweden officiating, an appropriate tribute to Alfred Nobel on the anniversary
……….. his death. Each prize includes a gold medal, a diploma and a cash award of
about one million dollars.

81. Drag the words to the correct spaces. There is one extra word.
because which some who may most

A fifth of the earth's land consists of dry, barren regions called deserts, empty of all
but a few plants, the hardiest of animals and ……….. wandering tribes. Life for the
desert dwellers, such as the Bedouin nomads who roam the Middle East, is a constant
fight for the survival, ……….. food and water are very little.

Little rain falls in deserts because the air is warm and no clouds can form. The clear
skies make ……….. deserts scorch with the sun's heat by day, but with no clouds to
drop heat, the temperature ……….. drop below freezing at night. Many deserts
contain huge mounds of sand called dunes. The wind heaps up sand to form the sand
dunes ……….. look like the sea waves.

Sentence Builder Section 1 (3 questions) (5 minutes)

82. Drag the words to make a sentence. Use all the words.
house if my to you

You can get take the

number 35 bus.

83. Drag the words to make a sentence. Use all the words.

a and here lot people of

There are it is
very noisy.

84. Drag the words to make a sentence. Use all the words.

helps work technology people modern to their do

Sentence Builder Section 2 (3 questions) (5 minutes)

85. Drag the words to make a sentence. Use all the words.
restauran this why
Another I love reason

apart from the fantastic food, is its amazing location near Burj Khalifa

86. Drag the words to make a sentence. Use all the words.

been call have might trying to

My friend me,
but my phone was turned off.

87. Drag the words to make a sentence. Use all the words.

and comes gets hotter summer the weather when


Sentence Builder Section 3 (5 questions) (10 minutes)

88. Drag the words to make a sentence. Use all the words.
wonderfu you
doesn’t sound that to

We could win a free trip to Spain!

89. Drag the words to make a sentence. Use all the words.

to study your own

a easier in lot rather than

For many people, it is ,

going abroad.

90. Drag the words to make a sentence. Use all the words.

give it never surfing tried you’ll you’ve

Once , ,

91. Drag the words to make a sentence. Use all the words.

avoid because can’t her in I meeting she works

my office

92. Drag the words to make a sentence. Use all the words.

because couldn’t feeling go he John was

Para Builder Section 1 (2 questions) (5 minutes)
93. Drag the sentences to the correct spaces to make a paragraph.

1 After a morning in the museum, I like to ride a bicycle around the city.
2 I often go to the ones on Museum Island, where visitors can learn about history.
3 So, as you can see, there is something for everyone here.
4 There are several museums and beautiful old houses to visit around the city.
When I get tired from sightseeing, I can sit on a man-made beach in the middle
of the city.

Living in Berlin
I live in Berlin, Germany, and there is a lot to see and do here.

94. Drag the sentences to the correct spaces to make a paragraph.

1 Hmm. I like both of those colors but I prefer blue.

2 I hope you can help me. I like this shirt, but I don’t like the color.
3 I wear a small.
4 We also have this shirt in blue and white.
5 Yes sir, I like the blue, too. What size do you need.

Shopping for clothes

Shop Assistant: Hi, can I help you?


Shop Assistant:


Shop Assistant:


Para Builder Section 2 (2 questions) (5 minutes)

95. Drag the sentences to the correct spaces to make a paragraph.

Another huge Californian tree is the giant sequoia, which grows inland near the
2 Both trees can live to be 500 years old, and some have even lived for 2000 years.
Redwoods can easily reach heights of 90 meters, and one measured in 2006, is
more than 115 meters tall.
Scientists believe that this long life and huge size is partly due to the mild
weather and high rainfall.
5 Some sequoias are so wide that roads can go right through them at the base.
The state is home to the tallest tree in the world, the redwood, growing along the
state’s northern coast.

California Trees
California may be famous for movies and for Silicon Valley technology, but it also
has some amazing natural beauty and wildlife.

96. Drag the sentences to the correct spaces to make a paragraph.

Because of this, psychologists have designed special experiments to study their

The researcher observes these reactions, making note of how the baby responds
in each new situation.
The simplest experiment is to introduce some kind of change in the baby’s
4 This could be, for example, a new noise or a space of light near the baby.
5 The baby will then react to the noise or light.

Baby Psychology

Babies are too young to explain what they are doing or thinking.

Writing (30 minutes)

Write an essay of 250 words on the topic below. You have 30 minutes.

Many tourists visit the cities of Abu Dhabi and Dubai.

What other areas outside these two cities attract tourists and visitors in the UAE, and
why do people go there?

Discuss your ideas and support them with reasons and examples.





























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