Dumy Code For Ansible

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# vim master_playbook.

#installing nginx and postgresql

- name: Updating apt command: sudo apt-get update

- name: Install list of packages apt: pkg: ['nginx', 'postgresql'] state: latest
- name: Start Ngnix service service: name: nginx state: started
- name: Start PostgreSQL service service: name: postgresql state: started

$ansible-playbook -i vyos.example.net, -u ansible -k -e ansible_network_os=vyos


ansible-playbook master_playbook.yml -f 10

ansible-playbook main.yml -f 10
sudo service nginx start

sudo service nginx restart

ansible-playbook mainplaybook.yml
#installing nginx and postgresql

- name: Install nginx

apt: name=nginx state=latest
tags: nginx

- name: restart nginx

name: nginx
state: started

- name: Install PostgreSQL

apt: name=postgresql state=latest
tags: PostgreSQL

- name: Start PostgreSQL

name: postgresql
state: started

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