Benefit and Risk: in Tissue Engineering

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Benefit and risk

in tissue engineering
by David Williams

Tissue engineering is a radically new concept for the There is an inherent, virtuous logic to tissue
treatment of disease and injury. It involves the use of engineering that sounds too good to be true. By my
the technologies of molecular and cell biology, definition, tissue engineering is the persuasion of the
body to heal itself, achieved by the delivery to the
combined with those of advanced materials science
appropriate site of cells, biomolecules, and supporting
and processing, in order to produce tissue
structures1. It specifically involves the regeneration
regeneration in situations where evolution has of new tissue to replace that which has become
determined that adult humans no longer have innate diseased or injured, the significance of which is that
powers of regeneration. Tissue engineering, however, we, as adult humans, do not normally possess this
along with some other aspects of regenerative ability. We may repair ourselves under some very
medicine such as gene therapy, has yet to deliver real limited circumstances (for example, bone fractures
successes in spite of a considerable science base and and injured skin may undergo repair) but, even when
this does occur, this usually involves nonspecific
investment in the commercial infrastructure. This
reparative tissue (i.e. scar tissue) rather than the
article addresses the underlying issues of benefit and
regeneration of the specific functional tissue that has
risk in tissue engineering in an attempt to understand been affected.
why this situation has developed. The essence of tissue engineering is that those cells
capable of initiating and sustaining the regeneration process
are ‘switched on’, perhaps through growth factors or genes,
so that they generate new functional tissue of the required
variety (Fig. 1). This may be achieved with the help of a
scaffold or matrix to guide the geometrical or architectural
shape of the new tissue and may take place on a customized
basis at the site of the injury in an individual patient or on a
more industrial scale in an ex vivo bioreactor, where the
resulting tissue construct is re-implanted into the patient.
This all sounds relatively straightforward but, of course, it
UK Centre for Tissue Engineering,
Department of Clinical Engineering, is not. In spite of a massive investment in the underlying
University of Liverpool, science and scale-up procedures, very few clinical conditions
Liverpool, UK
E-mail: are being currently addressed by tissue engineering, and

24 May 2004 ISSN:1369 7021 © Elsevier Ltd 2004 Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.

commercial success has been very hard to achieve. This technology within regenerative medicine, suffered such a
article addresses the underlying factors that are encountered setback a few years ago with deaths in the USA and France2.
in the harsh reality of tissue engineering. In doing so, the In describing potential clinical opportunities, therefore, it is
actual and projected applications are mentioned first, necessary to consider situations of wide-ranging clinical
followed by an analysis of the gaps in our scientific benefits and risks.
knowledge and a discussion of the clinical, regulatory, ethical, The two types of tissue most commonly considered in
and commercial risks. tissue engineering products and processes are skin and
cartilage. As noted earlier, skin is able to be repaired and to
Potential clinical opportunities regenerate itself to some extent. It is obvious, however, just
Whenever a new concept of medical therapy becomes by looking at an area of repaired skin that the resulting
available, it is extremely important for it to be applied to the structure, although providing a functional barrier between the
most relevant diseases and conditions, where the expected internal tissues of the body and the outside world, does not
benefits match as closely as possible the requirements of look nor feel like natural undamaged skin; indeed, it is usually
patients. For a radically new concept such as tissue scar tissue of quite different texture and appearance.
engineering, this represents quite a challenge. On the one Moreover, there are many conditions where it is impossible
hand, there are very good prospects that tissue engineering for skin to repair or regenerate sufficiently well to give a
could address medical conditions for which there are no clinically acceptable outcome. The two main conditions here
existing successful therapies and it could be argued that it is are where massive amounts of skin have been damaged, as in
on these conditions where the concept should be focused. On burns injuries, and in those situations where there are
the other hand, these applications could be associated with irreversible changes to the underlying vascularized tissue such
high risks and the emerging area, including the commercial that the skin is deprived of its nutrition source, creating an
infrastructure, could be severely damaged if attempts at such ulcer. A decubitus ulcer in the elderly (e.g. bed sores) or the
high-profile, high-risk conditions end in highly publicized common foot ulcer of the diabetic patient are good examples.
failure. The whole area of gene therapy, a similar emerging The first generation of commercially available tissue
engineering products have attempted to address these areas
of skin regeneration, with some degree of success3.
With cartilage, a relatively simple three-dimensional
connective tissue that has no intrinsic powers of
regeneration, there are a number of conditions where such
regeneration could be of enormous benefit clinically. The
articular cartilage of joints such as the hip and knee suffers
both degenerative diseases, such as osteoarthritis, and
trauma, for example in sports injuries. A great deal of
attention has been paid to the replacement of diseased joints
over the last several decades and medical device technology
has produced a very effective portfolio of procedures and
devices that are expected to give successful replacement of
these joints in 90% of patients for at least ten years4. It may
well be that tissue engineering will enable the regeneration of
diseased joints in the future, but this is not seen as either
technically feasible nor economically viable at this stage. Of
more importance in tissue engineering is the possibility of
Fig. 1 Tissue engineering is concerned with the manipulation of cells, which can be derived faster, effective treatment of small lesions arising from sports
from many different sources, in order for them to express the tissue that is required. injuries, where both of these technical difficulties are more
However, cells interact with foreign surfaces in many ways and it is necessary to provide
the right combination of signals to ensure the cells perform most appropriately. easily overcome and the economic equation is reversed.

May 2004 25

In addition, one of the degenerative conditions in the body scientific and policy makers in tissue engineering. Taking
that is becoming increasingly common and significant, from heart valve disease as an example, this represents a group of
both individual quality of life and socio-economic points of conditions that are life-threatening but declining rather than
view, is that of the spine, especially intervertebral disks. increasing in incidence and for which there are effective,
These are complex heterogeneous anisotropic structures although not perfect, treatment modalities, involving
composed mainly of cartilage and fluid, damage to which is implantable medical devices, already available and well
debilitating and difficult to repair effectively and proven. As noted in a later section, there will be profound
permanently. Tissue engineering is widely seen as a potential risks involved with the use of a customized tissue-engineered
vehicle for disk regeneration. heart valve in patients such that, taking into account the
The spinal column is, of course, crucially important from availability of alternatives, the relative benefits may never
the perspective of the spinal cord and it is well known that outweigh the risks, except possibly in some pediatric cases
serious damage to this cord of nervous tissue results in where current heart valve prostheses are not always effective
permanent disability. Nerves, whether of the central nervous in the long-term. On the other hand, with heart failure itself,
system (i.e. brain and spinal cord) or the peripheral nerves, which may involve extensive damage to the heart muscle
are notoriously difficult to repair. When soft tissue is cut, the through a lack of blood supply following blockage of one or
very small nerves within it may regenerate such that, for more coronary arteries, effective treatments are not really
example, sensation gradually returns to tissue after an available and the potential benefits of regeneration of the
operation, but there is a serious limitation to this and many myocardium (the muscular tissue of the heart) are immense.
injuries to nerves in the arms and legs are impossible to treat It has been demonstrated that the damage to the
effectively. Nerve cells can grow under some conditions to myocardium associated with an infarction (a ‘heart attack’)
produce a degree of function, but they usually need may be reversible6 and the delivery of the all-important
considerable help and guidance to do so. Tissue engineering is cardiomyocytes (the cells of this tissue) through a tissue
addressing these problems by the use of nerve guides and engineering approach has considerable potential7.
growth factors in order to stimulate the timely and effective The potential clinical benefits are wide ranging and very
regeneration of nerves5. Some see this as potentially the attractive. Before discussing the aspects of risk that have to
most important area of tissue engineering, involving as it be set against these benefits, it is instructive to consider
does the introduction of a new therapeutic modality where briefly the state of the science that underpins tissue
none other exists. Perhaps of even more significance than engineering in order to see how realistic all of this is.
injury to the central nervous system (CNS) are the many
types of neurodegenerative disease, of which Alzheimer’s and The status of tissue engineering
Parkinson’s are among the more common. These are often It may be obvious from the above discussion that there are
discussed as target areas for tissue engineering and other many potential methodologies by which the tissue
regenerative medicine procedures, although precisely how engineering concept can be translated into clinical practice.
this could be achieved is a matter of debate. It is possible, however, to identify a central tissue engineering
There is insufficient space here to discuss all the potential paradigm that describes the essential route from individual
applications of tissue engineering as it could be argued that cells to regenerated tissue. This route involves the phases of
most noninfectious and noncancerous diseases, especially cell sourcing, cell manipulation, cell signaling, tissue
those involving congenitally absent or damaged tissues, expression, possibly within a bioreactor, the implantation of
physically traumatized tissue, and degenerative or metabolic the tissue construct into the host, and its full, effective
conditions in the aged, are potential targets. It is appropriate incorporation into that host.
to use as a final example those conditions that affect the As far as the source of the cells is concerned, there are
central circulatory system, since these are the major cause of many challenges, including the most important question of
morbidity and mortality in first world countries. These all in tissue engineering. Leaving aside, for the moment, the
include heart failure, heart valve disease, and atherosclerosis use of animals as sources of cells since this practice, as part
in the major circulation. They epitomize the dilemma of the of xenotransplantation, is effectively banned throughout the

26 May 2004

world because of ethical and disease transmission issues, we factors and their concentration profile over time provide the
have two potential sources of cells: those from the patient essential key to cell behavior. It is important to note here
and those from a donor. In the former case, autologous cells, that many cells derived from normal adult human tissue may
as they are described, could be the fully differentiated cells of not be able to respond to such growth factors sufficiently
the tissue in question, that is chondrocytes to produce well in normal culture to be of any practical value. This may
cartilage, osteoblasts to produce bone, glial cells to produce be addressed in two ways, with an additional molecular signal
nerve tissue, myocytes to produce muscle, and so on. or by mechanical signals. The molecular signal may take the
Alternatively, they could be the patients’ stem cells, derived form of a gene, which can be inserted into the cells to change
from their own bone marrow or possibly their circulating some aspect of their character and increase the efficiency
blood, which have been persuaded to differentiate into the with which they carry out certain functions. The performance
required cells, i.e. changed from stem cells into the required of chondrocytes in culture can be radically altered by the
chondrocytes, osteoblasts, and so on. An interesting transfer of so-called SOX9 genes, for example9.
alternative for the future here involves the harvesting of cord It is with mechanical signaling that bioreactors and
blood when a baby is born, which is then stored at low material scaffolds are introduced. Cells do not normally
temperature until required for a tissue engineering procedure function in isolation or, indeed, within diffuse collections of
later in life. Cells from donors are referred to as allogeneic cells alone. They are found within an extracellular matrix and
cells, which could be from a known individual, but are more their behavior is regulated by signals that are passed between
likely to be obtained from a commercial cell bank, where cells cells and their matrix. One of the more important elements
from an original donor are cultured, sorted, and expanded to of this signaling between cells and the matrix involves
produce a readily available supply of standard quality cells of mechanical forces and the behavior of cells is often
the required type. These cells, and the tissue they produce, dominated by the nature of these forces through a
are, of course, foreign to the eventual hosts of the tissue phenomenon known as mechanotransduction10. In tissue
engineering products to which they give rise. An immensely engineering processes, forces can be applied to cells through
important factor here is the possibility of using allogeneic a fluid medium or by structural forces delivered by a
stem cells, which could, in theory, be adult, fetal, or substrate. The fluid medium may be contained within a
embryonic. There are many who would argue that embryonic culture vessel, which is known as a bioreactor11. In the vast
stem cells offer the greatest potential here, but there is a majority of tissue engineering processes, cells are seeded into
current moratorium on the use of embryonic stem cells for a porous scaffold within which they are provided with the
use in patients. While there are strong demands for this to be molecular signals discussed above (Fig. 2). In addition, their
made permanent with respect to reproductive technologies, interaction with the scaffold material allows for the
there are good arguments in favor of strictly controlled use of transmission of the forces from those surfaces. The vast
embryonic stem cells for regenerative therapies, as noted majority of scaffolds are made from biodegradable materials,
very recently with the successful use of such cells in the the degradation mechanisms of which are crucial in
cloning of human cells with potential in these therapies8. determining the outcome of tissue regeneration.
The issues around cell manipulation and signaling can be Once the required volume of tissue has been generated
treated together. These concern the conditions in which the through the activity of these cells, it may be implanted into
cells are grown, such that they receive the right nutrients and the recipient. This is not a trivial point, since there has to be
signals to adopt and/or retain the required characteristics complete and effective incorporation, which implies
(referred to as the phenotype of the cell) for the desired integration of the new tissue within the vascular and nervous
endpoint. This is at the heart of the scientific basis of tissue system of the host, especially the development of the
engineering, since these cells have to be stimulated to optimal blood supply through a process known as
produce the required tissue because they are not intrinsically angiogenesis12 and the control of any inflammatory or
able to do so. The signals are of two varieties, molecular and immune system responses13.
mechanical. Molecular signals are usually, but not necessarily, Bearing in mind the complexity of all of these issues, it is
growth factors. A combination of the most appropriate not surprising that, although considerable progress has been

May 2004 27

European Commission, culminating in a report on this

subject14. The following is a summary of the main issues.
The basis of the report is the perception of the need for
a careful analysis of the risk-benefit equation whenever a
new concept of medical therapy is introduced into health
care practice, such that this analysis can inform the
development of regulatory control and clinical
It is, of course, necessary to put this into perspective.
Tissue engineering does not carry the same level of risk as
xenotransplantation since the risks are confined to the
patients themselves and not to the community at large, as
may be the case when live, potentially infectious animal
cells are used. It may also be argued that tissue engineering
could be associated with less risk than conventional medical
devices or medicinal products, since the latter are mass-
produced and the hazards related to defective products or
unforeseen mechanisms can affect thousands of patients.
Tissue engineering is essentially a customized process that,
although involving some commercial components, is
directed towards individual patients, minimizing the scale of
the hazard.
On the other hand, tissue engineering, as with cell and
gene therapy, involves the manipulation of live cells and the
interaction of these cells with substrates and biomolecules in
Fig. 2 Scaffolds, in this case a hyaluronic acid based material, may be of many different
forms, including fibrous structures. The physical and chemical characteristics of the unusual circumstances, leading to the possibilities of
scaffold control how cells behave and how they express the new tissue.
contamination, process errors, and as yet unknown cell-
made in a short period of time, there are still many scientific substrate interactions that could have serious consequences.
issues to resolve. Among the most important of these are the The analysis of risks and benefits has to take into account the
questions that surround autologous cell expansion, the fact that some applications carry very high risks for the
maintenance of their phenotype, and the optimization of patient but address immensely important clinical conditions,
their efficiency through gene transfection, the development while others are aimed at non-life-threatening conditions for
of effective nonviral vectors for gene transfection, the control which there are already adequate treatment methods
of differentiation of stem cells in the abnormal environment available. In other words, both risks and benefits vary
of bioreactors, the control of tissue regeneration in considerably. The nature of these risks to patients may be
cocultured heterogeneous anisotropic systems, the enumerated and summarized as follows:
optimization of mechanotransduction, the procedures of • Microbiological contamination associated with source
immunomodulation with allogeneic cell-derived products, the materials, including the possibility of latent viruses, which
optimization of vascularization and angiogenesis, the control may give rise to infectious diseases. This may have to be
of inflammation during incorporation into the host, and the addressed by the exclusion of certain types of donor for
determination of the functionality of regenerated tissue. allogeneic products and the archiving of source material
will be important.
The general position relating to risk • Disease transmission, where some disease states such as
The questions of risk associated with tissue engineering have cancer, blood disorders, and genetic conditions will have to
recently been discussed in detail by a committee of the be considered.

28 May 2004

• Contamination associated with the production process, Final comment

generally of low risk and addressed by standard operating The combination of risks identified above contributes to the
procedures and quality systems. uncertainty that currently exists with respect to the
• The delivery of unwanted cells, especially in coculture commercial and clinical exploitation of tissue engineering.
situations, resulting in ineffective products. It should be noted that, during the last decade, a number of
• The risk of mix-ups, especially with the use of autologous companies have been formed with the objective of
cells and the delivery of the resulting tissue to the wrong commercializing tissue engineering and at one time
recipient. investment in these companies looked attractive. However,
• Risks associated with the modification of cells during the that tide has profoundly turned and there have been a
processes of cell amplification or differentiation, especially number of high profile bankruptcies and changes in company
those involving genetic manipulation. positions over the last few years, with little hope of
• Risks inherently associated with the scaffold and with as recovering initial investments. Two fundamental issues are at
yet unknown cell-scaffold interactions. It has to be said play here16. On the one hand, the research and development
here that the development of scaffold materials has costs are extremely high. On the other, there is little prospect
tended to follow on from the applications of materials in of these companies being able to sell their products and
implantable medical devices, which is not necessarily the processes for a reasonable sum. Even when they are in the
best approach. There are still many risks of market, the treatments are usually labeled ‘investigational’ or
underachievement with respect to the quality of ‘experimental’, which means that the treatments may not be
regenerated tissue because of failures to understand the reimbursable under most insurance schemes. The question
specific biocompatibility requirements of tissue arises as to whether tissue engineering will ever be deemed
engineering scaffolds15. cost effective. It is likely, for example, that the cost of
• Risks associated with the achievement of sterility of the treating diabetic foot ulcers through a tissue engineering
final product, which may be a complex combination of approach will run into the tens of thousands of dollars. The
cells, materials, and biologically active agents. cost of alternative treatments, i.e. keeping the wound clean
• Risks associated with the potential toxicity of and applying wound dressings, may amount to a few dollars
cryopreservatives, process additives, and other residues, as per week. We have, therefore, a situation in which the costs
well as patient-specific responses such as allergies to of the development of tissue engineering and regenerative
antibiotics or other substances. medicine will have pharmaceutical dimensions, but with
• Risks associated with the performance of the final product. rewards that will be similar to those associated with the
There are risks that the regeneration process may not conventional medical devices they are replacing. The dilemma
yield tissue with adequate mechanical or physical is easy to see. The solutions lie within a complex array of
properties, which could result in life-threatening technological, political, and socio-economic factors, the
situations, for example with tissue-engineered blood evolution of and interaction between which will be
vessels or valves. interesting to watch over the next few years. MT

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