English Exam Normal Session-Spring 2019-2020: Name: Student Number

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Part 1

English Exam

Normal Session- Spring 2019-2020


Student Number:

I. Underline the correct tense of the verb

1. Where is Danny? - He is playing/ plays tennis.

2. Jimmy is practicing/ practices tennis every Saturday afternoon.

3. I am going/ go to the cinema most weekends.

4. I am going/ go home now. Goodbye!

5. My friends and I am watching/watch a lot of movies.

6. Rickie and I am liking/ like to talk together. Right now we are talking/talk about work.

7. James usually is eating/eats toast for breakfast, but today he is eating/eats eggs.

8. My cousin is living/ lives in France. I am living/ live in Morocco.

9. Mom is cooking/ cooks dinner tonight. Are you wanting/ do you want to eat with us?

10. I am reading/ read a new book every week.

II. Find the 20 mistakes in the text and fill the table with the corrected forms
Part 1

III. Complete the sentences with the correct adverb of frequency “Always, Rarely, Never,

Sometimes, Often”

1. I seldom visit my relatives, so I … …………… see my uncle John.

2. I’m never late for our English class, I’m ………………… on time.

3. James goes to the beach only once a year. He ……………..……… goes to the beach.

4. I ………………… eat junk food because I know it’s not very healthy.

5. We ………..……… go to the gym to exercise, maybe two or three days a week.

6. I …………..…… watch cartoons because I hate. News shows are much better.

7. He’s never angry. He ……….…… has a smile on his face

8. He almost never sees a doctor because he is …….……… sick.

9. I went to a restaurant last week, but I ……..……… eat at home.

Part 1

10. They …….……… go to bed early because they always get up early.

IV. Fill the gap with the correct form of “going to” or “will”
Don’t forget the verb “to be” before “going to”

1. “Why is Shella getting a passport?” “She ___..................live in Spain for a year

2. I know she …………………. agree with this idea.

3. I think the film ……………………….be a big success.

4. “Is that your new stereo?” “Yes, but it doesn’t work. I …………………..to take it

back to the shop!”

5. I think the exam __________..............be easy.

6. “I see Hannah and Peter together a lot.” “ Yes, they __.______________get married”

7. You ______....................probably have a really good time.

8. The dog looks ill. I think it ______--------------__________________be sick.

9. The window cleaner -------------------------come at 8 tomorrow

10. I am sure that you ………………. to like our new house

V. Read the text and fill the gaps with the correct conjunction then answer the comprehension
a. Fill the gaps with “And, Because, So, But”

My job is a long distance from my home, almost 50 miles away. I have to wake up early every

morning, as I’m always in a rush. There’s never enough time for a relaxed breakfast

___............____ I rarely have enough time. At exactly 6:00 AM, I get into my car __...............

I start the long drive.

I usually like driving on the highway more than in the city. During the morning rush hour,

though, it’s not very enjoyable. The heavy traffic is a little bit annoying, ___...____ I always
Part 1

listen to my favorite classical music CD’s in the car – Chopin, Mozart, and Bach. That cheers

me up a lot.

The drive to work takes about one hour. My drive back home in the evening after work takes

even longer, maybe around 70 minutes. Lately I’ve been thinking about trying to take the train

to work instead of driving, ___..___ I will have to wake up even earlier for that. That way

however, I could still listen to my music with headphones, and even read a novel at the same

time on my way to and back from work.

b. Underline the correct answer:

1. When does he wake up every morning?
a Early in the morning b At exactly 6:00 AM
c Late in the morning d After the morning rush hour

2. How is driving during the morning rush hour?

a Not as much fun as walking b It’s relaxing
c It’s classical d Not very enjoyable

3. Which kind of music CD’s does he enjoy listening to in the car?

a Classical b Heavy metal
c Disco d Jazz

4. How long might the evening drive back home take?

a 70 kilometers b 50 minutes
c Less than the drive in the morning d Around 70 minutes

5. What else does he think he could even do if he took a train to work?

a Write a book b Sing songs
c Read a novel d Do crossword puzzles
Part 1

c. Give answers to the questions below with your own information:

1. Is your work place or school a long distance from where you live?

2. What type of transportation do you usually take?

3. Do you usually have time to get breakfast before going to work or school?

4. What music do you usually listen to on the way to work or school?

5. Do you prefer to drive your car or take public transportation? Why?

VI. Complete the text then answer the comprehension questions.

a. Use the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in parenthesis.

I went on holiday last year but it was a disaster! My hotel room was _____________ (small)

than the one in the photograph in the brochure. I think it was the____________________

(small) room in the hotel. The weather was terrible too. It was the ______________________

(cold) in England. The beach near the hotel was very dirty – it was ___________________

(dirty) than all the beaches on the island. Other beaches were _________________ (clean)

than the hotel one but they were far away. The food was ______________________

(expensive) than I prepared for and I didn’t have enough money.

One day I went shopping in the ____________ (big) department store in the island and I

broke a vase. It was the __________________ (expensive) vase in the whole shop. But

the______________ (bad) thing all was that I lost my passport and I couldn’t go back home.

It was the ____________ (horrible) holiday in all my life.

Part 1

b. Answer the questions in full sentences

1. When did the author go on holiday?

2. How was the beach near the author’s hotel?

3. Did the author have enough money for food at the hotel?

4. What happened to the author in the department store?

5. Did the author enjoy the holiday?

VII. Put the paragraphs below in the correct order to make a text:

1. B 4.
2. 5.
3. 6.
A. [The second step of the scientific method is the question being researched, the hypothesis.
It is the question that is turned into a statement about an event or object the scientist would
like to research. A good hypothesis includes three things: The explanation for the
observations, it is able to be tested by other scientists, and it will usually predict new
outcomes or conclusions. The scientist observing the spider building the web may have a
question about the strength of the web.]

B. [The basic scientific method includes the steps scientists use and follow when trying to
solve a problem or prove or disprove a theory. The methods are used by scientists all over the
world. This is done so scientists can work together to solve some of the same problems.]
Part 1

C. [There are usually five steps which are a part of the scientific method. The steps can occur
in any order, but the first step is usually observation. An observation is the use of one or
more of the five senses, which include seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, and tasting. The five
senses are used to learn about or identify an event or object the scientist wants to study.]

D. [The final step in the scientific method is the conclusion. The conclusion will either clearly
support the hypothesis or it will not. If the results support the hypothesis a conclusion can be
written. If it does not support the hypothesis, the scientist may choose to change the
hypothesis or write a new one based on what was learned during the experiment.]

E. [In summary, the scientific method includes the steps scientists use to solve a problem or
to prove or disprove a theory. There are four basic steps involved with the scientific method.
The usual steps include observation, hypothesis, experiment, and conclusion. The steps
may not always be completed in the same order. Following the four steps, the results of the
experiment will either support the hypothesis or will not support the hypothesis. Scientists are
always free to change or write a new hypothesis and start the four steps all over again. The
scientific method is used for simple experiments or for more difficult experiments.]

F. [The third step of the scientific method is the experiment. An experiment is a test which
will either challenge or support the hypothesis. The hypothesis will then be true or false.
Often, even when a hypothesis is disproved much can still be learned during the experiment.]

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