Structured Analysis and Design Steps

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What are the basic steps of structured analysis

and design? Explain each step briefly.
Analysis steps :
1. Defining main Processes & Entities and preparing Dataflow Diagrams (Tools : DFD

In this stage , we identifying the main requirements of the system and draw Dataflow
diagrams. DFD requires identifying these elements (External entities - Flow of data -
Process that transforms flows of data - Store of data )

We draw many levels of DFD diagrams . Each level is hierarchy that gives more details
about the prior DFD level . This process is called hierarchical decomposition.

2. Defining the Processing Rules or Business Rules or Rules Specification (Tools : Decision
Trees , Structured English , Decision Tables)
In this stage we will identify and represent business rules because DFDs do not support
control flow .
These rules have to be formulated as algorithms and/or relationships among the
relevant data elements to determine what is going on inside the processes of the
dataflow diagrams .
There are several commonly used rule specification methods : natural language,
decision tables, decision trees and stylized natural language .
3. Defining Data Flows (Tools : Data Access Diagrams – Access Maps)

In this stage , we identify how pieces of data move among external entities and
processes and data stores .

In this stage , we also detect overlap between data stores and possibly remove it . We
can solve data access conflicts (overlapping) by decomposing each data store into
independent chunks, each one having a unique key

In this stage we use direct and secondary data flows and determine data access
frequencies that are analyzed to generate a system-wide access map, which may serve
as a first proposal for the database of the information system. The Figure below shows
an example of both direct and secondary access paths .
Design steps :
1. Determine the systems architecture .
In this step , we determine the automated functions ( automation boundary) of the
information system and also manual functions that needs to be done by people . The
interaction between automation boundary and manual functions must be analyzed in
detail .The automation boundaries determine the main features of the system's
architecture . It is indicated in the figure which DFD-processes and data stores are to be
realized by which subsystem . (Delivery planning and accounting system are subsystems)


2. Determine subprograms structure (Comment : This step belongs to the previous , I just
added it here for simplicity)

In this step , we divide subsystems from the automation boundary to subprograms and
define the structure for each subprogram . This figure illustrates subprogram structure
for the Determine Delivery Plan P1
3. Refine the subprogram design
In this step , we add more details to subprograms structure to make it ready to be
directly implemented . We only choose some subprograms that need to be more
detailed .

4. Package the subprograms into implementation units ("modules")

In this step , we group the subprograms from the previous step to implementation units
. Implementation units may be one of the following (Program – Load unit – Job Step –
Job – Program System) . Packaging is done for many considerations like (commercial
considerations by grouping of program functions – Safety requirements –
Computational resources considerations ) .

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