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The Draw Backs of Virtual Private Network (VPN) and its alternatives

The VPN as we all know stands for virtual private network. It is primarily used to get an
anonymous internet provider address known as IP address. If you want to be untraceable on
the internet then the VPN is a good tool for you.
However just like all the other tools in the world the VPN has its own weaknesses, the most
common weakness is its reduced speed that is known by everyone.
The issue at hand is that when you use a VPN to get and anonymous IP address the internet
speed is reduced to less than the half meaning that you can’t get full benefit of your
bandwidth. But there are many other alternatives to VPN for example the Triofox parent
company or the VPN-less access to file servers etc.
Why people are need to use the VPN in first place:
When we hear the word VPN the first thing that came to our mind is that why would
someone need a VPN? The answer is very simple, if you are for example using your device
on an unsecured WIFI then there is a big chance that your data might be hijacked.
Meaning that all your activity or tasks that you did on the WIFI are at the mercy of the very
person who installed that unsecured WIFI that you were using so casually.
The other benefits of VPN are that it protects your browsing data, meaning that when you
are browsing while using a VPN then your data will not be saved by the server. The virtual
private network also protects you from prying eyes of hackers.
The virtual private network protects your IP address as well as your location. When you are
working using VPN the location and a bogus IP address will be used meaning that the other
won’t be able to know where you are.
The major issues of the VPN network are:
1) Non-responding VPN server.
2) Your ISP (internet service provider) is blocking the access to VPN.
3) When old VPN packages interfere with the new ones.
4) The set firewall is interrupting your connection.
5) The speed is reduced to half
So, as you can see that even though the VPN provides you with the access to the restricted
site and an anonymous IP address meaning that all the work you do on web will not be
traced but still all those issues make it handful to use.
If you are thinking that I work remotely as a freelancer or if a person working from home
can even quit using VPN then the answer is yes you can or he can. As there a number of
other alternatives that work even better than the VPN.
The most common alternatives for the virtual private network are given below
OpenWRT Method
OpenWrt method even though is not traditionally used is still a good alternative for the
traditional VPN network method. It offers a very generous solution to many network related
problems like the scaling as well as the isolation of peers to routine an entire connection to
the specific nodes etc.
It also gives its user the ability to manage their network along with a heap of additional
networks plugins like the AdBlock, OpenVPN, and even the TOR integration.
It gives the router of yours the ability to turn itself into a VPN client for any device it is
connected with.
It comes with several benefits like the allowing network admin the control over the router
itself as well as the isolation of peers and Tor integration. But the major drawback is that the
hardware that is compatible with this system is quite rare as well as expensive.
Its installation is quite complex even for a network veteran and if an inexperienced person
experiment with it, it can cause a lot of issue for them as it can brick the data.
VPN and the Isolation method = Silo method
The biggest downside or we can say the drawback of a Virtual Private Network is that it
gives the users web code to the browser means that your web code is still unprotected in
the end even after using a virtual private network.
The silo method on the other hand allows the user to use the same attributes like the virtual
protected network but keeping its speed allowing it to use the full advantage of their speed.
The biggest advantage of this system is that it doesn’t affect the speed and also keep up the
user’s privacy as it just simply doesn’t give your data to your browser.
It is cheaper than the tool or method mentioned and is way easier to use then the others. It
is not very complex like the others.
It also allows the local remote access and connecting the file servers and remote access
without the need of using a Virtual Private Network to hide and protect your privacy. It also
allows you to share your data from your android mobile to your WEB browser on your
Personal Computer.
Allowing Disaster management system for your data
The disaster management system allows you to secure your data from any sort of the
mishaps and accidents. It saves all your data on a cloud database for you and saves you from
any sort of problems.
It has a audit tracing system and is updated frequently allowing updates to come early and
advanced malware protection that protect and enhance your network and personal
It also sets up a integrated hybrid natured deployment in between the local file servers and
cloud storage that can be seamlessly converted to cloud only. Meaning that your data on
local host server can be easily sent or converted to cloud base easily.
Mobile sharing capabilities, remote access to web as well as file sharing while keeping your
old internet protocols makes it an ideal tool to use and a really good alternative to the VPNs.

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