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DOI: 10.

1051/odfen/2017003 J Dentofacial Anom Orthod 2017;20:206

© The authors

Paradigm Shift in the treatment of Class-II

malocclusions in children and adolescents
P. Amat
Qualified Specialist in Dento-Facial Orthopedics, Private Practice at Le Mans.
Former assistant at Paris V University.
“The world hates change, yet it is the only thing that allowed it to progress.”
Charles F. Kettering

In 1975, M. Chateau16, wrote that only a first stage of treatment, by rigid bimaxillary hyperpropulsion,
could correct mandibular retrognathism.
Since then, we have witnessed a double paradigm shift.
The first has seen the replacement of traditional sources of information, and their limitations, by access
to the best published data, using an evidence-based approach. It has shed light on the debate about the
treatment of Class-II malocclusions in children and adolescents, particularly on one-phase or two-phase
treatments. Can a two-phase treatment increase the amount of mandibular growth in the long term? Can
it increase the volume of the airways? Can it help prevent maxillary incisor trauma or root resorptions?
The second paradigm shift concerns the treatment of Class-II malocclusions in children and adoles-
cents. To discover that the long-term skeletal effects of an initial phase of treatment are weak and
clinically insignificant at best has been a bitter disappointment for our profession. But this new data
also led to developments in treatment. The treatment of mandibular retrognathism has given way to an
effective correction of Class-II malocclusions, which best suits the particular case of the patient, child,
or adolescent.

Balance, therapeutic decision, mandibular retrognathism, treatment of Class-II malocclusions, evi-
dence-based orthodontics

The treatment of Class-II malocclusions is technical advances, the results of scientific
probably the most widely published subject publications, the emergence of new treat-
of our clinical activity. For over a century, ment philosophies, the opinions of eminent
clinicians have been opposed to whether personalities, or the initiative of suppliers.
it is possible to treat mandibular retrogna- In 1975, among the indications for the
thism, by increasing the mandibular size in use of removable devices for the treatment
the long term. of Class-II malocclusions, M. Château and
The list of therapeutic proposals, which is Y. Le Gall16, wrote that the indisputable first
already substantial, continues to grow with choice according to them when their article

Address for correspondence:

Philippe Amat–19, place des Comtes du
Maine–72000 Le Mans–France Article received: 14-11-2016.
E-mail: Accepted for publication: 06-12-2016.

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License (,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited. 1

Article available at or


was published, was mandibular retrog- needed to reach a diagnosis. Where

nathism. can we find other information needed
Mr. Chateau15, who found a confirma- for clinical decision making?
tion of his ideas in the work of Pétro- In the 1970s, only traditional sourc-
vic53,55, stated that “only bimaxillary, re- es of information were available, all of
movable, and non-elastic hyperpulsive which had their own limitations:
devices are convenient and effective – The contents of the clinical manuals
for causing hyperactivity of propulsive could be quickly rendered obsolete;
muscles and activating mandibular – Authors ‘ opinions may not have
growth in an anterior direction. been validated scientifically;
The treatment of a Class-II maloc- – Clinical cases seen or read, could
clusion with mandibular retrognathism not account for the diversity of clin-
therefore requires rigid bimaxillary ical solutions published in special-
hyperpropulsion as the first phase of ized journals;
treatment. – The scientific press was less easi-
What is the situation today? Authors’ ly accessible, because of a lack of
opinions and published data, for exam- electronic resources (access to
ple from the article by M. Château and e-databases and online journals);
Y. Le Gall16, are often contradictory. The – The methodological quality of the
relative lack of publications in the past studies was inferior, and there were
and present can probably be explained no systematic reviews of the litera-
to a large extent by the fact that the ture.
proposed therapeutic options work Since the publication of the arti-
sufficiently well and often enough to cle by M. Château et Y. Le Gall16, a
allow for their subsequent use. So far, paradigm shift has occurred, thanks
none of treatment options have been to the access to the best published
decisively demonstrated to be effec- data, using the evidence-based ap-
tive, which leads to doubts about the proach4,61.
clear superiority of one of them. The use of evidence-based orthodon-
Therefore, on what elements can cli- tics (EBO) (Fig. 1) is easy, particularly
nicians rely on, to propose a treatment in the user mode3, with the search for
plan to his patient, which is not only the best pre-evaluated data by means
effective but also the most appropriate of the “6S” pyramid23,29 (Fig. 2).
for their individual case? Among the incessant flow of scien-
tific publications, the EBO helps us to
The paradigm shift in clinical quickly search and evaluate the meth-
­decision making odological quality, select the best avail-
able information, combine them with
Clinical decision making is by nature our individual clinical competence, and
the core of the line of work of ortho- thus deliver more effective care while
dontists and its most medical aspect5. taking into account the needs and the
The medical history, the clinical exam- situation of our patients.
ination, and the supplementary exami- It has become essential and has
nations are the sources of information helped to illuminate the debate around

2 Amat P. Paradigm Shift in the treatment of Class-II malocclusions in children and adolescents
Paradigm Shift in the treatment of Class-II malocclusions in children and adolescents

Figure 1
Clinical decision making with evidence-based orthodontics

Figure 2
The 6S pyramid of pre-evaluated data. (adapted from DiCenso, Bayley, and Haynes23).

J Dentofacial Anom Orthod 2017;20:206 3


the treatment of Class-II malocclusions The recent Cochrane systemat-

in children and adolescents, particular- ic ­review “Orthodontic treatment of
ly with one-phase or two-phase treat- prominent anterior maxillary teeth in
ments. children”66 rules out long-term effects
Explaining how to assess the validity on mandibular growth.
of the various current aspects of clinical The results of the last two systemat-
decision making for the treatment of ic reviews20,52, published on this topic,
Class-II malocclusions in children and indicate that the long-term skeletal ef-
adolescents is inconsistent with the fects of a first phase of treatment are
limited scope of an article. We will limit weak and clinically insignificant at best.
our talk to four questions for which the
EBO helps to provide answers when Can a two-phase treatment
making an informed choice of a thera- increase the volume of the
peutic option for our patients. ­airways?
Can two-phase treatment increase The prevalence of sleep ventilato-
the amount of mandibular growth ry disorders was estimated to be 6%
in the long run? among adolescents, and these disor-
ders are associated with increase in
Since 1879, and the birth of func- excessive daytime sleepiness, difficul-
tional treatments with Kingsley, which ties in learning in school, and the onset
introduced the expression “Jumping
­ of attention deficit hyperactivity disor-
the bite” and recommended treating der (ADHD)33.
mandibular retrognathism with forced Mandibular retrognathism was iden-
mandibular propulsion, countless types tified as one of the predisposing fac-
of functional devices, and t­herapeutic tors of SVD37. It is associated with
modalities have been proposed. Al- a constriction of the oropharyngeal
though many publications18,43,69 have pathways, which could be explained
reported mandibular extension higher by a more pronounced position of the
than those of untreated subjects after tongue base and the hyoid bone.25,48
a functional treatment phase without
the respective contributions, the treat-
ment has been applied and favorable
growth has been clearly established.
On the other hand, long-term studies
on the treatment of Class-II malocclu-
sions showed that if mandibular growth
could be greater than that of untreated
subjects during the functional treat-
ment phase, it then declined. Only the
rate of growth, not its quantity, seems
a b
to be modified22,46 (Fig. 3a and b,
Fig.  4a–d, Fig. 5a and b, Fig.  6a–c, Figure 3
Fig. 7a–c, Fig. 8a–c, Fig. 9a and b). Case No. 1. Frontal (a) and profile
(b) portraits before treatment.

4 Amat P. Paradigm Shift in the treatment of Class-II malocclusions in children and adolescents
Paradigm Shift in the treatment of Class-II malocclusions in children and adolescents

a b c

Figure 4
Intraoral views; right vestibular (a), frontal (b), left (c), and low-angle (d) views before
­treatment. The patient, aged 8 years 2 months, has a Class-II, Division 1, with full molar
and canine Class-II and a 13-mm overhang.

a b

Figure 5
Profile (a) and panoramic (b) teleradiography before treatment. The ­patient
­presents a skeletal Class-II with maxillary prognathism, mandibular
­retrognathism and anterior vertical deficiency.

a b c

Figure 6
Right (a), front (b), and left (c) vestibular views of the fully individualized therapeutic setup
on the SAM II articulator, which was used to manufacture the elasticated attachments
(Laboratoire France Élastodontie®).

J Dentofacial Anom Orthod 2017;20:206 5


a b c

Figure 7
Vestibular Right (a), front (b), and left (c) intraoral views, showing the correction obtained
at the end of the two-phase treatment, initially with a quad-helix and Class-II corrector6,
then orthodontically with multibracket bimaxillary elasticated device. The port of the elas-
ticated attachment will allow the gradual correction of the excess coronolingual torque of
the maxillary canines.

a b c

Figure 8
Face (a), profile (b), and three-quarter (c) portraits at the end of the
two-phase treatment.

a b

Figure 9
Profile (a) and panoramic (b) teleradiography, at the end of the two-phase

6 Amat P. Paradigm Shift in the treatment of Class-II malocclusions in children and adolescents
Paradigm Shift in the treatment of Class-II malocclusions in children and adolescents

Clinical studies show that functional

device therapy increases the volume
of the oropharyngeal pathways and the
anteroposterior position of the hyoid
bone, and helps patients with Class-II
malocclusions 32,58,68,70. (Fig. 10a and b,
Fig. 11, Fig. 12).
If these results seem to be inter-
esting, can it be said that they could
contribute to the treatment of patients

Figure 12
Profile teleradiography after the first
treatment phase, by quad-helix and a
Class-II corrector6. Note the anterior
increase in the retrobasilingual space,
partially related to the cephalic recov-
ery observed on this teleradiography.

a b
suffering from obstructive sleep apnea
Figure 10
(OSA) syndrome? A recent systematic
Case no. 2. Profile Portraits (a) before review is weakly affirmative30.
treatment and (b) after the first phase of The last Cochrane systematic re-
the two-phase treatment. view14, which represents the highest
level of evidence currently available on
this issue, was unable to conclude on
the effectiveness or inefficiency of the
use of functional devices for the treat-
ment of OSA in children.

Does a two-phase treatment help

to prevent trauma to the axillary
In children and adolescents, dental
trauma represents an important public
health problem, with a prevalence of
15%–30%, and, if untreated, they are
Figure 11
Profile teleradiography before responsible for a deterioration of the
treatment. A patient aged 8 years 3 patient’s quality of life28.
months has a skeletal Class-II with Several studies have shown the exist-
maxillary prognathism and mandibu- ence of a positive correlation ­between
lar retrognathism.

J Dentofacial Anom Orthod 2017;20:206 7


the frequency of incisor trauma, the in- the odds ratio was 0.59, with a con-
crease of incisor overhang, and labial fidence interval of 0.35–0.99, which
incompetence13,49. means that in the group of children
Their conclusions have since been treated early on by functional devic-
strengthened by the publication of a es, the risk of trauma was 41% lower
systematic review and meta-analysis, than that of patients treated in a single
devoted to the association between
­ phase of treatment in adolescence.
dental trauma and increased incisor
overhang56. Its results show a double Does a two-phase treatment help
risk of trauma to the maxillary inci- prevent root resorption?
sors, whose overhang is greater than
3–4 mm, among subjects. The Cochrane systematic review on
It may therefore seem relevant to “Orthodontic treatment of prominent
want to prevent the trauma of the max- anterior maxillary teeth in children”66
illary incisors by a first phase of early concludes that, apart from the decrease
treatment, which is confirmed by the in the prevalence of incisor trauma,
Cochrane systematic review “Ortho- there are no advantages to conducting
dontic treatment of prominent anterior treatment in two phases compared to
maxillary teeth in children”66. a single-phase treatment in early ado-
The authors conclude a significant lescence.
decrease in the prevalence of incisor This conclusion may surprise clinicians
trauma, when the correction of an in- because of the positive correlations be-
creased incisor overhang is obtained by tween the prevalence and severity of
a first phase of treatment in the child, root resorptions, the importance of in-
compared to a treatment conducted in cisor apex displacement, and the dura-
a single phase in early adolescence. tion of this displacement26,41,67.
In particular, when the first phase A retrospective study11, certainly of
of treatment was using functional de- lesser methodological value than the
vices (Fig. 13a–c, Fig. 14a–d, Fig. 15, Cochrane systematic review66, com-
Fig. 16, Fig. 17a–d, Fig. 18a–c, Fig. 19), pared the prevalence of incisor root

a b c

Figure 13
Case No. 3. Face (a), profile (b), and smile (c) portraits, before

8 Amat P. Paradigm Shift in the treatment of Class-II malocclusions in children and adolescents
Paradigm Shift in the treatment of Class-II malocclusions in children and adolescents

a b c

Figure 14
Right vestibular (a), frontal (b), Left (c), and low-angle (d) intraoral views before treatment.
The patient, aged 9 years 7 months, has a Class-II, Division 1, with full canine Class-II and
a 10-mm overhang. The first maxillary and mandibular molars were extracted for
endodontic reasons.

Figure 16
Panorama before processing. The absence
of the first maxillary and mandibular molars,
extracted for endodontic reasons, is noted.
Figure 15
Profile teleradiography before treatment.
The patient presents a skeletal Class-II with
a slight maxillary prognathism, a mandibular resorption (EARR), amplitude of the
retrognathism, a short ramus and a short incisor overhang reduction and du-
mandible. ration of the multiattachment treat-
ment phase;
r­esorptions after treatment in one or – The possibility of decreasing the
two phases. likelihood of EARR by performing an
These authors conclude: initial first stage of treatment, which
– The existence of a significant asso- decreases the magnitude of the
ciation between external apical root overhang of Class-II malocclusions.

J Dentofacial Anom Orthod 2017;20:206 9


a b c

Figure 17
Right vestibular (a), front (b), Left (c), and low-angle (d) views, showing the correction
obtained at the end of the first phase of the two-phase treatment (initial phase with max-
illary harmonization by multibracket partial maxillary then Class-II corrector6, followed by a
second phase with a bimaxillary and multibracket elasticated device.

a b c

Figure 18
Face (a), profile (b), and three-quarter (c) portraits at the end of the
first phase of the two-phase treatment.

The results of this study are par- a prevalence of EARR of 20%, which is
ticularly enlightening. A prevalence of 2–4 times higher.
EARR of 5% or 11% was observed in An explanation, proposed by the au-
children treated in two phases, with a thors, would be that in children who
first phase conducted, respectively, by have benefited from a first phase of
functional device or extraoral force. The early treatment, the incisor overhang
treated patients, in a single phase with corrected with a multiattachment de-
a multiattachment treatment, showed vice was less significant.

10 Amat P. Paradigm Shift in the treatment of Class-II malocclusions in children and adolescents
Paradigm Shift in the treatment of Class-II malocclusions in children and adolescents

a b

Figure 20
Case No. 4. Frontal (a) and profile (b) por-
Figure 19 traits before treatment.
Profile teleradiography at the end of the
first phase of the two-phase treatment.
and advise them of a first phase of
It should be noted that the cur- treatment in case of increased incisor
rent absence of evidence, to which overhang (Fig. 20a and b, Fig. 21a–d,
the Cochrane systematic review66 Fig. 22, Fig. 23a–d, Fig. 24a and b, Fig.
concludes, does not mean definitive
­ 25), especially because marked risk fac-
evidence of absence. Clinicians can tors of EARR are present. This mode of
simply explain this to their patient and operation is precisely that of clinical de-
their family, make them benefit from cision making with the evidence-based
their individual clinical competence orthodontics (EBO)2,4.

a b c

Figure 21
Right vestibular (a), front (b), left (c), and low-angle (d) intraoral views before treatment. The
patient aged 10 years 5 months, has a Class-II, Division 1 malocclusion, with Class-II molar
and canine malocclusions and an 8-mm overhang.

J Dentofacial Anom Orthod 2017;20:206 11


Figure 22
Profile teleradiography before treatment. The patient presents a skeletal Class II with maxillary
prognathism and mandibular retrognathism.

a b c

Figure 23
Right vestibular (a), front (b), left (c), and low-angle (d) intraoral views, showing the
correction obtained at the end of the first phase, with quad-helix and a Class-II corrector6,

of the two-phase treatment.

a b

Figure 24
Face (a) and profile (b) portraits at the end of the first phase of a two-phase treatment.

12 Amat P. Paradigm Shift in the treatment of Class-II malocclusions in children and adolescents
Paradigm Shift in the treatment of Class-II malocclusions in children and adolescents

Figure 25
Profile teleradiography, at the end of the first phase of two-phase treatment.


The paradigm shift in clinical decision of Fig. 3-9), the correction of a man-
making, when taking into account the dibular retrognathism appears to be
results of the best published data, has a more ambitious objective. Can it be
as a practical consequence, a paradigm achieved, with what device and thera-
shift in the treatment of Class-II maloc- peutic sequence? These questions are
clusions in children and teenagers. at the heart of a controversy that still
exists in our profession.
Abandonment of treatment of The debate started in 1879, which
mandibular retrognathism by saw the birth of functional treatments
­functional device with Kingsley. At the beginning of the
last century, Pierre Robin59 advocated
Most patients with Class-II malocclu- clearing the vital crossroads by wear-
sions exhibit mandibular retrognathism, ing a monobloc. This device achieves a
rather than maxillary ­prognathism44,47. transverse expansion of the arches and
It seems medically relevant to target maintains the mandible and tongue in
our therapeutic action on the precise an advanced position. Its indication is
cause of the dysmorphisms, and there- the treatment of glossoptosis, a con-
fore to favor the reduction of the man- dition where mandibular retrognathism
dibular retrognathism. If the correction is just one of the symptoms.
of a molar Class-II malocclusion and In 1946, Brodie12 affirmed the genet-
an incisor overhang does not pose ic predetermination of irradiated and
any particular difficulties46 (Case no. 1 proportionate facial growth, according

J Dentofacial Anom Orthod 2017;20:206 13


to a facial pattern. Orthodontic treat-

ment cannot alter skeletal disharmony
persists, without improving or wors-
ening. Orthodontic treatments correct
­Class-II malocclusions only using den-
toalveolar compensation, and have no
skeletal effects. Although American or-
thodontists refute the role of functions
on facial growth, European practition-
ers continue to use functional thera-
The publication of the results of stud-
ies, on rats and macaques, by Pétro-
vic54,64 and McNamara31,45 has revived
the debate. They showed the possibil- Figure 26
ity of an increase in mandibular length The hierarchy of facts27,50,60.
in these animals.
However, did these data offer any
hope that treatment for mandibular Since then, although many stud-
retrognathism would be effective? ies22,46,51,71, systematic reviews20,52, and
Would it be possible to treat a skeletal a recent Cochrane systematic review66,
Class-II malocclusion with a long-term have shown the possibility of a short-
increase in mandibular length, similar term increase in mandibular growth,
to that of orthognathic surgery? The they have also established that the ef-
enthusiasm raised by the publication fects of long-term skeletal treatment
of these studies was tempered by the are weak and insignificant at best
level of evidence of studies in animals, (Fig.  27a and b, Fig. 28a–c, Fig.  29,
classified as being on the lowest level Fig.  30a–c, Fig. 31a–c, Fig. 32a–c,
of the pyramid hierarchy of facts27,50,60 Fig. 33a and b, Fig. 34).
(Fig. 26), and by the difficulty of a pos-
sible transposition of the experimental
conditions in humans. It seems difficult
to propose the permanent wearing of a
hyperpropulsor for the whole duration
of the patient’s growth, such as with
rats and monkeys, on which the stud-
ies were conducted.
Nevertheless, the thought was still
firmly anchored that only a first phase
of treatment by functional device al-
lowed the orthopedic correction of a
a b
Class-II malocclusion, by modifying the
direction and amount of mandibular Figure 27
growth. Case No. 5. Face (a) and profile (b) portraits,
before treatment.

14 Amat P. Paradigm Shift in the treatment of Class-II malocclusions in children and adolescents
Paradigm Shift in the treatment of Class-II malocclusions in children and adolescents

a b c

Figure 28
Right vestibular (a), low-angle (b), and left (c) intraoral views before treatment. The patient,
aged 8 years 8 months, has a Class II, Division 1, with almost complete Class-II molar and
canine and a 9-mm overhang.

Figure 29
Profile teleradiography before treatment. The patient presents a skeletal Class II with maxil-
lary prognathism, mandibular retrognathism, a decreased height of the lower section of the
face, and a vestibuloversion of the mandibular incisors.

a b c

Figure 30
Right vestibular (a), low-angle (b), and left (c) views of the therapeutic setup, totally individ-
ualized, directed with an Articulator SAM II, having been used to manufacture the elasti-
cated devices (Laboratoire France Élastodontie®). The apparent dental disharmony defect
is related to the demand for a slight hypercorrection of a Class I.

J Dentofacial Anom Orthod 2017;20:206 15


a b c

Figure 31
Right vestibular (a), low-angle (b), and left (c) intraoral views, showing the correction
obtained at the end of the two-phase treatment, initially with quad-helix and a Class-II
corrector6, then with a bimaxillary multibracket device. The port of the elasticated device
will allow the gradual adjustment of the occlusion and the attenuation of the diastema
between the lateral and maxillary canine incisors.

a b c

Figure 32
Right vestibular views of occlusion, end of multibracket treatment (a), therapeutic set-
up constructed with a slight hypercorrection of Class I (b), and occlusion obtained after
wearing an elasticated device (c).

Figure 34
Profile teleradiography, at the end of the two-
a b phase treatment. The Class-II malocclusion
was corrected and the mandibular incisors
Figure 33 were slightly straightened. Skeletal Class II
Face (a) and profile (b) portraits, at the end was attenuated, but the mandibular retrogna-
of the two-phase treatment. thism was not fully corrected.

16 Amat P. Paradigm Shift in the treatment of Class-II malocclusions in children and adolescents
Paradigm Shift in the treatment of Class-II malocclusions in children and adolescents

The end of the debate? not depend on the initial Angle Class—it
It must be noted that the enthusias- is observed, both in Class-I and Class-II
tic hypothesis of an effective cure for patients39.
mandibular retrognathism has given Other authors9,34 have confirmed the
way to a false hope, which has been in- existence of this differential of maxil-
validated, publication after publication, lomandibular growth differential, which
by factual data. is favorable to the skeletal correction of
Why have we not closed this de- Class-II malocclusions, whether or not
bate? Why have we not yet completely a Class-II treatment is applied.
changed the treatment paradigm? Why In a Class-II patient, in the absence
are we still talking about a treatment of treatment, occlusal meshing and
for mandibular retrognathism, and not, labial-lingual interposition, prevent the
simply, a correction of a Class-II maloc- excess of mandibular growth from
clusion? Some of the explanations can participating in the correction of the
be found in simple facts: ­Class-II occlusion8.
– One is the persistence of the erro- This excess mandibular growth
neous belief that multiattachment leads, in fact, to a mesialization of the
devices, unlike functional devices, maxillary dental arch, giving the clin-
can only treat a Class-II malocclusion ical illusion that growth has no effect
with dentoalveolar compensation, on Class-II patients. This is the phe-
and possibly by maxillary retraction nomenon of dentoalveolar compensa-
when the treatment is coupled with tion42, 63. On average, the maxillary den-
the use of an extraoral force; tal arch is mesial by an amount equal to
– Another is the apparent stability of the excess mandibular growth34.
Class-II malocclusions, which, if un- In a Class-II patient, if functional
treated, do not appear to be mitigat- therapy is applied, the mandible is
ed by growth19,38. This widespread maintained in Class-I occlusion, while
clinical observation casts doubt on a growth catchup35 eliminates the oc-
the clinicians’ mistaken belief that clusion of convenience induced by the
mandibular growth may make a fa- therapy. This catching up of growth
vorable contribution to Class-II cor- ­occurs without any maxillary dentoal-
rection. veolar compensation38. The function-
– These facts do not in any way chal- al device prevents the maxillary arch
lenge the published data and the from advancing.
aforementioned conclusion of the In a Class-II patient, if a single-phase
debate. They are simply explained multibracket treatment is applied, the
by the phenomenon of dentoalveo- belief persists that this treatment can-
lar compensation42,63. not improve skeletal shift. In fact, in this
case too, the growth of the mandible
The dentoalveolar compensation exceeds that of the maxilla. For exam-
phenomenon ple, nine times out of 10 in a study by
Björk and Skieller have shown that, Johnston LE Jr36, who writes that it is
for most patients, mandibular growth necessary to “give Caesar what is Cae-
is greater than maxillary growth10. This sar’s” and recognize the involvement of
maxillofacial growth differential does the different maxillomandibular growth

J Dentofacial Anom Orthod 2017;20:206 17


in the correction of Class-II malocclu- However, a treatment process, for

sions, regardless of the treatment de- example the one chosen for the case
vice used. No. 1 (Fig. 3–9), can certainly be effec-
tive, but was it the most appropriate?
Which Class-II malocclusion treat- Was it the one which best met our
ment, is most appropriate for a therapeutic objectives and the con-
child or adolescent individual? cerns and preferences of our patient
and their family?
The daily clinical experience of prac- Answering this question requires de-
titioners shows that the correction fining individual decision-making fac-
of a Class-II shift in children and ado- tors in the patient’s specific case. This
lescents can be effectively achieved description would require development
through a large number of therapeutic that is inconsistent within the limited
modalities. They vary from the use of scope of this article. Our main current
functional devices1, possibly associat- clinical decision-making factors—ana-
ed with auxiliaries40, to orthognathic tomical, risk, psychosocial and external
surgery, including, among others, the factors—are grouped together in a dia-
distalization of the maxillary arch with gram (Fig. 35).
the use of extraoral or bone anchors or We will limit ourselves to address-
compensatory extractions. ing a few clinical issues and cases,
which would enable us to illustrate

Figure 35
Key factors in clinical decision making for the treatment of Class-II malocclusions in children
and adolescents.

18 Amat P. Paradigm Shift in the treatment of Class-II malocclusions in children and adolescents
Paradigm Shift in the treatment of Class-II malocclusions in children and adolescents

the ­paradigm shift in the treatment of first maxillary molars, extracted for
Class-II malocclusions in children and endodontic reasons), and a Class-II
adolescents. corrector6.
Case No. 7 (Fig. 43), less favorable,
Maxillary prognathism or mandibular was treated with a bimaxillary multiat-
retrognathism: the same treatment? tachment and elasticated device. He
Even if the disillusion is great, it is required the extraction of the second
necessary to accept the conclusions maxillary premolars seconds and the
of the published data22,46,51,71,20,52,66. For first mandibular premolars, and orthog-
most children and adolescents with nathic surgery, with an Epker advanced
Class-II malocclusions, mandibular mandible, and a height reduction and
growth will be clinically similar, wheth- projection genioplasty.
er or not these patients are treated7 This data does not exempt clinicians
with functional devices or multiat- from the delicate appreciation of the
tachments with or without the use of mandibular growth potential17,21 and the
­extraoral or bone anchors or compen- possible need for orthognathic surgery.
satory extractions. Cases 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, had skele-
It does not matter, then, that ­Class-II tal Class-II malocclusions with various
malocclusions are mainly dental or characteristics, respectively:
skeletal and show signs of maxillary – Case 1: Maxillary prognathism, man-
prognathism or mandibular retrogna- dibular retrognathism, and anterior
thism, our therapeutic field of action is vertical deficiency;
ultimately almost the same36. – Case 2: Maxillary prognathism and
For example, if a skeletal Class II is mandibular retrognathism;
related to maxillary prognathism, the – Case 3: A slight maxillary progna-
use of a functional device (Fig. 36a–c, thism, a mandibular retrognathism, a
Fig. 37a–d, Fig. 38, Fig. 39a–d, Fig. short ramus, and a short mandible;
40a–d, Fig. 41a–c, Fig. 42) is as rele- – Case 4: Maxillary prognathism and
vant as that of an orthopedic device to mandibular retrognathism;
inhibit maxillary growth.

a b c

Figure 36
Case No. 6. Face (a), profile (b), and three-quarter (c) portraits
­before treatment.

J Dentofacial Anom Orthod 2017;20:206 19


a b c

Figure 37
Right vestibular (a), frontal (b), left (c), and low-angle (d) views before treatment. The
patient, aged 9 years 5 months, has a Class-II, Division 1 malocclusion, with Class-II molar
and canine malocclusions, an 8-mm overhang and the agenesis of a mandibular incisor.

Figure 38
Profile teleradiography before treatment. The patient presents a skeletal Class-II
­malocclusion with maxillary prognathism, and a slight anterior vertical deficiency.

– Case 5: A maxillary prognathism, – Case 6: A maxillary prognathism and

a mandibular retrognathism, a de- a slight anterior vertical insufficiency.
creased height of the lower section They all benefited from a first phase
of the face, and a vestibuloversion of treatment, with a quad-helix (or par-
of the mandibular incisors; tial maxillary multibracket for case 3,
because of the absence of (a) (b).

20 Amat P. Paradigm Shift in the treatment of Class-II malocclusions in children and adolescents
Paradigm Shift in the treatment of Class-II malocclusions in children and adolescents

a b c

Figure 39
Right vestibular (a), front (b), left (c), and low-angle (d) intraoral views, showing the
­correction obtained at the end of the first phase of treatment with a quad-helix and a
Class-II corrector6

a b c

Figure 40
Right vestibular (a), front (b), left (c), and low-angle (d) intraoral views, showing the maloc-
clusion before the second treatment phase, orthodontics with bimaxillary and elasticated
multibracket device. The incisive movement, incisor overhang and covering, which have
appeared since the end of the first stage of treatment, are linked to the agenesis of a
mandibular incisor. The patient did not want to undergo the second stage of treatment.

J Dentofacial Anom Orthod 2017;20:206 21


a b c

Figure 41
Face (a), profile (b), and three-quarter (c) portraits at the end of the
first orthopedic treatment phase.

Figure 43
Case No. 7. Profile Portraits before (a) and
Figure 42 after (b) treatment. The multiattachment
Profile teleradiography, at the end of the treatment was associated with the extrac-
first phase of treatment. tion of 15,25,34,44, and orthognathic surgery
(Epker advanced mandible and genioplasty
to decrease the height and projection,
performed by Dr. Y. Heuzé).
What treatment objectives should be
given priority?
Abandoning the objective of a per-
ennial increase in mandibular length, the airways32,58,68,70, and improve any
allows us to refocus the treatment on obstructive sleep disorders14,30,65.
the achievement of other therapeutic
objectives. Which treatment device should you
Depending on the individual case of choose?
the patient, clinicians may, in particular, All Class-II treatment devices, includ-
aim to decrease the risk of trauma of ing, functional devices, intermaxillary
the maxillary incisors66, decrease the elastics, extraoral forces and tempo-
risk of root resorptions62, improve the rary bone-anchoring devices, have no
quality of life24, increase the volume of

22 Amat P. Paradigm Shift in the treatment of Class-II malocclusions in children and adolescents
Paradigm Shift in the treatment of Class-II malocclusions in children and adolescents

overall influence, better or worse, on Class-II correctors are preferred for

the mandibular growth response. the early stage of treatment (Fig. 44a–c,
If the choice of one of these devices is Fig. 45, Fig. 46a–c, Fig. 47), and also for
therefore neutral in respect to increas- later treatments, such as those used in
ing mandibular length, it is not neutral case No. 9 (Fig. 48a and b, Fig. 49a–d,
with respect to other elements, such Fig. 50, Fig. 51a–d, Fig. 52a and b,
as the risk of the appearance of un- Fig. 53).
stable dentoalveolar compensations. The patient, aged 13 years 5 months,
The strength and cost of the device, was being transferred from one ortho-
its ease of implementation, and its ac- dontic practice to another, following a
ceptance by the patient should also be shift in residence. He had a C ­ lass-II,
considered. Angle 1 Division 1 malocclusion with a
It is clearly no longer the case today 10-mm overhang on a Class-II s­ keletal
that clinicians would propose a more pattern, with mandibular retrogna-
restrictive device or a device which is thism, vestibuloversion of the man-
more difficult to implement when try- dibular incisors, and anterior vertebral
ing to find a cure for mandibular retro- ­insufficiency.
gnathism. He refused surgery, which had been
They are now free, when proposing planned by the previous orthodontist,
to the patient the various therapeutic and wanted to stop wearing the multi-
approaches, to privilege, with pragma- attachment device. Following the pres-
tism and common sense, the other cri- entation to the patient and their family
teria of choice. about the diagnosis, the various treat-
With the exception of case 7, treat- ment options, including the complete
ments in all cases presented in this ar- cessation of treatment at his request,
ticle involved a first stage of treatment the benefits and risks of these options,
with a functional device, i.e., Class-II the patient agreed to try treatment
corrector6. with a functional device. He observed

a b c

Figure 44
Case No. 8. Face (a), profile (b), and three-quarter (c) portraits before
treatment. The patient, aged 9 years 4 months, has a Class-II, Division,
with full molar and canine Class II and an 8-mm overhang.

J Dentofacial Anom Orthod 2017;20:206 23


Figure 45
Profile teleradiography, before treatment. The patient presents a skeletal Class-II malocclu-
sion with a slight maxillary prognathism and mandibular retrognathism.

a b c

Figure 46
Face (a), profile (b), and three-quarter (c) portraits at the end of the first treatment phase.

a b

Figure 48
Figure 47 Case 9. Face (a) and profile (b) portraits,
Profile teleradiography, at the end of the before resuming treatment following a
first phase of treatment. transfer.

24 Amat P. Paradigm Shift in the treatment of Class-II malocclusions in children and adolescents
Paradigm Shift in the treatment of Class-II malocclusions in children and adolescents

a b c

Figure 49
Right vestibular (a), front (b), left (c), and low-angle (d) intraoral views, before resuming
treatment after a transfer. The patient, aged 13 years 5 months, has a Class II, Division 1,
with full molar and canine Class II and a 10-mm overhang (note that the 11 is devitalized).

Figure 50
Profile teleradiography, before resuming treatment. The patient exhibits skeletal Class II
with mandibular retrognathism, vestibuloversion of mandibular incisors, and anterior vertical

the procedure and wore the Class-II device. He does not envisage any oth-
corrector6 for 6 months, put in place af- er treatment if the result obtained re-
ter the removal of the multiattachment mains stable.

J Dentofacial Anom Orthod 2017;20:206 25


a b c

Figure 51
Right vestibular (a), front (b), left (c), and low-angle (d) intraoral views taken at the end of
the treatment with Class-II corrector6. This was performed for 6 months, after removal of
the multiattachment device worn by the patient when he was transferred.

a b

Figure 52
Face (a) and profile (b) portraits, taken at Figure 53
the end of the treatment with the Class-II Profile teleradiography taken at the end of
corrector6. treatment with a Class-II corrector6

The future feeds on the past. With Mrs.  Tacail described a mandibular
his customary humor, J. Philippe advance of 1 cm as a regression. The
wrote how effective orthodontics prac- subsequent introduction of teleradi-
ticed in the 1960s was57. For example, ography and cephalometric overlay

26 Amat P. Paradigm Shift in the treatment of Class-II malocclusions in children and adolescents
Paradigm Shift in the treatment of Class-II malocclusions in children and adolescents

techniques has showered enthusiasm cant20,52,66, was a bitter disappointment

on this generation of clinicians, while for our profession. But this new data
providing them with the progress of a has also enabled a therapeutic evo-
better understanding of their real treat- lution, a beneficial paradigm shift to-
ment possibilities. ward a more appropriate treatment of
EBO has also been, and is, a source ­Class-II malocclusions to the individual
of scientific and clinical progress. To patient case of a child or adolescent.
discover that the long-term skeletal ef-
fects of a first phase of treatment, are, Conflict of interest: The author states that
at best, weak and clinically insignifi- there is no conflict of interest.

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