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Homeroom Guidance Program 12, Quarter 3

Effective Ways in Resolving Issues

Name _____________________________________________ Section ___________


Live effective ways in resolving issues that involve oneself and others.
1. Identify some of the probable causes of conflicts;
2. Explain and demonstrate the many ways of resolving conflicts in
the family, society and country; and
3. Show optimism in facing life challenges and problems.


What is Conflict?

Conflict is the clash of ideas, interests, values, behaviours or the competing

needs of two or more individuals or groups who are parties to a dispute. Conflict
between and among groups is natural, given that groups tend to be in positions of
rivalry over relatively scarce resources such as land, jobs, wealth, territory etc.

 A conflict is more than just a disagreement. It is a situation in which one or both

parties perceive a threat (whether or not the threat is real).
 Conflicts continue to fester when ignored. Because conflicts involve perceived
threats to our well-being and survival, they stay with us until we face and resolve
 We respond to conflicts based on our perceptions of the situation, not necessarily
to an objective review of the facts. Our perceptions are influenced by our life
experiences, culture, values, and beliefs.
 Conflicts trigger strong emotions. If you aren’t comfortable with your emotions or
able to manage them in times of stress, you won’t be able to resolve conflict
 Conflicts are an opportunity for growth. When you’re able to resolve conflict in a
relationship, it builds trust. You can feel secure knowing your relationship can
survive challenges and disagreements.

Causes of Conflict?

Conflict arises from differences, both large and small. It occurs whenever
people disagree over their values, motivations, perceptions, ideas, or desires.
Sometimes these differences appear trivial, but when a conflict triggers strong
feelings, a deep personal need is often at the core of the problem. These needs can
range from the need to feel safe and secure or respected and valued, to the need for
greater closeness and intimacy.
Think about the opposing needs of a toddler and a parent. The child’s need is
to explore, so venturing to the street or the cliff edge meets that need. But the
parent’s need is to protect the child’s safety, a need that can only be met by limiting
the toddler’s exploration. Since these needs are at odds, conflict arises.
The needs of each party play an important role in the long-term success of a
relationships. Each deserves respect and consideration. In personal relationships, a
lack of understanding about differing needs can result in distance, arguments, and
break-ups. In the workplace, differing needs can result in broken deals, decreased
profits, and lost jobs.
Conflict can have so many causes. It can be a minor disagreement, which if
not resolved immediately can result to a major misunderstanding or war.
At the personal level, conflicts can start from yourself depending on:
♦ how you manage your family’s affairs;
♦ how you get along with other people;
♦ how well you follow rules;
♦ how you interact with the community;
♦ how you show your love for your country; and
♦ how you deal with the different ideas, opinions, cultures, etc. of other

Different Methods of Managing a Conflict

1. Avoidance

In this method, the people involved in the conflict avoid one another.
They shy away from talking to or meeting each other. For a short time, this
style can be helpful in resolving the conflict. Why? Because it gives both
parties time to “cool off.” When they do not see each other, they become
calmer and less “warlike.” They get the chance to reflect calmly—with cooler
heads—on what caused the conflict and how it can be resolved.

2. Being understanding and accommodating

In this method, the people involved give more importance to their relationship
rather than to their personal feelings. They set aside their personal aims and
emotions for a while and focus on how they can be good friends or co-workers

3. Compromising

In this method, the person gives equal importance to his/her personal

feelings and to his/her relationship with others. What happens is that both
parties sacrifice their personal feelings—up to the extent that they can bear—
for the good of the majority. This is also called “meeting in the middle” or a
“win-lose situation.” This means that they win some and lose some. Often, not
all of their demands will be granted. Only those demands that are more useful
and urgent will be accepted. It is the company or group to which they belong
that benefits the most.
There can also be circumstances where all the demands of both parties or
persons involved can be met. Such circumstance can lead to a “win-win
situation.” This simply means that when two or more parties listen carefully to
each other with open minds, it is possible that they can realize that all of the
demands are relevant and acceptable.

4. Competing

In this method, one party proposes a solution and forces the other party to
accept it. This leads to what is called a “win-lose situation.” One party wins,
while the other loses. This happens because the parties put more importance
on their personal feelings than on maintaining good ties. It can be effective
when one party is sure that he/she is right and when he/she is stronger or
more powerful than the other. But if this style is used often, the stronger party
might become a bully

5. Threatening

Almost similar with competing, threatening is a method where one party

imposes, rather than proposes, a solution and forces the other party to accept
it. The other party has to comply with the solution imposed by the other or
else he/she will lose something valuable to him/her. The weaker party has no
choice but to follow what the other one says. This also leads to a “win-lose
situation.” One party wins, while the other loses. In this method, the stronger
party becomes a bully.

6. Confronting

In this method, both parties aim to resolve their conflict through violent means.
This method could lead to a “win-lose situation.” A win-lose situation happens
when the stronger person wins over the weaker person. However, this could
also lead to a “lose-lose situation” because:

♦ such confrontation could cause serious and permanent damage to both their
friendship and working relationship;

♦ they won’t be able to work efficiently as a team; or

♦ the other members of the group will lose their trust in the two persons



Activity No. 1: Conflicts Everywhere

Objective: To identify and understand how a small disagreement grew into a small
What you need: Comic Strip, Paper and pen
What to do: Read the comic strip carefully. Think about the questions below.
Then write your answers in the spaces provided.


Aling Basyon and Aling Siony are both market vendors. They sell
vegetables. Their stalls stand next to one another. Because they work side by
side, they have become friends.

One day, they had a disagreement. As a result, Aling Basyon and Aling
Siony refused to speak to each other. This went on for a long time. Until now, the
two are still not in good terms. Too bad! A small misunderstanding had grown so
big that two friends have now become enemies.

Comic Strip:

1. In the conflict between Aling Siony and Aling Basyon, who was right? Who
was wrong?





2. If you were to mediate between the two, how would you do it? What would
you do to make Aling Siony and AlingBasyon be friends again?





3. Is there a chance that the two women will become friends again? Explain
your answer.




When you are done, compare your answers with those in the Answer Key.
Activity No. 2: Causes of Conflict
Objective: Identify causes of conflicts that happen in family, workplace,
community, country and the world.
What you need: Paper and Pen
What to do: Think of conflicts that can happen in your family, workplace,
community, country and the world. Why do these conflicts occur? List your
answers inside the boxes below.

After you finish anwering the test, compare your answers with the ones on the
Answer Key.
Activity No. 3: Conversations
Objective: Explain and identify effective ways in resolving conflicts.
What you need: Paper and Pen
What to do: Read the conversation in the picture and determine what method
of managing conflict is being portrayed. Write your answer on the space
1) _________________________

2) _________________________

3) _________________________

4) _________________________

Author: Joanna Marey F. Mondejar

School/Station: Agusan Del Sur National High School Division: Agusan Del Sur
email address:
5) _________________________

After you finish anwering the test, compare your answers with the ones on the
Answer Key.

Activity No. 4: Read and Manage

Objective: Show optimism in facing problems and life challenges
What you need: Paper and Pen
What to do: Read carefully the situation given below then answer the
questions below. Write your answer on the space provided.

Author: Joanna Marey F. Mondejar

School/Station: Agusan Del Sur National High School Division: Agusan Del Sur
email address:
1. Mang Ambo has a serious problem, right? What can you advise Mang





2. Do you think being dictatorial is the solution?





3. What would happen if Mang Ambo continued with his plan of action?






Direction: Read the sentences below. Do you agree or disagree with them?
Write A in the blank if you agree, and write D if you disagree.

_____ 1. A conflict or quarrel happens because the people involved have

different ideas, values, feelings or aims.

_____ 2. Differences in culture or beliefs may lead to a serious conflict.

_____ 3. Two countries may become enemies when they have opposite
interests or goals.

_____ 4. For a conflict to be resolved, there must be someone neutral who will
mediate between the two conflicting parties.

_____ 5. A group or company whose members do not have conflicts with each
other and are always in harmony will always stay sound and strong.

_____ 6. A “win-win situation” is one of the conflict resolution processes

where both parties get something that they want. They usually arrive at a

Author: Joanna Marey F. Mondejar

School/Station: Agusan Del Sur National High School Division: Agusan Del Sur 10
email address:
compromise agreement where both of them agree to meet halfway.

_____ 7. A conflict in a group indicates that all its members do not have any
problems or questions regarding the principles, methods and aims of the
group. They all agree that the principles, methods and aims should not be
changed, and should remain exactly as they are.

_____ 8. A minor conflict within a group can help make the members be more
open-minded. They also become more prepared to deal with similar conflicts
that may happen in the future.

_____ 9. Only managers or bosses should try to develop skills in resolving


_____10. An accommodating person insists on his/her personal beliefs or

goals and overlooks what is good for a relationship.

_____ 11. Among the conflicts that arise in the community are disputes
between neighbors

_____ 12. To resolve this kind of conflict, both parties must try to be more
understanding of each other’s differences

_____ 13. To resolve a conflict, analyze your side of the conflict and the side
of the other party as well.

_____ 14. Being understanding and accommodating is useful when the

person has accepted he/she is wrong.

_____ 15. When two or more parties listen carefully to each other with open
mind, it is possible that conflict can be avoided.

Melinda. (n.d.). Conflict resolution skills. Retrieved April 06, 2021, from
How to Resolve Conflicts. Retrieved April 06, 2021, from

Author: Joanna Marey F. Mondejar

School/Station: Agusan Del Sur National High School Division: Agusan Del Sur 11
email address:
Activity 1. Conflicts Everywhere!
1. I think neither one of them is to be blamed. This means that both of
them are neither right nor wrong. We cannot blame Aling Basyon for
feeling bad about Aling Siony because she lost her suki. However, we
cannot blame Aling Siony either since she did not intentionally attract
Aling Basyon’s suki to buy goods from her. She was just doing her job
as a vendor.
2. If I were to mediate between the two, I will first ask each of them their
own side of the story. Then I will convince them to talk to each other. If
they agree, I will act as the mediator so as to see to it that they talk
properly to each other. I will make sure that each of them will have a
chance to talk and explain her side. I will also encourage them to stay
calm and be open-minded about each other’s explanation.
3. Yes. There is still a chance for Aling Siony and Aling Basyon to become
friends again. The two can be reconciled if they are willing to talk to
each other and settle their disagreement properly. Both of them should
exert efforts to settle their disagreement. This means that both of them
should be willing to talk to each other with an open mind.

Activity 2. Causes of Conflict!

In the Family
Disputes among siblings and between parents and children often occur
because of pride, misunderstandings, lack of respect and communication,
jealousy and many others.
In the Workplace
Disputes between supervisors and workers; fellow workers; and
company owners and workers occur very often. These may be caused by
envy; the desire to make oneself look good to one’s superiors; crab mentality
or trying to prevent others from becoming successful; and failure to fulfill one’s
duties. Tensions also arise from stressful work environments and unjust
company policies.
In the Community
Among the conflicts that arise in the community are disputes between
neighbors. Some of the causes of these conflicts are envy, lack of sense of
responsibility as members of the community, gossiping, differences in
lifestyles, and disrespect for other people’s beliefs and opinions.
In the Country

Author: Joanna Marey F. Mondejar

School/Station: Agusan Del Sur National High School Division: Agusan Del Sur 12
email address:
Conflicts that happen within the country have many causes. These may
 differences of ideologies among the different groups;
 unjust practices of the government, such as corruption and cronyism or
favoritism among government officials;
 failure of the government to provide the basic needs of the people;
 inefficient services of government agencies and institutions;
 stiff competition among businessmen and politicians;
 unequal distribution of wealth;
 land grabbing; and
 poverty
In the World
Worldwide conflicts have deep roots. These may have something to do
with the differences in ideology, history, culture, religion, and color or race
among nations. One can also look at the causes of conflicts in terms of
unequal wealth or economy, competition over natural resources, disputes over
territories, invasions, etc.
An example of this is the issue on the Spratly Islands.
The issue on who really owns these islands can lead to a lot of trouble.
Some say the islands are still part of Malaysia, while some people claim that
they are within the territory of the Philippines.
Where can the Spratly Islands be found? The Spratly Islands are a
chain of islands found west of Palawan. They lie 388 km along the South
China Sea. Thirty-three of these islands are habitable.

Activity 3. Conversations
1. Compromise
2. Threatening
3. Being understanding and accommodating
4. Avoidance
5. Competing

Activity 4. Read and Manage

1. As the leader of their group, Mang Ambo is responsible for reconciling
members who get into disagreements. He should do something to settle
the rift between Mang Kulas and Mang Teroy. If he does nothing, their
group will suffer. The fighting has already caused the decrease of

Author: Joanna Marey F. Mondejar

School/Station: Agusan Del Sur National High School Division: Agusan Del Sur 13
email address:
support for their group.
2. Mang Ambo can talk to Mang Kulas to find out his side of the story.
Then Mang Ambo should also talk to Mang Teroy to listen to his side.
Next, Mang Ambo can arrange a dialog between the two. He should act
as a mediator or a facilitator. He should find out what his two assistants
want to happen to end their conflict. He should ask them to give some
possible solutions to their problem to arrive at a compromise
agreement. This method is called a “win-win solution” where the two
parties—Mang Teroy and Mang Kulas—can both get what they want. At
the same time, Mang Ambo and their group will also benefit. Thus,
everyone will be happy!
3. Using force or power, or being dictatorial, is not a good solution. Sure, it
may stop the conflict. But it will also destroy good relations. Not only will
the rift or conflict between Mang Teroy and Mang Kulas continue but
also, their relationship with Mang Ambo might suffer. As a result,
friendships might be destroyed.
1. A 9. D. Everybody, not only
2. A managers and bosses, should
develop skills in resolving
3. A
conflicts because everybody has
4. A or will have his/her own conflicts
5. A to resolve.
6. A 10. D. An accommodating
person does not insist on his/her
7. D. A conflict in a group
personal beliefs or goals.
indicates that its members have
Instead, an accommodating
some problems with each other,
person is open-minded to
or with the principles, methods or
whatever ideas or beliefs the
aims of the group. There are
other person has.
instances when a conflict in a
group can indicate that some of 11. A
its principles, methods or aims 12. A
should be changed.
13. A
8. A
14. A
15. A

Author: Joanna Marey F. Mondejar

School/Station: Agusan Del Sur National High School Division: Agusan Del Sur 14
email address:

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