Computer Concepts and Programming in C 2013-14

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Attempt any two parts of the following : (5×2=10) Printed Pages—4 NMCA113
(a) Write a program in C that checks whether a given string is
a palindrome or not. Also give flow chart for the same. (Following Paper ID and Roll No. to be filled in your Answer Book)
(b) Illustrate the following with proper example : PAPER ID : 3589 Roll No.
(i) Mixed operands in C.
(ii) Break and continue statements in C. MCA
(c) Create a two dimensional array A, of size 5×5 of integer
numbers using pointers in C language. Then create another
one dimensional array B, of size 5 that holds the row wise
summation of all the row elements of array A, using
pointers. Time : 3 Hours Total Marks : 100
6. Attempt any two parts of the following : (5×2=10) Note :– (1) This paper is in three Sections. Section A carries
(a) A file containing the list of population of various countries 20 marks, Section B carries 30 marks and Section C
is given. Create another file in C that will contain the carries 50 marks.
population of those countries which have the population (2) Attempt all questions. Marks are indicated against
more than 50,00,000. each question/part.
(b) The following information about a Company is given : (3) Assume data wherever required.
Company_ID, Company_Name, Company_Phone, SECTION–A
Company_City, Company_Turn_Over. Create a suitable 1. You are required to answer all the parts of this question :
structure to read the above information for 100 Companies. (2×10=20)
Then list all the Companies for a given City having turn (a) What is a Data Type Modifier ? List various types of data
over 10 millions. type modifier.
(c) What do you mean by a Recursive Function ? Write a (b) Illustrate with example the entry control and exit control
loops in C programming language.
program to illustrate a recursive function in C language.
(c) What is the difference between Compiler and Interpreter ?
7. Attempt any two parts of the following : (5×2=10)
(d) What is the significance of a flow chart in programming ?
(a) Write a short note on Polymorphism in C++.
(b) What do you understand by Encapsulation ? Explain with (e) Differentiate between the logical NOT and bitwise NOT
operator in C with an example.
some example.
(f) What is a Null Pointer ? How a Null pointer is declared
(c) Write a short note on scope rules in C language with proper
in C ? Explain.

NMCA113/DNG-52079 4 2250 NMCA113/DNG-52079 1 [Turn Over

(g) What are the merits and demerits of arrays ? Explain. (f) Write short notes on the following :
(h) What is the role of Function Prototype ? Explain with some
(i) Enumerations in C language.
(i) What do you understand by command line arguments ? (ii) The concept of abstraction in object oriented
(j) What is the difference between an object and a class ? programming.
Explain with an example. SECTION–C
3. Attempt any two parts of the following : (5×2=10)
2. Attempt any three of the following : (10×3=30)
(a) Write a program in C to generate the first 10 Fibonacci
(a) (i) Write a short note on classification of computers.
numbers. Also give algorithm for the same.
(ii) Define Operating System. What are various types of
operating systems ? Also explain the major functions (b) Write a program in C to find the total count of numbers
provided by operating system. between 20 and 500 such that the number is divisible by 7
(b) Solve the following : but not divisible by 5. Also display the summation of all
(i) (11011+1100) = (...). {Addition} such numbers.
(ii) (100101–11101) = (...).{Subtraction} (c) Write a program in C to display the following pattern in C
(iii) (10111*101) = (...).{Multiplication} language :
(iv) (AAB1.C)16 = (...)10 . 1
(v) (786.5)10 = (...)2. 2 2 2
(c) Write a function in C language that takes two matrices 3 3 3 3 3
A (M×N) and B (M×N) of integers as an argument and 2 2 2
returns the two matrices C (M×N) and D (M×N) where, 1
C = A + B and D = A * B.
4. Attempt any two parts of the following : (5×2=10)
(d) Write a function in C to check whether a given number is (a) Write a program in C that prints the maximum and minimum
a prime number or not. Then display all the prime numbers
out of given any three integers.
between 1 and 100 in the main function and also give the
count of these prime numbers and their sum. (b) Write a function in C that returns the sum of all the digits
(e) (i) Write an algorithm to find the sum of all the numbers of a given integer number as an argument.
between 20 and 2000 which are divisible by 7.
(c) Write a short note on macro definition and macro calling in
(ii) An array of N random integer numbers is given. Make
C language with an example.
a flow chart to return the position of a given number,
if it is in that array; otherwise display “The given
Number NOT found”.
NMCA113/DNG-52079 2 NMCA113/DNG-52079 3 [Turn Over

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