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Problem Definition

Problem-schools should be more protected and better security so that violent acts can be stopped
and prevent unauthorized person to gain access to the compound.

Problem Description
Over the years the violence on campus has a lot which is not good. Some of these altercation has been
result in students getting suspension or being expelled because of the fact that they would carry
weapons to school which would also resulting in injuries sustained.

Most of the incidents that occurs on a school campus is just a cause of out -dated security. Some schools
are not even able to afford to get their school secured and so these school are prone to the acts of
criminal activity and lethal weapons carried on campus by students or even to say someone from

To also add the fact that the issue of school gangs is one of the causes of disturbance of the teachers
class sessions resulting in teachers having to stop what they are doing to make an effort to deal with the
many gang disputes. Teachers should be able to focus on teaching and educate the students instead of
redirecting their attention to what ever indiscipline and disruptive behavior outside his or her classroom

So their for with all-of-these advance of technology and so it should be used to improve all security level
in every institution around the world. By this being done it will the safety of everyone on that campus. In
an effort to secure the compound there should be things such as metal detectors, cameras, and even
alarms so we can be alerted if anything has happened.

A good reason to install and put all of these into action is because all these different types of technology
is being introduce into schools such as E-learning program which it has a lot of IT related devices such as;
computers, tablets, smart boards etc…introduction to these program may draw attention to people who
may want to take them away. But with the help of the technology schools will help deter criminal mind
from gaining access to school equipment.

In particular, relating to students carrying weapons to school, increasing the level of security at the main
entrains of the school is a good idea. This is being said because no one knows when someone can carry a
weapon to school to hurt another person which would be really bad for the school and the person who
carried out the act also who it was carried out on.

The introduction of information technology can help to decrease the altercation between students at
school and stop the carrying of prohibited weapons on campus. So with all that has been said with the
introduction of new technology this will surely stop the level of violence and weapons on at school.
Analysis of the Problem
So in order for me to analyze the problem being faced there was 3 fact finding techniques that had to be
used to collect and compile data on the problem faced. These were techniques such as:



Gantt Chart

Implementation Of Solution 4-Mar 7

Justification Of Selected Solution 1-Feb8

Selection Of Most Appropriate Solution 21-Feb 4

Evaluation Of Possible Solution 15-Feb 6

Identification Of Possible Solution 10-Feb 5

Axis Title

Processing Of Interview Results 5-Feb 5

29-Jan 8 Start Date
Processing Of Returned Questionnaire
Days To Complete
Construction Of Interview 20-Jan 5

Execution Of Observation 8-Jan 4

Contrustion Of Questinnaire 1-Jan 5

Identification Of Problem 30-Dec 2

30-Dec 3-Oct 6-Jul 8-Apr

Axis Title

A questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions (or

other types of prompts) for the purpose of gathering information from
respondents. A questionnaire is inexpensive and can be applicable over a large
amount of person.
In order for me to gather information from both the teacher and student 2
questionnaires were made then issued out. The first consist of 8 questions in
total, 6 closed-ended questions with short answers and 2 open-ended question
intended for the students. The second questionnaire but this one is consist of 4
closed-ended questions intended for the teachers. These questionnaires are to
be given to some of the teachers and students and to be completed. Samples of
these can be found in the appendix 1 & 2.

Observation is the active acquisition of information from a primary source. In

living beings, observation employs the senses. In science, observation can also
involve the perception and recording of data via the use of scientific instruments.
The term may also refer to any data collected during the scientific activity.
Observations can be qualitative, that is only the absence or presence of a
property is noted, or quantitative if a numerical value is attached to the
observed phenomenon by counting or measuring.
An observation was carried out on the Holland high campus over a month. Upon
observing the students in the early mornings many didn’t show signs of carrying a
weapon but they were still searched by the security guards. By observing students
on a Friday many enters the school with weapons as to say Friday was the day
most of the violence. There was one incident in which 2 boys were involved in a
fight which ended with one of them being stab and was bleeding badly then
rushed to the hospital. By doing this observation it was very clear to me that the
security guards aren’t enough to prevent weapons from entering the school and
different measures are needed to taken in hand.

A interview can be defined as a conversation in which the interviewer extracts information

from the interviewer through a number of question being asked.

 About the Job Interview. An interview is an effective tool because

interviewee may not be influence by others in the group.
 Connecting. Holding an interview gives both the interviewer and the
interviewee greater interaction between one another.
 Clarifying Confusions. An interview also helps clarify any confusions.

On conducting an interview with a security guard and he stated that most

weapons are brought to school on Fridays and the person or owners of the
weapon would try to sneak in there weapon past the security by going around the
school and enter from the back or hurry to past the security. This is why we
should try to get the metal detector at the school entrance and cameras around
the school.
Identification Of Possible Solution

After finding and using all of the fact finding techniques in the effort to evaluate
and correct the issue identified certain tool must be implement and put into use
and so they are: 1-installing cameras around the school campus, 2-implement a
fully functional metal detector system at the gate, 3-get alarms installed
The following questionnaire is being issued to collect data on the violence and
weapon carrying on the Holland high campus. please answer the questions to the
best of your knowledge. Put a tick beside your answer where needed.

1. What is your age?

           11-14   15-16     17-18  Above 18

2. Please indicate your gender?

Male Female

3. Which grade are you in?


4. Have you ever be in a fight?

Yes               No

5. Have you ever been involved in weapon carrying at school?

Yes          No

6. Would you be helping to improve our school?

Yes               No
7. Has a school fight ever interrupted your class time?
Yes No

8. If yes, explain how it affects you.

The following questionnaire is being issued to collect data on the violence and
weapon carrying on Holland high campus. please answer the questions to the best
of your knowledge and place a tock beside your answer where it is needed.

1. What is your age?

22-25 26-30 31-35 35 and above

2. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest) how often are you interrupted by
3. Do you think by Installing cameras will help this situation?
Yes.    No

4. How often do you witness an fight and needed to help stop it.

daily__   weekly ____.    Monthly_______


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