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TASK # 1

SCENARIO A: Railway reservation software was delivered to the

customer and was installed in one of the metro stations at 12:00 AM
(mid night) as per the plan. The system worked quite fine till the next
day 12:00 PM (noon). The system crashed at 12 PM and the railways
authorities could not continuously use software for reservation till
02:00 PM. It took to fix the defeat in the software.
 Your computer gone too hot...
 Your hard drive is going bad...
 Failing or not enough memory...
 First — possibly due to overheating or age — memory can fail,
resulting in not enough memory to run the computer. On the other
hand, your memory might be fine but there’s not enough free space to
run your programs. If it’s the latter issue, you can open Task Manager
to see your RAM (“Physical Memory”) usage; if it’s close to 100%
when the problem is occurring, you may try adding more RAM to
resolve the issue. The software crashes at rush hours so there may be a
high possibility that there was a massive use of finger print scanner and
the printing the tickets therefore the system crash hence the memory
went out of reach.

 Incorrect device drivers. ...

 Corrupt Windows Registry. ...
 Power issues
TASK # 2
SCENARIO B: Software for the financial system was delivered the customer.
Customer informed the development team about a mal-function in the system. As
the software was huge and complex, the development team could not identify the
defeat in the system.
As we know that the software is huge and complex so its code is much more
complex than normal once so there might be a chance of coding a condition wrong
for example coder wrote that user can not transfer money unless it is up to 1000
and cannot withdrawal money unless it is up to 500. So, there might be a chance
that user is not satisfying certain condition.

TASK # 3
What are the most important attributes that professional software developer
engineers should have?
Attributes of Software Developer:
 Knowledge of the full stack
 Ability to learn, adapt and grow
 Business acumen
 Time management
 Interpersonal skills
 Technical skills
 Intuition
 Love of learning
 Adaptability
 A positive attitude
 Embracing mentorship
 Communication skills
 Developer strengths: conclusion

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