Sales Assesment Test

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1. Successful selling is fundamentally about:

 Convincing others to purchase with the use of compelling logical information.

 Transferring positive personal belief in what I offer. (ANSWER)
 Persuading the buyer to purchase through the use of powerful statements.

2. When most people perceive they are being ‘closed’ by a sales person they usually: *

 Raise objections or barriers to moving forward.

 Reveal the real issues preventing a decision to buy. ANSWER)
 Appreciate dealing with a professional.

3. Successful selling is most importantly about:

 Finding prospects and persuading them to buy.

 Effectiveness in positioning compelling benefits. ANSWER)
 Working with my client to solve their problems.

4. To be successful in sales it is most important not to: *

 Be very persuasive and convincing. ANSWER)

 Be an active listener and excellent questioner.
 Ask for the business early and often.

5. The most successful sales people:

 Are aggressive and pushy

 Are ‘naturals’ and have the gift of being persuasive.
 Are assertive and close confidently. ANSWER)

6. The very best sales people qualify a prospect early because:

 It determines exactly who has the real buying authority within the organization.
 It demonstrates professionalism and sets the right agenda.
 The criteria, individual roles and time-frame for a successful outcome. ANSWER)

7. The most successful sales people:

 Understand that people are indecisive and therefore use proven secure timely
 Use a methodical approach for gaining understanding before moving forward.
 Establish dominance through confident body language and a strong hand-shake.

8. Successful selling is mostly about:

 Presentation and persuasion. ANSWER)

 Listening and questioning.
 Leading and closing.

9. Success in professional selling requires the following:

 Positive attitude, the right knowledge, strong work ethic and high levels of skill.
 Confidence, assertiveness and competitively priced quality products or services.
 Friendly manner, empathy, persuasiveness and assertive closing techniques.

10. When selling to a large corporate prospect the most important phase is:

 Establishing the relationship with credibility and empathy. ANSWER)

 Closing strongly when asking for the business.
 Handling objections and turning them into opportunities.

11. Buyers feel most comfortable with a purchasing decision when:

 The seller asks questions and gains an understanding of their needs. ANSWER)
 The seller clearly details all the features and benefits.
 Both

12. The very best sales people:

 Regard failure as an excellent opportunity to learn. ANSWER)

 Know that success validates their methods and techniques.
 Are confident and rarely lose business.

13. in the most successful sales calls:

 The seller does most of the talking.

 The buyer does more talking than the seller. ANSWER)
 The seller and buyer share equal air-time

14. Objections should be handled in the following way:

 Acknowledge the concern, clarify correct understanding, demonstrate that you

can overcome the concern and then seek agreement to move forward.
 Acknowledge the objection, then secure agreement that if you can overcome
their concern they will purchase.
 Acknowledge the objection, demonstrate ability to overcome the objection, ask if
they have any other concerns and, if not, ask for the business. ANSWER)

15. Buyers are more likely to be uncooperative when:

 The seller uses aggressive closing techniques.

 The seller appears to be overly helpful.
 The seller has not fully understood the needs of the buyer. ANSWER)

16. Assertive closing techniques work best when used:

 In low investment or small decision sales environments.

 To establish client commitment and uncover objections early in a large sale.
 Early and often in all sales situations (ABC of selling: Always Be Closing).

17. Being persuasive is more important than understanding buyer motivation.


18. Emphasising features can cause price concerns with the buyer.


19. Objection-handling is the most important skill in selling.


20. Advantages of your offering do not always equate to client benefits.


21. The ability to develop client needs through questioning is more important than closing


22. Assertive closing techniques increase the chances of making the sale no matter how
expensive the product or complex the decision process.


23. A sense of urgency is more important than communicating positive intent.


24. Although valuable, ‘listening and questioning’ is not the most important sales skill.


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