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Detailed Lesson Plan in English

Prepared by: Eloy, Ronnel D.

At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to:
a. Identify the elements of the story;
b. Create a story map;
c. Recognize the moral lesson of the story.


a. Topic: The Rabbit and the Tortoise
b. Reference: Best story book
c. Materials: Laptop and Projector


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary activities

a. Prayer
“Let us all stand for the prayer, James “Let’s bow down our head. Lord
lead us our prayer” thank for all the blessing you
have given to us and for the
wonderful day. Guide and protect
us in Jesus name. Amen.”

b. Greetings
“Good morning class” “Good morning teacher”

c. Checking of attendance
“Now, let us check the attendance, “I’m glad to report that everybody
row leaders, do we have absentees is present in our row.
today? (Row1-4)
(Row 1-4)

B. Development activities

1. Motivation
Yes, teacher!
Do you have favorite animals?
What is your favorite animal? Cat, teacher!
Yes, Dianne?
Dog, teacher!
How about you Jessy?
Yes, teacher!
Okay, I have here a story for you.
Would you like to hear a story about
“The Rabbit and the Tortoise”
Seat properly. Hands on the
But, before I tell you the story, what desk. Do not talk. Pay attention.
are our rules when the teacher is And listen carefully.
telling a story in front?

Very good!
(The teacher will read the story)

The story is entitled

“The Rabbit and Tortoise”

One day a rabbit was boasting about

how fast he could run. He was
laughing at the turtle for being so slow.
Much to the rabbit’s surprise, the turtle
challenged him to a race. The rabbit
thought this was a good joke and
accepted the challenge. The fox was
to be the umpire of the race. As the
race began, the rabbit raced way
ahead of the turtle, just like everyone
The rabbit got to the halfway point and
could not see the turtle anywhere. He
was hot and tired and decided to stop
and take a short nap. Even if the turtle
passed him, he would be able to race
to the finish line ahead of him. All this
time the turtle kept walking step by
step by step. He never quit no matter
how hot or tired he got. He just kept
However, the rabbit slept longer than
he had thought and woke up. He could
not see the turtle anywhere! He went
at full speed to the finish line but found
the turtle there waiting.
Moral lesson: Slow and steady wins
the race.
Yes, teacher!
2. Activity

Did you understand the story?

Very good!

Now, I will group you into 4 groups. By


But, before I will give you the task, Be quiet. Listen to the instruction.
what are our rules in doing activities? Be cooperative. Do your best.

Very good!

I have here an envelope. Inside the Yes teacher

envelope are materials that you are
going to use to create a story map.
I will give you 10 minutes, by group
leaders will present their outputs on
the board and I will check your story
(Teacher checks the outputs of the
learners after 10minutes)

3. Abstraction

As I remember I have ask you to

research something, didn’t i?

Get your notes

What is the character?

Who is/are the character on the story?
What is the setting?
In the story, where did the story (Answering)
Who can define plot?
What is the plot of the story?
Who can define the meaning of the
What is the lesson of the story?
4. Application

We are going to play word hinting; you

will be grouped according to your row
groups. All you have to do is to search
for the words inside the box as I give
you clues for every word that you are
going to look for.

Is that clear? Yes, teacher!

Let’s start!
1. A person, or sometimes even Character
an animal, who takes part in the
action of a short story.
2. The time and place in which the Setting
story happens.
3. A series of event in the stories Plot
4. Brief and narrative written story. Short story

5. Assessment

1. Brief and narrative written story.

2. The time and place in which the Short story
story happens. Setting
3. A person or sometimes even an
animal, who takes part in the Character
story, happens.
4. A series of event in the stories. Plot

6. Assignment
Research a short story and
write the moral lesson in ¼
sheet of paper.

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