108 Effects

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108 Cause Effect

(3 + 7) Intro - 50-60 words

(10) Body 1 effect 1 - 80 -100

(10) Body 2 effect 2 - 80 - 100

(10) Body 3 effect 3 - 80 -100

(7+3) Conclusion - 30 - 40

Body (Effects)

1. Topic sentence: Sequence transition word, adjective (optional), topic and

effect (noun phrase).
2. Definition/ What is it?/ Why do you say so? (topic)
3. How the topic leads to the effect (Effect)
4. Examples/ Evidence
5. Any important consequence of this (optional) - effect


Paragraph Purpose Useful Phrases


Topic Sentence To introduce the idea - The main effect

of XXX is …

1st Supporting What is it? (Definition) - Indeed…

Why do you say so? - This is because…

(background of the effect) - To begin with..

- In fact..

- Clearly,…

- Obviously,…

- It has always
been the case where..

2nd Supporting How does the - Therefore..

topic/problem bring
forth the effect? - Eventually…

- However..

- The issue is that..

- When..

- If..

(zero or 1st conditionals)

3rd Supporting Example/ evidence - Past narration

(past tenses)

- A phenomenon
(simple present or
present perfect

- a present trend
(present progressive

Concluding (optional) Impact - If we do not

realize this soon

- If.. (2nd

- Since..

- In reality

- Eventually

Topic sentence [Body 3 should start with a contrast transition]

· The first/ second/ third effect/ impact of <problem> is <noun/noun phrase>.

· The most obvious/ glaring/ apparent/ major/ noticeable implication of

<problem> is <noun/noun phrase>.
· <noun/noun phrase> is the evident/ clear/ obvious consequence of

· Another/ The next/ The final/ The last outcome of <problem> is <noun/noun

· Additionally,/ Alternatively,/ To add,/ <problems> also leads to/ results

in/generates <noun/noun phrase> .

** Noun forms

• Lack of … • <Adjective> noun

• Loss of … • Poor ….
• Reduction in … • Cultural ….
• Increase in …. • Technological …..
• Having …. • Over-
• Being…. • Under-
• Becoming …. • <verb-ed> noun
• <verb-ing>

How the topic leads to the effect + Examples

To begin with, …. However,…. For example,

First of all, …. In fact,….. For instance,

Initially, …. Gradually,…. Perhaps,

Primarily, …. Eventually,….. As we could have seen,

At the start, …. Slowly, … As an illustration,

In the beginning, … Progressively, …. A common model of this

Most of the time, Occasionally, ….

It is common Obviously,

Generally, Suddenly,

In most cases, Over time,

Any important consequence of this (optional)

· As such, ….

· The worst case scenario is that SVO

· The fear is that….

· What can be worse is that….

· Little do we realize that this…

· What we tend to ignore is that

· Failing this may lead to…

· The good news is that ….

· The positive outcome of this

· The advantage of this is

· The good thing about this state is…


General-impacts/ implications/ effects/ outcome/consequences

Positive- opportunities/ benefits/ advantages

Negative - danger/ disadvantages


Studying Abroad (Effects)

The most obvious effect of studying abroad is becoming independent. In most

cases, when a student leaves home, he gets nervous and tends to feel lost. In the
long run, this feeling of helplessness turns the student to be more self-sufficient. For
instance, the learner has to not only manage his finances on his own but also deal
with the day to day issues that he faces. At the end, he learns from his mistakes
made in a foreign land and he is left with no choice but to be independent.

(91 words)

First and foremost, the most significant effect of stress is health problems. To
begin with, students who suffer from stress will become insomniac which means that
they cannot sleep at night. When they worry about their homework or other
problems, they cannot sleep properly. This causes them not to be able to pay
attention in class. Moreover, some students release their stress by eating. When
they feel stressed out, they tend to eat a lot. Over time, this may lead to more
serious medical issues like obesity.

(87 words)

Watching television

The first significant effect of watching TV is eyesight issues. It is a

well known fact that TV emits a high level of radiation waves that are
extremely bright for the pupil of the eye. When the rays are reflected
from the monitor, the retina has to focus with great difficulty. Over a
period of time, the retina loses its strength, leaving the eyes weak while
increasing the power. If this continues, even children as young as 6 may
need to have powered glasses to improve their vision.


The obvious impact of tourism is an improved economy.

Obviously, people are constantly looking for ways to make a profit when
there is an opportunity to do so and tourism is an easy way to achieve
this. Therefore, tour companies promote their tour packages including
accommodation, tour and entrance fee at an attractive price. This leaves
the tourists comfortable to take the offer although it may be a little steep.
To add to this, local businesses also thrive when tourists flock as crafts
and souvenirs are often bought by these visitors. In the long run, all
these local industries-- from hotels to small cottage industries--
benefit from tourism.

The main effect of stealing is imprisonment. The issue is that
stealing is done without permission nor the approval of the owner.
Initially, stealing may be small that demands only a reprimand but in time
this may grow bigger in terms of both size and value. The legit owners of
say the items, money or even property will face serious losses and suffer
from the theft caused by irresponsible strangers. Since the act of theft
and burglary are seen as an unfair treatment to rightfully owning
individuals, the law protects the innocent owners by punishing the
thieves by imprisonment for the crime. In the end, this becomes a habit
to the repeating criminals who may have a previous stealing record.

The second effect of stealing is loss of trust. To begin with,

stealing is not a habit that is easily forgotten nor forgiven. When a child
steals, it is not seen as a crime as children are often inquisitive and want
to own without knowing the consequences of their actions. However,
when an adult does it, people around him do not view this action as a
childish act but rather a person with a habit of stealing. Gradually, people
start keeping things away or observing his actions. Even when they are
not around the potential thief, they do suspect him in cases where things
get lost. In other words, he cannot regain the trust of even the closest
people to him.

Using technology

Technology impacts our lives by consuming our time. To begin

with, technology provides wider options and new opportunities every
day. In the beginning, although technology seemingly provides for the
necessities of life from paying bills, communication, data storage, online
transactions; in actual fact, technology takes a lot of time away from us.
This is especially true for some of us who think we are fulfilling our
responsibilities but get side-tracked into other matters technology lures
us with. In today’s technological applications, we find numerous
entertainment sources like videos, online games, group chats, forwarded
mails, blogs, online shopping apps and news that most of the time are
unnecessary or even fake.
However, the positive effect of using technology is better
opportunities. Many of us see technology as a boon of the new era.
Cooking at home
The first effect of cooking at home is saving money. To begin with,
cooking at home uses less ingredients that can be kept for a longer
period of time. When a person starts cooking for himself, he tends to
spend less on food outside and prefers to fix a quick meal for himself at
home. For example, a student who lives away from home can save a lot
on food if he learns to make simple food like omelette, noodles or fried
rice to keep him full while saving on his pocket money. Eventually, the
savings can go into his college savings or be used for other important

Taking public transports

The next effect of taking public transport is safety. To begin with,
public transports cover crowded and busy areas of the city. If a person
travels alone, it will be advisable to use public transportation as he can
be guaranteed of proper safety to get to his destination. This is
especially important for ladies who travel alone. Indeed, public transports
can ensure the person is protected throughout her journey in the
presence of the driver and probably other vigilantes.

Studying online

The subtle impact about studying online is a decline in mental

health. To begin with, online classes are conducted with very little
human interaction and most often students are seated at one spot for
hours. Therefore, the mentally both students and teachers feel less
connected and eventually a form of mental depression rises. This is
especially true for university students who may not even be living with
their families. The fear is that these prolonged loneliness may eventually
make a bipolar or even anorexic condition among students.

Road Accidents
The often forgotten impact of any road accidents is damage to the
public roads. Primarily, road accidents happen suddenly with impacts to
vehicles and any other objects around. Occasionally, the impact is also
passed on to the roads, including the signages, lamps, traffic lights,
dividers and even pathways. The trouble is that the insurance
companies only pick up the vehicles that are involved in an accident
without considering the damage caused to the roads. Until the local
municipal council attends to it, the damages are left unattended.

Banning smoking at public places

The first major repercussion of banning smoking at public places is

that it improves the general public well-being. It is true that prohibiting
smokers from freely smoking as they wish can be seen as a restriction to
some. However, the benefit it brings about to the people around with limited
exposure to nicotine and other poisonous gases is nothing but crucial in
maintaining the health of the people around. For instance, children and
pregnant mothers who are usually susceptible to such danger can now freely
walk in the streets knowing the air they breathe is clean. What this can also
achieve is that the society becomes conscious of the dangers of smoking
when a ban is placed.

Participial adjective - ing (in progress)\ -ed - completed


Cause ------> topic ------> effect


Conclusion (30-50 words) @ 13 marks

1. Concluding transition (page 120) + Paraphrase your thesis
statement/ general summary
2. State an important effect from the effects stated (last one)
3. Opinion/ suggestion/ prediction

In summary, To conclude,

Watching television

In conclusion, the three implications of watching television that are

clearly obvious are complacency, affected vision and violence. The
worst impact of TV on children is inevitably violence at a tender age that
can tarnish their entire childhood. It is my contention that parents should
take heed and control the use of this beneficial but devious technological


In conclusion, the three major consequences of obesity are

affected movements, poor appearance and cardiovascular
problems. Indeed, the fear of increased body weight is the potential
heart attacks that can happen anytime at any age. In my opinion, obesity
is a lifestyle change issue that can be easily managed with some
improved attempts to correct ourselves.

Studying online
The final impact of studying online is health issues. In fact, virtual
classes are often conducted using computers or mobile phones.

Cause → topic→ effect

Speed → Road accident→ death


Telling Lies

From the past to the present, people have often spoken much
about the importance of honesty. This is because telling lies can stem
from desperation and the need for attention. It is, therefore, important
to look into the implications of telling lies to better understand this. The
three effects of telling lies are loss of friends, loss of trust and guilt.

The most obvious effect of telling lies is losing good friends. To

begin with, friendship is based on extreme trust and cooperation. When
people we trust most, who are our friends, tell lies to us, we feel
extremely sore and betrayed. For example, childhood friends can easily
hurt each other by the virtue of telling lies. Such lies cannot be mended
with an apology and so the only repercussion to that is to end the

The second implication of telling lies is loss of trust. Trust is a

fragile promise that is built over time. When deceit and lies surface, trust
gets shattered. This is especially true for strong bonds like marriage
which is why we notice many marriages falling apart just because of a
small lie that cannot be forgiven by the other party. The worst part about
this impact is that once broken, trust can never be rebuilt.

The second effect of telling lies is a loss of confidence/trust. To

begin with, friendship is based on honesty and love. When our friends lie
to us, we will never trust them again. For example, in their/our life,
honest people will be loved by all people. Parents can teach their
children to tell the truth from childhood so that their friends can trust
The most obvious effect of telling lies is loss of trust. To begin with,
trust is kind of the relationship a feeling between friendships or parents
with/and us. When people telling/tell lies to their friends or parents, they
will lose the/ their trust between them. For example, when a person
telling/tells lies to his parents to avoid punishment, but after and his
parents find out, they might be losing their trust to/in/on him.
The second important effect of lying is the loss of the trust of
friends. It is a known fact that lying leads to many problems, and people
close to us suffer from their effects. An example of this is when we lie to
our friends, we will cause many side problems/ ill-feelings which hurt our
friends compared to the limited gains that the lie brings. Repeating this
bad phenomenon/habit will ultimately lead to a loss of the
confidence/trust of the people we love.

The next effect of telling lies is losing/loss of trust. In fact, it is not

easy to get someone to trust you/us, but it is easy to loss/lose trust
from/of a person. Eventually, when a girl lies to her friend in many
situations, her friend may not be trust her anymore. For example, a
person, who is always telling/always tell lies, nobody can have faith in
The second effect of tilling lies is loss ^ trust. These is because no
one can trust a liar. clearly , trust is based on honesty and clarity in
relationships. Therefore, when someone feels that the other is lying to
him, he will not believe anything after that. For example (p) when a child
lies to his parents more than once, they will not even believe him or he
was/is honest because they lost confidence/have lost trust in him. The
worst case scenario is that people treat you with distrust .

The second effect of lying is loss of confidence/trust. First of all,

people share trust when they start a relationship. However, lying not only
leads to feelings of guilt, but it also causes people to disrespect the liar.
Where the liar loses the love of people and has a bad appearance, for
example (p) when a friend lies to a friend, it will be difficult for him to
believe him again, even if he is honest. Lying destroys social

One of the most important effects of lying is that it leads to distrust

between spouses. In fact, mutual trust between spouses is important
and necessary for the success of the marital relationship, it is natural
that the constant lying of one of the parties leads to the partner losing
confidence. For example, a husband may lie to his wife when he is late
for home for a long time, arguing that he has a job and the truth is that
he is with his friends. ^^^ Lying between spouses destroys married life.

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