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Report of the Orientation Programme-2018

02/08/2018 to 11/08/2018
Jagatpal singh
M.A in social work
Delhi school of social work
Delhi university

Objectives of the programme:

1. Introduction to the social work education, profession and practice

2. Introduction to the M.A(social work) programme.
3. Orientation to fieldwork and its related process.
4. Developing perspective to understand social work methods, skills, values and attitudes.
5. Integration of the new entrants into the department

orientation programme of this department was 9 days long. On the very first day head of the department prof. Neera agnimitra welcomed us
warmly. She briefed us about the department and how this course is going to change lives of students enrolled here. Prof. Sanjai Bhatt, admission
convener briefed students about how he completed the tedious task of admission. He stated that around 2000 students filled up the forms of which
1600 students appeared for the exam. After the exam around 350 students were called for interview and selected ones are being oriented right now.

Students were introduced to the song “we the people” and subsequently introduction session was conducted. All teachers, staff members and
introduced each other one by pledge was also taken by the students holding candles. Students were served chai and samosa in tea break.

Dr. Sanjoy roy and team introduced students to the programme facilitation committee and briefed all students about orientation programme. This
orientation programme is the longest in all the departments of Delhi University. It helps new students to understand social work deeply. Students
were introduced to the field work component which is the most important part in the social work education. After this HOD prof. Neera agnimitra
told students about the history of the department. This department was started as YMCA school of social work in Lucknow and later on shifted to
delhi. This is the first department which started granting master’s degree in social work in India . Its ranked 2nd by the outlook magazine in social
work but ahead in several areas like education and placement. Department has also adopted villages under the Unnat Bharat Abhiyan initiated by

Professor Sanjai bhatt gave students an idea about “what is social work? education, profession and its practice”using some very good examples
which led students to take social work in a very different perspective. He also talked about the various specialisation in which social workers can do
their work ranging from community development to human rights. Students were entertained by phd scholars to make them feel comfortable in the
department’s environment.

On day 2 students were given lessons on conceptualising and writing journals everyday to be read by students in front of everyone in coming
orientation days as the first thing of the day by various professors vis-a-vis Mr. pratap behra, Mr. Abhishek thakur, Dr. Malathi and Dr. Pushpanjali
. Prof. R.R singh who was the former director of DSSW and TISS now retired took session on “social work education: challenges and
opportunities” as a guest faculty. He imparted his knowledge to students on many topics including environment conservation and discipline. More
Lectures were held on topics like “fieldwork as a signature pedagogy” and “science of mind, behaviours and social work” by prof. Neera agnimitra
and Dr. A. Malathi respectively. Students were encouraged to interact with seniors in last hours of the session.

Day 3 was full of learning. Dr. Neena pandey briefed students about “working with individuals”. How social work practioners should have control
on their emotions. Students were shown motivational stories through audio video method. Students also had session on “social justice and human
rights as core values of social work” delivered by prof. Shashi rani. Prof. Agnimitra taught students the importance of professors and supervisiors.
How they help you groom for life. She narrated her own fieldwork experiance when she was a student. Students were also given lecture on “equal
opportunity and working with PWD” . Mr. Annamalai from gandhi museum talked about gandhiji’s take on social work and community work. Mr.
gandhi gave a lot of thought to community work.

On day 4 all students read their journals as usual and shared their experiances. Prof. Sushma batra took session on “sexual harassment at work
places and gender sensitization”. This is the most important topic which was given utmost importance in the orientation programme. Students were
revealed about the committee on sexual harassment and other laws regarding it by various judicial organisations. Dr meenu anand briefed students
about working with different tyoes of groups like children, women, people with disability. Idea of all these sessions is to make students more
sensitive towards different groups. prof. Pamela singla gave a lecture on “gender, development and social work”. It was about connecting social
work to women empowerment and different developments taking place in the society. students also had orientation about a child guidance centre
being run by the department.

Students are made to read journals and reflections everyday in the first session. On day 5 representatives from the NGO “heifer” which is an
international NGO working in areas like providing livestock to the needy, came and made students perform various type of activities and tasks.
They made students aware about the working realities in the profession. All the represntatives were the former students of DSSW.

Students had a workshop on “theatre as a tool for change” on 6th day of the orientation programme. Theater activist and actor Mr. Lokesh jain
conducted the workshop. He made students to do some creative activities to nurture out emotions and expressions which everybody has. One of the
activity students performed together was to express diversity in 10 acts through their body movements and signs. Students were not allowed to use
their voices while performing. Every group performed very well. This workshop gave students a chance to mingle up with each other. After this
workshop prof. Sushma batra took over the class and taught students the “importance of documentation and recording in social work” . session
ended with dr. Pushpanjali and team briefing students about next day’s feild visit program and divided students in 4 groups.

On day 7th i was in group 4th which was suppose to go at “missionaries of charity” an organisation started by Mother teresa in 1959. This group
visited its branch based in Civil Lines. This was the first exposer for the students in the field. This instituttion is working to help children with
disabilities. They have very good infrastructure and facilities. They have capacity to accommodate 30 children and only take girl child. Currently
they have 24 children of which 23 are girls and 1 is boy. They made an exception for the boy because of his condition and order from CWC (child
welfare committee). Students were given opportunities to see all the children but in small groups and proper precautions. A nun who was the head
of institution were answering all the queries students had regarding the institution and she was very happy to answer all the questions. Some
students got emotional by seeing the children
students spent some quality time with the children and staff introduced us to children and children to us. All children were very creative and
showed us the creative things they have made and built. They paint so well i was astonished seeing the talent in children who were left behind by
their parents and were on streets before coming here. Even we people who have all the facilities and termed normal in society don’t have talents
these kids possess. sister briefed us about adoption process and why they stopped adoption. Since it became online(adoption) people started to
choose children which is not justice to other children. People and especially indians discriminate on the basis of color and disability. Now they are
going to raise children up to the age of 18.
After leaving the institution alumni from dssw who are working in AIIMS as medical social workers presented their experiences and what it is like
to study in such a good institution. they discussed more about the plight of poor people who come for treatment in AIIMS. They help people who
don’t have enough money for the treatment and other medical services but with caution and proper scrutiny.

students had to present their experiences from the last field visit in groups. So on 8th day of orientation program students presented their views .
group 4 th presented first and in that down to top order presentations went ahead. Group 3, 2 ,1 went to organisations lIke PRAYAS, AASHRAY
ADHIKAR ABHIYAN, BLIND RELIEF ASSOCIATION respectively. In between two presentations students also had session by Dr. Seema
sharma on the topic “Research in social work”. She talked about types of changes a society experience. change may be gradual or radical.

On day the 9 th and final day everybody was excited because of the talent fiesta programme. Prof. Manoj jha took the first session of the day. He is
also the member of parliament in rajyasabha. He stated his views through various examples from history. he was also the former head of the
Institution. He wished us all luck and thanked us for choosing social work as career. In second session Dr. Archna kaushik talked about “working
with families, children and older persons. It was very insightful for all students because now every body has an idea about what to come and how to
tackle that. Social work is a very demanding course a fact now known to every student. This was also the ultimate goal of this rigorous orientation
program. By this time student have become friends with each other and formed various WhatsApp groups etc. now I personally feel why such
orientation is needed before the start of any course. Students get a rough idea where they are heading to. Sitting in class 9 to 5 is hard but fruitful.
every teacher took special interest in each session. Seniors and other staff is also excited about new batch 2018-2020. This rigorous orientation
program ended with students showcasing their talents through singing, poetry etc. every body enjoyed to the fullest. Students also invited final year
students at program. students served lunch to all the teachers and all students were finally alloted their concurrent field work organisations and
agencies. With this program ended on a very high note.

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