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| tae Himachal Pradesh Technical University + - Matabishes under Sate Legisitive Ac-16 f 2030) S, Gandhi chowle Hamirpur (¥-P.)-177001 Ss Phone :( 01972) 223152, 223013 core —_— E-mail TD:, website pee Caen ayo gb AE te coe " Ps a Pradesh Technet Unversity shall cond the ns Fifomwy milo BD V5 ga” year of UG cones nd 8 9" year PS ora asper Seago oto Ue ay )™ |? wonicarion// Wf 2; ~ llabus/_hamidation Fee per Semester Inehieme-- — 7 Tor regular students (in &) O'S Bow'tisb0 (Theory *2000 + Regular | &Re-appear Tech /8. Pharmacy (Ayurveda) | V-VillSem. Programmes Courses ce Practical 2500) B Arch iv. jem, 42500 (Theory *2000 bas ao Practical 500 BANC Tvs | ggig as00 cory, R000: + Practical 8500 Under a ace ¥ Graduation | 6: Sc(HMECT) J vaisem Tpcg 12500 Theory 2000 | Practical 8500 wa Wise ace 000Teary #1500 praca] +500) | 8 Pharmacy (Allopathic) vil Sem Pci 22500 (Theory #2000. + Practical #500 {Pharmacy Practice (Bridge | Vil year ce 12500 (Theory *2000. + Course) elec Proctical #500 MBA / MBAITRHM) mvs Tea 21300 mica inter cues 2000,THOY A15DD+ practi 2500) sa. (Phycsytl Se (EV8) | WAV Sem, 22500 (Theory ¥2000 + Por os a | a Practical €500. Graduation + Sareea ne | Pe ee . MTech | Pr 22500/Theory *2000 + Practical | WM Pharrnacy inv Sem a +2500/ Theory €2000 + Practical | 2500 « taamination Fee for the Re appear Student is * 500 per paper subject to the maximum of € 2000 per semester und for practical 500 per semester «On-line Examination form shall be enabled wc f 21.06. n. The last date’of on-line filling of examination larre-appent students ofall the courses a 2021 on the official web site of HP Technicat University, jm 08.07.2021 (23:59:89 Hrs}. The iE ter the last date of filling of on: Hamirpur 1 wvw himty.acin sepositing of requisite fee in eespect of repul line examination form are as under 5.6 Particulars of late Fee From to 2 | With late fee @ ® 1000/- 09.07.2021 10.07 2021 | : (2359°59 Hrs) oe & With late fee @ € 2000/ 1107 2021 12.07.2021 | | (23:59:59 Hrs) On or before 14.07.2021 subject to permission from He Vice Chancellor (off line} C* With fate fee @ © 5000/- ionble | ee | | Remarks " Date ification of | 09.07. Sno [Contents : 1° cess to be given tothe coleges forthe ver cramanation forms of regular student Cnr date ofonine submasion of veriied tout ef opuartudems bythe clege/institions 022 10.07 2021 { After due date * 1000/- per day per ee course shall be charged from the 3 Fditingirectification i examination form atthe University @ * 500 per semester Important Note: Tine Student must ensure th far the concerned end semester examination tf found in Txamination form ance cancelled will nt be re-considered and the at he/she fulfils the elblty conditions before filing the on-hme examination form eligible during serutiny, his/her ea fee pad will nat be nation foem wal be considered as cancel refunded under any circumstances Ih Due to cavid-19 pandemic all the students wall be given opportunity ta opt for thy ‘examination centre and the examination centre once allotted t0 the students shal ‘candidate wants to change the examination centre he/she has to apply to the Control tenuine reason & proof. An amount of € 1000 will be charged for the change of examination centre IN The Principals ofall the affiliated colleges must ensure that the students admitted in their college fulfil the eigtaity cetera 25 required under the HPTU norms for respective examination before forwarding, the ‘examination forms to the University WV. The regular students mus fil n the examination form online and ret record, Access of the examination forms of the regular students shall be gwen to the college by the university ‘and the record of filled examination forms of the students will automaticaly be reflected on the college 1D provided by the HPTU. The college may edit/rectify the record, if required: verity the examination form of the nearest respective MPTU I not be changed. Ha ee of examination with fain the hard capy of the same for his/her regular student After the fuliiment ofall the codal formalities re-appear/regular students can directly download his/her adrnit card ame of Bank TWsCGode [Account Na Few (t), Transaction No Bate of NEFT State Bank of india Gandhi Chowk, Harpur | senoasbi2s "65105867438 ] ‘ Aa ee Controller of Examinations. copy 1A Deaas, MPTU, for information 2. Finance Ofer, HPTU, fr information The Dector/Prncipal all alfitated colleges for compliance and same he put on a cattege 4 Aditianal Cantroer, WPTU for information R 5. Deputy Controller (Aut). HPTU, fr information. 6 assistant Controller (Audit), MPTU, for information 7 The Asst. Regetrars (Exam/Acad/Conduct/Secrecyl, MPTU for sforrhation & System Analyst, MPTU, te upload the same on HPYU website 5 PSTOVE,HPTU,forinformation. "+ 10. PA to Registrar, HPTU, for information 7 1h Guard fe r : 1 Controller Sf Examinations

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