Losses of Prestress

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Losses of Prestress


In prestressed concrete applications, the most

important variable is the prestressing force.

In the early days, it was observed that the

prestressing force does not stay constant, but
reduces with time. Even during prestressing of the
tendons and the transfer of prestress to the concrete
member, there is a drop of the prestressing force
from the recorded value in the jack gauge.

The various reductions of the prestressing force are

termed as the losses in prestress.
A reasonably good estimate of the magnitude of loss
of prestress is necessary from the point of view of

The losses are broadly classified into two groups,

immediate and time-dependent.

The immediate losses occur during prestressing of

the tendons and the transfer of prestress to the
concrete member.

The time-dependent losses occur during the service

life of the prestressed member.
The losses due to elastic shortening of the member,
friction at the tendon-concrete interface and slip of
the anchorage are the immediate losses.

The losses due to the shrinkage and creep of the

concrete and relaxation of the steel are the time-
dependent losses. The causes of the various losses
in prestress are shown in the following chart.
Causes of various losses in prestress



Elastic Anchorge
Friction Creep Shrinkage Relaxation
Shortening slip
Sr. Pre-tensioning Sr. Post-tensioning
No. No.

1 Elastic deformation of 1 No loss due to elastic

concrete deformation, if all the
wires are simultaneously
If the wires are
successively tensioned,
there will be loss of
prestress due to elastic
deformation of concrete
2 Relaxation of stress 2 Relaxation of stress in
in steel steel
Sr. Pre-tensioning Sr. Post-tensioning
No. No.

3 Shrinkage of 3 Shrinkage of concrete

4 Creep of concrete 4 Creep of concrete

5 Friction

6 Anchorage slip
Loss due to Elastic deformation of concrete

Pre-tensioned members

When the tendons are cut and the prestressing force

is transferred to the member, the concrete
undergoes immediate shortening due to the

The tendon also shortens by the same amount,

which leads to the loss of prestress.
Post tensioned members

If there is only one tendon, there is no loss because

the applied prestress is recorded after the elastic
shortening of the member.

Suppose more than one tendon be provided in a

member. The various tendons provided are not
simultaneously tensioned. They will only be
tensioned in succession. For instance, let the first
tendon be tightened. A certain amount of elastic
shortening takes place and the tension measured is
only after the elastic shortening of concrete has
taken place.
If now the second tendon be tightened, a further
elastic shortening takes place and the tension
recorded for the second tendon is after this
shortening of concrete has taken place. But, the
elastic shortening of concrete due to the tighting of
the second tendon will result in a loss of prestress in
the first tendon.

Similarly, as the third tendon is tightened, a further

elastic shortening of concrete takes place and the
first two tendons will undergo loss of prestress.
Hence as the tendons are tightened in succession,
only the tendon which is tightened last will not
undergo loss of prestress, but all other tendons will
undergo loss of prestress.

The tendon which is tightened first will undergo the

maximum loss of prestress.
• The elastic shortening loss is quantified by the
drop in prestress (∆fp) in a tendon due to the
change in strain in the tendon (∆εp)
• It is assumed that the change in strain in the
tendon is equal to the strain in concrete (εc) at the
level of the tendon due to prestressing force.
• This assumption is called strain compatibility (∆εp=
εc) between concrete and steel.
The loss of prestress due to elastic deformation of
concrete depends on the modular ratio and the
average stress in concrete at the level of steel.

If fc = prestress in concrete at the level of steel

Es = modulus of elasticity of steel

Ec = modulus of elasticity of concrete

αc = Es/Ec

Strain in concrete at the level of steel = (fc/Ec)

Stress in steel corresponding to this strain = (fc/Ec)Es

Loss of stress in steel = αcfc

If the initial stress in steel is known, the percentage

loss of stress in steel due to elastic deformation of
concrete can be computed.
A pretensioned concrete beam, 100mm wide and
300mm deep, is prestressed by straight wires
carrying an initial force of 150kN at an eccentricity of
50mm. The modulus of elasticity of steel and
concrete are 210 and 35 kN/mm2 respectively.
Estimate the percentage loss of stress in steel due to
elastic deformation of concrete if the area of steel
wires is 188mm2.
P = 150kN, e = 50mm

A = 100 X 300 = 3 x 104 mm2

I = 225 x 106mm4
αc = Es/Ec = 210/35 =6

Initial stress in steel = 150 x 103 / 18 = 800 N/mm2

Stress in concrete, fc = (150 x 103 /3 x 104 ) +

((150 x 103 x 50 x 50)/225 x 106) = 6.66 N/mm2

Loss of stress due to elastic deformation of concrete

= αc x fc = 6 x 6.66 = 40N/mm2
Percentage loss of stress in steel
=(40 / 800)x 100 = 5%
A post-tensioned concrete beam, 400 mm × 400mm
is prestressed by four cables, each with a cross-
sectional area of 225 mm2 and with an initial stress
of 1050 MPa. All the four cables are straight and
concentric with the cross section of the beam. If the
modular ratio is 6, calculate the loss of stress in the
four cables due to elastic deformation of concrete for
successive tensioning of four cables one at a time.
Force in each cable, P = 225 × 1050 = 236.25 kN

A = 400 × 400 = 16 x 104 mm2

I = 225 x 106mm4
αe = 6

Stress in concrete at the level of steel,

fc = (236.25 x 103 /16 x 104 ) = 1.476 MPa

Cable 1 is tensioned and anchored

No loss due to elastic deformation

Cable 2 is tensioned and anchored

Loss of stress in cable 1 = αc fc = 6 × 1.476
= 8.856 MPa
Cable 3 is tensioned and anchored
Loss of stress in both cables 1 and 2 = αc fc
= 6 × 1.476
= 8.856 MPa

Cable 4 is tensioned and anchored

Loss of stress in three cables 1, 2 and 3 = αc fc
= 6 × 1.476
= 8.856 MPa

Total loss of stress due to elastic deformation of

concrete in

Cable 1 = 8.856 × 3 = 26.568 MPa

Cable 2 = 8.856 × 2 = 17.712 MPa

Cable 3 = 8.856 × 1 = 8.856 MPa

Cable 4 = 0

Average loss of prestress = (26.568 + 17.712 + 8.856

+0)/4 = 13.284 MPa

Average % loss = (13.284/1050) ×100 = 1.265%

Loss due to shrinkage of concrete

• The shrinkage of concrete in prestressed members

results in a shortening of tensioned wires and hence
contributes to the loss of stress.
• The shrinkage of concrete is influenced by the type
of cement and aggregates and the method of curing
• Use of high-strength concrete with low water
cement ratios results in a reduction in shrinkage
and consequent loss of prestress.
• The primary cause of drying shrinkage is the
progressive loss of water from concrete.
• The rate of shrinkage is higher at the surface of the

• The differential shrinkage between the interior and

surface of large members may result in strain
gradients leading to surface cracking.

• Hence, proper curing is essential to prevent

shrinkage cracks in prestressed members.

• As per IS 1343-2012, the loss of prestress due to

shrinkage of concrete shall be the product of the
modulus of elasticity of prestressing steel and the
shrinkage strain of concrete calculated as per
Loss due creep of concrete

• The sustained prestress in the concrete of a

prestressed member results in creep of concrete
which effectively reduces the stress in high-tensile
• The loss of prestress due to creep of concrete is
obtained as the product of the modulus of elasticity
of the prestressing steel and the ultimate creep
strain of the concrete fibre integrated along the line
of centre of gravity of the prestressing tendon at
the section at which creep loss is being calculated
for bonded tendons.
A post-tensioned concrete beam of rectangular
section 100 mm wide and 300 mm deep is stressed
by a parabolic cable concentric at the supports and
an eccentricity of 50 mm at the centre of span. The
area of high tensile steel in cable is 200 mm2 and
initial stress in the cable is 1200 N/mm2. If the
ultimate creep strain is 30 ×10-6 mm/mm per N/mm2
of stress and modulus of elasticity of steel is 210
kN/mm2, compute the average loss of stress in steel
due to creep of concrete.
Section properties:
A = 30000 mm2
P = 200 ×1200 = 240000 N
I = 225 ×106 mm4
e = 50 mm at the centre of span and zero at supports
Stress in concrete at the level of steel:
At support section = 240000/30000 = 8 MPa
At the centre of span section =
 240000 24 ×10 4 × 50 × 50 
 +  = 10.7 MPa
 30000 225 ×10 6

Average stress at the level of steel, fc =
[8 + (2/3) × 2.7] = 9.8 MPa
Loss of stress in the cable due to creep of concrete
is εccfcEs = 30 ×10-6 × 9.8 ×210 ×103 = 62 MPa
Loss due to Relaxation of stress in steel

• When a high-tensile steel wire is stretched and

maintained at a constant strain, the initial force
in the wire does not remain constant but
decreases with time.
• The decrease of stress in steel at constant
strain is termed relaxation.
• The loss of prestress due to relaxation of steel
recommended in Indian code IS 1343-2012 is
shown below
Relaxation Losses for Prestressing Steel at 1 000 h
at 20 ± 2°C (Table 6, IS1343-2012)
Loss due to Anchorage Slip

• In most post-tensioning systems, when the cable

is tensioned and the jack is released to transfer
prestress to concrete, the friction wedges,
employed to grip the wires, slip over a small
distance before the wires are firmly housed
between the wedges.
• The magnitude of slip depends upon the type of
wedge and the stress in the wires.
The magnitude of the loss of stress due to the slip
in anchorage is computed as follows:
If ∆ = slip of anchorage, mm
L = length of the cable, mm
A = cross-sectional area of the cable, mm2
Es = modulus of elasticity of steel, N/mm2
P = Prestressing force in the cable, N

AE s
Loss of stress due to anchorage slip =(P/A) = (Es∆/L)
Since the loss of stress is caused by a definite total
amount of shortening, the percentage loss is higher
for short members than for long ones.
A concrete beam is post tensioned by a cable
carrying an initial stress of 1200N/mm2. The slip at
the jacking end was observed to be 8mm. The
modulus of elasticity of steel is 210 kN/mm2.
Estimate the percentage loss of stress due to
anchorage slip if the length of the beam is (a) 10m
and (b) 50m.
For a 10 m long beam,
Loss of stress = (210 ×103 ×8)/(10×1000) = 168 MPa
Percentage loss of stress = (168/1200) ×100 = 14%

For a 50 m long beam,

Loss of stress = (210 ×103 ×8)/(50 ×1000) = 33.6 MPa

Percentage loss of stress = (33.6/1200) ×100 = 2.8%

Loss of prestress due to friction

In the case of post tensioned members, the

tendons are housed in ducts preformed in concrete.
The ducts are either straight or follow a curved
profile depending upon the design requirements.

Consequently, on tensioning the curved tendons,

loss of stress occurs in the post-tensioned
members due to friction between the tendons and
the surrounding concrete ducts.
The magnitude of this loss is of the following types:
• Loss of stress due to the curvature effect, which
depends upon the tendon form or alignment which
generally follows a curved profile along the length of the
• Loss of stress due to the wobble effect, which depends
upon the local deviations in the alignment of the cable.
The wobble or wave effect is the result of accidental or
unavoidable misalignment, since ducts or sheath cannot
be perfectly located to follow a predetermined profile
throughout the length of the beam.
For straight or moderately curved structures, with
curved or straight cables (Refer Figure), the value of
prestressing force Px at a distance x metres from
tensioning end and acting in the direction of the
tangent to the curve of the cable, shall be calculated
as below:

Px = P0 e (µα + kx)

P0 = prestressing force in the prestressed steel at the

tensioning end acting in the direction of the tangent
to the force of the cable,

α = cumulative angle in radians through which the

tangent to the cable profile has turned between any
two points under consideration,

µ = coefficient of friction in curve, and

k = coefficient for wave effect.

− ( µα + kx )
Px = P0 e
− ( µα + kx )
= 1 − (µα + kx ) + (µα + kx ) + ....
Ignoring higher powers of (µα + kx) for small values
(µα + kx), we get

e − ( µα + kx )
= 1 − (µα + kx )
∴ Px = P0 [1 − (µα + kx )]
P0 − Px
Loss of stress =
(P0 − Px ) = P0 − P0 [1 − (µα + kx )]
= P0 (µα + kx )

P0 − Px P0 (µα + kx )
∴ Loss of stress = =
As As
The value of µ and k given below may be adopted for
calculating the friction losses (IS 1343 – 2012):
Friction losses can be reduced by several methods,
such as
1. Overtensioning the tendons by an amount equal to
the maximum frictional loss, and
2. Jacking the tendons from both ends of the beam,
generally adopted when the tendons are long or
when the angles of bending are large.
Total losses allowed for in Design
• It is normal practice in the design of prestressed concrete
members to assume the total loss of stress as a
percentage of the initial stress and provide for this in the
design computations.
• Since the loss of prestress depends on several factors,
such as
• the properties of concrete and steel,
• method of curing,
• degrees of prestress and
• the method of prestressing, it is difficult to generalize
the exact amount of the total loss of prestress.
Typical values of the total losses of stress that could be
encountered under normal conditions of work are
outlined as below:

Type of loss Percentage loss of stress

Pretensioning Post-tensioning
Elastic shortening and 4 1
bending of concrete

Creep of concrete 6 5
Shrinkage of concrete 7 6
Creep in steel 8 8
Total 25 20
A post-tensioned cable of a beam 10 m long is
initially tensioned to a stress of 1000N/mm2 at one
end. If the tendons are curved so that the slope is 1
in 15 at each end with an area of 600 mm2.
Calculate the loss of prestress due to friction given
the following data:
Coefficient of friction between duct and cable = 0.55
Friction coefficient for wave effect = 0.0015/m
During anchoring, if there is a slip of 3mm at the
jacking end, calculate the final force in the cable and
the percentage loss of prestress due to friction and
Cumulative angle between tangents to the cable at
supports = 1/15 ×2 = 2/15

Loss of prestress due to friction =

(µα + kx) × stress at the tensioning end

= (0.55 ×2/15 +0.0015 ×10) × 1000 = 88.33 MPa

Loss of prestress due to anchorage slip = Es∆/L

= 210 ×103 ×3/10000 = 63 MPa

Total loss = 88.33 + 63 = 151.33MPa

Percentage loss of prestress = 151.33 × 100/1000

= 15.13%

Final force in the cable =600×84.87/1000 = 509.22kN

A concrete beam AB of 20 m span is post-tensioned by a
cable carrying a stress of 1000 N/mm2 at the jacking end
A. The cable is parabolic between the supports A and B
and is concentric at the supports with an eccentricity of 400
mm at the centre of span. The coefficient of friction
between duct and cable is 0.35 and friction coefficient for
wave effect is 0.15 for 100m. Calculate the stress in steel
allowing for losses due to friction and wave effect at the
following points:
(a)Assuming the jacking end as A, compute the effective
prestress at B.
(b) If the cable is tensioned from both ends A and B,
calculate the minimum stress after losses in the cable and
its location.
Slope of cable at the end support A
= (4e/L) = (4 ×400)/(20 ×1000) = 0.08

Cumulative angle between tangents to the cable at

supports A and B = 2 × 0.08 = 0.16 radians

Loss of prestress due to friction between A and B =

(µα + kx) × stress at the tensioning end

= (0.35 ×0.16 +0.0015 ×20) × 1000 = 59 MPa

Effective stress at B = 1000 – 59 =941 MPa

If the cable is tensioned simultaneously from both
ends A and B, the minimum stress will occur at the
centre of span C.

Cumulative angle between A and C = 0.08 radians

Loss of prestress due to friction between A and C =

(µα + kx) × stress at the tensioning end

= (0.35 ×0.08 +0.0015 ×10) × 1000 = 43 MPa

Effective stress at C = 1000 – 43 =953 MPa

A post-tensioned prestressed beam of span length
of 10m has a rectangular section 300 mm wide by
800 mm deep. The beam is prestressed by a
parabolic cable concentric at the supports and with
an eccentricity of 250 mm at the centre of span. The
cross-sectional area of high-tensile wires in the
cable is 500 mm2. The wires are stressed by using a
jack at the left end so that the initial force in the
cable at the right end is 250 kN.

Using the following data, calculate (a) the total loss

of stress in the wires, (b) the jacking force required
at the left end.
Coefficient of friction for curvature effect = 0.55
Friction coefficient for wave effect = 0.0015/m
Anchorage slip at the jacking end = 3 mm
Relaxation of steel stress = 4%
Shrinkage of concrete = 0.0002
Ultimate creep strain = 20 ×10-6 mm/mm per N/mm2
Modulus of elasticity of steel = 210 kN/mm2
Modulus of elasticity of concrete = 35 kN/mm2
Modular ratio = Es/Ec = 6

Cumulative angle between tangents =

2(4e/L) = 2 (4 ×250/10000) = 0.2

Px = P0 [1 − (µα + kx )]

250 = P0 [1 − (0.55 × 0.2 + 0.003 ×10)]

Solving P0 = 290kN

0.5(250 + 290)
fs = = 540 MPa
Relaxation loss = 4% = (4/100) × 540 = 21.6 N/mm2

Stress in concrete at the level of steel

 270 ×103 270 ×103 × 250 × 250 

 +  = 2.54MPa
 (300 × 800) 1.28 ×1010

Loss of stress due to creep =

20 × 10-6 ×2.54 ×210 ×103 =10.67 MPa

Loss due to shrinkage = 0.0002 ×210 ×103 = 42MPa

Loss due to friction = 540 × 0.14 = 75.6 MPa

Loss due to slip of anchorage =

Es ∆/L = (210 ×103 ×3)/10000 = 63 MPa

Total loss of stress in steel = 21.6 + 10.67 +42 +

75.6 + 63 = 212.87 MPa
A prestressed concrete beam 300 mm wide and 600
mm deep is prestressed with tendons of area 250
mm2 located at a constant eccentricity of 100 mm
and carrying an initial stress of 1050 N/mm2. The
span of the beam is 10.5 m.
Calculate the percentage loss of stress in tendons if
(i)The beam is pre-tensioned
(ii) The beam is post-tensioned using the following
Modular ratio = 6
Anchorage slip = 1.5 mm
Friction coefficient for wave effect = 0.0015/m
Ultimate creep strain = 40 ×10-6 and 20 ×10-6
mm/mm per N/mm2 for pre-tensioned and post-
tensioned member respectively
Shrinkage of concrete = 300 ×10-6 for pre-tensioned
and 200 ×10-6 for post-tensioned member.
Relaxation of steel stress = 2.5 %
P = 1050 ×250 = 262500 N

A = 300 ×600 = 180000 mm2

I = (300 ×6003)/12 = 54 ×108 mm4

Stress in concrete at the level of steel is computed


 262500 262500 ×100 ×100 

 180000 +  = 1 .944 MPa
54 ×10 4
Computation of losses of prestress

Sl Type of loss Equation Loss of stress in

No. Pre-tensioned beam Post-
1 Elastic αfc 6×1.944 =11.664 No loss of
deformation stress
2 Relaxation of 2.5% (2.5/100)×1050 = (2.5/100)×1
steel stress 26.250 050 =
3 Creep of εccfcEs (40×10-6) (20×10-6)
concrete ×1.944×210×103 = ×1.944×210
16.329 ×103 =
Computation of losses of prestress
Sl Type of loss Equation Loss of stress in
No. Pre-tensioned Post-tensioned
beam beam
4 Shrinkage of εscEs 300×10-6×210×103 200×10-6
concrete = 63 ×210×103 = 42

5 Friction loss (kx) fs No loss of stress (1050×0.0015

×10.5) = 16.53
6 Anchorage slip Es∆/L No loss of (210×103×1.5)
prestress /10500 = 30
Total loss of stress 117.243 122.944
Percentage loss of stress (117.243 × 122.944×100/
100)/1050 = 11.1% 1050 = 11.7%

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