Personal-Response Method: A. Make at Least 3 Questions/requirement For Each Number of Personal-Response Method Below

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Make at least 3 questions/requirement for each number of Personal-

Response Method below.
Personal-Response Method

1. Encourage students to relate the themes to personal experiences

- list 3 problems you find in the story.

2. Elicit students' response to a text

- If you will be Mario, are you going to do like what he did in the story?

3. Encourage students to express feelings towards the issues of the story

- what do you think will happen to Mario that night?

B. Answer by yourself the given requirements of Personal-Response

Activities below.

1. Explain a text the following to the students:

 What is the story about?

The story is about a man who lost his job by stealing a single apple.

 Who is the author?

Alberto S. Florentino

 Why is it important to read the story?

It is important to read the story to know every details on how the story title
that way.

 Why is the story entitled The World is an Apple?

The story was entitles The World is an Apple because by just stealing a
single apple to give it to his daughter, he lost his job and decided to do the
things he shouldn’t do anymore.

 Do you think Gloria is in her comment?

Yes, Gloria took Mario away from Pablo because she knew that Pablo will
just bring danger to her husband however, in this incident Mario decided to
ask help again from Pablo.

GLORIA: (Rising)-Filching an apple that’s too small a reason to kick a poor

man out of work. You should ask them to give you a second chance, Mario.
2. What do you think would have happened to Mario if he did not steal an

In my own opinion, Mario will still lose his job because he knew that he
wanted to throw away from his job.

3. Writing your own feelings/reactions towards the main character in the


Mario has been a good father and husband, he tried his best looking for job to
feed his family and Maria trusted him so much. However, things happened
into our life that challenged us to decide what is good and what is wrong.
Because of this, Mario went back to his old life which Maria hated so much.

4. Small group discussions with 2 other classmates (meet them via Zoom
Write their complete names and their personal insights of the story.
5. Write your personal insights or lessons learned from the story.

The lesson I have learned in the story is that be wise to every decisions
you will have. We all encounter different level of challenges and failures in life
however, we must always thing what will be the outcome of your decision.

C. Evaluating the output using the learning outcomes method

Assuming that you are a literature teacher, do the following tasks for learning

 List specific knowledge that your students can acquire in the stage

play The World is an Apple

Family relations, decisions, regrets, and choices

 List specific skills that students can acquire from the reading activity

using the stage play The World is an Apple.

Skills in reading, expressions of each character and creating characters in

your mind by reading the descriptive lines.

 List specific values that students can acquire from the reading activity

using the stage play The World is an Apple.

-Stealing no matter how big or small is bad.

-Think twice before you decide.

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