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1 FundaM@Mtal Peitans Denived Pasihtns
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Msat Joabic staxtg
pesiiens in -the panticulon hurdanetol exhin
tundanuentaR poaitienb aro ie-2esied hesitions ane iauiatina
Smle,basie, Amd eaby to p0Ng m hUmdomental psitiem,that
9makehi aJitte diHult athin.
UndaMewtal M98tiens Act as DoLIed psbitins ale arta
Jsuf GiaOy aue dikult te maiain

mawely-tOnding Stte,Kueel HRYaeakiaied byatteat

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iMa poatti lOh Humdawetal

Jetting ite hudamata etin bnto deuied pesitidn ts

,y_ae ecMmeMdodiata

J 0gtMeA[LRVODITOtiDn olen 4he pafiemt haxaehiexkd

HAUiad Btsogthd RoM
Teacher's Signature.
Expt. No
Page No.

2 UlbeSIPp60 L_deAed Aatign:

ANNed hesitisns ah attained sy_dsing Aomealteatidnb

moKe AxOLiaO ëgmguhot diicuA, JOMco it

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HOhalailta tiem a t JateA_ Ataggn.Moidoainlvg dexÍed
gtten a toug asah Cemnpahed o zundaweatal

diticuQT te omoinnin.0, thoy nelp in oalamre

Omd uguEbu RRmtibite in easing the peetiom

ahar's Sianature -

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