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A massive feast. I’m sitting right now in front of my serviceable computer to type random
anecdote occurred in this day while going through a stomach twinges for overdosing myself a sweet
chocolate cake. But the upbeat music I’m listening right now controls the sickness. I slowly banging my
head, symbolizing that I truly enjoy the sound trip.
The day was very tiring, yet I absolutely did nothing but overused my phone all day long, though
I cooked our breakfast and finished the dishes. I’m writing this narrative to practice my English writing
skills and hopefully, my communication skills as well.
The paragraphs maybe aren’t cohesive as it looks written by a low school grader, but that’s the
reason why I need to keep practicing. To keep writing.
It is Father’s day and I would like to thank God for having a mother like my mom. SHE’S VERY
THE BEEESST MOTHER IN THE WHOLE UNIVERSE!! And also for my Papa. He’s alcoholic, bibulous, and an
addict gambler. However, I love him very much. I know he always did his best for everything. To make
this short, I very love them both, now and forever. They have my respect, now and forever. Actually, I’m
planning to take them in another country for a vacation, someday. Maybe in New York or Paris.
Of course, I’m very thankful for God give me another day to live. Thank you Lord. This maybe
not a perfect day for me or any of my ways that gives you my honor and praise. But Lord, thank you.
Thank you because you’re a forgiving Father. Happy Father’s day Abba. This is all for you, I love you in
my entire life.

SAT, 6/20/21

@Tight Black Crop top

I just woke up around 8:30 and I’m enjoying the cool breeze right now. Since I love talking to
strangers, I used omegle and spend my whole night staying here while listening relaxing music.

And I am broke. I didn’t mean it. I didn’t want it. Is it my fault?

Should I let my enemy win this moment? It’s Roshel. Hello? I commit mistakes, I accept it. And
the one who really cares about me was already forgiven me.
Yes, I commit mistakes, I admit it. But it will never ever define who I am. It will never ever define
my relationship and identity to my heavenly Father.

I’ve done countless of sin, but still… my God never forsaken me. He blessed me abundantly even
though I’m not praying for it, he continue to give it to me.

My Holy God was powerful than anyone and anything. He can make all impossible, possible.
He’s the strongest over this world. Over than a thousand of enemy.

He loves me and I love him too. I am his child, and as a follower, I should obey his command for
my own good. I’ll be humble, and faithful, and lover, and forgiver. God is the truth. God can only saves.
Stay with God, he’s the only way. He is the ONLY WAY. Keep the good fight between you (with God) and
the standard of this world.

MON, 6/21/21


Each beauty is alike to flowers. It has the season of blooming and a season of withering. And I
should not make it big deal and must be thankful for I have complete human basic senses.

Perhaps, my menstruation triggered it all. I suddenly feels ugly--, I mean super ugly and looks
like a monster. Gosh. BUT, the good thing is I learn how to apply basic make-up and guess what? IT
PROVOKES ME MORE! HAHAAHHAHA. And now, I’m listening to this emo playlist of FM statistic.
However, I love it very much.

HAHAH drama queen. Well, it barely happens. Still, I truly accept my flaws, my face, my life.
Physical appearance will never be the reference of my value as a person and my worth as a child of God.

I am beautiful! No world standards! I am beautiful inside and out! Yes, I am.

TUE, 6/22/21


I did laundry today and obviously, it’s very tiring. However, I’m still happy for I able to help my
online friend on his research titles. I help them because it also serves as my practiced and refreshments.

Moreover, I was a little bit anxious for a while. Jealousy? Maybe. I wished I had solid friends like
them. I don’t know what’s wrong if its me or the way I socialized or the my physical appearance? I don’t
know. Though, I have friends but I don’t feel them.

So for the response, I ask my Lord, if what’s truly the purpose of friendship. I mean not that
point but I’m still thankful for he give answers that don’t be anxious and instead, cast it to him because
he cares for me. Awe… what a loving F(riend)ather.

I just realize right now that a friend must be caring. Caring on your emotion, will always there for
you. And I realize that God is my Friend. I can’t see Him but I can feel Him. He’s not speaking but He’s a
good listener.

He’s very powerful. He deserves all high praises.

WED, 6/23/21

Something is bothering me. It started when I saw this shared post of my friend and it leaves me
shocked yet sorrowed. I feel overwhelmed on what’s going within this world— Is our time really near?

And I’ve seen a few post about this matter, an answered tangled prayers through social media.
It’s funny how this accidental content replies in my thoughts but I am happy for I believed that God gives
those signs to limpid my overflowing doubts.

I am continue to follow your words and confidently—by humble of means—fight my faith in you
throughout this sickening world.

FRI, 7/2/21


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