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Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

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Ascorbic Acid in Plants: Biosynthesis and Function

Nicholas Smirnoff & Glen L. Wheeler

To cite this article: Nicholas Smirnoff & Glen L. Wheeler (2000) Ascorbic Acid in Plants:
Biosynthesis and Function, Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 35:4, 291-314,
DOI: 10.1080/10409230008984166

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Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 35(4) :291-314 (2000 )

Ascorbic Acid in Plants: Biosynthesis

and Function
Nicholas Smirnoff and Glen L. Wheeler
School of Biological Sciences, University of Exeter, Hatherly Laboratories, Prince of Wales Road, Exeter EX4
4PS , UK

Referee: Dr. F. A. Loewus, Department of Biological Chemistry, Washington State Univeristy, Pullman, WA 989164-6340

ABSTRACT: Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is an abundant component of plant s. It reaches a concentration of over
20 mM in chloroplasts and occur s in all cell compartments, including the cell wall. It has propo sed function s in
photo synthesis as an enzyme cofactor (including synthesis of ethylene, gibberellins and anthocyanins) and in
control of cell growth. A biosynthetic pathway via GDP -mannose, GDP-L-galactose, t.-galactose, and i.-galacton o-
l A-lactone has been proposed only recently and is supp orted by molecular genet ic evidence from the ascorbate-
defic ient vtc! mutant of A rabidopsis thaliana. Other pathw ays via uronic acids could provide minor sources of
ascorbate. Ascorbate, at least in some specie s, is a precursor of tartrat e and oxalate. It has a major role in
photosynthesis, acting in the Mehler peroxidase reaction with ascorbate perox idase to regulate the redox state of
photosynth etic electron carriers and as a cofactor for violaxanthin de-epo xidase, an enzyme involved in xantho-
phyll cycle-mediated photoprotection . The hyper sensitivity of some of the vtc mutant s to ozone and UV-B
radiation , the rapid respon se of ascorbate peroxidase expression to (phot o j-oxidative stress, and the properties of
transgenic plant s with altered ascorbate peroxidase activity all supp ort an important antioxidat ive role for
ascorbate. In relati on to cell growth, ascorbate is a cofactor for prolyl hydroxylase that posttran slationally
hydrox ylate s prol ine residues in cell wall hydroxyproline- rich glycoproteins required for cell division and expan-
sion. Additi onally , high ascorbate oxida se activity in the cell wall is corr elated with areas of rapid cell expansion.
It remains to he determ ined if this is a causal relationship and, if so, what is the mechanism. Identification of the
biosynthetic pathw ay now opens the way to manipul ating ascorbate biosynthe sis in plants, and, along with the vtc
mutants, this should contribute to a deeper understandin g of the proposed functions of this multi facetted molecule.

KEY WORDS: vitamin C, mannose, L-galacto se, oxidative stress, antioxidants.

I. INTRODUCTION tion (Loewus and Loewus, 1987), the biosyn-

thetic pathway of ascorbate in plants had not been
L-Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is apparently a established. Recently, a biosynthetic pathway has
ubiquitou s molecule in eukaryotes. It functions as been proposed (Wheeler et a1., 1998) that opens
an antioxidant, an enzyme cofactor, and as a pre- the way to improving understanding of the me-
cursor for oxalate and tartrate synthesis. It partici- tabolism and function of ascorbate in plants . This
pates in a variety of proces ses, including photo- review focuses on the biosynth etic pathway of
synthesis , photoprotection, cell wall growth and ascorbate, considers its cataboli sm and transport,
cell expansion, resistance to environmental stresses and evalua tes evidence for its various functions.
and synthesis of ethylene , gibberellin s, anthocya- A number of reviews on ascorbate in plants have
nins, and hydroxyproline. Although ascorbate has been publi shed in recent years (Loewus and
multiple roles, and plants provide the major source Loewus, 1987; Noctor and Foyer, 1998; Arrigoni ,
of dietary vitamin C for humans (who are unable 1994; Smirnoff, 1996; Smimoff and Wheeler,
to synthesize it), very little is known about the 1999; Loewus, 1988, 1999). Therefore , the present
details of its metabolism in plants. At the time of review attempts to complement these reviews by
the previous review on ascorbate in this publica- concentrating on recent advances.

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II. ASCORBATE BIOSYNTHESIS tone dehydrogenase from plants (Oba et al., 1995;
0stergaard et al., 1997; Imai et al., 1998) meant
A. Historical Perspective that many researchers found it difficult to dismiss
its role in ascorbate biosynthesis.
The biosynthetic pathway of ascorbic acid Other researchers, Loewus and co-workers in
has been a notable gap in our understanding of particular, were less convinced of the role of
carbon metabolism in plants. After the first inves- L-galactono-I,4-lactone as the physiological ascor-
tigations of ascorbate biosynthesis in plants in the bate precursor, and set out to identify an alterna-
1950s, it was 40 years before a definitive biosyn- tive biosynthetic pathway in which the carbon
thetic pathway was proposed (Wheeler et al., chain of glucose was not inverted (Loewus and
1998). The recent elucidation of this pathway will Loewus, 1987). An alternative biosynthetic path-
enable rapid advances in our knowledge of ascor- way was proposed in which glucose was con-
bate biosynthesis and its regulation. This section verted directly to ascorbate via n-glucosone and
briefly reviews historical evidence leading to the L-sorbosone(Figure 1; Loewus, 1988). The osones
elucidation of the currently proposed pathway. are 2-keto derivatives of the corresponding al-
Full details of the early results are given by Loewus doses. 14C-Labeled glucosone and sorbosone were
(1999). converted into ascorbate, although the rate of in-
Early researchers confirmed the conversion corporation of label from L-sorbosone into ascor-
of hexose into ascorbate in plants (Ray, 1934; bate was no higher than that of glucose (Saito
Loewus , 1963). This was also found to be the case et al.,1990). Neither substrate was able to increase
in animals, where the biosynthetic pathway was the ascorbate content of plants when supplied
defined in the early 1950s (Burns, 1967). It was exogenously (Pallanca and Smirnoff, 1999;
shown that animals could convert n-glucuronate Conklin et al., 1997; Davey et al., 1999), although
into L-gulono-l ,4-lactone, which was subsequently a dehydrogenase was detected that could convert
oxidized to ascorbate. Significantly, this route of L-sorbosone to ascorbate (Loewus et al., 1990).
biosynthesis involves an "inversion" of the car- However, the enzyme has a low affinity for its
bon chain, in which Cl of glucose becomes C6 of substrate (K, = 12 rnM). Basidiomycete fungi
ascorbate and C6 becomes Cl. The carbon chain contain a pyranose-2-oxidase activity capable of
inversion was confirmed by feeding specifically converting glucose to glucosone (Daniel et al.,
labeled glucose and glucuronolactone to rats 1994). No such activity capable of oxidizing glu-
(Burns, 1967). An analogous pathway was pro- cose to glucosone was found in peas, and isotope
posed in plants, involving the conversion of dilution experiments did not support the notion
o-galacturonic acid to ascorbate via L-galactono- that the ozones were on the pathway between
lA-lactone. Plant extracts were capable of con- glucose and ascorbate (Pallanca and Smirnoff,
verting o-galacturonic acid derivatives (but not 1999). Therefore, there is no strong evidence to
the free acid) and i.-galactono-I A-lactone to ascor- support the existence of this pathway, other than
bate (Figure 1; Mapson et aI., 1954; Isherwood the low rates of labeled n-glucosone and
and Mapson, 1962; Mapson and Isherwood, 1956). L-sorbosone conversion to ascorbate. Their in-
However, feeding specifically labeled hexoses to ability to increase the ascorbate pool of plants
plants suggested that no inversion occurred in suggests that this is not the major route of ascor-
their conversion to ascorbate (i.e., Cl of glucose bate biosynthesis in plants. In contrast , exog-
became CI of ascorbate), which is in direct con- enously supplied L-galactono-l A-lactone can raise
flict with the proposed biosynthetic pathway the ascorbate pool of plants dramatically (Srnirnoff
(Loewus, 1963). Despite this, the ease and effi- and Pallanca, 1996; Davey et al., 1999), and ra-
ciency of L-galactono-l A-lactone conversion to diolabeled L-galactono-l A-lactone is converted
ascorbate (Pallanca and Smirnoff, 1999; Isherwood very rapidly and completely to ascorbate
et al., 1954) and the eventual purification and (Baig et al., 1970). Clearly , i-galacrono-La-lac-
cloning of a mitochondrial L-galactono-l A-lac- tone is an extremely effective ascorbate precur-

D-Glucose-6-P D-Fructose-6-P D-Mannose-6-P ~ Mannitol


.. (VTC1)

.(",,\ D-Mannose-1-P


GDP-L-Galactose GDP-D-Mannose D-Glucosone

i j

1 GDP-L-Fucose

Cyt Cox Cyt Cred
L-Galactono-1 A-lactone IL-Ascorbic acid I
1 i

D-Ga/acturonate D-Glucuronate _._-_ .~ L-Gulono-1,4-lactone

FIGURE 1. Proposed o-mannose/r-qalactose biosynthetic pathway of i-ascorblc acid in plants. Branch points and
other proposed precursors are also shown. The enzymes are HPI, hexose phosphate isomerase; PMI,
phosphomannose isomerase; PMM, phosphomannose mutase; GMP, GDP-mannose pyrophosphorylase (product
of the VTC1 gene in Arabidopsis thaliana) ; GME, GDP-mannose-3,5-epimerase; GaIDH, L-galactose dehydroge-
nase; GALDH, L-galactono-1 A -lactone dehydrogenase. GALOH is located on the outer side of the inner mitochon-
drial membrane; the other enzymes are probably cytosollc, The enzymes releasing L-galactose from GOP-L-
galactose are not fully characterized. GOP-sugar intermediates of the pathway are also used as precursors for
synthesis of cell wall polysaccharides and for protein glycoslyation. Mannitol is a major end product of man nose
metabolism in some plant species. Other possible precursors of ascorbate are shown in italic font. o-galacturonic
and glucuronic acids (supplied as methyl derivatives) are incorporated but enzymes have not been characterized.
Incorporation of uronic acids into ascorbate would involve "inversion" of the carbon skeleton; however, labeling
studies show that only a small proportion of ascorbate could be produced in this way. t-Gulono-t A-lactone is the
precursor of ascorbate in animals, but, in contrast to plants , is oxidized by a microsomal oxidase. There is no
evidence that glucosone and sorbosone are synthesized in significant amounts by plants , although the labeled
compounds are incorporated into ascorbate.

SOL However, full acceptance of L-galactono-l,4- no evidence that it occurred in plants. Second, no
lactone as the physiological ascorbate precursor one had proposed a pathway to synthesize this
was not possible for two reasons . First, there was compound without "inversion" of the hexose car-

bon skeleton . As discussed above, carbon skel- 1979; Feingold, 1982). Since then, this GDP-
eton inversion is unlikely to occur in synthesis of mannose-3,5-epimerase has not been purified or
ascorbate from glucose. cloned. The presence of epimerase activity was
confirmed in both pea and A. thaliana cell-free
extracts , but more importantly the production of
B. The GDP-Mannose/L-Galactose free i.-galactose was also demonstrated by these
Pathway extracts (Wheeler et aI., 1998). Although nonspe-
cific phosphatase, pyrophosphatase, or phosphodi-
In order to produce ascorbate from glucose esterase activities could account for appearance
without inversion of the carbon chain, three reac- of L-galactose, very little free L-mannose is pro-
tions need to occur, although not necessarily in duced from GDP-mannose (Wheeler et aI., 1998).
any particular order. The three crucial steps are A similar observation was made with an enzyme
oxidation at C 1 followed by formation of the 1A- preparation from Chlorella (Barber, 1971).
lactone, then oxidation at C2 or C3 to form the Becuase, similar to higher plants, Chlorella is
enediol group, and finally an epimerization at C5 able to convert i.-galactono-I ,4-lactone (Renstrom
to change from the D configuration to the L con- et aI., 1982-1983) and t.-galactose (Marschall and
figuration of ascorbate (Loewus , 1988, 1999). Smirnoff, unpublished results), to ascorbate, these
Also, the hydroxymethyl group at C6 is con- observations provide evidence that there are spe-
served during the metabolism of glucose to ascor- cific enzymes able to catalyze formation of
bate (Loewus, 1999). Recently, a new biosynthetic i-galactose from GDP-L-galactose. However, these
pathway in plants was proposed, encompassing enzymes are yet to be purified.
all the criteria stated above, in which ascorbate is Cell-free extracts from peas were also shown
produced from glucose via L-galactono-l A-lac- to be capable of producing t-galactono-I A-lac-
tone but with no inversion of the carbon chain tone and eventually ascorbate from GDP-man-
(Wheeler et aI., 1998). Therefore, this pathway nose when supplied with NAD+and cytochrome c,
reconciles two of the established fundamental the cofactors of L-galactose dehydrogenase and
principles in ascorbate biosynthesis that were pre- L-galactono-l A-lactone dehydrogenase, respec-
viously thought to be contradictory. Evidence for tively (Wheeler et al., 1998). Therefore, it is clear
this pathway, shown in Figure 1, is discussed that plants contain enzymes able to convert GDP-
below. mannose to ascorbate. Evidence that this was the
Ascorbate production in plants was proposed route of ascorbate biosynthesis in vivo was pro-
to occur via GDP-mannose and L-Galactose. vided by feeding radiolabeled mannose to
t-Galactose, when supplied to barley leaves , re- A. thaliana leaves. Ten percent of the total radio-
sulted in a dramatic rise in the total ascorbate pool activity from 14C-mannose was recovered in ascor-
of the leaves similar to that caused by t-galactono- bate following a 4 h incubation period, compared
lA-lactone. Furthermore, it was shown that pea with 1% when radiolabeled glucose was used as
embryonic axes extracts were capable of NAD+- the precursor (Wheeler et aI., 1998).
dependent oxidation of i-galactose at Cl to form The role of mannose in ascorbate biosynthe-
L-galactono-l A-lactone (Wheeler et al., 1998). sis is supported by molecular genetic evidence .
This novel enzyme was named t-galactose dehy- An A. thaliana mutant (vtcl, formerly sazl) se-
drogenase and its properties are described in Sec- lected for ozone hypersensitivity (Conklin et al.,
tion C.l . Plants are known to synthesize i.-galac- 1996; Section V) was shown to be deficient in
tose because it is a minor component of cell wall ascorbate biosynthesis (Conklin et aI., 1997). The
polysaccharides (Robert s, 1971), but from an VTCi locus has been mapped and the VTCi has
analytical point of view it is masked by larger been cloned. It has homology with GDP-mannose
amounts of D-galactose. Plant enzyme systems pyrophosphorylase, an enzyme required for syn-
had previously been shown to be capable of pro- thesis of GDP-mannose from mannose-l-phos-
ducing GDP-L-galactose from GDP-D-mannose . phate (Figure 1; Conklin et aI., 1999). As a con-
via an epimerization at C3 and C5 (Barber , 1971, sequence, the vtcl mutant displayed only 35% of

this enzyme' s activity compared with the wild duction of NAD +. NADP+was only 10% as effec-
type and was simil arly reduced in the ability of tive. This enzyme appears to be specific for
leave s to convert radiolabeled mannose to ascor- L-galactose, with no measurabl e oxidation of com-
bate. When the mutant was transformed with the monly occurring hexo ses. Furthermore, no activ-
wild-type Yl'Cl gene , ascorbate concentration in ity was detected with the structural analogue s
the transgeni c plants was returned to that of wild- o-arabinose and L-fucose (Wheeler et aI., 1998).
type plants (Conklin et aI., 1999). Thi s clearl y However, L-galactose dehydrogenase was reported
suggests that a reduction in the activity of GDP- to slowly oxidize L-sorbosone. Wheeler et al.
mannose pyrophosphorylase is responsible for the (1998 ) sugge sted this could expl ain the conver-
deficiency in ascorbate biosynthe sis described in sion of L-sorbosone into ascorbate (Section II.A ).
the vtcl mutant. The mutant Yl'Cl had a single The putative L-sorbosone dehydrogenase described
point mut ation that results in redu ced enzyme by Loewus et al. (1990) was NADP+-dependant
activity but a similar level of mRNA expres sion with no measurable activity in the presenc e of
(Conklin et aI., 1999). Further evidence support- NAD +, so the relationship between these activi-
ing the role of thi s enzyme in ascorbat e ties is not clear.
biosynthesis in plants was pro vided by potato es This enzyme appears to be unique in plant s in
ex p ress i ng an ant isen se GDP-m anno se that it oxidizes CI of a nonphospho rylated hex-
pyropho sph oryl ase construct. Anti sen se plants ose. Simil ar enzymes exist in bacteria (n-galac-
di spl ay in g a redu cti on in GDP-manno se tose dehydrogena se), mammals (i-fucose dehy-
pyroph osph orylase activity also have a consider- drogenase) and yeast (n-arabinose dehydrogenase)
able reduction in their ascorbate concentration (Schachter et aI., 1969; Maier and Kurtz, 1982;
(Keller et aI., 1999). Kim et aI., 1996, 1998 ). Both L-fuco se and
We sugg est that the o-mannose-i.-galacto se n-arabino se dehydrogenase have lower substrate
pathway is currently the foremo st candidate for specificity than L-galacto se dehydrogenase and
ascorbate biosynthesis in plants. It is supported are capable of oxidizing L-galactose. Intere stingl y,
by the biochemical and molecular genetic evi- n-a ra bi nos e deh ydrogenase is in vol ved in
dence discu ssed above. It also satisfies all the n-erthryoascorbate biosynthesis in yeasts (Kim
criteria derived from the original radiotracer et aI., 1996).
evidence (Loewus, 1999): oxidation of the hex-
ose precursor at C 1 followed by form ation of a
1,4-l actone ; o xidation at C2 o r C3 and 2. L-Galactono-1,4-Lactone
epimerization at C5. Therefore, this pathway re- Dehydrogenase
sults in a lack of inversion of the hexose C-skel-
eton during ascorbate bio synth esis. Other "inver- By far the most well-characterized step in
sion" type pathways involving uronic acids could ascorbate bio synthesis is the conversion of
contribute to ascorbate synthesis and these are L-galactono-I ,4-lacto ne into asco rba te. L-
outlined in Section II.E. galactono- I A-lactone deh ydro gen ase was first
identified more than 40 years ago (Mapso n et aI.,
1954; Mapson and Breslow, 1958). The enzy me
c. Ascorbate Biosynthetic Enzymes has since been purified from a range of plant
tissues and recently has been cloned from cauli-
1. L-Galactose Dehydrogenase flower and sweet potato (0stergaard et aI., 1997 ;
Imai et aI., 1998). It has a subunit and native
The identification of L-galactose dehydroge- molecular mass of 56 kDa and a Km of between
nase in plants was a key step in demon stratin g 0. 2 and 3.0 mM for L-gal acton o-1,4-lactone
plants p osse ssed the ability to sy nthes ize (0stergaard et aI., 1997; Imai et al., 1998; Smirnoff
t-galactono-l .d-Iactone (Wheeler et aI., 1998). The and Wheel er, 1999). L-Galactono-I A-lactone de-
enzyme oxidizes L-galactose at CI to produce hydrogenase is locat ed in mitoch ondrial mem-
t.-galactono-I A-lactone with the concurrent re- branes (Mut suda et al., 1995), and the pre sence of

a mitochondrial targeting sequence in the gene liflower , spinach, and sweet potato are specific
has been suggested (0stergaard et aI., 1997). for L-galactono-1A-lactone. However, the con-
Recently, it has been localized in the inner mito- version of gulono-1A-lactone to ascorbate in whole
chondrial membrane (Siendones et aI., 1999). The tissue has been demonstrated in cress (Isherwood
enzyme uses only cytochrome c as an electron et aI., 1954), strawberry and bean (Baig et aI.,
acceptor in vitro (0stergaard et aI., 1997). Oxida- 1970), and also in partially purified L-galactono-
tion of L-galactono-1A-lactone by purified mito- 1A-lactone dehydrogenase from potato (Dba et al.,
chondria and the effect of mitochondrial electron 1994). Three possibilities exist to explain this
transport inhibitors, that suggest cytochrome c is discrepancy. First, L-galactono-I A-lactone dehy-
the physiological acceptor and that electrons are drogenase could exist in different isoforms , some
fed into the mitochondrial electron transport chain of which can oxidize L-gulono-1 A-lactone. Sec-
between complexes III and IV (Bartoli et aI., ond, L-gulono-1A-lactone could be oxidized by a
2000) . A number of sources have suggested that separate specific enzyme , and third L-gulono-l A-
L-galactono-l A-lactone dehydrogenase contains lactone could be epimerized at C3 to produce
a bound flavin group (Mutsuda et aI., 1995, Oba L-galactono-1A-lactone (Baig et aI., 1970). The
et aI., 1995), although this was not the case with physiological relevance of this is discussed with
the enzyme purified from cauliflower (0stergaard reference to uronic acid metabolism in the next
et aI., 1997). The analogous enzyme in mammals, section .
L-gulonolactone oxidase , contains a covalently
bound flavin group and can also utilize molecular
oxygen as electron acceptor (Kiuchi et aI., 1982). D. Relationships between Ascorbate
Inhibition of t-galactono-Ld-lactone dehydroge- Biosynthesis and Carbohydrate
nase by NEM and PCMB suggest thiol groups are Metabolism
required for activity. It has been suggested that
the alkaloid Iycorine is a specific inhibitor of this 1. D-Mannose Metabolism
enzyme (Arrigoni et aI., 1997), and inhibition of
the purified sweet potato enzyme was demon- The existence of the mannose-t.-galactose
strated (Imai et aI., 1998). Lycorine has also been pathway for ascorbate synthesis provides a ma-
shown to inhibit ascorbate biosynthesis in vivo jor and previously unnoticed fate for man -
but also has a number of toxic effects on plant nose. Mannose is known as a major compo-
metabolism. Lycorine inhibition was not seen with nent of polysaccharides that perform structural
the purified cauliflower enzyme (0stergaard et al., and storage fun ctions in plants . In addition to
1997) and it did not inhibit the conversion of this mannose is also involved in protein
L-ga1actono-1A-lactone to ascorbate in Lilium glycosy1ation and in the production of gly-
longiflorum pollen (Leung and Loewus , 1985) or colipids. The mannose residues found in
A. thaliana cell cultures (Davey et at, 1999). The polysaccharides and glycoproteins are all de-
reasons for differences in lycorine action observed rived from the sugar nucleotide form of man -
by different groups remains to be resolved, so it is nose, GDP-mannose. The proposal that GDP-
not clear if Iycorine can act as a specific inhibitor mannose is an inter mediate in ascorbate
of ascorbate biosynthesis. bio synthesis drastically changes our previous
Plant L-ga1actono-lA-lactone dehydrogenase conception of the role of thi s metabolite in
has 28% sequence identity with mammalian plant metabolism.
t.-gulono-l A-lactone dehydrogenase (Koshizaka Mannose-containing polysaccharides are
et al., 1988) and yeast arabinono-I A-lactone de- found in a diverse range of plant tissues and spe-
hydrogenase (Huh et aI., 1994; Nishikimi et aI., cies (Herold and Lewis, 1977). Polymers com-
1998). i.-Gulono-I A-lactone oxidase from mam- prising of a manno se backbone and containing
mals is capable of oxidizing both L-ga1actono- less than 5% other glycosyl units are termed
1A-lactone and L-gulono-1A-lactone. Purified mannans. Galactomannans and glucomannans,
L-galactono-l A-lactone dehydrogenase from cau- which contain proportionally higher amounts of

galactose and glucose residue s, respectively, are phosphate reductase (Rumpho et al., 1983). In
also widely distributed among plants . The en- contrast, many other plants are unable to rapidly
dosperm of a number of seeds accumulates man- incorporate mannose-6-P into hexose pho sphate
no se containing cell wall pol ysaccharides metabolism that has been attributed to low activ-
(e.g., galactomannans in the Leguminosae) that ity of PMI or even its absence (Herold and Lewis,
act as the principal source of carboh ydrate for the 1977). The consequential accumulation of man-
embryo. Presumably, factors affecting the bio- nose-S-pho sphate causes the depletion of cyto-
synthesis of these polysaccharides and glycopro- plasmic Pi and ATP pools (Loughman et aI., 1989;
teins strongly influence the flux of carbon through Harris et al., 1986). Large concentrations of ex-
to GDP-mannose and its subsequent utiliz ation. ogenous mannose therefore can be toxic to plants.
Our understanding of these key steps in manno se Germination of A. thaliana seeds is reversibly
metaboli sm will be cruci al in under standing the inhibited by 7.5 mM manno se (Pego et al., 1999).
regulation of ascorbate biosynth esis. It is, of A. thaliana plants and maize cell suspension cul-
course, possible that some of these processes are tures treated with higher n-mannose concentra-
highly compartmentalized (e.g., production of en- tions (-56 mM) show loss of cell viability that
dosperm reserves) and therefore will not have ha s the hallmarks of programmed cell death
significant effects on ascorbate biosynthesis. (apoptosis), including DNA laddering, increased
Antisen se reducti on of GDP-mannose pyrophos- DNAase activity, and release of cytochrome
phorylase activity in pot ato reduces the mannose c from the mitochondria (Stein and Hansen , 1999).
content of cell wall poly saccharides as well as Thi s respon se was not elicited by o-glucose,
ascorbate accumulation, the effect being more t.-mannose, or o-galactose, The mechanism of
marked in lines with greater suppression. How- mannose-induced programmed cell death is not
ever, the pattern of protein glycosylation was clear but inhibition of germination, in contrast to
not altered in antisense plants (Keller et al. , the results of Loughman et al. (1989 ), is not caused
1999). by ATP depletion (Pego et al., 1999). Germina-
Despite its widespread occurrence in plant s, tion inhibiti on is reversed by simultaneou s supply
much remains to be learned about mannose me- of glucose or by mannoheptulose, which inhibits
tabolism . One particular aspect of mannose hexokinase (Pego et al., 1999). However, tracer
metabolism that requires clarification is the role levels of mannose are rapidly incorporated into
of phosphomannose mutase (PMI) in plants . Ex- deri vatives of fruct ose 6-phosphate in cultured
ogenous mannose is rapidly phosphorylated to cells of spinach, rose, and maize (Baydoun and
mannose-6-phosphate by hexokinase activitie s Fry , 1988), although Roberts (1971) concluded
(Schnarrenberge r, 1990; Harri s et al. , 1986 ). that 14C manno se was not metab olized via glyco-
Mannose-o-phosphate can then be incorporated lytic interm ediate s in maize roots. It is possible
into fructose-6-pho sphate (and therefore into that the PMI activity in plants is capable of me-
mainstream hexo se phosphate metaboli sm) via tabolizing tracer level s of manno se but unable to
PMI. The onset of germination in mannan accu- cope with the huge accumulation of mann ose-6-
mulating seeds results in a huge release of free phosphate caused by feeding high concentrations
mannose. Con sequently, germinating seed s in of mannose. Experiments in which large concen-
these species demonstrate appreciable levels of tration s of mannose are supplied to plant s should
PMI acti vity (Lee and Matheson, 1984). Addi- be interpreted with caution . For example, 14C
tionally, a large number of species (including um- mannose is rapidly converted to ascorbate in
belliferous plants such as celery) synthe size the A. thaliana leaves (10% in 4 h), although large
polyol mannitol for use as a translocated carbohy- concentrations of exogenous manno se are unable
drate and osmoticum in addition to sucrose (Popp to in crease the ascorbate pool in cultured
and Smirnoff, 1995). These plants have PMI ac- A. thaliana (Davey et al., 1999; Wheeler et al.,
tivity to form manno se-ti-phosphate, which is then 1998). Presumably, this is due a sequestration of
reduced to mannitol-l-phosphate by mannitol-6- Pi and a reduction in available GTP for the GDP-

mannose pyrophosphorylase step and/or limited of obvious importance in our understanding of
capacity of other enzymes. ascorbate biosynthesis.
It has been demonstrated that there is consid-
erable mannokinase activity in green leaves
(Scharrenberger, 1990). Therefore, in the pres- 2. L-Galactose Metabolism
ence of an excess of mannose the sum of activities
metabolizing mannose-6-phosphate (i.e., PMI and L-Galactose was thought to be a relatively
PMM) would have to be in excess of this kinase rare sugar, occurring in small amounts in cell wall
activity to prevent an accumulation of mannose- polysaccharides. However, the inability of chro-
6-phosphate. One must also consider that PMI is matographic techniques to distinguish between
a key branch point between mainstream hexose the Dand Lisomers of this sugar means that small
phosphate metabolism and mannose metabolism quantities of the L-form are obscured by the more
and is likely to be highly regulated. It would abundant D-isomer unless measures are taken to
appear that a comprehensive survey of the activ- eliminate one or other from the sample. Up to
ity of this enzyme in different species is required 25% of the galactose in cell wall polysaccharides
before its role in the biosynthesis of GDP-man- of com root is present as the L-isomer (Roberts
nose and ultimately ascorbate can be understood. and Harrer, 1973), although an estimation of the
A possible alternative route of GDP-mannose galactose content in the cell walls of cultured
biosynthesis in plants has been suggested. It has spinach cells suggested a ratio closer to 70:1 in
been shown that particulate membrane prepara- favor of the D-isomer (Baydoun and Fry, 1988). It
tions of pine seedlings were able to produce has been suggested that L-galactose is a wide-
glucomannans from GDp_14C-mannose in which spread constituent of plant cell walls (Roberts and
both the glucose and mannose residues were la- Harrer, 1973). Free L-galactose has never been
beled (Dalessandro, 1986). The same result was measured in plants, but its rapid metabolism
seen when GDP_14C-glucose was the precursor. (Wheeler et aI., 1998), combined with the detec-
This was interpreted as an indication of the pres- tion problems noted above, suggest that it may
ence of a GDP-glucose-2-epimerase (Dalessandro well exist in low quantities, which are likely to be
et al., 1986). Similar results were obtained from obscured by any free D-galactose in the sample.
Lilium testaceum (Wozinecski et al., 1991). The L-Galactose in cell walls is derived from GDP-L-
Leguminosae are reported to have appreciable galactose, which is in tum produced from GDP-
PMI activity, in germinating seeds at least, and mannose. No information is available on the rela-
therefore would have a lower requirement for an tive rates of incorporation of GDP-L-galactose
alternative source of GDP-mannose. Interestingly, into the cell wall and ascorbate . The details of the
pea displayed no GDP-glucose-2-epimerase ac- conversion of GDP-L-galactose into L-galactose-
tivity (Piro et aI., 1993), although this was not the I-P and on into L-galactose have yet to be defined,
case in mung bean (Elbein, 1969). It must be but these are the first committed steps in plant
borne in mind that none of the above studies ascorbate biosynthesis. These enzymes may prove
measured this activity directly and relied on ana- to be important regulatory steps given the rapid
lyzing the monosaccharide content of polysac- rate of L-galactose and L-galactono-l A-lactone
charides synthesized from the precursors. Until conversion to ascorbate.
this enzyme is measured directly, its presence in
plants cannot be confirmed. However, it remains
a possible source of GDP-mannose in those plants E. The Role of Uronic Acids in
where PMI is deemed to be absent. Ascorbate Biosynthesis
Many aspects of mannose metabolism appear
to be highly species specific, both in terms of the Current evidence suggests that the major route
distribution of mannose polysaccharides and also of ascorbate biosynthesis in plants is via GDP-
in the activities of mannose-metabolizing enzymes. mannose and t-galactose. However, the need to
The implications of these species differences are examine the other possibilities has been stressed

recently (Davey et aI., 1999). A brief discussion thetic pathway has been proposed, and as en-
of alternative pathways is included here, with zymes are identified and their genes cloned it will
particular reference to uronic acid metabolism, become possible to determine the contribution of
although it must be made clear that there is at each part of the pathway to control of synthesis.
present no convincing evidence that any alterna- In embryonic axes of germinating pea seedlings
tive pathways make a significant contribution to ascorbate synthesis appears to be subject to feed-
ascorbate biosynthesis in vivo. The proposed back inhibition or repression (Pallanca and
uronic acid intermediates are shown in Figure I. Smirnoff, 2000) as elevating the ascorbate pool
A significant anomaly in our understanding by loading with exogenous ascorbate strongly
of plant ascorbate biosynthesis is the conversion inhibits its synthesis from 14C-glucose. In leaves,
of uronic acid derivatives to ascorbate. Radiola- ascorbate pool size is light-dependent, probably
bel from o-glucuronate and the methyl ester of because of the role of ascorbate in photosynthesis
n-galacturonic acid are incorporated into ascor- and photoprotection (Section V.A). Leaves accli-
bate in parsley (Loewus, 1963), and both these mated to high light have higher ascorbate concen-
substrates effect a substantial rise in the ascorbate trations than leaves grown at low light intensity
pool of cress seedlings (Isherwood et aI., 1954) (Smirnoff and Pallanca, 1996; Grace and Logan,
and A. thaliana cell cultures (Davey et aI., 1999). 1996; Logan et aI., 1996). In some species, such
Feeding specifically labeled uronic acids, indi- as barley and A. thaliana (Smirnoff and Pallanca,
cated that, as predicted, carbon chain inversion 1996; Conklin et aI., 1997), ascorbate pool size
occurred in their conversion to aldonic acid lac- decreases in the dark , but this can be partially
tones . As mentioned previously, studies investi- reversed by sucrose or glucose feeding . In con-
gating specifically labeled glucose incorporation trast, sugar feeding has no effect on ascorbate
showed that the majority of the label recovered accumulation in nonphotosynthetic pea embry-
from ascorbate was found in the corresponding onic axes (Pallanca and Smirnoff, 1999). The
carbon atom to that labeled in glucose. Although mechanisms behind these effects remain to be
a small percentage of the label could be recovered discovered.
in the opposite carbon atom (i.e., the carbon atom In squash (Cucurbita) root s, boron deficiency
that would indicate inversion of the carbon chain), strongly reduces root growth rate and ascorbate
a similar percentage was recovered from glucose content (Lukaszewski and Blevins, 1996). Inter-
residues in starch and significantly in the estingly, root growth could be restored by ascor-
galacturonate residues of pectin . Loewus con- bate feeding even though the boron deficiency
cluded that this was due to label randomization as was not alleviated. The biochemical roles of bo-
a result oftriose phosphate metabolism. Although ron in plants are not understood, but the rapid
these studies do not rule out uronic acid metabo- response of ascorbate to boron deprivation could
lism as a possible source of galactono-I A-lac- suggest a role for boron in controlling ascorbate
tone , they demonstrate that in the various tissues biosynthesis. Borates are able to form strong com-
analysed this is certainly not the major route of plexes with mannose that could then affect ascor-
ascorbate biosynthesis. Davey et al. (1999) sug- bate biosynthesis. Further work is needed to es-
gested a possible role for the conversion of uronic tablish if boron deficiency affects the ascorbate
acids to ascorbate in tissues where cell wall break- pool by altering its synthesis or turnover.
down is occurring, for example, rapidly expand-
ing tissue or ripening fruit. Whether this is of
physiological significance remains to be seen . III. ASCORBATE CATABOLISM:

F. Control of Ascorbate Synthesis The ascorbate pool turns over at an appre-

ciable rate . For example, in A. thaliana leaves the
Very little is known about the control of ascor- rate of loss is about 2.5% of the pool per hour,
bate synthesis or pool size . Now that a biosyn- estimated from metabolism of 14C-ascorbate and

from the rate of loss of ascorbate in darkened leaf and Smirnoff, 1999). It may be that ascorbate
slices (Conklin et aI., 1997). Similar measure- oxidizes during the desiccation phase of seed
ments on embryonic axes of germinating pea seed- maturation and cannot be regenerated when water
lings show a turnover rate of 13% h' (Pallanca content becomes too low for the operation of the
and Smirnoff, 2000). Ascorbate is metabolized to ascorbate-glutathione cycle. In germinating pea
a number of products, including i-tartrate and seedlings synthesis and accumulation of ascor-
oxalate. These processes have been demonstrated bate in the embryonic axes starts about 20 h after
by Loewus' group and recently have been re- imbibition (Pallanca and Smirnoff, 1999). Long-
viewed comprehensively (Loewus, 1999). The de- distance transport of ascorbate or DHA occurs ,
tails of tartrate and oxalate formation vary be- probably in the xylem, because ascorbate fed to
tween species . Tartrate forms by a C4/5 cleavage roots elevates leaf ascorbate concentration and
of the ascorbate C-skeleton in the grape family 14C-ascorbate fed to root s appears in leaves
(Vitaceae). In other species, oxalate is formed by (Mozafar and Oertli, 1993). Nothing is known
C2/C3 cleavage. The other product is L-threonate, about phloem transport , but ascorbate and DHA
which can either be converted to L-tartrate (e.g., would be relatively unstable at the high pH of
Pelargonium) or decarboxylated to L-glycerate. A phloem sap.
number of plant species accumulate oxalate, of- Ascorbate is present in all subcellular com-
ten as calcium oxalate crystals deposited in spe- partments , including the apoplast (cell wall), chlo-
cialized cells (idioblasts). This oxalate may be roplasts, cytosol, vacuoles, mitochondria, and per-
derived from photorespiratory intermediates such oxisomes (Rautenkranz et al., 1994; Foyer and
as glycolate (Loewu s, 1999 ; Smirnoff and Lelandais, 1996; Jimenez et aI., 1997). Apoplastic
Wheeler, 1999) but also from ascorbate. The rela- ascorbate may have a role in control of cell growth
tive importance of these pathways could well dif- (Smirnoff, 1996; Section V.D). The high concen-
fer between species and tissues. Recently, the use tration in some fruits (e.g., blackcurrents, Ribes
of 14C-L-galactose to specifically label the ascor- nigra) could result from compartmentation and
bate pool, in the oxalate-accumulating plant Pistia stabilization in acidic vacuoles. The final step of
stratiotes has shown that ascorbate is a precursor ascorbate biosynthesis is on the inner mitochon-
of oxalate in the calcium oxalate crystal s, and is drial membrane (Section II.C). Therefore, it must
a more effective substrate than glycolate (Keates be transported to other organelles. There are likely
et aI., 2000). These labeling studies have also to be transporters to allow it into mitochondria,
revealed that the oxalate in the calcium oxalate chloroplasts, microbodies, vacuole , and apoplast.
crystals has appreciable turnover, perhaps by the The best-known ascorbate transport system in
action of oxalate oxidase (Smirnoff, 1996). Thus, plants is on the plasma membrane. It has been
it is possible that in some plants ascorbate-de- characterized in plasma membrane vesicles
rived oxalate is involved in calcium homeostasis. (Horemans et al., 1996). This has a strong prefer-
The mechanism of ascorbate C-skeleton cleavage ence for DHA over ascorbate. The K m for DHA is
is not known. 180 2 labeling suggests C2/3 cleav- 24 IlM (Horemans et aI., 1997, 1998a). DHA
age involves oxygenase and hydrolase activity, uptake is stimulated by preloading the vesicles
while C4/5 cleavage is hydrolytic (Saito et aI., with ascorbate (Horemanset al.; 1998b), suggest -
1997). It is also possible that cleavage is nonen- ing it could act as an ascorbate/DHA exchange
zym atically mediated by hydrogen peroxide mechanism (Figure 2). The K; for DHA is within
(Loewus, 1999). the concentration range expected in the apoplast
(Smirnoff, 1996). Therefore, the carrier could pro-
vide a mechanism to remove DHA from the
IV. SUBCELLULAR LOCALIZATION AND apoplast and replace it with ascorbate. In contrast
TRANSPORT OF ASCORBATE to mammalian systems, in which the GLUTI glu-
cose transporter allows DHA transport by facili-
Ascorbate probably occurs in all cell types, tated diffusion (Vera et al., 1993; Welch et aI.,
except in dry seeds (Arrigoni et al., 1991; Pallanca 1995), this carrier does not transport glucose. In






, \


AsA - - -- .. DHA


FIGURE 2. Model for proposed ascorbate redox reactions in the cell wall and plasma membrane. Ascorbate is
transported into the cell wall by an ascorbate-dehydroascorbate exchanger (AT). In the wall, ascorbate oxidation
is catalyzed by ascorbate oxidase (AO), a Cu-containing glycoprotein. High AO activity correlates with rapid cell
expansion , but a causal relationship and mechanism are not established. Ascorbate is also oxidized by hydrogen
peroxide, this reaction being catalyzed by ascorbate peroxidase (APX) suggested to be localized in the wall. Two
molecules of monodehydroascorbate (MDHA), the primary oxidation product of ascorbate, disproportionate to
dehydroascorbate (DHA) and ascorbate.' The wall apparently lacks enzymes of the ascorbate-glutathione cycle
(Figure 3), which can reduce MDHA and DHA back to ascorbate. Instead, wall ascorbate is probably maintained
by DHA-ascorbate exchange and a by reduction of MDHA by a membrane-bound cytochrome b. The electron donor
could be cytosolic ascorbate, the resulting MDHA being reduced to ascorbate by a membrane-bound MDHA
reductase. Hydrogen peroxide can be generated by wall-localized oxidases such as oxalate oxidase (Smirnoff,
1996) or by oxygen reduction. The latter occurs during the oxidative burst in response to pathogen attack. The
source of hydrogen peroxide is not resolved, a plasma membrane bound NADPH oxidase or a peroxidase (Prx)
being possibilities (Bolwell, 1999).

addition to a DH A transporter, mamm alian cells (Welc h et al., 1995 ; Rum sey et al., 1999) . At high
have a distin ct higher affinity (K, =61JM) energy concentratio n, mammalian cells also exhibit low-
and sodium-dependent ascorbate uptake system affinity sodium-independent ascorbate uptake, and

currently it is not clear if it is a property of the port-deficient A. thaliana mutants as well as by
same protein (Rumsey et al., 1999). New ascor- utilizing ascorbate analogues.
bate analogues that do not mimic DHA when
oxidized have provided the ability to distinguish v.FUNCTIONS OF ASCORBATE IN
the ascorbate-specific transporters from DHA PLANTS
transporters (Rumsey et al., 1999). These ana-
logues could be used in investigations of plant Ascorbate probably has multiple functions,
ascorbate transport to establish if ascorbate, as but many of these are very poorly understood
well as DHA, is transported across the plasma (Arrigoni, 1994; Smirnoff, 1996; Noctor and
membrane. Foyer, 1998). Following from the identification
As well as ascorbate transport across the of the ascorbate biosynthesis pathway (Section
plasma membrane, a system that facilitates ascor- Il.B), it is likely that metabolically engineered
bate-dependent electron transport across the plants with increased or decreased ascorbate con-
plasma membrane via a b-type cytochrome has tent will soon be used to probe ascorbate func-
been identified (Horemans et al., 1994). Apoplastic tion . The ascorbate-deficient A. thaliana mutant
monodehydroascorbate is reduced by cytochrome vtc1 (containing 30% of wild-type ascorbate)
b. Electrons are donated to cytochrome b on the has already provided strong genetic evidence for
cytosolic side by ascorbate. The resulting cytoso- the role of ascorbate as an antioxidant in defense
lie monodehydroascorbate is reduced to ascor- against ozone , sulfur dioxide, and UV-B radia-
bate by a plasma-membrane bound form ofMDHA tion (Conklin et al., 1996). Several other ascor-
reductase (Figure 2; Berczi and Moller, 1998). bate-deficient vtc mutants are currently being
This provides another mechanism, in addition to characterized (Conklin et al., 2000). Recent evi-
DHA-ascorbate exchange, to maintain the cell dence suggests that interpretation of role of ascor-
wall ascorbate pool in a reduced state, but it might bate in ozone resistance is not as straightforward
also contribute to proposed mechanisms of growth as originally supposed. The evidence concern-
regulation by ascorbate (Section V.D). An ascor- ing apoplastic ascorbate is particularly contra-
bate-dependent transmembrane electron transport dictory (Moldau et al., 1998; Jakob and Heber,
system may work in mammalian Hl-60 cells where 1998). Also, in a range of A. thaliana ascorbate-
reduction of extracellular ferricyanide is depen- deficient (vt c) mutants, not all are ozone hyper-
dent on intracellular ascorbate (Van Duijn et al., sensiti ve despite similar reductions in ascorbate
1998). concentration (Conklin et al., 2000). Vtc1 has no
Chloroplastic ascorbate can reach at least major growth or developmental anomolies, sug-
20 mM. Surprisingly, although ascorbate is taken gesting that, if ascorbate is involved in the growth
up by a saturable carrier, it has a very low processes described below, lower concentrations
affinity (K, = 20 mM) and does not transport will satisfy these requirements. This observation
glucose (Anderson et aI., 1983; Beck et aI., also implies thatA. thaliana contains more ascor-
1983; Foyer and Lelandais, 1996). Within the bate than is needed for antioxidant and
chloroplast, 10 to 20% of the ascorbate occurs photoprotective purposes under "unstressed"
in the thylakoid lumen (Mano et al., 1997), laboratory conditions.
where it acts as a co-factor for violaxanthin de-
epoxidase (Section V.A) . A carrier for ascor- A. Antioxidant and .Photoprotective
bate or DHA on the thylakoid membrane has Roles of Ascorbate
not been identified.
Much more remains to be learned about ascor- The antioxidant system of plants differs from
bate and DHA transport. Hopefully progress will that typical of mammalian cells in the relative
be made in purifying and cloning the plasma concentration of ascorbate and glutathione, the
membrane DHNascorbate exchanger. This could two major soluble small molecule antioxidants.
be most easily achieved, and other transporters Typically, mammalian cells contain 0.1 to 0.8
identified, by devising screens to identify trans- mM ascorbate (0.04 mM in plasma) and 2 to 5

mM glutathione. In contrast, leaf cells contain contain a range of APX isoenzymes (E.C.
2 to 5 mM ascorbate (averaged over all compart- that catalyze ascorbate-dependent re-
ments) and < 1 mM GSH . Yeast cells also have duction of hydrogen peroxide, produ cing water
much higher GSH than erythro ascorbate concen- and MDHA (Asada, 1992). The utilit y of APX is
tration s (Spickett et a!., 2000 ). The significance illustrated by the effect of altering its expression
of this is not known, but it should be noted that in transgenic plants. For example , antisense re-
ascorbate, compared with glutathione, is a more duction in activity of cytosolic APX increases the
"effective" free radical scavenger in some re- ozone sensitivity of tobacco (Orvar and Ellis, 1997)
spect s becau se its oxidized free radical (MDHA) and expression of a cytosolic APX is increased by
is much more unreactive, and therefore less dam- ozone exposure (Kubo et a!., 1995). On the other
aging , than radicals derived from GSH (Sturgeon hand, overexpression of chloroplastic APX, per-
et a!., 1998). Protection against reactive oxygen haps because chloroplasts are remote from the
species (ROS) and photoprotection have been primary sites of ozone action, has no effect on
reviewed recently (Noctor and Foyer, 1998; Asada, ozo ne sensitivity (Torsethaugen et a!., 1997 ).
1999; Niyog i, 1999). Here, an "ascorbicentric" Overexpression of peroxiso mal APX3 increases
view of these processes will be taken. Aerobic HP z tolerance (Wang et al., 1999). As pointed
metabo lism and the interaction of light with pig- out by Loewus (1999), under alkaline conditions
ments genera te a number of reactive oxygen spe- HzOz causes cleavage of the ascorbate C-skeleton
cies, including superoxide, hydrogen peroxide, producing L-threonate and oxalate (see Sectio n
hydroxyl radical s, and singlet oxygen. These can III). Perhaps APX minimizes this reaction and
readily oxidize proteins, unsaturated fatty acids, encourage s MDHA formation; ascorbate is readily
and DNA, result ing in damage to cell function. regenerated from MDHA (Figure 3; Section
Ascorbate reacts with all the above ROS, the V.A.2). APX activity is found in a wide range of
produ ct being monodehydroascorbate (MDHA). cellular location s, including the cytosol, chloro-
MDHA can be detected by electron paramagnetic plasts (in the stroma and associated with the thy-
resonance spectroscopy in intact leaves subjected lakoid membranes in the vicinity of PS I), mito -
to various stresses (Heber et al., 1996). MDHA chondria, glyoxysomes, and peroxisomes (inside
dis proportionates to form de hydroascorbate and membrane associated ). APX activity has been
(DHA) and ascorbate. DHA is unstable at physi- reported in the cell wall (Vanacker et al., 1998),
ological pH so, to preserve the ascorbate pool, it but the low activitie s detected make it difficu lt to
is necessary to reduce MDHA and DHA back to be certain that this is not caused by cytosolic
ascorbate rapidly. Stabilization is achieved by three contamination. Some of the above compartments,
enzymes comprising the ascorbate-glutathione including the peroxisomes, glyoxysomes, and
(GSH) cycle: monodehydroascorbate reductase, mitochondria, also contain catalase. However, this
GSH-dependent dehydroascorbate reductase, and enzyme has a low affinity for hydrogen peroxide.
glutathione reductase. Note that reduction of DHA It seem s that the role of APX therefore could be
by GSH also proceeds rapidly at pH 8 (i.e., in the to deal with hydrogen peroxide that leaks from
stroma of illuminated chloroplasts) without en- hydrogen peroxide-producing organelles such as
zyme catalysis . Evidence for the GSH cycle has the peroxisomes and glyoxysomes. For example,
been reviewed recently (Smirnoff, 1995; Noctor its location on the peroxisome membrane and in
and Foyer, 1998; Asada , 1999). The enzymes that the cytosol would enable it to catch escaping
regenerate ascorbate are covered further in Sec- hydrogen peroxide. This might be particularly
tion V.A.2 and shown in Figure 3. important when photosynthesis and photorespira-
tion rates are high.
A number of plant AXP genes have been
1. Ascorbate Peroxidase (APX) sequenced. They are all more closely related to
each other and to yeast cytochrome c peroxi dase
Althoug h ascorbate can quite readily reduce than to other peroxidases (Asada, 1992; Ishikawa
hydrogen peroxide nonenz ymaticall y, plants also et a!., 1998). APX and cytochrome c peroxidase



NADH/~:::"" '~'" ,
~\-, ..
\ -,
\ .

NADlFd~ ) '' '''-''-,

a-chromanoxyl " """""':..l



FIGURE 3. Ascorbate oxidation and regeneration from monodehydroascorbate (MDHA) and dehydroascorbate
(DHA). Ascorbate scavenges hydrogen peroxide in a reaction catalyzed by ascorbate peroxidase (APX). APX
isotorms occur in cytosol, chloroplasts mitochondria , and peroxisomes/glyoxysomes. Membrane-bound APXs occur
in thylakoids and peroxisome/glyoxysome membranes . a-Tocopherol (vitamin E) is a membrane-associated anti-
oxidant that scavenges lipid radicals. The product , a-chromanoxyl radical, is reduced to a-tocopherol by ascorbate.
Ascorbate is also oxidized in its role as enzyme cofactor (Section V.C). Two molecules of monodehydroascorbate
(MDHA) , the primary oxidation product of ascorbate, disproportionate to dehydroascorbate (DHA) and ascorbate .
MDHA is reduced to ascorbate by NAD(P)H-dependent MDHA reductase (MDHAR) or by reduced ferredoxin (Fdred)
in photosystem 1. DHA is reduced to ascorbate by glutathione (GSH)-dependent DHA reductase (DHAR). Oxidized
glutathione (GSSG) is reduced to GSH by NADPH-dependent glutathione reductase (GR). The last two reactions
comprise the ascorbate-glutathione cycle. The enzymes occur in the cytosol, cholroplast stroma, mitochondrial
matrix, and in peroxisomes/glyoxysomes.

have been class ed as class I peroxidases cAPX and gAPX form distinct groups (Ishikawa
(Welinder , 1992; Ishikawa et aI., 1998). A phylo- et aI., 1998). cAPX consist s of a small muItigene
genetic analysis of amino acid sequences pro- family in A. thaliana (Santos et aI., 1996). Spin-
duces a dendrogram that first separates stromal ach tAPX only differ s from sAPX in having a
(sAPX) and thylakoid APXs (tAPX) from cytoso- hydrophobic C-terminal domain that allows asso-
lie APXs (cAPX) and peroxisomallglyoxysomal ciation with the thylakoid membrane (Ishikawa
(pAPX, gAPX) forms. Within the latter cluster , et aI., 1996; Yamaguchi et al., I996). gAPX has a

similar sequence to cAPX but also has a hydro- of the reporter can be visualized after excess light
phobic C-terminus that could anchor it to the or HzOz treatmen t. This also showed that expres-
glyoxysome membrane (Ishikawa et al., 1998). sion is increased in other leaves on the same plant
gAPX is on the cytosolic side of the membrane in not directly exposed to excess light (Karpinski
spinach and pumpkin (Yamaguchi et aI., 1995; et al., 1999). Hydrogen peroxide, which readily
Ishikawa et al. , 1998), but facing the matrix diffuses across membranes, is a strong candidate
in cotton seed (Bunke lmann and Tr elease, for this mobile signal that can then induce sys-
1996). MDHA redu ctase is also associated temic expression of APX in a similar way to
with glyo xysom e membranes (Bow ditch and systemic acquired resistance to local pathogen
Donaldson , 1990; Bunkelmann and Trelease, attack. This system should allow progress toward
1996), where it would be well placed to regener- understanding the mechanisms behind signaling
ate ascorbate from MDHA . of oxidative stress. Another approach might be
APX activity is responsive to environmental provided by an A. thaliana mutant (pst 1) that has
conditions, particularly those that impose oxida- greatly increased tolerance to photooxidati ve
tive stress such as excess light, low temperature, bleaching caused by exposure to combined high
and pollutants like ozone (Srnirnoff, 1995; Noctor NaCI concentration and high light. The mutant
and Foyer , 1998). Also, as noted above, increased seedlings had higher superoxide dismutase activ-
or decreased activity of specific APX genes in ity and much higher APX activity than the wild
transgenic plants affects their sensitivity to oxida- type (Tsugane et al., 1999). The mutated gene,
tive stress. In Arabidopsis thaliana exposure of which is recessive, could be involved in signaling
leaves to a higher light intensity than that experi- oxidative stress.
enced during growth causes a rapid and selective Pathogen attack elicits an oxidative burst by
increa se in transcripts of APXl and 2, which en- generation of hydrogen peroxide in the apoplast
code cytosolic APXs (Karpinski et aI., 1997). of cells near the infection (Bolwell, 1999). This
Exces s light exposure is suggested to increase leads to rapid cell death, preventing pathogen
hydrogen peroxide formation either through in- spread and may also provide HzOz to act as a
crea sed oxygen photoreduction by PS 1 by the signal inducing local programmed cell death
Mehler reaction (Asada, 1999) or perhap s to an (PCD) and systemic resistance in remote tissues
even greater extent by increased photorespiration (Vanaker et aI., 1998). Antisense suppression of
rate and consequent HzOz formation in peroxi- catalase in tobacco results in expression of patho-
somes (Foyer and Noctor, 1999). By using elec- genesis-related (PR) genes (Ta kahashi et al. ,
tron transport inhibitors acting before and after 1997). Because HzOz could be key to this mecha-
plastoquinone (QBIPQ) in the photosynthetic elec- nism, it is possible that local activit y of catalase
tron transport chain, Karpinski et al. (1997) sug- and APX should be controlled. Cytosolic APX
gested that this induction was associated with transcripts increase in virus -infected tobacco.
increased reduction of QBIPQ. The response is However, APX protein decreases as a result of
also associated with increased hydro gen perox- inhibition of the elongat ion polypeptide on the
ide, because catalaze infiltation, reduces APX2 ribosomes (Mittler et al., 1998, 1999). This illus-
induction , while HzOz feeding increases induc- trates initially the danger of equating increased
tion (Karpinski et aI., 1997, 1999). Transcription transcript levels with increased enzyme activity
of leaf cytosolic APX therefore could be con- and secondly suggests that suppression of perox-
trolled by a combination of redox signals from ide scavenging by APX is important for pathogen
QBIPQ and from HzO z• Similarly, cytosolic APX defen se. Both the cellular and subcellular local-
transcript s are rapidly increased by HzOz in rice ization of APX activity may be important in plant-
embryos. Elevated HzO z was achieved by direct pathogen interactions. In barley leaves infected
feeding or by inhibition of catalase by with the biotrophic fungus Blumeria graminis, a
aminotriazole (Morita et al., 1999). In transgeni c resistant cultivar with a hypersensitive response
A. thaliana expre ssing a fusion of the APX2 pro- had a small increase in apoplastic APX activity,
motor with a luciferase reporter gene , expression while the susceptible host had a large increase

(Vanacker et aI., 1998). These results should be DHA is reduced to ascorbate by a GSH-
viewed with caution because the proportion of dependent DHA redu ctase. The se enzyme s have
total APX activity in the apoplast was about 1% been purified from a number of plant tissues
and even though correction for leakage of cyto- (Asada, 1999; Foyer and Mullineaux, 1998).
plasmic marker enzyme s was made, this requires However, a numbe r of other proteins have DHA
confirma tion by other means. It has also been reductase activity, includ ing Kunitz type tryp sin
proposed that salicylic acid (SA), a signaling inhibitors (Trumper et aI., 1994), glutaredoxins
molecule involved in pathogen defense , can di- (Well s et aI. , 1990), and protein di sulfide
rectly inhibit catala se, although its significance is isomerases (Wells et aI., 1990). Therefore, it has
disputed. However, an SA analogue benzo- been suggested that plants do not have specific
thiadiazole can both induce tobacco mosaic virus GSH-dependent DHA reductase proteins (Morrell
resistance better than SA and is a more effective et aI., 1997). This seems unlikely for the follow-
inhibitor of catalase and APX (Wendehenne et aI., ing reasons. GSH-d ependent ascorbate reduc-
1998). tion occurs in isolated chloroplasts (Smirn off,
The above evidence all points to APX having 1995). Transgenic plants overexpressing glu-
a key role in antioxidant and pathogen defense, tathione reductase have higher ascorbate content
with specialized and differentially regulated (Foyer et aI., 1995). Finally, apurified rice DHA
isoforms able to respond to light, oxidative stress, reductase has a distinct N-terminal amino acid
and pathogen attack at the transcriptional and seq ue nce (Kato et aI., 1997; Foyer and
translational levels. Mullineaux, 1998). On balance, the evidenc e
favors existence of GSH-d ependentDHA redu c-
tase. However, this does not exclude a role for
2. Regeneration of Ascorbate from the other DHA-reducing enzymes. In mamm a-
Monodehydroascorbate and lian cell s, the ability to reduc e DHA taken up
Dehydroascorbate from the external med ium is not inhibited when
their GSH content is depleted by treatm ent with
Plants contain enzymes capable of reducing buthionine sulfoximine, an inhibitor of GSH syn-
both the MDHA radical and DHA to ascorbate thesis (Welch et aI., 1995; May et aI., 1998).
(Figure 3). MDHA reductase is an FAD-contain-
ing enzyme with a preference for NADH as re- C. Ascorbate as an Enzyme Cofactor
ductant. It has isoforms in chloroplasts, cytosol,
peroxisomes, and mitochondria (Asada, 1999; A number of enzymes require ascorbate , at
Deleonardi s et aI., 1995) and is also associated least in vitro , as a cofactor. Most of these are
with the plasma membrane and glyoxysome mem- 2-oxoglutarate- and Fe(lJ)-dependent oxygenases
branes (Bowditch and Donaldson, 1990; Berczi in which ascorbate acts as the reductant to main-
and Moller, 1998). Increased activity of MDHA tain the iron as Fe(II) (Prescott and John, 1996).
reductase occurs after exposure of plants to a Enzymes of this type in plants include prolyl
number of oxidat ive stresses (Smirnoff, 1995). hydroxylase , which cataly ses posttranslation al
Increased expres sion of transcripts of a cytosolic hydrox ylation of prolyl residues, notably in the
MDHA reductase are induced by wounding cell wall hydrox yproline-rich gly coproteins
(Grantz et al., 1995). MDHA is also reduced by (HRGPs) (Sommer-Knudsen et aI., 1998). Sev-
a plasma membrane cy tochrome b sys te m eral enzymes of this type are involved in fla-
(Section IV) and, in chloroplasts, by reduced ferre- vonoid and alkaloid bio synthesis, including
doxin (Miyaki and Asada, 1992; Asada, 1999). anthocyanidin synthase, flavone 3-hydroxylase,
MDHA , which escapes these reducing systems flavonol synthase and flavone synthase 1, and
disproportionates to DHA and ascorbate (Asada, alkaloid oxygenases. Two enzymes involved in
1999). Thioredo xin reductase is also able to re- hormone synthesis are also 2-oxoglutarate-depen-
duce MDHA (May et aI., 1998), although the sig- dent oxygenases : l-aminocyclopropane-l -car-
nificance is plants is not known . boxylate (ACC) oxidase for ethylene synthesis

and gibberellin 20-oxidase. Ascorbate is also re- 1997). Ascorbate supply in the chloroplast may
quired for myrosinase activity (Prescott and John, limit the rate of zeaxanthin formation in vivo
1996). (Neubauer and Yamamoto, 1994; Forti et aI.,
The HRGPs are predominantly extracellular 1999). DHA formed by the de-epoxidation in the
proteins , including extensins, hydroxyproline-rich lumen must move to the stroma to be reduced
glycoproteins , and arabinogalactan-proteins back to ascorbate. However, no carriers on the
(AGPs), which have as yet poorly defined roles in thylakoid membrane have been reported (Foyer
cell wall structure and growth (Sommer-Knudsen and Lelandais, 1996). Eskling et aI. (1997) calcu-
et aI., 1998). Strong evidence that ascorbate is late that the concentration of ascorbic acid in the
required as cofactor for the posttranslational thylakoid lumen is 8 ~ in the absence of a
hydroxylation of prolyl residues by prolyl carrier, assuming 50 mM ascorbate in the stroma
hydroxylase is provided by the effect of 3,4- at pH 8 and a pKa of 4.2 for ascorbate. This is
dehydro-o,L-proline (DP). This inhibit s prolyl hy- much lower than the measured K, of 100 ~ for
droxylase and results in decreased content of VDE. They propose that there must be thylakoid
hydroxyproline in pea embryonic axes, carrot root, carriers to transport ascorbate in and DHA out.
and potato tuber slices along with a large increase VDE has been purified and cloned (Bugos and
in ascorbate content (De Gara et aI., 1991). This Yamamoto, 1996; Rockholm and Yamamoto,
implies that the demand for ascorbate for proline 1996; Havir et aI., 1997). Growth at high light
hydroxylation is large because the pool is less increases both zeaxanthin and ascorbate content
oxidized when prolyl hydroxylase is inhibited. of leaves (Smirnoff and Pallanca, 1996; Grace
The effect might be particularly marked in mer- and Logan, 1996; Logan et aI., 1996; Eskling and
istems, and it is reported that DP treatment inhib- A..kerland, 1998). It is possible that the light
its cell division and causes increased cell size responsiveness of the ascorbate pool and the high
(De Tullio et aI., 1999). This could provide an concentration in the stroma is related to the need
explanation for the reported stimulation of cell to maintain sufficient ascorbate for VDE activity
division by ascorbate (previously reviewed by in the thylakoid lumen .
Smirnoff, 1996).
The xanthophyll cycle is an important
photoprotective system in chloroplasts. When D. Ascorbate Oxidase and Apoplastic
leaves are exposed to high light intensity part of Ascorbate: The Role of Ascorbate in
the absorbed energy is reradiated as heat by the Cell Growth
carotenoid zeaxanthin in the light-harvesting com-
plex. This reduces photoinhibitory damage to The frequently reported correlation between
photosystem 2 (Niyogi, 1999). Zeaxanthin is syn- high ascorbate oxidase (AO) activity and rapid
thesized from the xanthophyll pigments anther- growth, which is particularly marked in, although
axanthin and violaxanthin by de-epoxidation re- not confined to, cucurbit fruits and its induction
actions, catalyzed by violaxanthin de-epoxidase by auxin (Esaka et aI., 1992), strongly sugge sts a
(VDE), which is located in the thylakoid lumen role in growth. Ascorbate oxidase activity is very
and requires ascorbate as a cofactor (Eskling et aI., low in embryonic axes of pea seedlings during
1997). It is activated in high light intensity by the early germination, and a marked increase in activ-
decrease in lumen pH that results from rapid pho- ity just precedes initiation of embryonic axis
tosynthetic electron transport. The xanthophyll growth (Pallanca and Smirnoff, 1999). Beyond
cycle is completed by expoxidation of zeaxanthin these correlations, no major advances have been
to reform violaxanthin and antheraxanthin when made in determining the role of AO in cell growth
leaves are returned to dim light. The enzyme re- because this subject was reviewed several years
quires ascorbate as reductant in vitro and prefers ago (Smirnoff, 1996). AO is largely apoplastic
the undissociated ascorbic acid that predominates and is secreted by cells in suspension culture
over the ascorbate anion at low pH [pKa of ascor- (Esaka et aI., 1989). It has been cloned from vari-
bic acid = 4.2] (Bratt et aI., 1995; Eskling etaI., ous cucurbits (Ohkawa et aI., 1989; Esaka et aI.,

1990 ; Diallinas et al., 1997; Kisu et al., 1997) and synthesis, can now be addressed. A DHA tran s-
tobacco (Kato and Esaka, 1996). The genes all porter has been identified and the next stage is to
encode signal sequences specifying secretion. purify and clone it. The significance of tran s-
Melon AO is encoded by a multigene family membrane electron tran sport via cytochrome b
(Diallinas et al., 1997) and the pumpkin gene has using ascorbate and MDHA as electron donor and
an auxin response element (Ki su et al., 1997). acceptor needs further in vestigation . Progress on
The simplest hypothesis to explain the role of ascorbate catabolism and on the longstanding
AO in cell growth is that a product of ascorbate mystery of the furiction of ascorbate oxidase should
oxidation, MDHA or DHA, directly affects cell be made in the next few years. It is becoming
expansion (Smirnoff, 1996). MDHA stimulates clear that glutathione plays an important role in
growth and cell expansion in onion roots (Hidalgo anti oxidative defense and redox-based signaling
et al., 1989; Gonzales-Reyes, 1994, 1995). This is mechanisms, for example, in photoprotection and
proposed to result from increased transmembrane pathogen defense (Noctor and Foyer, 1998;
electron transport using MDHA as electron ac- Karpinski et aI., 1999) . Therefore, it is likely that
ceptor via the cytochrome b system (Section IV) . ascorbate, whose redox state is often closely linked
This depolarizes the plasma membrane and acti- to glutathione, has a similar role in addition to
vates the H+-ATPase resulting in increased ion those roles that are unique to its own chemistry.
uptake and/or increased activity of cell wall loos- Ascorbate-deficient mutants are now available
ening enzymes. Thi s hypothesis will need further (Conklin et al., 2000) , and transgenic plants with
testing, and it is likely that altered expression of altered expression of bios ynthetic genes will soon
AO in transgenic plants will soon reveal more be produced. These developments will enable pro-
about its function. duction of plants with reduced or increased ascor-
Other interactions between ascorbate and the bate content, which will be useful to probe the
cell wall are possible independently of AO. Ascor- functions of this simple but multifacetted mol-
bate may inhibit wall pero xidases by scavenging ecule, perhaps even revealing functions that are
hydrogen peroxide and by direct inhibition. Inhi- completely un suspected.
bition of peroxidase activity decreases pero xidative
cross-linking of wall polymers, resulting in a more
exten sible wall (Cordoba-Pedregosa et a!., 1996). ACKOWLEDGMENTS
Fry ( 1998) has suggested that a combination of
ascorbate and traces of transition metals such as Research in NS 's laboratory is funded by the
Fe and Cu in cell wall s generate hydroxyl radicals Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research
(OH), which then cause scission of glycosidic Council and Bio-Technical Resources (Wiscon-
bonds of wall polysaccharides. This was shown to sin, USA). We are grateful to P. L. Conklin, C. H.
occur in vitro, but its relevance in vivo is not Foyer, and F. A. Loewus who have supplied pre-
known. prints of papers in press.


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