Pump Sizing Calculation

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CD-FE 01 01/04/2014 Issued for Review K.Ekwuluo R.Ogunyemi M.Omotoso

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LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................................................... 5

LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................................................................. 5
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................................................................... 6
1.0 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................. 7
1.1 PROJECT OVERVIEW........................................................................................................................ 7
2.0 OBJECTIVES ...................................................................................................................................... 8
3.0 PUMP SIZING ...................................................................................................................................... 9
3.1 PUMP SIZING CRITERIA .................................................................................................................... 9
3.2 FLUID PROPERTIES ........................................................................................................................ 10
3.3 ASSUMPTIONS ................................................................................................................................ 11
3.3.1 PRODUCED WATER TRANSFER PUMP ......................................................................................... 11
3.3.2 WATER INJECTION BOOSTER PUMPS .......................................................................................... 11
3.3.3 WATER INJECTION PUMPS ............................................................................................................ 11
3.4 CALCULATION PROCEDURE .......................................................................................................... 12
4.0 RESULTS / EVALUATION ................................................................................................................ 13
5.0 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................... 14
6.0 REFERENCES: ................................................................................................................................. 15
APPENDICES .............................................................................................................................................. 16

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Table 1 Equipment Index

Table 2 Liquid line sizing for pump suction & discharge

Table 3 Fluid Properties

Table 4 Summary of Results


Appendix I Produced water pump sizing calculation

Appendix II Water Injection Pumps Sizing Calculation

Appendix III Heat & Material Balance For Maximum Oil & Gas (Start-up)

Appendix IV Heat & Material Balance For Maximum Water Case

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Abbreviations Meaning

bara Bar absolute

barg Bar guage

bpd Barrels per day

FEED Front End Engineering Design

FPSO Floating, Production, Storage & Offloading

HMB Heat & Material Balance

hp Horse power

IESL International Energy Services Limited

Kg/m3 Kilogram per cubic metre

kW kiloWatts

NAE Nigerian Agip Exploration Ltd

NPSHA Net Positive Suction Head Available

NPSHR Net Positive Suction Head Required

P&ID Piping & Instrumentation Diagram

psi Pound per square inch

SNEPCo Shell Nigeria Exploration & Production Company

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1.1 Project Overview

Nigerian Agip Exploration Limited (NAE) and Shell Nigeria Exploration and Production Company
(SNEPCo) are in the process of developing NAE Deep Offshore Block located approximately
150kilometers offshore Nigeria. In particular, the block is a 1,958 km2 block license located in the
deepwater eastern portion of the Niger Delta in Nigeria, with water depths ranging from 1,200 to 2,400
The current development scenario involves production from subsea wells located in water depths
around 1,750 - 1800 meters. The wells would be conveyed to a moored ship-shaped FPSO. The
FPSO would be utilised for:
a. Stabilisation, dehydration, storage and export of crude oil product,

b. Dehydration, compression and export of gas,

c. Separation and treatment of produced water,

d. Seawater treatment;

e. Produced water and Seawater injection for Reservoir pressure maintenance

f. Power generation for FPSO marine, accommodation and process loads,

g. Gas lift at riser base at an appropriate pressure

The block (Fig. 1) comprises two discoveries, Zabazaba and Etan, which are separated by a significant
seafloor canyon. The field is in about 1,950 m water depth and the distance between Zabazaba and
Etan is about 30/40 km.

Figure 1: Block Location

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BW Offshore has therefore employed the services of IESL to carry out the Front End Engineering Design
(FEED) for the new Water injection and Produced Water Treatment modules/systems.
This document shows the process equipment sizing calculations carried out on the Produced Water
Treatment and New Water Injection modules.

The purpose of this document is to provide the sizing calculations for the both the Produced Water and
Water Injection Pumps.

Table 1: Equipment Index

No. Description Tag Quantity P&ID Number(s)

1 Produced Water Transfer Pump 3 4295-IES-P-XB-44005.001

2 Water Injection Booster Pumps 3 4295-IES-P-XB-29004.001
A/B/C (3x50%)

3 Water Injection Pump 29PA102 A / B 2 4295-IES-P-XB-29005.001

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3.1 Pump Sizing Criteria

The Water injection and injection booster pumps were sized in accordance with API RP 14E (Ref 8)
and the Eni exploration & production design criteria reference document for process minimum
requirement (Ref 9).

The following criteria form the basis for the pump sizing as per API 14E (Ref 8):

• Velocity in the suction pipe shall be between 2 - 3 ft/s (Table 2.3).

• Velocity in the discharge pipe shall be between 6 – 9 ft/s (Table 2.3).

• Pump should be sized to provide adequate head required and to ensure that the NPSHA exceeds
the NPSHR (Ref 8) so that essentially no vapor will be flashed from the liquid as it enters the pump
casing or cylinder.

Similarly, Table 2 below shows the design criteria as specified in the Eni exploration & production
design criteria.

Table 2: Liquid line sizing for pump suction & discharge

∆P(bar) / 100m

Normal (Note 1) Maximum (Note 1) Maximum

SERVICE Velocity
Pump Suction

• Liquid @ bubble point or with dissolved 0.05 0.8 1.0

gas ( ≥ 4”)

• Liquid at bubble point or with dissolved 0.1 1.5
gas ( 4”-8”)
0.11 1.8
• Liquid at bubble point or with dissolved
gas ( ≥ 8”)

0.35 2.0
• Sub-cooled Liquid ( < 8”)

• Sub-cooled Liquid ( ≥ 8”) 0.35 3.0

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Table 2: Liquid line sizing for pump suction & discharge (Cont’d)
∆P(bar) / 100m

Normal (Note 1) Maximum (Note 1) Maximum

SERVICE Velocity
Pump Discharge

• Lines ( < 4”)

0.05 0.8 1.0

• Lines ( ≥ 8”) 0.07

0.1 1.5

Note 1: For all calculations, reference was made to the normal value.

3.2 Fluid Properties

The fluid properties for the Produced Water Transfer Pumps was taken from the Maximum Water
Simulation case, while the fluid properties for the Water Injection Booster pumps and Water Injection
pumps were taken from the Maximum Oil & Gas (Start-up) Simulation case.

The table below shows the fluid properties from the respective Heat and Material Balance (HMB)
Tables (Ref 4 & 5) which were used for the sizing.

Table 3: Fluid Properties

Flowrate Flowrate
No. Description Tag Density (Kg/m3)
(m3/h) (bpd)

Produced water 44PA101A/B/C

1 198.72 30,000 994.4
transfer pump (3x50%)
Water injection 29PA101 A/B/C
2 132.40 20,000 1006
booster pumps (3x50%)

29PA102 A / B
3 Water injection pump 264.80 40,000 1006
(2 x 100%)

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Assumptions were made on individual pump sizing which await the actual values from the isometric
drawing. Below are the series of assumptions.

3.3.1 Produced water transfer pump

• Suction pipe length 10m
• Suction static head 8m considering the vessel height.
• Total K-factor (based on valves & fittings on the suction line) 6.89
• Discharge pipe length based on 100ft (30.48m)
• Discharge static head 10m
• Total K-factor (based on valves & fittings on the discharge line) 2.89

3.3.2 Water Injection booster pumps

• Suction pipe length 10m
• Suction static head 8m
• Total K-factor (based on valves & fittings on the suction line) 1.33
• Discharge pipe length 10m
• Discharge static head 10m
• Total K-factor (based on valves & fittings on the discharge line) 4.74
• A discharge pressure of 11 barg was used.

3.3.3 Water Injection pumps

• Suction pipe length 10m
• Suction static head 8m
• Total K-factor (based on valves & fittings on the suction line) 0.637
• Discharge pipe length 20m
• Discharge static head 10m
• Total K-factor (based on valves & fittings on the discharge line) 2.38

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The following methodology was used in performing the pump sizing / NPSH calculation

a. Pipe Data & Fluid properties was gathered

b. The absolute total pressure at pump suction was calculated.

c. The absolute total pressure at pump discharge was calculated.

d. The Differential head of the pumps was determined.

e. The pump hydraulic power was determined.

f. The pump actual horse power was determined.

g. The Net Positive Suction Head Available (NPSHA) was calculated.

Appendix I & II shows the detailed pump sizing calculation of the Produced Water transfer pumps,
Water Injection Booster Pumps and Water Injection Pumps.

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A summary of the calculation result is giving in the table below.

Table 4: Summary of Results

Produced Water Water Injection Water Injection

Pump Parameters Transfer Pump Booster Pump Pump
(44PA101A/B/C) (29PA101A/B/C) (29PA102A/B)

Differential Head (m) 28.668 84.068 1407.640

Flowrate (bpd) 32,998* 20,000 40,000

Hydraulic Power (hp) 22.73 40.85 1371.19

Estimated Horsepower
19.51 35.60 1165.01

NPSHa (m) 37.84 48.02 128.99

Pump Efficiency 85.64 83.72 86.31

Suction 0.02 0.025 0.025

∆P / 100m
Discharge 0.18 0.294 0.237

Suction 0.84 0.7 0.8

Discharge 2.06 2.0 2.2

The pressure drop per length (∆P / 100m) values were obtained from the Process Calculation Report
(Ref 10) which captured all process lines inclusive of all pump suction and discharge lines.
*A flow margin of 10% was added to the produced water pumps.

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The results obtained from the pump sizing calculation as shown in Table 4, indicates that the
pump suction and discharge lines for the Produced Water transfer pumps, Water Injection Booster
Pumps and the Water Injection pumps adequately meet the specified criteria in section 3.1.
Appendix I & II show the detailed sizing calculation spreadsheets of the Produced and sea water
pump sizing respectively.

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1. Basis of Design Etan Development - 325300BGRB12000.

2. Process Design Philosophy - 4295-BWO-P-FD-00001.
3. Produced water transfer Pumps P&ID – 4295-IESL-P-XB-44005.001.
4. Heat & Material Balance for Maximum Oil & Gas (Start-up).
5. Heat & Material Balance for Maximum Water Case.
6. Water injection booster pumps P&ID - 4295-IES-P-XB-29004.001.
7. Water injection pumps P&ID – 4295-IES-P-XB-29005.001.
8. API 14E – Recommended Practice for Design & Installation of Offshore Petroleum
Production Platform Piping Systems (Section 2.3b).
9. Eni Exploration & Production Design Criteria (10009.HTP.PRC.PRG) – Process
Minimum Requirement
10. Process Calculation Report (XXX-IES-P-DOC-002)

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Produced water pump sizing calculation

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Water Injection Pumps Sizing Calculation

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Heat & Material Balance For Maximum Oil & Gas (Start-up)

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Heat & Material Balance For Maximum Water Case

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