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40 Contoh Soal TENSES Pilihan Ganda

1. Agus (eats) a bread every morning

Agus makan roti setiap pagi
a. eat
b. ate
c. eating
2. They (play) badminton every weekend
mereka bermain bulu tangkis setiap akhir pekan
b. plays
c. playing
d. played

3. The ships (arrive) tonight

Kapal tiba malam ini
a. arriving
b. arrives
d. arrived

4. Nurul (takes a bath) every morning

Nurul mandi setiap pagi
a. took a bath
b. take a bath
d. taking a bath

5. They (know) us so well

Merek mengenal kami sangat baik
a. known
b. knew
d. knowing
6. We (make) lyric of the song
kami membuat lirik lagu
b. making
c. made
d. Makes

7. We (send) a letter for me

Kami mengirim surat untuk saya
a. sends
b. sent
c. sending

8. He (laughs) to me
dia tertawa padaku
a. lauged
b. laugh
d. laughing

9. My father always (Practices) Taekwondo every week.

Ayah saya selalu berlatih taekwondo setiap minggu
a. Is practicing
b. Practicing
d. Practice

10. (Does) the meeting take place in your office?

Apakah rapat berlangsung di kantor anda
a. Don’t
c. Do
d. Dod

11. They (buy) some fruits for my family

mereka membeli beberapa buah untuk keluarga saya
a. buying
b. buys
c. Bought

12. We(do) not do the task

kami tidak melakukan tugas
b. be
c. did
d. are

13. Do your father and mother (Stay) in a hotel?

jangan ayah dan ibumu tinggal di hotel
a. Staying
b. To stay
c. Stays

14. Does your friend (Understand) about this problem?

Apakah temananda mengerti tentang masalah ini
a. Understood
b. To understand
c. Understands

15. Bambang And Mrs Susanti  (Are) always happy every time.
bambang dan mrs susanti selalu bahagia setiap saat
a. Were
b. Is
c. Am

16. The earth (Rotates) once within 24 hours every day.

Bumiberputan sekali dalam 24 jam setiap hari
a. Rotated
c. Rotating
d. Rotate
17. Every day the security officer at my school (Walks) around the building once
every hour.
Setiap hari petugas keamanan disesekolah mei berjalan di sekitar gedung sekali
setiap jam
a. Walking
b. Is walking
d. To be walking

18. My match teacher (Is) always kind to every student.

Guru jodoh saya selalu baik pada setiap siswa
a. Was
c. Are
d. Am

19. Budi, Agus and Yudi (are) my best friend.

budi agus dan yudi adalah sahabatku
b. Am
c. Is
d. Was

20. One of my friends always (Goes) to Yogyakarta every year.

Salah satu teman saya selalu pergi ke yogyakarta setiap tahun
a. Going
c. Go
d. To go

21. My father doesn’t (Drink) coffee every morning.

Ayah saya tidak minum kopi setiap pagi
a. Drinking
c. To drink
d. Drinks

22. Our English teacher always (Checks) our homework every week.
guru bahasa inggris saya selalu memeriksa pekerjaan rumah kami setiap minggu
b. Checked
c. Check
d. Checking

23. The train always (Arrives) on time.

kereta selalu tiba tepat waktu
a. Arrived
b. To arrive
c. Arrive

24. (Do) you have enough time to attend the party?

apakah anda telah menemukan cukup waktu untuk menghadiri pesta
b. Did
c. Does
d. Didn’t

25. Does the coach of Football club (Train) the team regularly?
Apakah pelatih klub sepak bola melatih tim secara teratur
a. Training
b. Trains
d. Trained

26. (Does) your Uncle come here every year?

Apakah pamanmu datang ke sini setiap tahun
a. Will
c. Do
d. Did

27. I don’t (Have) time to swim on monday.

saya tidak punya waktu untuk berenang pada hari senin
b. Had
c. Having
d. Has
28. Sholikhin (Has) a very thick book about Indonesian History.
sholikhin memiliki buku yang sangat tebal tentang sejarah indonesia
a. Hid
b. Have
d. Had

29. I (get up) at 5 am

saya bangun jam 5 pagi
a. got up
b. gets up
d. getting up

30. They (know) me so well

Mereka mengenal saya dengan sangat baik
a. known
b. knew
d. knew

31. Our English teacher  ...  check the attendance list every day.
a. Not doing
b. Does not
c. Do not
d. Did not

32. Mr. And Mrs. Susanto often  ...  late.

a. Come
b. Coming
c. Comes
d. Came

33. I  ... a letter for my mom

a. writes
b. writing
c. write
d. wrote
34. I ... a delicious food for you
a. cook
b. cooks
c. cooking
d. cooked

35. He ... a homemade cake

a. making
b. make
c. made
d. makes
36. We ... this food here
a. eating
b. eat
c. ate
d. eaten

37. It most ... . all the time

a. hapen
b. happening
c. happen
d. happens

38. Johan often….to my gym

a. comes
b. came
c. come
d. coming

39. He ... a picture here

a. draws
b. drawn
c. drew
d. drawing
40. You can ... fresh vegetables
a. got
b. get
c. gets
d. getting

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