London School of Commerce: (Mba Foundation Programme) February 2010

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February 2010



Submitted to:

Tatiana Pavlovsky

Submitted By:

NAME : Tarek Mahmood

Student ID: L0941NINI0210


Date of submission: 20th, April, 2010

Title of the Assignment

Many companies formulate a Vision and Mission statement. Explain why companies follow
such practices and how they can use them effectively. You will support your arguments
through organizational examples to demonstrate how Mission and Vision statements are
formulated and describing the programs implemented to support such practices.

This report will reinforce in understanding the mission and vision statement of Huawei as
well as its value. This report will define the benefits of having the mission and vision
statement for an organization. And this report will also describe how they are communicated
and adopted by the staff, also expedite about challenges and benefits having mission and
vision in a climate of constant changes. A proper portrayal will clearly give an idea of having
mission and vision for a company.

Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.


Huawei was established in 1988 , it is a private company which is specializes in production

and marketing of communications equipments, research and development (R&D), and they
are supporting network service for telecom companies. Now a day Huawei becomes a
leading telecom company, specially in the All-IP convergence age. Their equipment and
service have been deployed in more than 100 countries and have served 45 of the best 50
telecom operators of the world, as well as they are serving for one third of the world's
population. They have also established 17 Radio Network Development centers around the
world, They also have 36 training centers worldwide.
Source: Corporate Information ( accessed on 7th April 2010 at 9pm

The Vision is - “To enrich life through communication.”

Huawei keep their customer as their GOD. Their main priority is their customers demand. As
a result they are closer with the customers than the any other company in the world.

Huawei’s Mission is “ To focus on our customers'.

Source: ( accessed on 7th April 2010 at 9pm

Developing a Mission Statement

An organization should have a mission, mission works as a mirror of an organization.

Basically, the mission statement describes the overall purpose of the organization. Again if
any organization wants to establish their vision before predetermined their mission a
question could be arise what is the purpose of this vision, the answer will be the same as
mission. Before selecting the mission for an organization, it is essential to keep consider the
product of that organization, markets, services, value, and concern for public image, and
activities of that organization. If an organization changes their business process they should
be change their mission related with their new business strategies. Ensure that wording of
the mission is to the extent that management and employees can infer some order of
priorities in how products and services are delivered. When the mission is being changed an
effective exercise is to add or delete to make the mission effective to understand for the
customers. Mission of an organization should be separated with other organization with
sufficient description.

Source: (“Field Guide to Non-profit Strategic Planning and Facilitation” by blog of Carter
McNamara partner in Authenticity Consulting, LLC)

Developing a Vision Statement

Mainly the vision statement explains the operational behaviour of an organization. It can be
culture specific when vision statement is developing, i.e., participants may use methods
ranging from highly analytical and rational to highly creative and divergent, e.g., focused
discussions, divergent experiences around daydreams, sharing stories, etc. Therefore, visit
with the participants how they might like to arrive at description of their organizational vision.
It is really enjoyable time for an organization when vision statement is going to prepare. It is
noticeable that, vision statement is the description of the state and function of the
organization, when the strategic plane has implemented.
Like as, an organization is going to a very attractive image and the organization is being
attracted by the strategic plan. Recently, vision statement is working as a more effective tool
for an organization, too often including highly idealistic phrasing and activities which the
organization cannot realistically aspire.

Source: (“Field Guide to Non-profit Strategic Planning and Facilitation” by blog of Carter
McNamara partner in Authenticity Consulting, LLC)

Developing a Values Statement

Core priority among all organizational culture is value, including the priority of member’s and
based on their truly act for the organization, etc. Values are increasingly important in
strategic planning. They often drive the intent and direction for “organic” planners.
it is quick culture specific to developing a value statement i.e., highly analytical and rational
to highly creative and divergent methods may be used by participants, e.g., focused
discussions, divergent experiences around daydreams, sharing stories, etc. Therefore, visit
with the participants how they might like to arrive at description of their organizational values.
An organization should have to establish four to five core values in which the organization
like to operate. It is important to consider the value of shareholders, customers, employees
and the community. It should be noticed the difference between the organizational true value
and preferred value. (value’s of an organization is mainly reflected by the behaviours of the
members of that organization)
Each preferred value could be recorded in a flash card and then rank the value’s with 1, 2, or
3 in terms of the priority needed by the organization with 1 is indicating the least important
and 3 is more important value for the organization. Then review the cards again just to
remark the opinion of people about their thinking of the values in an organization with 1
indicating the values are hardly reflected to all and 3 indicating the values are fully indicating.
Then address discrepancies where a value is enacted (ranked with a 1) but preferred
(ranked with a 3).

Source: (“Field Guide to Non-profit Strategic Planning and Facilitation” by blog of Carter
McNamara partner in Authenticity Consulting, LLC)

Explain the benefits of having a Mission and Vision statement

This statement really starts for establishing the core values. Lots of people in their middle
years instinctively know what their core values are but some time they can brief about it. This
is like a strong work ethic, a desire to contribute, respect for your fellow workers or
subordinates. These are not change over time and driving force of life. So once any
organization fixed their core values, then they could establish what their vision is.

Source :( accessed at 14th April 16:30pm

Mission is a kind of written statement that clearly directs all of the stakeholders of an
organization. It reflects the commitment to the customers and the company’s staff as well
and the community at large. Next step is the setting objectives; it totally depends on how an
organization is keeping their promises according to their mission. It is easy to decide the
objectives if the organizations have clarity on both vision and mission. Each and every sector
of an organization should have an objective. It may be corporate related, staff related, sakes,
finance, operation or any combination of these. As it is seen the mission and vision is related
with each and every sector of the organization, the benefit of mission and vision are

Source :( accessed at 14th April 16:30pm

HUAWEI’s mission is related with their customers, they always try to create maximum value
for the customers. HUAWEI believes serving their customer is the only reason HUAWEI
exists, customer demand is the main driving force for their development. High quality, low
operation cost, excellent service and they give top priority to their customer’s to enhance
their competitiveness and profitability. By serving their customers they are achieving their
vision. Their vision was to enrich life through customers. And they are doing the same thing.
So if mission and vision are pre-determined then it is easy to achieve the goal of an

Describe how they are communicated and adopted by the staff:

An organization’s strategic objectives for globalization effort of short-term or long-term are

decided by many factors. An organization has tough leaders of various levels who could
identify and share corporate culture to achieve organizational vision, and they are equipped
with latest skills. HUAWEI has chosen to become a world-leading player in communications.
They introduce training facilities to all around the world for the employee of HUAWEI and for
the sub vendor company as well.

Source: ( (accessed 1am at 14th April

There are six principal that HUAW|EI introduced, what is communicated and adopted by the

Principle one:

HUAWEI always give top priority to the organizational efficiency, they believe their staff’s are
the most valuables and largest wealth. To increase the potentiality among all staff’s given
top priority to the organizational efficiency; all individual departments should be taking into
account. This is the best way to improve the whole organizational efficiency.

Principle two:
They always try to involve the mangers because they are the decisive factors for the
success of total efficiency management implementation. Managers always try to mitigate
their staff’s fear and customary mentality, built a working environment, provide training,
analyze and adopt their suggestions, give courage for their implementation, give them
courage and motivate them to make contribution.

Principle three:
Since staff members are the cornerstone for every department, their involvement in every
decision should be increase to show their talent and reduces the risk of misunderstanding
between managers and staff. It will surely help to implement every decision and potential
improvement of organization.

Principle four:
They introduced a quality control department, so that they can implement quality control
methods like QCC and Six Sigma. This department proves efficient for the organization to
achieve their mission and vision

Principle five:
All staff’s of HUAWEI adopt system-based management. Now HUAWEI is fully applying
various end-to-end processes and setting up corresponding teams. Then we fully
understand the inherent relevancy between these processes in the system and the impact.
Finally the staff’s associate the organization's overall goal
Make improvement for HUAWEI.

Principle six:
Make ongoing improvement, it is the most effective topic for improve HUAWEI which is the
goal of every staffs. It helps to increase the efficiency of HUAWEI.

Demonstrate that Mission and Vision statements must be implemented through

different programs for them to be meaningful and relevant.

Continuous innovation based on customer needs. HUAWEI has maintained a strategy of

continuous customercentric innovation. HUAWEI recently held in Abu Dhabi, the ICT Oil &
Gas Summit, it will provide next generation telecommunication network solutions in Middle
East and all over the world. Oil & Gas sector with improved networking capabilities and
communications to enhance business performance. All Oil & Gas
Companies are looking for improvement in communication capability. HUAWEI has worked
with several Oil & Gas companies, in this reason and China as well. where it has advised on
and deployed new technologies that provide effective solutions to the industry's challenges.
HUAWEI is getting focused in this sector day by day, HUAWEI proved successful to provide
service and equipment; they could easily meet the requirements of business in a number of
other sectors.’

Source: ( (accessed 1am at 14th April

During the implementation of ALL IP based FMC, operators face various challenges.
HUAWEI has introduced its IP Broadband Architecture for Service Experience solution. At
present, HUAWEI has worked with many operators in delivering IP Broadband Service.
HUAWEI researching many more new things like Carrier-Grade IP, All-IP Transformation,
Mobile Broadband Delivery, ARPU Deterioration, SingleRAN Advances, Tera-scale
Networks, New Voice Business Models, Value Creation in Broadband, Content and Media
Services, Virtual Computing and many more new things.

The are making new business opportunities but their mission and vision is same. They are
getting popular for introducing new technologies

Source: ( (accessed 1am at 14th April

Observe the challenges and benefits of having such statements in a climate of

constant change:

We all know that 'the customer is the only reason HUAWEI exist'. HUAWEI is always trying
to take new challenges according to their customer’s demand and they are meeting the
demand with satisfactory. HUAWEI not only need to know just their customer’s need, but
they also be able to recognize what the customer will need in future and they also try to find
out the root cause of the need. HUAWEI always try to develop the relationship with the
customer’s as a result they could identify the hidden needs of their customers, and they try
achieve the goal.
For this reason they always take new challenges to achieve success and keep their vision

Source: ( (accessed 1am at 14th April

Conclution : HUAWEI takes some challenges like as; Wind River Platform for Network
Equipment, VxWorks Edition and Wind River Workbench, On-Chip Debugging Edition. And
they get benefitted result such as Reduced development cost and risk by using a product
line–wide standardized developing platform, Accelerated time-to-market leveraging a
powerful, fully integrated commercial-off-the shelf (COTS) solution that enables out-of-the-
box application development and Accelerated time-to-market leveraging a powerful, fully
integrated commercial-off-the shelf (COTS) solution that enables out-of-the-box application
development. Already they proved that HUAWEI can take new challenges and they can
achieve success from that,

References :
Adler, R.B (2006) Communicating at Work, (8th edn) McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social

Laborde GZ (1998) Influencing with Integrity: Management Skills for Communication and
Negotiation Crown House Publishing

Cooper C and Theobald, T (2004) Shut Up and Listen! The Truth about How to Communicate
at Work, Kogan Page

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