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14 Day Journey

No part of this book may be reproduced in any format without permission unless its
sole intent is to help make the world a better place in anyway whatsoever.

The ideas, concepts, and opinions expressed in the Boho Beautiful 14 Day Journey
Guidebook are intended to be used for educational purposes only. Boho Beautiful
14 Day Journey Guidebook is sold with the understanding that authors and publisher
are not rendering medical advice of any kind, nor intended to replace medical advice,
nor to diagnose, prescribe or treat any disease, condition, illness, or injury. It is
imperative that before beginning any diet or exercise program, including any aspect
of a plant-based diet, you receive full medical clearance from a licensed physician.
Authors and publisher claim no responsibility to any person or entity for any liability,
loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of
the use, application, or interpretation of the material in the Boho Beautiful 14 Day
Journey Guidebook.

2 14 Day Journey
Table of Contents

Beginning Your Journey 06

Setting Up Your Sacred Space 08
Boho Beautiful Official 10
Your Journey 12
Calendar 42
Yoga Tips 44
Meditation Tips 46
The Importance of Journaling 50
Creating Your Dream Board 52
Thank You 54

14 Day Journey 3

So here you are.

About to begin a 14 day journey into mindfulness.

For whatever reason that has brought you here the two of us are very grateful
that your path has lead you here.

We tend to believe that very little happens but that which we write in our
own stars.

But at the same time we recognize that the most important moments aren’t of
our own complete volition either, we are each guided by something our mere
minds cannot illustrate.

Like sand that slips through our fingers the more we try to grasp.

Things sometimes line up. And stars can shine as guides.

And doors are presented which when walked through connect us from one
decision to the next, only to reveal the exact places we each need to find.

And usually, those places can be much like this one for you right now.


A conscious step you are taking towards your own light.

Often overlooked in the moment, but then found to be extremely critical when
looked back upon from further up the path.

No matter where it might lead.

Just know that this journey laid out before you is a mere sign post for everyone.

And where it is pointing will be exactly where you and only you need to go.

4 14 Day Journey
Because we are each at different points on our paths.

And each need our own original next step.

The mindfulness awaiting for you, is yours and only yours to find.

And it knows your heart and it knows your soul, because it is you and you are it.

It is your essence and will bring to you the tools and challenges and progress that
are necessary right now.

And it will not always be easy.

But no matter how the outcome feels, it will always be important.

Both if you find yourself at the end of Day 14 or stop on Day 2.

What you absorb will contribute to you, and will be found again or returned to when
you need it most.

So we wish you great luck and great success as you begin with us today.

And it is our hope that you find all that you are looking for and even more that
you are not.

This is an investment you are making in yourself.

Your decision to be here right now should not be taken lightly.

Honor it and give yourself the credit you deserve.

Because this is the exact decision that will shape and guide and mold your tomorrow
and on and on.

And it is positive in nature just as you are too.

All our love and welcome to the

14 day journey into mindfulness.
Love and light,

Juliana & Mark

14 Day Journey 5
Beginning Your Journey

Just like any journey, everything begins with the first step.

Whether the first step is rolling out your mat, making a commitment to a specific
time frame, or simply getting out of bed that one hour earlier in order to find peace
and stillness.

It all begins with a decision.

And each decision today ultimately always ends up defining each of our tomorrows.
An idea and affirmation that has guided both of us through our own personal journey
both on and off the mat.

So we hope that each time you step on your mat you remember the intention that
brought you to take this first step.

The need for a fresh start, to renew your own personal vows to your health and
well-being, and to dedicate time each day to the care of your own body and state
of mind.

You are both the love and the light.

6 14 Day Journey
14 Day Journey 7
Setting Up
Your Sacred Space
No matter how much room you have to work with, how big your home is, there is
always a place that you can create to make your own little ‘sacred sanctuary’.

It could be a little nook in your bedroom where you just have enough space to roll
out a yoga mat each day before rolling it back up and putting the computer chair
back in its place.

Or maybe you are able to dedicate an entire room to your own personal well-being
and actually leave the mat grounded in place for weeks on end.

Either way, it’s the same result and the same sacred ritual.

It is all about the familiar return.

The actual physical amount of space you have to work with doesn’t matter.

It’s that you are making time to find the familiar space inside your own self.

Your presence each day creates the place where you return to the energy, pure and

And this habitual return creates the familiar sparks each time with greater ease,
which light your energetic flame.

This is the beautiful gift that you can provide for yourself.

So take a moment and see where your heart is calling you to make that space.

Remember that it is not about the size, it is about your return.

8 14 Day Journey
Light some candles, burn some sage or incense, place a photo of a loved one or
some gems or stones or whatever helps you return.

We have found a great fondness through placing living plants around us and even
hanging some twinkle lights to set a mood.

All and any of these things become triggers and reminders, that help summon all
that you will and have nurtured for yourself before right there.

And when you return to this space, it is you who is deciding to take the control back
in your life.

Because you are consciously returning to the place which you flourish in the most.

So be creative and have fun.

Remember that this is your safe place where nothing else matters but your own
inner connection to your heart, your body, and your soul.

Give yourself the space you deserve.

14 Day Journey 9
If You Should Choose To
Enjoy This Program On
‘Boho Beautiful Official’

For a more immersive experience of this 14 Day Journey we are proud to provide
each of you with a 2 week free access to our members only streaming platform and
custom app – Boho Beautiful Official.

It is not essential to use the app to get the full value and experience of this program.
However, by taking advantage of this offer you can enjoy the classes ad free with
no interruptions, download the videos and meditation audio files onto your digital
devices, utilize the iOS & Android custom online daily journal, and you will get
access to the entire Boho Beautiful Official catalog which is filled with exclusive
videos, challenges, calendars, and so much more.

Again, this is not essential to the 14 Day Journey, but only a beautiful enhancement
if you so desire.

Click the button below to claim your free 14 day trial.

14 Day Free Trial

10 14 Day Journey
14 Day Journey 11
D AY 0 1

My Decisions Today
Define My Tomorrow

 Day 1 Yoga Video  Day 1 Meditation Video

As you open this first note to begin this first class, with the first video waiting for
you to press play, please take a moment and a breath and check in with how you are
feeling right now.

Think about the decisions that you have made in the last few days that have brought
you here to this beautiful moment.

Feel your heart beating in your chest, and thank yourself for making this decision to
show up today.

You are showing up for yourself, for your health, for your balance and your
inner peace.

You deserve this, and now you must give yourself the credit for the commitment
you have made because the momentum has already begun.

12 14 Day Journey
Day 01

It’s not easy to make the choice to find time for yourself.

It’s easy to think that it’s easy, but it is never as easy as we assume it will be.
To put your thoughts and desire into action, that is the part that defines our
very character.

Because right before we make every decision, we hear the voice in our head that
tries to convince us to stop.

That there is not enough time in each day, or that starting tomorrow might be better,
or maybe that are justified to stay curled up under your warm blanket for an extra
hour of sleep again.

The resistance comes in every form needed to keep you from leaving your
comfort zone.

But yet…here you are.

No matter what you had to overcome today to show up… you are here, and you
are ready.

Give yourself the credit for this that you deserve.

Because when we don’t commit to taking these steps to move forward, to reach
upward, all dreams and aspirations always without a doubt stay unrealized
and distant.

Like a distant star that you look upon at night and wonder what it might be like to
fly towards.

But we don’t need wings to fly.

And it is possible that the stars in the sky are just

your beginning.

So my friend, it’s time to jump on the rocket ship.

You are here and you are ready.

And you made the decision that will

define the beautiful future ahead of
you both on and off the mat.

14 Day Journey 13
D AY 0 2

The Power
Is Within Me

 Day 2 Yoga Video  Day 2 Meditation Video

Take a second, take a breath, and look back at the moments in your life where you
have reached for your power to get through a difficult moment in your life.

Some people believe that the Universe never brings anything to us that we
cannot handle.

And even when the going gets tough, all challenges force us to dig that little bit
deeper to find exactly what we need to discover.

To search & find the strength and tenacity necessary to overcome all things big
and small.

14 14 Day Journey
Day 02

That strength can always be found in each of us.

It simply relies in your belief.

So as you step forward into this day,

into this month,

into this year…

When the challenges rear their heads as they always do,

remember how truly powerful your heart and your soul is.

So look into the mirror,

look into your heart and accept your power.

You are an alchemist of your own future.

Always stronger than you’ve ever thought.

Here to conquer this incredible life in every way you can conceive.

That is why you are here.

14 Day Journey 15
D AY 0 3

I Create My Reality

 Day 3 Yoga Video  Day 3 Meditation Video

We must never forget that very little in life is ruled by design.

We manifest and create the life we believe we deserve.

Our perception of life, of ourselves, of our circumstances.

These chosen perceptions create our entire reality.

Because our perceptions will determine our thoughts and our actions.

And these will define our entire life both today and tomorrow.

This is the key.

But if our thoughts and our actions are so pivotal…

16 14 Day Journey
Day 03

How do we make sure we are choosing the ones which serve us best?

By understanding that every single time we choose anything,

we choose from two forces…

love or fear.

Think of them as two wolves that live inside each of our souls.

And when we choose to think or to act in accordance with either, we are feeding
that wolf.

And the more each is fed, the more it will grow, and then the more it becomes a
larger part of our life.

A life of love is a life

we define on our terms.

A life of fear is a life

that is defined for us.

And that is the secret.

The choice is always yours, even if the situation is not.

Because we choose which wolf to feed.

14 Day Journey 17
D AY 0 4

I Let Go Of All That

No Longer Serves Me

 Day 4 Yoga Video  Day 4 Meditation Video

This morning as we were making our morning coffee and getting ready to begin the
day, we had music randomly playing in the background.

Out of nowhere, my attention was entirely transferred to a particular song that came
on, Give It To Kali by Nick Mulvey.

Random? No, not at all.

A mythological mystical Hindu Goddess of death and destruction.

She sounds terrible but actually she is much more than this simple description at a
first glance.

18 14 Day Journey
Day 04

According to many teachers of Hinduism and Yoga, Kali is one of the most
misunderstood Goddesses by the Western mind.

They say that when we meditate and invoke the energy of Kali, we bring awareness
to the energy within ourselves that we feel is no longer serving our greatest potential
and well-being.

Because Goddess Kali thrives and lives off of our insecurities and impurities.

She takes them from us, but only when we truly offer them to her from the depths
of our hearts.

And to do that we have to be ready and surrendered to the idea of letting them go.

Anger, jealousy, frustration, fear… the things that hold us back come in many forms
in our emotional body.

And they all hold us back from walking towards a clearer path of love, forgiveness,
and peace.

So today, let’s focus on releasing our impurities into the welcoming hands of Kali.
To create room for boundless beauty and peace.

Today without judgement let’s investigate what we are holding onto unnecessarily.

And let go of all that no longer serves us.

14 Day Journey 19
D AY 05

My Potential Is
Truly Limitless

 Day 5 Yoga Video  Day 5 Meditation Video

There is not much in this world that is not possible if we truly put our hearts,
minds, and energy into.

The path maybe long, it may be scary, but all possibilities are exactly that –

Change and decision can seem intimidating and overwhelming.
And our minds will always find a million reasons why we can’t or shouldn’t try.

But let me ask you something…why not?

Why not you? Why not now?

20 14 Day Journey
Day 05

I remember the day when we decided to sell everything we owned in our little
house in Toronto, Canada, to leave and start again…our minds were filled with so
much fear.

But our hearts were ready.

Ready to face the unknown and all the challenges that would come barrelling
towards us like a broken dam.

And the one thing that kept our fears at bay was coming back to one simple
If not now, then when?

That question was critical.

And has been for both of us for all expansion in our life both big and small.

If not now then when should we to start eating cleaner…

If not now then when should we commit to a consistent yoga practice…

If not now then when should we set out towards a goal, shift a career, reprioritize
our day, love deeper, work harder, rise to our next higher vibration…

If not now, then when?

So as you read this try asking yourself- what next step have you been putting off
for yourself?

What positive changes are you ready to bring forward into your life?
And if not now, then when?

Don’t be scared…there is truly nothing to be afraid of.

In this vast Universe of miracles and beauty,
your potential is limitless.

Anything is possible.

14 Day Journey 21
D AY 06

I’m Exactly Where

I Need To Be.

 Day 6 Yoga Video  Day 6 Meditation Video

In this modern day age, when more and more of our human connections are turning
digital and surface level, it becomes much more challenging to keep our egos and
self comparison at bay.

So many beautiful filtered images on our tiny digital devices, ads created by
companies to manipulate our minds, and ads created by individuals on social media
to give you a glance into their seemingly perfect and happy existence.

They all act like a mirror.

They all force us to look at ourselves and consider our own relationship to happiness
& this life experience.

And the result is rarely positive.

22 14 Day Journey
Day 06

Because that which you see on the screen is not reality.

It’s too simple and perfect.

Life could never be.

Nor should we want it that way.

The messy disasters inside us and everything that we go through are all a part of its
own beauty and uniqueness.

So look away from the screen right now and take a deep breath.

Your breath,
your heart beat,
your love, your joy….this is reality.

Your reality… and the only reality that truly matters.

Don’t get fooled by a one dimensional false representation of a complete and complex
life experience.

Your life is enough.

With all of its complexities.

And you are walking the path that is right for you.

You are enough. Right here.

Because you are exactly where

you need to be… right now.

14 Day Journey 23
D A Y 07

I Trust The Process

Of My Journey

 Day 7 Yoga Video  Day 7 Meditation Video

The single greatest gift our beautiful fur baby Prince gave us through the 9 years
we shared together with him was the opportunity to connect to nature and Mother
Earth like we’ve never imagined possible.

No matter how cold, rainy, or beautiful the weather was,

there we were… the three of us.
Every day.
Always embarking on a journey of some kind to breathe fresh air, to touch trees, and
explore the wild.

When I look back at some of the most amazing mountains we climbed and hikes
that we embarked upon, I remember there was always this feeling right before you
take the first step up the trail… a feeling to prepare ourselves, to be challenged and
most probably exhausted by whatever lay ahead.

24 14 Day Journey
Day 07

The anticipation, excitement, and sometimes anxiety of what was waiting for us.

And now when I look back at those experiences, I truly believe this type of feeling
exists before we begin any type of journey.

Whether it is to the top of a mountain or to a new habit and structure in your life.

When you look up towards a pre-determined destination, and at the path that awaits
you, it always seems so intimidating at first.

But the best and possibly only thing to do when we meet this feeling inside is to take
a deep breath and simply focus on the first step.

Because the next 1000 steps is too much to process before you even begin.
So one step at a time, that is all we can focus on.

Because each single step creates a momentum to make the next one a little easier.
And then each step will quickly add up to more and more with ease.

Soon to be a hundred.
And then a thousand.
And then you’re almost there.

The trust and belief in this process of your journey, in each single step brought
forward with a commitment to each one, this is the path.

And through each journey of a thousand steps, we always find something even
greater along the way.

Our strength.
Our perseverance.

And the reassurance that everything

we needed to learn in those moments
was not found through the outcome
of all the steps together, but rather
through the collection of each
individual step along the way.

14 Day Journey 25
D A Y 08

I Surrender
To The Flow

 Day 8 Yoga Video  Day 8 Meditation Video


You don’t always need to be right, to win, to be in control.

There is something magical that happens within us when we truly commit to letting
go and surrendering to the process of life.

Just like water, let the energy move,

let things unfold the way they will.

You don’t always need to feel like you are in control.

And sometimes when you spend so much energy trying to convince yourself that
you are, letting go can be such an impactful release.

26 14 Day Journey
Day 08

We all must recognize that the forces that guide us in this life can be so much bigger
than us, and sometimes all they require is for us to simply let go of the illusion of the

Release control.
It’s ok.

Remember that you are guided,

you are protected,
you are loved.

Open yourself to the magic of surrendering to the flow of life.

Feel the energy in your finger tips.

That tingling, that life, that prana.

Its simple existence is everything.
It is the all.

When we surrender we can absolve all our resistance.

Liberation of mind and emotion.

Through the process of surrender

we learn to trust.

To trust ourselves,
our hearts,
our intuition.

The Universe.

And the settling of all the

magical stardust that has
created each one of us.

14 Day Journey 27
D AY 09

I Am Love & Light

 Day 9 Yoga Video  Day 9 Meditation Video

In a world that can seems to be filled with so much darkness,

May you be the shining light of hope.

The light of peace,

of love,

of truth and compassion.

May you find your strength & power from within

and shine your way.

28 14 Day Journey
Day 09

It is time to go beyond the pains and wounds of this world

and return to the infinite power that lives within you.

Return to your inner peace,

to the light of your souls essence.

So take a deep breath, into your centre.

Feel it now, feel it…

Feel it with every cell of your body.

This is the true core of your being.

Feel the Divine light is filling you with strength.

You are sacred.

You are divine.

You are love.

You are light.

14 Day Journey 29
D AY 1 0

I Step Forward
With Courage

 Day 10 Yoga Video  Day 10 Meditation Video

Every morning when you wake up, remind yourself that each day is gifted to you.
That it is an opportunity to mould your experience into all that you deserve.

Like an artist,
beginning again with a fresh canvas in front of them each morning.

Day after day to play with new colors and brushes.

To try new things.

To make mistakes.
To paint passionately.

30 14 Day Journey
Day 10

To create.

Because each day can become its own unique masterpiece.

You hold the power to welcome each day with your vibrant strength from within.

With courage and patience,

and the knowing that your perception creates your reality.

Release all fear and any limiting beliefs of who you are.

Embrace both love and grace,

and decide to release and let go of all this past conditioning, self doubt and insecurity.

A new day is here.

So choose now to step forward with courage.

Step forward in pure presence,

in pure awareness of your power, your strength, and your unlimited potential.

Welcome to a new day.

14 Day Journey 31
D AY 1 1

I Let It Come. I Let It Go.

I Let It Flow.

 Day 11 Yoga Video  Day 11 Meditation Video

There is this beautiful sensation that births from within when we find our flow.

To let whatever is meant to come, enter our lives.

And to let whatever has been, exit and fall away.

Our flow unconsciously guides us through everything that we need

and then allows us to carry those lessons and experiences forward.

Onward through the continuation of this journey.

To give us the tools we need to dissolve the weight that has been pulling us down
for years.

32 14 Day Journey
Day 11

Pain, regret, disappointment, failure.

All of this is in the past now.
Acknowledge it, analyze it, learn from it, and leave it be.

You are light.

You are free.
You are powerful.

You have the ability to flow forward and smile.

Close your eyes for a moment

and take in a deep breath.

Feel the sensation of the air entering your lungs.

Hold it in and sit in stillness.

Feel the electric sensation begin to arise.

This is the Prana, the universal life force.

The invisible vibration that moves through us with each inhalation & exhalation.

It flows through us as we flow through life.

Let it come.
Welcome it into your heart.

Open yourself to the healing of

your own breath.

Feel it, and let it flow.

14 Day Journey 33
D AY 1 2

I Invoke The Internal

Fire Of My Soul

 Day 12 Yoga Video  Day 12 Meditation Video

I remember when we were coming up with the idea to begin Boho Beautiful.
It was a project that had been burning inside our hearts for many years…
Always whispering to us to begin
But always met with so much resistance.

Resistance from every direction.

From other people we told, from our own minds soaked in fear, from the uncomfortable
feeling of putting ourselves out there to the world.

The resistance was full force….facing us head on. And held us in stasis for years.

But then one day we realized the true power of our fire.

The fire that burns inside each of us.

Whispering our true desires and dreams.

34 14 Day Journey
Day 12

I’m not sure when it was or why, but after years of resistance raising its head like it
always does and winning.
Finally we stood our ground.

We found the courage to spar and engage with it just once, instead of relinquish our

So we focused on our fire instead of the fear.

And we singed it. Just slightly.
But enough to see how weak resistance truly can be.
Because it surrendered its ground quickly and gave us one inch.

So we took it.
And then another…
and another…
and another.

For each inch we faced new tactics of our own resistance, and each time we waived
our torch and our flame in its direction.

Slowly realizing over time the simple principle that our inner fire can burn down
anything that our resistance may throw our way.

We have learned over time now that the fire in each of us is our gift.

Our authentic compass.

Our soul’s guide.

So look within, what is it that ignites your fire?

Nurture that answer.

And don’t, under any circumstance, let it burn out.

Whenever you find yourself in a situation where you feel your

power, your confidence, your inner-light being challenged…
don’t be afraid to shine brighter.

To feed your flame. To fight against the resistance.

And trust that your flame will guide you where you need to go.

Because it will.

14 Day Journey 35
D A Y 13

I Activate And Manifest

Grace Through

 Day 13 Yoga Video  Day 13 Meditation Video

Take a moment in your day today and look up at the sky.

Feel the air,

feel your feet upon the ground.

Feel your breath.

The energy of Grace,

is the energy of Love.

And Grace is all around us.

36 14 Day Journey
Day 13

It shows us that everything in our life is unfolding in a divine order.

So stay connected to your heart.

Let it guide you forward.

Be thankful for this day,

for this breath,
for this moment of peace and connection.

Remember Grace is always with you,

you just have to take a moment to look up and smile.

This life is beautiful….

In every way it unfolds.

14 Day Journey 37
D AY 1 4

I Allow My Inner
Guidance To Show Me
The Way

 Day 14 Yoga Video  Day 14 Meditation Video

May you take this moment, this opportunity right now to look back at the last
2 weeks.

What have you learned?

What have you gained?
What have you been able to let go of?

Check in with yourself.

How are you feeling in this very moment?

As I sit here and listen to a handful of howler monkeys in the background…. talking,
communicating… howling!.. and sharing with each other through their incredible
sounds and energies, I recognize that I am filled with a deep sense of gratitude.

38 14 Day Journey
Day 14

My gratitude right now is coming from the two of us being able to share ourselves
with you.

Gratitude for the opportunity to be with so many people through their personal
experiences on the mat.

Gratitude for this deep connection we all share.

It’s very special, to share so much even if we never even get to meet in person.

What a wild and beautiful time we live in….this digital world.

One of our favourite teachers Ram Das once said,

“we are all just walking each other home”.

I truly feel that right now in this time, in this year, in this place.
That we are all finding our own unique ways to walk with each other.

Because whatever new light you have found inside yourself during these last 2 weeks
together, you will now walk forward and share it with all those in your life and all
those that you cross paths with.

Unconsciously or with intention.

That is the way it will go.

Our energy, our soul is not contained within the limits of our bodies.

And we each spread our unique bits of sunshine into the collective mind in all that
we do.

This in turn raises the vibration of the whole world all around us.

So let’s all take this next breath together.

Connect to our light,

our inner guidance.

And surrender to the divine

energy so that it can continue to
keep guiding us all “home”, together.

14 Day Journey 39
D AY 1 5

You did it!

 Day 15 Meditation Video

You did it! If you are here and reading this on day 15, take a breath and thank yourself
for making it to this point. For showing up every day to honour yourself, your health,
and your well-being.

It’s no easy task to embark on a new journey and to implement a new habit and
ritual into your life. Give yourself credit for this. You deserve it,

In the spirit of you completing this beautiful two journey we decided it would be
a fitting gift to share one last extra bonus meditation and add a day 15 to blissfully
close off our time together.


40 14 Day Journey
Day 15

14 Day Journey 41
14 Day Journey
Video Calendar
Day 01 My Decisions Today Day 1 Yoga Video

Define My Tomorrow Day 1 Meditation Video

Day 02 The Power Day 2 Yoga Video

Is Within Me Day 2 Meditation Video

Day 03 Day 3 Yoga Video

I Create My Reality
Day 3 Meditation Video

Day 04 I Let Go Of All That Day 4 Yoga Video

No Longer Serves Me Day 4 Meditation Video

Day 05 My Potential Is Day 5 Yoga Video

Truly Limitless Day 5 Meditation Video

Day 06 I’m Exactly Day 6 Yoga Video

Where I Need To Be Day 6 Meditation Video

Day 07 I Trust The Process Day 7 Yoga Video

Of My Journey Day 7 Meditation Video

42 14 Day Journey
Day 08 I Surrender Day 8 Yoga Video

To The Flow Day 8 Meditation Video

Day 09 Day 9 Yoga Video

I Am Love & Light
Day 9 Meditation Video

Day 10 I Step Forward Day 10 Yoga Video

With Courage Day 10 Meditation Video

Day 11 I Let It Come. I Let It Go. Day 11 Yoga Video

I Let It Flow. Day 11 Meditation Video

Day 12 I Invoke The Internal Day 12 Yoga Video

Fire Of My Soul Day 12 Meditation Video

Day 13 I Activate And Manifest Day 13 Yoga Video

Grace Through Gratitude Day 13 Meditation Video

Day 14 I Allow My Inner Day 14 Yoga Video

Guidance To Show
Me The Way Day 14 Meditation Video

Day 15
Day 15 Meditation Video

14 Day Journey 43
Yoga Tips
Listen To Your Body

Your body is your greatest teacher. Tune in with how you feel and let your own energy
guide your practice. Take a break when you need it. Modify any posture when it asks
you to, or push a little harder when it gives you the space. This is your time, this is
your practice.

Lead With Your Heart Not Your Ego

2 It’s easy to loose yourself in the idea of trying to be “good” at yoga. But remember,
there’s actually no such thing. Yoga is the expression of your own connection to
your body and your breath in the very moment you are in. It’s momentary and fluid
and it’s exactly where it should be as each moment appears and is replaced by
the next.

Your practice is your journey and what you discover about yourself through your
own process. So don’t worry about touching your toes, and just pay attention to
what you learn on your way down.

Use Props Whenever Needed

3 Take the support you need. If you find yourself struggling to find balance or need a
little cushion for those sensitive knees, find and use the props your body asks you
for to help you enjoy your journey in a deeper way. Yoga blocks (or books stacked
together), a strap (or a belt or a tie or a rope), a blanket, or even a chair are all helpful
tools in helping you make your practice more enjoyable.

Take It At Your Own Pace

4 Each of us are at a different place in our practice. If you need a little extra time
between postures, or you want to hold an asana an extra minute longer or let go a
minute less, don’t be afraid to pause any video at any point or let go of any posture
in order to position your practice to suit your needs.

44 14 Day Journey
Turn Off All Digital Distractions

This is your time to focus on yourself. Text messages, emails, or social media
interactions can wait. Turn off anything and everything that can pull your attention
away from your heart, your breath, and your present awareness. Airplane mode
“on” always. Note: Exceptions to the rule are furry and usually have four legs, or are
exceptionally small, don’t speak your language, and usual wear only diapers. ;)

Drink Lots Of Water After Practice

Our body goes through a natural process of cleansing and detoxification when we
practice yoga. Through the process of increasing blood circulation, twisting and
stimulating our internal organs, yoga doesn’t only provide us with external physical
benefits but it encourages internal natural detoxification of toxins out of our body.
Therefore, it is always extremely important to hydrate ourselves as much as possible
during and after our practice to help with this incredible process of renewal.

If You Experience Any Sharp, Electric, or Numbing Pain,

Stop and Avoid The Posture/Exercise

7 Listen to your body. No posture is worth suffering through uncomfortable pain that
can later cause or lead to immediate injury. So make sure to go slow, listen to your
body, and never be afraid to adjust your practice whenever needed.

Be Patient, You Are Exactly Where You Need To Be

8 Patience with ourselves is one of the most incredible lessons we can gain from a daily
yoga practice. Both change and progress take time, and time requires patience. So
step forward with loving awareness and enjoy the ride.

14 Day Journey 45
Meditation Tips
Don’t Worry When Your Mind Wanders

It’s very normal for the mind to wander to all kinds of different places when we sit
in silence and focussed concentration. It is very common and happens to all of us.
Simply without judgement come back to the breath and focus on the intention you
began the meditation with.

Sometimes it helps to imagine the thoughts that arise to be clouds that you take
notice of as they drift into realization, and then upon consciously noticing them you
simply release them and watch them slowly drift away.

Sometimes you can take note of the thought, and accept that it is simply your
subconscious and usual meandering monkey mind trying to take back control at
any cost necessary. And then forgive it for that, for that is each of our untrained
mind’s nature. And then just return to the task at hand with a slight smile and deeper
understanding that it is just part of the process. Not a failure at all.

There are many tactics to accessing the forgiveness you need when the
mind wanders.

But the best part is, that what you learn through the patience necessary, through
this extra layer of forgiveness for yourself, and through the self awareness it takes
to hold calm and compassionate space for this process, well that is exactly the
mindfulness that you seek.

Get Comfortable But Not “Too” Comfortable That You

Fall Asleep

Finding a comfortable seated position, whether it is crossed legged on the floor, on
a chair, or even on your bed is great. Feel free to lean against a wall or any support
if needed but try not to fully lie down as it can often make it much harder for you
to stay awake. Keeping your spine straight is one of the most effective ways to help
your mind be relaxed yet alert at the same time.

46 14 Day Journey
Let Your Breath Be Your Guiding Light
3 At the points where you find yourself being pulled away into a day dream or lost
in your thoughts of the future or the past, let the motion of coming “back” to your
breath be the guide that you need to bring you back to the doorstep of your present
awareness. Then repay attention to the sensation of your breathing, the inhale and
exhalation of air in your chest and lungs and through your nose. Using this as the
most simple awareness technique for your meditation, you can always peacefully
invite a calm state of mindfulness to come back to your being.

Choose A Time Of Day That Doesn’t Make You Feel Rushed

4 It’s important to not have to feel like you have to rush through your meditation. If you
like to start your day with a meditation then make sure you wake up with more than
enough time to both enter and exit your practice without feeling the pull of what is
next on your morning agenda.

Or if you feel that ending your day with stillness and mindfulness would be of great
benefit, set aside 10 to 15 minutes well before bed, usually before your usual end of
day routine begins is best. We recommend that you put on some headphones and let
yourself find a deeper connection with yourself. But be mindful not to be too tired,
or to sit in a position that will encourage sleep or demand that you rush through the
motion just so that you can lie down. Meditation is one of the best ways to unplug
and ensure the set up for a perfect nights rest.

Be The Watcher Of Your Thoughts, Don’t Get Involved

5 Thoughts will come, it is almost impossible to completely silence your mind.

Especially at the beginning of our meditation journey, because that is when your
mind will be unpracticed and extremely active. So always remember as we have
said before, to not be too hard on yourself.

14 Day Journey 47
Instead try to be the observer. Be the watcher of your thoughts without judgement.
Take note of them. Where they are coming from, what your mind wants to lead you
to. Sometimes this observation will reveal to you that which you need to process
through the most.

They key is to watch the thoughts come and not to identify with them. No judgement
or involvement, just simply observe and let them go like the clouds which we
mentioned before.

Be Open To All Emotions That Arise And Don’t Hold

Anything Back.

6 Energy is within each of us. As we begin to dive deeper into ourselves, it is completely
normal to feel different emotions begin to arise. Don’t hold anything back, whatever
is needed to be recognized and then released…let it.

Don’t Rush Your Meditation, Finish Slowly

7 Make sure to give yourself some time to come back to the body once you finish
the meditation. Don’t rush to get up and get going. Slowly open your eyes, take a
second to reflect. Check in with how you feel. Compare it to how you felt when you
first sat down. Even take a few deep breaths and maybe smile as you exhale, and
then once you feel fully ready to continue with your day, that is when it is time to
move forward.

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14 Day Journey 49
The Importance
of Journaling
One of our favourite features in our Boho Beautiful Official Mobile app is the
component of Journaling. In the calendar section, you will find an opportunity to
write down your thoughts and feelings for that day and save it in the app.

If typing in an app is not really your thing and you prefer to use the pen and paper
method, that’s definitely great too! It is just important that you find a moment to
reflect upon your experience, your day, your practice, and your thoughts.

So whether it is a paragraph or a two page diary entry. Take a moment each day and
write from your heart.

Sometimes it’s nice to write a little before your practice, and then a little afterwards
to compare how you are feeling and how even the basic process of journalling feels.

It’s always a treasure to read back, but never a necessary thing.

All that is necessary is to write without judgement and without thinking or being too
critical of what is coming out.

In journalling there is no wrong process except not to write at all.

Success is in just the expression of itself.

And know that no one will read it except you, so it is safe. To be honest and open to
all the feelings and energy running through you.

50 14 Day Journey
14 Day Journey 51
Creating Your
Dream Board

We have been strong believers in the power of manifestation through the practice
of creating a dream board. It has been a pivotal part of our own personal strategy
that we know has played a huge role in helping our personal growth, and allowing
us to both track and accomplish our life’s goals and priorities.

There are so many creative and different ways that you can create your personal
dream board.

You can use images, words of inspiration, simple statements, or pictures to capture
the dream and vision you want to manifest in your life. Simple statements, or
numbered lists. Or we even like to make declarations each new year of what we
want to see happen in our lives and how we hope to behave inside a new hierarchy
of prioritized values.

It can be goals you want to reach, qualities you want to embody, places you want to
go, things you want to create, the career you want to achieve, or even the type of
people you want to attract into your life. Anything that makes your heart sing.

We truly believe that if you think it and write it down, all then you have to do is focus
on it as often as possible to begin to bring all the opportunities necessary into your
life to have just about anything.

So how do you do it:

Simply create your beautiful list of ideas on anything from a white board to a piece
of paper that outlines your dreams & goals in whatever creative format you see fit.
Remember there is no dream too big. And there is no desire too simple.

Truly from your heart express that which you want to achieve and become in your
life, then once that intention is made and written down place it somewhere that you
will see it and read it at least once every day. We like the bedroom wall, or above the
closet, or in the bathroom. The hardest part comes from here though, you must now
make the effort to create the habit to consciously and slowly read it and visualize

52 14 Day Journey
that which is apart of its composition every single day. It’s tricky at first to create a
new habit. And it takes effort to remember. But this process is the ticket. It is that
which keeps those ideas and values and goals front and center in your mind each day
which allows the board to become your compass. Your true north to the direction
of where you want to go.

As you read it each time, imagine what you can do today to bring any of it one step
closer to realization. And think about what you are doing that takes up space in your
life that keeps you from taking that action towards it. It is in this simple and quick
evaluation that lies the clarity of your actions, and through this clarity the doors will
begin to appear, and as the doors begin to appear you can begin to step closer to
or through them, and ultimately towards and into the direction that you desire.

The Universe works in mysterious ways if you simply put the energy out there.

With the right positive energy and intention, miracles can truly happen.

We believe this with all of our hearts.

For this program we encourage everyone to make a dream board and put it next to
their sacred space. Make it a habit before and after your practice to take a moment
and check in with that board.

If you’re interested in learning more about our personal

dream board process, click the button below to watch a
dedicated video about this.

Dreams & Visions Boards

14 Day Journey 53
Thank You

With all our beings we sincerely hope that this 14 Day Journey will bring you
everything you are seeking and more.

Thank you so much for inviting us into your home, and into your life.

It is truly an honour to share our thoughts, energy, and love with you.

From our hearts to yours,

Love and light,

Juliana & Mark

54 14 Day Journey
Boho Beautiful is
Juliana & Mark Spicoluk

Copyright 2020 © by Boho Beautiful Ltd.

All Rights Reserved

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14 Day Journey

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