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HEAD, NECK AND BACK INJURIES c. Can you wiggle your fingers then?

d. Can you wiggle your toes?

Assuming that we have a person, who fell, and we are
8. If patient is able to move then he/she is not
we don’t know the circumstances as to how this
experiencing paralysis
person fell
9. If a patient is experiencing paralysis this could
but just that this person is lying down somewhere lead to spinal shock, which make the patient
near a flight of stairs and that he/she is in pain a. Pale
b. Cool
1. Minimize the movement of the patient and c. Sweaty
inquire about what had happened d. Go unresponsive
a. This will help us assess the situation, 10. Then we need to cover the patient with a
and to call an ambulance if needed. sheet quarter blanket and assess for airway,
2. As you do this, introduce yourself and begin breathing, and circulation problems.
verbal assessment. 11. If the patient shows signs of r cardiac arrest
a. I am___, and I have been trained treat the patient accordingly and wait for the
b. I need you to stay still and verbally EMS to arrive.
answer my questions instead of
c. Just in case you have any broken CONDUCTED
bones or injuries
Today I’m going to perform Bell Palsy exercises and
3. Check head, nose, ears and mouth for
demonstrate them to a patient diagnosed with Bell’s
4. Check if pupils are equal and responsive to
light 1. Eye brown raises
a. If pupils do not react this could a. Raise both eyebrows
indicate a concussion or swelling of b. Place a finger on top of the
the brain which requires an affected eyebrow to help it rise.
immediate call for an ambulance. c. Repeat 10 times
5. Check if patient is breathing, awake, and has a
heart rate. 2. Bring eyebrows together
a. Since patient is able to talk, there is a. As if you’re making an angry face
no immediate reason to call an b. Use your finger to assist with
ambulance moving the weak brow
6. Strat asking questions about the incident c. Repeat this 10 times
a. Do you remember what happened?
b. Do you know if you hit your head? 3. Flare the nose
c. Do you know what day it is today? a. Use a finger to help bring the
d. Do you know what year it is? nose out on the affected side
i. If the patient is unable to recall b. Repeat 10 times
questions properly this will 4. Smiling
indicate that the patient may hit a. Smile and use a finger to support
his/her head altering mental status the affected side to make a smile
ii. If this happens call someone from b. place it at the corner of your lips
the bystanders, instruct them to c. repeat 10 times
call an ambulance, and get back 5. Eventually instead of just doing it 10
because you might need times, you’ll need to hold every position
assistance, and if possible also ask for at least 3 seconds.
for an AED. 6. Note: If you’re doing this alone, perform
7. Continue asking open ended questions these exercises in front of a mirror ot
a. Can you tell me where it hurts right know if you are able to support the
now? weakened area properly.
b. Doe sit hurt so much that your unable
to move?

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