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Today we are going to perform 3 tests use to assess

signs of meningitis

Brudzinski’s Sign (Meningeal Stretch test)

This test assesses if there is an irritation in the

meninges by placing a stretch through them.

1. Place the patient in a supine position

2. Gradually flexes the patient’s head and neck
towards the patient’s neck
3. The test is positive if the patient involuntarily
flexes their hips and knees in an attempt to
lessen traction forces to the meninges.
4. A positive test may indicate meningeal
irritation or meningitis

Kernig’s sign

This assesses the presence of neurological irritation of

the nerve roots

1. Place the patient in a supine position.

2. Flex the patient’s hip and knee in a 90-degree
3. Then slowly extend the knee with the foot in
dorsi flexion
4. The test is positive if there is generalized
spinal pain, resistance to the test, or
involuntary flexion of the opposite leg
5. A positive sign may indicate meningitis
6. Leg pain and localized back pain alone may
indicate radiculopathy

Nuchal Rigidity or Stiff Neck

is an inability to flex the neck forward due to rigidity

of the neck muscles

1. Instruct the patient to flex their neck towards

their chest
2. If the patient is unable to do so this would
mean that the neck is resistant passive
flexion, and is positive for Nuchal Rigidity
3. This may indicate an irritation in the meninges
or meningitis

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