Record of Experiments: Cloud Application Development Lab

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Cloud Application Development Lab

Submitted By

Sarthak Goyal
Enrolment No.: R110218138
SAP ID: 500067706
Semester VI
B. Tech. (Computer Sc. and Engineering)
Specialization in CCVT

Submitted To

Ms. Shelly

School of Computer Science

Roll No: R110218138 CAD LAB
SAP ID: 500067706

Experiment 1:
Aim: Study of Cloud Application Development Platform like Django and its different
Requirements: Python(2.7.x or 3.4.x), virtualenv, Django, Any IDE(Microsoft Visual Code,
Atom), easy_install, pip.
Django is a high level web framework that reduces the pain of building dynamic
websites. It encourages rapid development and pragmatic design. With the help of Django,
we can build better web apps quickly with less code.
Django follows the MVC architecture i.e. model-view-controller. It is a way of
developing software so that the code for accessing and defining data(model) is separate from
the logics of business (the controller), which is separate from the UI (the view).
For every website, there are mainly 3 components:

• Input Logic(Model): It is the dataset i.e. how the data is organized in the database. It
just takes input and sends it to database in required format.
• Business Logic(Controller): It is the main controller which handles the output from
server in the required format.
• UI Logic(View): These are the HTML, CSS & JavaScript pages.

Roll No: R110218138 CAD LAB
SAP ID: 500067706
Benefits of Django:
Based on the above framework Django actually communicates between all these three
components. There is no need to write complex code. That’s why it is gaining popularity.
1. Rapid Development: Because Django separates different components it is easy for
multiple developers to work on different parts of the same application simultaneously.
2. Loosely Coupled: The components of Django architecture require each other at
certain parts of the application at every instant. This increases the security of the
overall website.
3. Ease of Modification: If there is a change in one of the components then we don’t
have to change it in other components.


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