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ELEMENTS OF CRITICAL THINKING validate these old beliefs using her own thinking

and reason.
These elements are necessary mental attitudes
and conceptual tools needed in order to
Thinking Proactively
One goal of philosophizing/ philosophical
reflection is to arrive at the truth and avoid error Thinking proactively is using our own intelligence,
knowledge, and abilities in order to deal with
This discussion will relate philosophizing to critical different situations and matters. To think proactively
thinking since a philosopher is also a critical means to commit oneself to the endeavors or tasks
thinker. at hand instead of giving up when difficulties arise
and taking responsibility for the consequences of
ELEMENTS OF CRITICAL THINKING: one’s actions and decisions.


The first element is having a proper and clear Being Open Minded
understanding of a particular situation. Being open minded is being open to ideas and
opinions of others. There are good ideas that one
To understand means “to have a mental grasp of can learn from others. One should be open to new
things, of reality, of issues at hand or of the subject vies, new interpretations and new concepts but this
matter.” doesn’t mean that one should outright accept it.
Philosophizing means that one welcomes new
ideas as another interpretation or a probable
Philosophy is concerned more with relevant source of new knowledge. Being open minded is a
situations and understanding these relevant proper mental attitude. Closing one’s mind to
matters will include three elements: something new, will hinder one’s intellectual
 Understanding the context
 Understanding the opposing views
 Understanding the whole range of issues
about a subject matter Considering Different Perspectives

This means being open to the different paths to the

truth is being open to new perspectives. It’s like
Context- is understood as the framework, the frame of opening new windows through which one can see
reference, and the different connections and new things or probably same thing but in a new
relationships within which is to be understood and light or perspective. Opening one’s mind t these
interpreted. A context may be social, political, religious possible view does not mean accepting them as
true and correct, it just means one is willing to
or scientific. May it be an issue or subject, it
explore other possibilities.
understood or interpreted according to its context. If
one doesn’t understand the framework at hand then
you cannot make a full understanding of such issues. Questioning and Challenging Beliefs
Next is, knowing the opposite views.
There are two types of questioning. First is
Remember that there are always at least two sides to destructive questioning which means to contradict a
one and same coin. Meaning, there are always different view without any basis or reason. Second
opposing views on every subject matter/issue in any is constructive reasoning which means to simply
discussion. To think critically, know the opposing views ask for clarification, reconfirmation of an old
and compare, analyze and respond correctly. interpretation that has been accepted or believed
in. But a critical thinker, doesn’t stop at constructive
Lastly is understanding the whole subject matter such questioning. It is his/her duty to oppose it or to
as wide-ranging issues. One must have a challenge it as to its correctness, truth, value and
comprehensive understanding of the whole range of significance.
ideas. A particular topic is also connected to other Few things
topics, so it is important to have an understanding to
about how these topics are interrelated.
 Philosophical reflection and critical thinking can be
Thinking by and for Oneself understood as an active, purposeful, clear,
organized, and self-initiated cognitive process.
This element is using one’s power and ability to  It will ultimately result to a proper understanding of
think or reason out.
things and issues and conceiving and formulating
One’s thinking is usually influences by others, but clear ideas and concepts
as a person matures, he/she started to acquire  Through philosophical reflection and critical thining,
his/her own views and beliefs. So instead of simply people are able to make true and accurate
accepting the view of other people, they developed
the ability to examine a society’s belief system and judgments and decisions and arrive at valid
see for themselves whether they are proper, true, arguments
adequate or not. This can change his/her beliefs or  It allows people to do use sound reason and achieve
their goals and purposes
STEPS IN PROBLEM SOLVING: always dependent on a person. What is truth for
one may not be truth for others.
1. Representing of Defining the Problem c) Pragmatism Theory
The first step is to determine whether or not the According to Pragmatism theory, which was
situation presents a problem. This involves proposed by William James, the truth is
thorough understanding and comprehension of consequential in nature, the real norm or
the problem and its cause. criterion of truth is its consequence or result.
Understanding a problem depends on how it Meaning that if something is true, then we can
put it into practice or is useful in real life.
But first, what is a problem?
d) Correspondence Theory
A problem is a break, disruption, or distortion of According to correspondence theory proposed
the normal flow of things or when desired by the logical positivist Bertrand Russel, truth is
in what is said, in the proposition uttered. It
object or goal cannot be attained.
states that something is true if it corresponds to
presents itself to you. Sometimes the cause of reality.
the problem is just the attitude of the person. In e) Coherence Theory
other words, the cause of the problem can be Proposes by which states that if something is
objective or subjective. true if it makes sense when placed in a certain
2. Generating Possible Solutions situation or context.
This involves divergent thinking. In divergent
thinking, one thinks of a possible solutions to SKEPTICISM states that the mind cannot attain the
the problem. One can either recall past
solutions or made new ones then one’s mind truth because it is prone to error and therefore one
“diverges” along number of different paths. needs to suspend his/her belief. Skepticism is based
There are various ways of generating solutions. Doubt can be either positive or negative.
on doubt.
One is trial and error. One could try a solution
DOUBT is a state in which the mind suspends its
and if that doesn’t work other solutions can be
tried as well. Second is to come up with a list of judgment or assertion on the truth of a certain
all possible solutions, starting from the easiest proposition or belief.
ones to the more complicated.
3. Evaluating Solutions  Doubt is positive when the evidence for
The next stage in solving a problem is and against a proposition is so equally
evaluating solutions and coming up with the balances as to render decision
final solution. This step uses convergent impossible.
thinking. One tries to apply his/her knowledge  Doubt is negative if there is absence of
and the rules of logic and attempts to narrow sufficient evidence on either side.
don the possibilities to one that is most
Doubt could also be either prudent or
appropriate o effective.
4. Applying the solutions imprudent,
It is important to constantly assess the progress  Prudent doubt is based on
of the application of the solution and be ready o reasonableness of the suspension of
modify it. assent.
5. Critiquing Given Solution Through Dialectics  Imprudent doubt is based on
Dialectics in this context is the critical unreasonableness of the suspension
discussion about certain things; in problem- of assent
solving it is applied to the solutions or
alternative ways of dealing with a problem. This Assent means “belief or judgment”
is done by way of dialectics or discussions of
the pros and cons of a particular topic, issues or
Doubt could also be either theoretical or
TRUTH AND THEORIES ON TRUTH  Doubt is theoretical if it is concerned
with the subject matter of either reason
or faith.
Truth is the proper aim of any inquiry, particularly  Doubt is practical if its concerned with
scientific and philosophical inquiry. conduct.
Philosophical theories about truth:
a) Realism OPINION is a statement about something without
REALISM is a general theory about truth which
sufficient basis or sufficient reason. It could be true
asserts that the mind can know certain,
fundamental and immediate truths. When one or false.
judges an object, he/she is aware of his/her
intellectual capacity to know the truth. For the Stating an opinion is different from harboring doubt.
realist, truth is the conformity of the mind with One expresses an opinion expresses judgment or
the reality. Realism is opposed by skepticism belief. One who doubts, suspends his/her belief.
because the mental attitude of skepticism is
b) Relativism Theory
According to relativism theory, truth as the
object of knowledge cannot be known as it is
isn itself, it can only be known as it is modified
by person. Meaning, in relativism theory, truth is

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