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Assignment Cover Sheet

Bachelor of Business (Talented)

Student Name Trần Anh Kiệt

Student Number 31201028690

Subject Name Business Communication

Lecturer Mr. Pham Tuan Anh

Title of Assignment Learning Portfolio B2

Length 2 pages, 697 words

Due Date 3/1/2020

Date Submitted 2/1/2020

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Signature: ……………ANH KIET………………………………………………………….

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1. How might you effectively use the Internet to network?
In the modern world, the Internet is a powerful tool for networking. First, I use LinkedIn, a business
networking site that can assist me in finding contacts, useful information to support my networking.
Next, I do research and make connections to people I know, like friends, colleagues or lecturers.
And then, I will try to find their mutual contacts who I may work with in my field in the future or people
that can give me valuable advice for my career. After making connections, I can start building my
network and relationship by reacting, commenting, sharing their posts and also posting my content to
interact with them. All these steps mentioned are the ways I use the Internet to network effectively.

2. Why is personal branding important for students?

Personal branding is important for students because of several reasons. First, personal branding is a
long-term way of marketing yourself. It can improve students’ reputation as well as trustworthiness over
time since people can see the field you are studying, your experience, skills you have gained and
activities you have participated in. Secondly, building personal branding helps students find their passion
through the time they have spent on doing researches, finding suitable companies and connections.
Moreover, it helps students realize their knowledge gaps, what skills they are missing compared to other
people in the same field so that they can improve their skill set. Lastly, this is a relatively new concept
for students, especially in Vietnam, so if they start building their brand while in university, they already
take a step forward before others. Lastly, building a good personal brand leads to a number of
opportunities for students like internships or jobs.

3. How would you quantify an important transferable skill you have developed? Choose one
transferable skill you know would benefit any employer and describe it in measurable terms.
I would quantify an important transferable skill by the number of tasks or activities I take part in. For any
specific skill, I will make a list of activities or tasks involving that skill and evaluate them weekly, monthly
and yearly to see my progress. When rating my skill, I have to accept my weaknesses and mistakes
instead of protecting myself or making excuses.
In my opinion, all employer should have communication skill. Communication skill consist of many other
factors such as empathy, active listening, body language or spoken language. In workplace, it plays a
very essential role as you have to do many things involving communication from answering phone calls,
presenting a project to building a good relationship. Effective communication can make it easier to
achieve other skills like teamworking, problem-solving or critical thinking.

4. What is the STAR interview technique? Research to discover how to use the STAR
technique to answer interview questions.
The STAR interview technique is a method of responding behavioural and situational questions in an
interview. STAR stands for Situation, Task, Action and Result. To use the STAR technique effectively, you
have to listen carefully to the question and think of a suitable scenario that related to the job that you
are interviewing. Then based on the STAR method, first, describe the specific situation you were in or a
job you had to perform. Next, describe what your task is and your responsibility in the situation. Then
you describe what actions did you take to complete the task and remember this part is all about you,
not your team, colleagues or boss. You have to give details on what you contributed and use “I” instead
of “we” when you describe the action. Lastly, describe the outcome of your actions. You should also
emphasize your accomplishment and you learned from the experience.

Portfolio Reflection
After learning this session and answering the learning portfolio questions, I know how to apply different
techniques in job search process like building personal branding, net making a good resume and cover
letter. The most salient point I have learned from the session is the STAR. For young candidates like
students or graduates who do not have much experience in interviewing, this method is a good starting
point for them to answer situational interview questions. Moreover, the lecturer assigned the class with
many practical activities like writing a CV, making a resume or creating a LinkedIn profile, which helped
us to get familiar with the job search process. I still have to learn a lot and in the future, I will improve
my CV, resume and also keep updating my LinkedIn profile as well as expanding my network.

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