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# Name: Save Screenshot (Hard Copy) to PC for 4, 5, 6 Series MSO Oscilloscopes

# Purpose: This example demonstrates how to save a screen shot (hard copy) image

# from a 4, 5, 6 Series MSO oscilloscope to the PC.

# Development Environment: Python 3.6, PyVisa 1.8, NI-VISA 2017, Windows 10 x64

# Compatible Instruments: 4, 5, 6 Series MSO, MSO44, MSO46, MSO54, MSO56, MSO58,


# Compatible Interfaces: USB, Ethernet

# Tektronix provides the following example "AS IS" with no support or warranty.


from datetime import datetime # std library

import time # std library

import visa #

# Replace string with your instrument's VISA Resource Address

visaRsrcAddr = "MSO58"

rm = visa.ResourceManager()

scope = rm.open_resource(visaRsrcAddr)

print(scope.query('*IDN?')) # Print instrument id to console window

# Save image to instrument's local disk

scope.write('SAVE:IMAGe \"C:/Temp.png\"')
# Generate a filename based on the current Date & Time

dt =

fileName = dt.strftime("MSO5_%Y%m%d_%H%M%S.png")

# Wait for instrument to finish writing image to disk


# Read image file from instrument

scope.write('FILESystem:READFile \"C:/Temp.png\"')

imgData = scope.read_raw(1024*1024)

# Save image data to local disk

file = open(fileName, "wb")



# Image data has been transferred to PC and saved. Delete image file from
instrument's hard disk.

scope.write('FILESystem:DELEte \"C:/Temp.png\"')



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