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Southern African Journal of Anaesthesia and Analgesia

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Anaesthetic considerations in patients with

transverse myelitis

IM Balakrishnan (Senior Resident), N Yadav (Assistant Professor), GP Singh

(Assistant Professor) & H Prabhakar (Associate Professor)

To cite this article: IM Balakrishnan (Senior Resident), N Yadav (Assistant Professor), GP Singh
(Assistant Professor) & H Prabhakar (Associate Professor) (2013) Anaesthetic considerations in
patients with transverse myelitis, Southern African Journal of Anaesthesia and Analgesia, 19:6,
323-324, DOI: 10.1080/22201173.2013.10872949

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Published online: 12 Aug 2014.

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Case Study: Anaesthetic considerations in patients with transverse myelitis

Anaesthetic considerations in patients with transverse myelitis

Balakrishnan IM, MD, Senior Resident, Yadav N, MD, Assistant Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology,
JPNA Trauma Center, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India
Singh GP, MD, DM, Assistant Professor, Prabhakar H, MD, Associate Professor, Department of Neuroanaesthesiology,
Neurosciences Center, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India
Correspondence to: Gyaninder Singh, e-mail:

Transverse myelitis is an acute or subacute inflammatory disorder involving the spinal cord. Clinical signs are due to the
involvement of the ascending and descending tracts in the transverse plane of the spinal cord. The most common cause is
autoimmune. These patients may present with various clinical findings with which it is important for the anaesthesiologist to
be familiar in order to manage such cases during the intraoperative and postoperative period. This report discusses issues
relating to management of such cases.
Peer reviewed. (Submitted: 2013-03-26. Accepted: 2013-05-29.) © SASA South Afr J Anaesth Analg 2013;19(6):323-324

Introduction foot drop in the left limb persisted. The bladder incontinence
also continued, although he had regained bowel control.
Acute transverse myelitis is an inflammatory disorder of
the spinal cord, resulting in motor, sensory and autonomic The patient was posted for debridement of the ulcer over
dysfunction. This disorder usually involves the spinothalmic his left foot. General anaesthesia was preferred over
tract, pyramidal tracts, posterior columns and anterior regional in this case to avoid any potential exacerbation
fasciculi, at one or more adjacent levels. The incidence is of the condition following regional anaesthesia.3,4 General
very low, ranging from 1-5 per million per year, and it has anaesthesia was induced with propofol 1.5 mg/kg and
a wide range of aetiology.1 We present a paediatric case of fentanyl 2 µg/kg. A ProSeal™ laryngeal mask airway was
transverse myelitis. The patient was posted for debridement used to maintain the airway with spontaneous ventilation
of a trophic ulcer on the left foot. A literature search showed to avoid muscle relaxants during surgery. Sevoflurane,
limited information on the anaesthetic management of such in a mixture of oxygen and nitrous oxide (1:2), was used
patients.2 for maintenance of the anaesthesia. Standard-of-care
monitoring was carried out throughout the surgery. The
Case report haemodynamic parameters remained stable during the
procedure. At the end of the surgery, anaesthetic gases were
A 13-year-old boy, diagnosed as a case of transverse
discontinued and the patient was awakened. Immediately
myelitis, presented to us with a trophic ulcer on the left foot,
following surgery, a neurological examination of the patient
following a thorn-prick injury four months previously. Motor
was performed to evaluate the motor and sensory functions
power in the right lower limb was grade 5 at all joints, with
which were identical to the preoperative findings. The patient
intact sensory function. However, in the left lower limb, the
was continuously monitored for another 12 hours for any
motor power was grade 5 at the hip and knee joint, and
haemodynamic alterations and deterioration of neurological
grade 2 at the ankle joint, together with complete loss of
function. The postoperative period remained uneventful and
sensation below the L5 level. The patient also had urinary
the patient was discharged home after two days.
incontinence. He described a history of a sudden onset of
lower limb weakness (right to left), with associated bowel
and bladder incontinence two years previously. Initially,
he was managed with intravenous steroids, and later with Transverse myelitis, a disorder caused by inflammation
oral steroids which were tapered and stopped. There was a of the spinal cord is characterised by symptoms and
gradual improvement in power in both lower limbs, but the signs of neurological dysfunction. The involvement of

South Afr J Anaesth Analg 323 2013;19(6)

Case Study: Anaesthetic considerations in patients with transverse myelitis

motor and sensory tracts frequently produce altered of these complications is necessary, as well as vigilance,
sensation, weakness or paralysis, and urinary and/or bowel both during the intraoperative and postoperative periods,
dysfunction. Depending on complete or partial transverse while appropriate drugs should be to hand for emergency
involvement of the cord, the distribution of signs and management of these haemodynamic alterations.
symptoms may be symmetric or asymmetric below the
affected level. However, the functions above the affected Choice of anaesthetic technique in these patients remains
level remain normal. The patient may experience varying debatable. In the literature, transverse myelitis has been
degree of weakness in the lower limbs, or both upper and attributed to the use of spinal and epidural anaesthesia.6,7
lower limbs, depending upon the cord level involved, which Some reports suggest that both spinal4 and epidural8
may sometimes progress to complete paralysis over weeks. anaesthesia may worsen the disease course in patients
There may be altered sensation, such as burning, tingling with pre-existing central nervous disorders, while others
and numbness. A few patients report heightened sensitivity claim it to be safe.9,10 Thus the decision to perform regional
to touch (allodynia). Pain is a common symptom which may anaesthesia in patients with pre-existing neurological
be confined to the lower back or may radiate to the limbs. deficits should be based on the risks and potential benefits
Some patients develop bowel and bladder dysfunction. of each individual case.11 Use of succinylcholine has been
Changes in sensation, such as numbness, loss of ability found to be associated with severe hyperkalaemia and
to experience pain and temperature, or neuropathic pain, its consequences. These patients have also been found
often occur in patients with transverse myelitis. to be extremely sensitive to non-depolarising muscle
In 15-36% of cases of transverse myelitis, the aetiology relaxants. Therefore, avoidance of muscle relaxants or the
remains unidentified and is termed idiopathic.5 In others, use of relaxants guided by neuromuscular monitoring is
it may be associated with autoimmune or infectious recommended.
disorders, like multiple sclerosis, neuromyelitis optica Postoperative documentation of motor and sensory function
(Devic’s disease), systemic lupus erythematosis, Sjögren’s is essential for these patients and they should be monitored
syndrome, parainfectious myelitis or sarcoidosis, and for any haemodynamic alterations in a high-dependency
rarely owing to vascular aetiology that affects the blood unit. Our case serves as a reminder of this rare condition
supply of the spinal cord segment. A patient with acute
and its anaesthetic implications.
transverse myelitis and rapid loss of spinal cord function
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