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Different people in the society have different concept of ‘Respect’. In my
mind’s eye respect is the act of showing someone that we value his or her
feelings and thoughts.

Respect can be in various forms. It can be knowledge, self-awareness, trust,

character, honesty, understanding, and a positive attitude. Respect is a
universal value that each person desires not only to embody, but also to
receive. It is not just what we say but also the way we act.

The American Heritage Dictionary states that respect is -

1. A feeling of appreciative, often deferential regard, esteem.

2. The state of being regarded with honour or esteem.

3. Willingness to show consideration or appreciation.

Respect is a lesson that one should learn over the years. The ability to treat
everyone with respect and equally, is an easy trait to learn, but a difficult
trait to carry out.

Respect begins with self-respect and then extends to the respect of others.
Self-respect occurs only when we listen to our self and place our opinions
and feelings before others. The more we value our self, the more we know
that we are worth it. Respecting our self can mean holding our head up high
and respecting our own ideas. It means to share ideas even if it might not be
right. It is about not letting it affect in anyway. Showing people that we
deserve their respect plays a crucial part in how well we relate to them. If we
learn to respect our self then others will also learn to respect us.

We owe everyone a basic level of respect. Showing people that we take their
feelings and thoughts into consideration are how to earn respect. When we
respect a person, then the person also respects us. Listening to a person’s
point of view is one of the best way of showing respect to them. Time to time
we might not always agree with one another on every topic but allowing
each to have and express views is a sign of respect. Actions mostly earn
respect, but it is always important to remember that it is a two-way street.
Respecting other people’s religions should be put into a lot of consideration
too. Conflicts are created in the world today because of discriminating
gender, religion and caste. Just because we do not share the same belief
should not mean that we should disrespect the other person. Religion should
also be respected as it brings different cultures together. It lessens
discrimination among people from different cultures and backgrounds.
Everybody deserves respect regardless of their gender, age, race or their

Respect should be shown on every ones property. One should not only
respect other people, but their property too. When dealing with other
people's property one should always ask before using their things. They
should always take permission of the other person before they take their

Respect does play an essential role in numerous ways including

 Allowing people to build trust with each other.

 Enabling people to create and rebuild relationships.
 People respected within communities are most likely to encourage and
bring peace.

 Additionally, respect plays a fundamental difference in solving
 Where there is the presence of respect, positive change gets seen, and
in its absence, destruction gets witnessed.

In conclusion, it can be said that it is important to respect others as well as

our self. Respecting others help to preserve and respect cultures that are
different from our own. In doing this we enhance our own culture. Cultural
differences are a positive aspect of our society that we can learn a lot from.
Cultural differences should not be looked upon as something that impedes,
but rather as something that encourages growth and prosperity. If we are
respectful, we are automatically a better person, and that makes us instantly
more likeable by the people around us. A respectful person is a delight to be
around. The other word of Respect is esteem which is a positive feeling or
action shown towards someone or something considered important. Respect
conveys a sense of admiration for good or valuable qualities and it is also the
process of honouring someone by exhibiting care, concern, or consideration
for their needs or feelings. Respect plays an important role in our daily lives
and it follows us wherever we go so it is a part of the society.

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