Olfactory Transduction: Olfaction & Taste

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Olfactory Transduction

Olfactory transduction covers all the biochemical (production of second messengers)

and electrical (opening of ionic channels) steps from odorant-ligand binding on the
OR until the emission of action potentials by the OSN.

From: Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science, 2015

Related terms:

Cilium, Olfactory Receptor, Aroma Compound, Cyclic Nucleotide-Gated Ion Chan-

nel, Cyclic AMP, Calcium Ion, Olfactory Bulb

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Olfaction & Taste

J. Caprio, C.D. Derby, in The Senses: A Comprehensive Reference, 2008 Overview
Olfactory transduction in teleosts and crustaceans has many commonalities with
each other and with other characterized ORNs. ORs are G-protein-coupled receptors
linked via second messenger pathways to ion channels. A diversity of olfactory
transduction cascades that lead to the activation of CNG, IP3, and/or TRPC2 channels
exist. Other channels are secondarily activated, which in turn amplify the signal.
Single ORNs of teleosts and lobsters can have more than one second messenger
pathway. In lobsters, these include specific excitatory and inhibitory pathways. For
teleosts, dual excitatory ORN pathways are identified, but it is currently unknown
whether odorant-induced suppression requires an additional inhibitory transduc-
tion pathway, or whether specific odorants can affect the resident pathways to
result in suppression (Hallem, E. A. et al., 2004). Multiple transduction cascades in
individual cells can enhance the diversity of odor responses generated by ORNs.
Perireceptor events are important to aquatic animals – for example, ectoenzymes
and transporters clean up the odor environment around the ORs – but other
perireceptor processes not relevant to aquatic animals are absent – for example, no
odorant-binding proteins.
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Comparative Olfactory Transduction

Elizabeth A. Corey, Barry W. Ache, in Chemosensory Transduction, 2016

Functional Organization of Olfactory Systems

Olfactory transduction is best understood in vertebrates and arthropods, where
signal transduction occurs in specific subsystems. The mammalian sense of smell is
organized into functional subsystems involving different receptor types in addition
to the MOE, including the vomeronasal organ (see Chapters 10, 11Chapter 10Chap-
ter 11), the septal organ of Masera, the Grueneberg ganglion (see Chapter 8), and
the trigeminal system (see Chapter 21). Other vertebrates have their sense of smell
organized into anatomically segregated subsystems as well (as reviewed in Ref. 6),
but as in the case of amphibians where two have been identified, with one for general
odorants and the other for species-specific odorants (pheromones), they may be less
complex.7 Olfaction in insects, and other arthropods such as crustaceans, has been
found to use parallel subsystems with multiple receptor types as well.8,9 In insects,
the olfactory system is organized into different types of sensilla. These sensilla, which
in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster include basiconic, trichoid, and coeloconic,
encase the OSNs on the antennae and maxillary palp.10 These sensilla types have
been differentiated based on their morphology and anatomical distribution as well
as on the odorants to which they respond.10–12 In crustaceans, the systems may be
based on olfactory receptor type with some OSNs expressing insect-like gustato-
ry receptors (Grs; see Chapter 14) and others glutamate receptor-like ionotropic
odorant receptors (Irs; see Chapter 6),13–15 but this remains to be explored. The
conservation of the use of parallel systems for processing olfactory information
across multiple types of animals suggests that it is likely an important functional
characteristic of sensory systems that may provide adaptive advantages.

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Odor Memory and Perception

Thomas A. Cleland, in Progress in Brain Research, 2014

2 Olfactory Transduction and Convergence

Olfactory transduction occurs in the nasal cavity, where ciliated primary olfactory
sensory neurons (OSNs), covered with a layer of mucus, populate a portion of the
nasal epithelium. Inhaled odorous molecules dissolve into the mucus layer and
associate with the extracellular binding sites of OR proteins located on OSN cilia
(Getchell, 1986; Morrison and Costanzo, 1990, 1992). These associations trigger
transduction cascades within the cilia that depolarize the OSN and evoke a train of
action potentials, the frequency of which depends systematically on the intensity of
the odor-evoked depolarization (Getchell and Shepherd, 1978; Rospars et al., 2000).
These spike trains are temporally unsophisticated and are generally considered to
be simple rate codes reporting the intensity of activation of the corresponding
OSN, though they also are moderately affected by intracellular adaptation processes
that serve to emphasize transient changes in the intensity of activation (Zufall and
Leinders-Zufall, 2000).

There are roughly 350 different types of ORs expressed in the human nose, and
roughly 1000–1200 in mice and rats (Mombaerts, 1999, 2001). Canonically, only
one type of OR is expressed in any single OSN. This may not be exhaustively true
across all cells and species (Mombaerts, 2004); however, in mice, this exclusion can
extend to only one allelic variant of one OR being expressed in individual OSNs
(Chess et al., 1994). Groups of OSNs that express the same OR (referred to as sister
OSNs, or OSN classes) consequently are activated by the same odor ligands. OSNs
project axons across the blood–brain barrier into the olfactory bulb (Fig. 1)—the
first central nervous system structure of the olfactory system. Critically, the axons
of sister OSNs converge together (Mombaerts et al., 1996), such that their axonal
arbors intertwine into tangles of neuropil from thousands of OSNs expressing the
same OR, and excluding the axonal arbors of OSNs expressing different ORs, within
the surface layer of the olfactory bulb. These discrete tangles of neuropil are visible
at the light microscopic level as spheroid structures of roughly 40–100 μm diameter
and termed glomeruli (singular: glomerulus). As each glomerulus comprises the
axonal arborizations of OSNs expressing the same OR, the number of glomeruli
directly reflects the number of different ORs expressed by a given species. In mice,
for example, there are more than 1000 different ORs, and approximately twice that
many glomeruli in each olfactory bulb, because most glomeruli are duplicated in the
medial and lateral olfactory bulb (Schoenfeld and Cleland, 2005).
Figure 1. Connections of the olfactory bulb neuronal network. Circuit diagram of
the mammalian olfactory bulb. The axons of olfactory sensory neurons expressing
the same odorant receptor type converge together as they cross into the brain
and arborize together to form glomeruli (shaded ovals) across the surface of the
olfactory bulb. Several classes of olfactory bulb neuron innervate each glomerulus.
Interneurons include olfactory nerve-driven periglomerular cells (PGo), external
tufted cell-driven periglomerular cells (PGe), and multiple subtypes of external tufted
cells (ET). Superficial short-axon cells (sSA) are not associated with specific glomeruli
but project broadly and laterally within the deep glomerular layer, interacting with
glomerular interneurons. Principal neurons include mitral cells and tufted cells (col-
lectively depicted as M/T), which interact via reciprocal connections in the external
plexiform layer (EPL) with the dendrites of inhibitory granule cells (Gr), thereby re-
ceiving recurrent and lateral inhibition. Both of these principal neuron types project
divergently to several regions of the brain. The heterogeneous deep short-axon cell
population (dSAC) includes cells that deliver GABAergic inhibition onto granule cells
and one another, and, along with granule cells, receive centrifugal cortical input
from piriform pyramidal cells. OE, olfactory epithelium (in the nasal cavity); GL,
glomerular layer; EPL, external plexiform layer; MCL, mitral cell layer; IPL, internal
plexiform layer; GCL, granule cell layer. Filled triangles denote excitatory synapses;
open circles denote inhibitory synapses. Note that sSA to PG synapses are depicted
as excitatory despite being GABAergic (see text), and sSA to sSA synapses exist but
are not depicted. Upper right inset. Illustration of the mitral–granule synapses in the
external plexiform layer (EPL) that mediate recurrent and lateral inhibition. Mitral
cell lateral dendrites excite granule cell spines, and granule cells inhibit mitral cell
lateral dendrites. This synaptic circuit is the basis for recurrent and lateral inhibition
across the olfactory bulb and mediates the generation and coordination of gamma
oscillations. Lower right inset. Illustration of the triune synapse at which an OSN
excites a mitral cell and PGo cell gemmule (spine) in parallel, and the PGo cell
immediately inhibits the mitral cell. This synaptic triad is the basis for nontopo-
graphical intraglomerular inhibition proposed to mediate contrast enhancement in
the olfactory system (see text).Figure adapted from Cleland (2010).

As the olfactory epithelium contains millions of OSNs, there are on the order
of thousands of sister OSNs expressing each type of OR. As different ORs are
responsive to different chemical epitopes of odorous molecules, any given odor-
ant—whether comprising a single type of molecule or a consistent ratio of many
different odorous molecules—typically will activate a consistent set of several dif-
ferent classes of OSN. Moreover, each OSN class will be activated to a different
extent depending on the potency of the odor ligand for each OR type, such that
the resulting pattern of relative activation levels among multiple OSN classes (a
“relational representation”; Cleland et al., 2007) contains information about the odor
ligands that are present. However, odorant concentrations also strongly affect OSN
activation levels, and this constitutes a major problem for odor identification. Simple
ligand–receptor binding curves are constrained by statistical mechanics to go from
mostly dissociated (e.g., 10% bound) to near-maximally associated (e.g., 90% bound)
within a narrow ligand concentration range, less than two orders of magnitude.
Indeed, concentration tuning ranges of one to two orders of magnitude have been
directly measured in dissociated OSNs (Duchamp-Viret et al., 1990a,b; Firestein and
Shepherd, 1991; Firestein et al., 1993; Trotier, 1994). The concentrations of naturally
encountered odorants, of course, vary much more widely than this. Consequently,
odor quality information contained in the relative activation levels among OSN
classes would be inconsistent across concentrations, as various ORs in the activated
ensemble approach their activation ceilings or floors and disrupt the ratiometric,
and ultimately even the ordinal, profile of OSN activation levels (Cleland et al.,
2011). The absence of reliable diagnostic features of odor quality within OSN activity
profiles would, of course, render the olfactory system unable to distinguish odors
effectively, at least outside of narrow concentration windows. Yet, it is clear that
olfactory systems are able to resolve this conundrum.

This problem is surprisingly difficult to solve owing to the many unavoidable

nonlinearities inherent to the transduction process. Indeed, it is likely that no one
solution could do so reliably. Instead, it has been proposed that the mammalian
olfactory system uses several (at least six) computational mechanisms in series to
progressively reduce the concentration-dependent variance in odor representations
such that different concentrations of odors evoke reasonably similar representations,
while preserving the variance arising from differences in odor quality (Cleland et
al., 2011). Briefly, these include adaptive sampling behaviors (e.g., regulating odor
concentration in the nose by adjusting the strength of sniffing), the diversification
of concentration tuning among sister OSNs via receptor reserve so as to generate
broader aggregate dose–response curves in glomeruli, intensity compression at
the output synapses of OSNs, adaptation to background at this same synapse,
and at least two computations in postglomerular olfactory bulb circuitry including
feedback-dependent normalization of activity and, finally, learning-dependent cat-
egorical binding across remaining differences in the representations of the same
odorant at different concentrations. Among the preglomerular mechanisms, the
most computationally interesting is the putative use of receptor reserve to diversify
the concentration tuning of sister OSNs. Receptor reserve, or spare receptor capaci-
ty, is a phenomenon that arises in metabotropic receptor systems when the capacity
of the receptors to generate second messenger substantially exceeds the capacity of
the coupled effector systems to respond to these high levels of second messenger. In
such a system, near-maximal effector activation can be achieved with an arbitrarily
small proportion of ligand–receptor binding. That is, the concentration of odor
ligand evoking half-activation of the OSN (i.e., its EC50) can be arbitrarily lower than
the dissociation constant (Kd) of the ligand–receptor interaction. If utilized in OSNs,
receptor reserve can explain how the olfactory system—in some species more than
others—is able to detect extremely low concentrations of odorants despite utilizing
ORs that exhibit modest dissociation constants for most ligands. Second, if the
sister OSNs of a convergent population express a distribution of different degrees
of receptor reserve, and hence exhibit different concentration tuning curves (for
the same odor ligands), then the convergent population as a whole will exhibit an
arbitrarily broadened aggregate dose–response curve (Cleland and Linster, 1999).
Because all sister OSNs converge onto one or two glomeruli on the surface of
the olfactory bulb, the collective presynaptic activity within each glomerulus could
express these broad dose–response curves. Indeed, imaging studies of glomerular
activation profiles show that they do exhibit dose–response curves that are much
broader than those of individual OSNs, responding to ligand concentrations across
several orders of magnitude (Friedrich and Korsching, 1997; Wachowiak et al., 2002).
Such broad dose–response curves produce wide quasilinear ranges in which the
pattern of relative levels of activation across many activated glomeruli, nominally
diagnostic for a given odorant, can be roughly maintained. These principles illustrate
the sophistication of odor sampling mechanisms at even the most peripheral stage,
indicating how OSN properties can take advantage of physical laws to increase their
diagnostic for a given odorant, can be roughly maintained. These principles illustrate
the sophistication of odor sampling mechanisms at even the most peripheral stage,
indicating how OSN properties can take advantage of physical laws to increase their
collective coding capacity and reduce the computational burden on subsequent
processing stages.

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Introduction and Overview

Frank Zufall, Steven D. Munger, in Chemosensory Transduction, 2016

Section II: Olfactory Transduction

The modern era of olfactory transduction began with work in the mid-1980s and
early 1990s, revealing the basic principles of vertebrate odor transduction and un-
covering a set of unifying principles. An early key step was the finding that odorants
can stimulate a cAMP enzymatic cascade, including a GTP-binding protein and an
adenylyl cyclase. These results highlighted a strong analogy of signal transduction
events in the olfactory system with other known signaling processes related to the
detection of hormones, neurotransmitters, and light, and thus provided a clear
conceptual framework for moving forward to dissect the sensory transduction mech-
anisms in the olfactory system. The identification of a cAMP-gated cation channel in
the ciliary membrane of vertebrate olfactory sensory neurons resolved the issue of
how an odor-stimulated cAMP rise could produce a tonic membrane depolarization.
The discovery and cloning of a large family of odorant receptor genes, leading
to the 2004 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine for Linda Buck and Richard
Axel, not only solved the puzzle of how an almost unlimited number of odorant
molecules can be detected by the nose, but was also the starting point for using
modern gene targeting methods to unravel the molecular logic of smell and to map
specific olfactory pathways from the periphery to the brain. During the subsequent
years, it became clear that the olfactory system is actually composed of a number
of subsystems that are anatomically segregated within the nasal cavity, make neural
connections that project to distinct subregions of the olfactory forebrain, and use
specialized detection and signaling mechanisms. Similar principles were applied
in parallel to discover the odorant detection mechanisms in invertebrate species,
specifically in insects and nematodes. Chapters 3–12Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter
5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9Chapter 10Chapter 11Chapter 12 of this
book highlight this fascinating diversity of chemosensory transduction mechanisms
in the olfactory system of mammals, lower aquatic vertebrates, and insects.
In Chapter 3, Kazushige Touhara, Yoshihito Niimura, and Sayoko Ihara describe the
discovery of the canonical odorant receptor (OR) gene family in 1991, the evolution
of that family, and the structure and function of ORs in primates and other vertebrate

Chapter 4, by Stephen Liberles and Qian Li, summarizes the identification of a

second family of G protein–coupled olfactory receptors in the mammalian main
olfactory epithelium, the trace amine-associated receptors (TAARs). These receptors
provide an excellent model for mechanistic studies of innately aversive behavioral
responses and of odor valence encoding.

Sigrun Korsching explores the growing understanding of the olfactory receptors of

aquatic vertebrates in Chapter 5. This chapter takes an evolutionary perspective to
examine the expression and function of several classes of olfactory receptors in fish,
amphibians, and aquatic mammals.

In Chapter 6, Anandasankar Ray and Gregory Pask discuss the identification and
functional roles of three known families of insect olfactory receptors: odorant recep-
tors (Ors), ionotropic receptors (Irs), and CO2-sensitive gustatory receptors (Grs). The
evolution, structure/function relationships, and role in insect behavior are reviewed
for each of these chemoreceptor families.

Chapter 7, from Christopher H. Ferguson and Haiqing Zhao, focuses on the

cAMP-mediated signaling cascade of canonical vertebrate olfactory sensory neurons
(OSNs) and describes the core components of this “original” olfactory transduction
pathway. Many of the mechanisms that regulate the transduction process are ex-
plored, including those that may regulate the size and duration of the cAMP tran-
sient. Together, these mechanisms govern changes in the sensitivity and response
kinetics of the olfactory system, thereby allowing the system to accommodate highly
variable environmental cues.

Chapter 8, by Trese-Leinders Zufall and Pablo Chamero, summarizes the evidence

that cAMP is not the only significant cyclic nucleotide in odor transduction and
describes how cGMP signaling also plays important roles. Subsets of olfactory
neurons in the mammalian nose, such as those that express the receptor guanylyl
cyclase GC-D and other cells that are located in the Grueneberg ganglion, use
cGMP signaling for chemosensory transduction. A strong case for cGMP signaling
mechanisms has also been built in the nematode olfactory system.

Jeffrey Martens and Jeremy McIntyre provide insights into the mechanisms and
mutations that affect olfactory cilia structure or function and that can have a pro-
found impact on the sense of smell in Chapter 9. These mutations underlie a class
of disorders termed ciliopathies that are often associated with anosmia, a loss of
the sense of smell. Work on protein trafficking in olfactory cilia provides a basis for
developing therapies that may be able to restore the sense of smell in ciliopathy

Chapter 10, by Ivan Rodriguez, is aimed at describing the types of chemoreceptors

found in the sensory part of the mammalian vomeronasal organ (VNO), also known
as Jacobson's organ. This chapter summarizes the discovery, evolution, and function
of three known types of receptor families in the VNO: type 1 and type 2 vomeronasal
receptors (V1Rs and V2Rs, respectively) and formyl peptide receptors (FPRs).

In Chapter 11, Marc Spehr turns the focus to vomeronasal signaling mechanisms
downstream of the receptors. Because the VNO is essential for many types of chemi-
cal communication in rodents, it has received specific interest over the past 20 years.
This chapter summarizes our current knowledge of signaling and transduction
mechanisms in vomeronasal sensory neurons (VSNs) with a particular emphasis on
rodent models.

Finally in this section, Elizabeth A. Corey and Barry W. Ache present a comparative
analysis of olfactory transduction mechanisms in a variety of animal models in
Chapter 12. This approach helps to identify the important functional characteristics
that define olfaction and suggest new avenues to be investigated.

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Cyclic AMP Signaling in the Main Ol-

factory Epithelium
Christopher H. Ferguson, Haiqing Zhao, in Chemosensory Transduction, 2016

Molecular Identification of Olfactory Transduction Compo-

Following the strong evidence that olfactory transduction involves a cAMP-mediated
signaling cascade, researchers were prompted to identify and clone the genes that
encode the transduction components (Figure 2). The first wave of breakthrough was
achieved between the late 1980s and early 1990s. By screening a complementary
DNA (cDNA) library prepared from the rat olfactory epithelium, the Reed group
cloned the stimulatory G protein alpha subunit G olf and became the first to success-
fully clone an olfactory transduction component.29 Similar cDNA library screening
efforts led the Reed group to identify the AC in the OSN cilia as adenylyl cyclase 3
(AC3)30 and led the Reed and Yau groups to clone the gene encoding the principle
subunit of the olfactory CNG channel, CNGA2.31 Subsequent genetic knockout work
confirmed the key roles played by each of these proteins as mice lacking any of these
transduction components were rendered broadly anosmic.16–18

Around the same time, significant effort was aimed at determining the molecular
identity of the odorant receptors. In 1991, Buck and Axel published their ground-
breaking discovery on the cloning of OR genes through the use of the polymerase
chain reaction (PCR).32 Their success stemmed from the assumptions that ORs were
coupled to a G protein cascade mediated by cAMP and that ORs constituted a
multigene family. These assumptions led them to design degenerate primers for the
PCR based on conserved residues of known GPCRs and guided the analysis of the
PCR products.32 Subsequent studies have shown that OSNs follow a one-neuron,
one-receptor rule, whereby each OSN expresses only one OR and that only one of
the two alleles for a given OR is expressed.33–37 Notably, even though canonical OSNs
can express any one of over a thousand ORs (at least in rodents), they all share the
same downstream transduction pathway.

Efforts quickly followed to identify the additional molecular constituents of the

heterotetrameric CNG channel and the heterotrimeric Golf complex. When heterol-
ogously expressed, the CNGA2 subunit is capable of forming a homomeric channel
gated by cAMP; however, this homomeric channel exhibited channel properties
different from those of the native olfactory channel.31,38 Further screening discovered
two additional subunits that contribute to the native CNG channel: the CNGA438,39
subunit and the CNGB1b40,41 subunit. Although CNGA4 and CNGB1b are individu-
ally incapable of forming a homomeric channel, when coexpressed with the CNGA2,
the resulting heteromeric channel exhibits properties similar to the native olfactory
channel.40,42 Further studies suggested that the native CNG channel is likely formed
with a stoichiometry of two CNGA2 subunits to one CNGA4 subunit to one CNGB1b
subunit.42,43 In the case of the heterotrimeric Golf complex, the G subunit is likely
to be the G 1,44 and the G subunit has been identified as G 13.45

The olfactory transduction cascade possesses a unique feature in which, downstream

of cAMP activation of the CNG channel and Ca2+ influx, a Ca2+-activated efflux of
chloride ions leads to additional depolarization of the OSN cilia. Early electrophysi-
ology suggested that this Cl− current is a source of amplification in the transduction
cascade, accounting for approximately 50–90% of OSN depolarization.46–50 Recent
mass spectrometry–based proteomic analysis of mouse cilium preparations helped
identify anoctamin 2 (ANO2) as the olfactory Ca2+-activated Cl− channel.51–53 Analysis
of mutant mice lacking ANO2 supported its role in current generation in OSNs.54
However, behavioral analysis suggests that ANO2 may be dispensable for proper
olfaction in mice,54 and it is unclear how ANO2 contributes to human olfaction.55

Concurrent with the exploration of components involved in the generation of cAMP

and subsequent electrical responses, the PDE(s) that degrade cAMP were also actively
pursued. Early work determined that PDE activity was present in the olfactory cilia
and that this activity was dependent on Ca2+ and calmodulin (CaM).56,57 Through
screening of a rat olfactory cDNA library, the Beavo group identified the PDE
responsible for degrading cAMP in the olfactory cilia as PDE1C2, a PDE that is
activated by Ca2+/CaM.58,59

Akin to the importance of the PDE for controlling cilial cAMP levels, the Ca2+ trans-
porter(s) responsible for controlling cilial Ca2+ levels is critically important for ol-
factory transduction. Mass spectrometry–based proteomic analysis of mouse cilium
preparations also helped to identify the potassium-dependent Na+-Ca2+ exchanger 4
(NCKX4) as the Ca2+ transporter responsible for the extrusion of Ca2+ from the cilia.60

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Olfaction & Taste

H. Takeuchi, T. Kurahashi, in The Senses: A Comprehensive Reference, 2008

4.28.9 Signal Amplification: Comparison with the Phototrans-

For a long period of time, researches on olfactory transduction system have been
limited on rather qualitative descriptions because of experimental difficulties
accompanying the use of diverse ligands, multiple receptors, and the fine structure
of the sensory cilia. By overcoming those experimental difficulties, a recent work
by Takeuchi and Kurahashi was conducted to understand the mechanism of signal
amplification in the olfactory transduction system. cAMP dynamics was inversely
estimated from the activities of CNG channels. As a result, cAMP-production rate
was in an order of 2 × 104 s−1 per cilium at the maximum odorant stimulus. The cAMP
molecules must be produced from many odorant receptors on the ciliary surface
(immunostaining against the receptor protein generally shows their presences to be
homogeneous, spanning the entire cilia). It is therefore suggested that the odorant
receptor triggers very small activities of enzymatic reaction.

It has been pointed out that the olfactory transduction system is very homologous
as the phototransduction system, in that both systems are mediated by receptor
– G protein – effecter enzyme and the CNG channel. In the rod photoreceptor
cell, light-activated protein reactions have been fairly well described. Activation of
single rhodopsin by a single photon triggers 102–103 molecular changes in trans-
ducin–phosphodiesterase (PDE) cascade, which leads to the breakdown of 104–105
cGMP molecules in a second (Figure 6). This number is much bigger than that
observed in the ORC, as is obvious in a comparison between extreme opposite
situations, maximum versus unitary rates.

Figure 6. Mechanisms of olfactory transduction and phototransduction.

As described before, Bhandawat et al. showed that the olfactory unitary event, pre-
sumably evoked by a single odorant molecule, could be very small. They considered
that such small unitary event was attributable to that the lifetime of individual
odorant receptor molecules was very short (i.e., 1 ms). As comparison, in rods,
a single photon switches the status of single rhodopsin molecule into an active
form that lasts for >1 s. During its long lifetime, many transducin–PDE molecules
are activated, which leads to the generation of the single photon response. Since
the excitation of the single rhodopsin by a single photon is by chance and very
instantaneous, rods may have to acquire a high amplification at the receptor–enzyme
level. In case of chemical sensations, however, stimulants can be staying around until
they are removed.

Nevertheless, it may be still puzzling that the olfactory enzymes use very low
signal amplification. In olfaction, however, activation of G-protein-coupled receptor
(GPCR) produces cAMP, instead of the breakdown of cGMP in the rod. Therefore,
the low amplification in olfactory enzymes would be an efficient way to avoid loss
of ATP. Apparently, signal transduction with a small number of molecules is achieved
by the fine ciliary structure that has high surface–volume ratio in which even a small
change in the absolute number of molecules is reflected as a big change in the
concentration. In addition, the ORC has a unique and strong nonlinear amplification
detecting a slight change in the odorant dose, which is regulated by Ca2+ that flows
through the CNG channel; cytoplasmic increase of Ca2+ in turn activates excitatory
Cl− current to boost the net transduction current. Thus, the sequential openings of
two ion channels establish a high nonlinear amplification in olfaction, utilizing Ca2+
as a third messenger that is not present in the phototransduction system.

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Richard L. Doty, in Encyclopedia of the Human Brain, 2002

II.A Olfactory Receptors

During the past 10 years considerable progress regarding the initial events of olfac-
tory transduction has occurred, beginning with the aforementioned identification
of the gene family that encodes olfactory receptors. Despite the fact that a given
receptor cell seems to express only one type of receptor derived from a single allele,
each cell is electrophysiologically responsive to a wide, but circumscribed, set of
stimuli. This suggests that a single receptor accepts a range of molecular entities
and that a complex cross-fiber patterning of responses provides the neural code.
Odorant binding leads to an inwardly depolarizing current within the cilia of the
bipolar receptor cells, which leads to the triggering of the action potentials that
collectively provide the information that is forwarded to higher brain centers.

Two approaches for functionally characterizing odorant receptors have been em-
ployed. In one, an adenovirus-mediated gene transfer procedure was used to in-
crease the expression of a specific receptor gene in rat olfactory receptors, demon-
strating ligand-specific increases in the amplitude of summated electrical activity
at the surface of the epithelium (termed the electro-olfactogram or EOG). In the
other, an olfactory receptor library was generated using a polymerase chain reaction
from which cloned receptors were screened for odorant-induced responsiveness
to a panel of odorants (as measured by an assay of intracellular Ca2+ changes).
Several receptor types with ligand specificity were found, including one differentially
sensitive to the stereoisomers of citronellal.

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Modern Methods in Natural Products

Yi-Ping Phoebe Chen, ... Paolo Carloni, in Comprehensive Natural Products II, 2010 Chloride channels
Members of the bestrophin are Ca2+-activated Cl− channels that have been suggested
to play a pivotal role for olfactory transduction.116 According to topological models,
the N- and C-terminal domains of bestrophins would be located at the intracellular
side of the membrane and would be connected to four or five hydrophobic domains
forming the channel. We have used structural bioinformatics and molecular sim-
ulation tools to identify Asp and Glu residues involved in Ca(II) ion binding. Our
model has been validated by performing mutagenesis experiments, in which key
acid residues identified by computational methods have been replaced by alanine.

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Aquatic Olfaction
Sigrun Korsching, in Chemosensory Transduction, 2016

The vertebrate olfactory system, like the independently developed olfactory system
of arthropods, has its origins in aquatic species, and the first vertebrate olfactory
receptor genes evolved to detect water borne substances (see Chapter 12 for a
comparative discussion of olfactory transduction). Those receptors and receptor
families, which were kept and expanded in terrestrial olfaction, initially must have
had properties useful for aquatic olfaction. Currently, not enough is known about
ligand specificities of aquatic olfactory receptors to understand this transition.

Yet, because of the recent availability of sequenced genomes for many aquatic
species, there is a large body of knowledge about the evolution of olfactory receptor
repertoires in aquatic vertebrates. Moreover, there exists a wealth of information
about aquatic odors, odor-induced neuronal activity, and innate behavioral odor
responses. Aquatic vertebrates ranging from jawless fish to teleost fish and amphib-
ians can detect a wide array of chemically diverse odors with remarkable specificity
and sensitivity and can exhibit complex odor-guided social behaviors including the
timing of reproductive stages in female–male interaction.

To inform thinking about receptor/ligand pairing in aquatic olfaction, this chapter

will discuss the evolution of all four main classes of olfactory receptors, beginning
with a short overview of cephalochordate, jawless vertebrate, and cartilaginous
vertebrate olfactory receptor repertoires. Next, the focus will be on coelacanths
(Latimeria) as representative of lobe-finned fish, teleost fish as the major group of
aquatic species, and clawed frog (Xenopus) as representative of amphibians, which are
situated at the transition point between aquatic and terrestrial olfaction (Figure 1).
Then the consequences of the inverse transition in secondarily aquatic mammals
will be described.

Figure 1. Aquatic species in chordate evolution.A phylogenetic tree of chordate

species. Pictures at the branches depict exemplary species for which the olfactory re-
ceptor repertoires have been studied in some detail: Cephalochordates, amphioxus;
jawless vertebrates, lamprey; cartilaginous fish, elephant shark; earlier diverging
ray-finned fish, zebrafish; neoteleosts, tilapia; lobe-finned fish, coelacanth; amphib-
ian, Xenopus; cetaceans, Orca (representing several toothed and baleen whales);
mammals, and mouse. Aquatic species are indicated by the blue background.

An overview of aquatic odors known to activate olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs)

and/or elicit olfactory-mediated behavior will be followed by a description of odor
ligands for the handful of aquatic olfactory receptors deorphanized so far. Finally,
aquatic olfactory signal transduction will be discussed and the different types of
OSNs will be described. Two of the olfactory receptor families have as their closest
relatives taste receptor families; the characteristic properties of these taste receptor
families will be described in the breakout box.

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Olfaction & Taste

J.D. Bohbot, ... L.J. Zwiebel, in The Senses: A Comprehensive Reference, 2008 Other Protein Kinases

In addition to the core components of olfactory signal transduction thus far dis-
cussed, there is good evidence that implicates an ever increasing set of protein
kinase-associated pathways in invertebrate chemosensory processes. Indeed, in
further support of IP3-based second messenger pathways in insect olfactory trans-
duction cascades is the identification of the Drosophila IP3 kinase1 gene (IP3K1)
(Gomez-Diaz, C. et al., 2006). IP3K1 mediates IP3 degradation and is expressed in
multiple locations including the olfactory appendages and the head. Importantly,
gain-of-function IP3K Drosophila mutants exhibit diminished olfactory sensitivity
due to increased recovery times (Gomez-Diaz, C. et al., 2006).

In C. elegans, the signal termination in the AWC olfactory neuron is characterized

by short- and long-term adaptation components that are mediated by a cGMP-de-
pendent kinase (EGL-4) (L’etoile, N. D. et al., 2002). EGL-4 and mammal protein
kinase G (PKG) share similar functional domains including cGMP-binding motifs
and a serine/threonine kinase domain (L’etoile, N. D. et al., 2002). The latter domain
has been shown to regulate the TAX-2/TAX-4 CNG channel by targeting a specific
phosphorylation site on the TAX-2 subunit. A longer adaptation mechanism seems
to be mediated by EGL-4 nuclear translocation and by regulation of gene expression.
This mechanism is present in mammalian systems and is assumed by PKG (Gudi, T.
et al., 1997).

Expression and mutant analyses show that the protein kinase C (PKC) genes ttx-4
and tpa-1 are involved in multiple sensory pathways including olfaction (Okochi, Y.
et al., 2005). These genes encode protein homologs to the human novel PKC (over
50% amino acid identity) and Drosophila PKC (60% amino acid identity), and both
have Di Acyl Glycerol-binding domains. The chemotaxis defects observed in ttx-4
and tpa-1 lf mutants are rescued by an exogenous DAG analog implicating these
two genes in the regulation of the second messenger pathway pertaining to olfactory
Lastly, five DAG kinase genes (dgk) have been identified in the C. elegans genome of
which dgk-1 and dgk-3 act redundantly to reduce DAG levels and have been shown to
participate in olfactory adaptation (Matsuki, M. et al., 2006). The effects of DAG and
other genes known to participate in DAG-mediated pathways provide strong support
that phospholipase-based effectors are active in this complex regulatory network.
Still, the jury is out as to the precise mechanisms underlying olfactory signaling
within the invertebrate systems under study. At this point there is a growing body of
circumstantial evidence but, if we may take the courtroom analogy one step further,
no smoking gun to provide hard proof implicating any specific pathway(s).

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