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The Effect of Physical Activity to Decreased of Dementia

(Mild,Moderate and Severe) in Elderly: A Systematic Review

Dwi indah Lestari, Antonia Helena Hamu, Suhardiana Rachmawati, Dina Palayukan Singkali and Ah
Nursing Faculty, Universitas Airlangga, Mulyorejo Street, Surabaya, Indonesia,,, ,

Keywords: Physical activity, dementia, elderly.

Abstract: Dementia is a syndrome characterized as a decrease in cognitive function, memory, language,

environmental orientation, emotional control changes, social behavior, motivation and physical abilities.
Physical activity is any body movement produced by skeletal muscles that require energy expenditure.
Physical exercise is a non-pharmacological treatment that can be given to the elderly who have dementia.
The purpose of this review is to determine the effect of physical activities on the state of dementia that
occurs in the elderly.systematic Methods of the study were systematic review of dementia elderly with
study selection criteria using Scopus, Science Direct, and Pubmed databases by Randomized Control Trial
(RCT). The result of the 15 journals conducted and reviewed with relevant keyword The results showed that
the physical activity which performed by someone who suffered from mild ,moderate and severe dementia
will decrease after doing physical activity.

1 INTRODUCTION The increased prevalence of dementia will also

be followed by an increase in health costs including
Dementia is a progressive neurodegenerative medical expenses, nursing costs, caregiver salaries
condition characterized by cognitive impairment of and caregiver training costs, so there is a need for
memory, language, recognition and movement optimal care of the functional ability of the elderly.
disturbing daily activities. Dementia is one of the Functional ability is an important aspect in the
most common neurodegenerative diseases in elderly treatment of dementia patients. Therefore, the
people worldwide.According to (DSM IV) dementia development of nonpharmacologic interventions to
is defined to be two.memory impairment with reduce functional degradation in dementia patients is
cognitive impairment that causes aphasia (language an important implication of elderly health (Souto et
disorder), apraxia (motor disturbance), agnosia al., 2016).
(decrease in object recognition) or executive Many journals suggest that reducing physical
function (planning, sequencing, abstract).While the activity may interfere with mental health, impair
latter is a decrease in functional ability such as social social function, occupation, health-related quality of
ability or self-care associated with cognitive deficits life. In addition, depressive symptoms associated
Global prevalence rates About 60% of dementia with more severe cognitive functioning occur in the
cases in developed countries are caused by elderly with dementia. Therefore, developing an
Alzheimer's disease and about 20% are vascular effective strategy for improving cognitive function
dementia. Dementia affects the elderly at a much and depressive symptoms has attracted attention and
greater rate than in younger individuals. The alternatives that can be done in the elderly with
prevalence of dementia in developed countries under dementia. (Groot et al., 2016).
1% for people aged 65-69 years, increased to about Treatment of elderly with dementia is important as it
35% at age 95-99 years, and prevalence doubled at is the provision of antipsychotic atypical drugs (eg,
the age of 65 - 99.(Atherton et al., 2016) risperidone and olanzapine) and acetylcholinesterase
inhibitors, has been considered the treatment of

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choice. Previous studies have suggested that the use To reduce the high incidence of dementia in the
of pharmacotherapy is accompanied by adverse elderly. Physical activity is one of the
events (eg, increased risk of cerebrovascular side nonpharmacologic therapies proposed as decreased
effects and metabolic syndrome.(Groot et al., 2016). incidence of dementia in the elderly it has been
Physical exercise is a non-pharmacological supported by many research studies that support it
treatment for dementia that has no side effects. The
ultimate goal is to increase the functional potential
of the depressed elderly and develop biomotor 2 METODE
abilities to the highest degree (Karssemeijer et al.,
2017). Physical exercise in its execution is more 2.1 Data Search dan Source
focused on the process of fostering physical
conditions such as physical exercise as a whole, The search strategy of the journal begins by asking a
physical exercise is one of the most important research question, namely "is there any effect of
factors that should be considered as an element that physical activity on the decrease of dementia (mild,
is needed in the healing process in the elderly with moderate, severe)?". Search results of research on all
dementia in order to achieve optimal health.. scopus indexed journals with Randomized
Physical activity is much done for people Controlled Trials (RCT) type, related to therapy of
with dementia there are 17 studies that state it, nine physical activity for dementia.
of whom assess the effect of physical exercise play a The database used for journal searching is
role in cognition change. The authors conclude that Database in Proquest, Science Direct, and scopus.
the effectiveness of physical activity can improve Keywords used are physical activity, and dementia.
cognitive abilities and other abilities that elderly The journal is limited by the publication year 2011-
people have with dementia (Atherton et al., 2016) 2018, with nursing journal areas, medicine, and
So it can be concluded that treatment in psychology, as well as journals with English.
elderly with dementia there are 2 kinds of
pharmacology and nonpharmacology. 2.2 Selection Study and Criteria
Pharmacologic management of dementia has been
shown to have a rapid effect but its effects are The inclusion criteria set out in this criterion 1)
included in the short term. While non- Design a quantitative study of both observation and
pharmacological management can provide long-term experimentation; 2) maximum span of 10 years ago;
effects and have a fairly good effectiveness 3) Subjects of elderly men and women with
(Holthoff et al., 2015) . dementia; 4) Intervention given in the form of
Non pharmacological management one of physical activity; 5) research in select type
them is physical latian. Physical exercise done in a Randomize Control Trial (RCT)
planned, structured, repetitive, is a much
intervention in doing so is supported by research
research conducted. The results of physical exercise 3. RESULTS
performed by the elderly with dementia may
enhance functional ability, physical function,
3.1 Search result and study selection
neuropsychiatric symptoms (especially depression),
and even cognitive function (Souto et al., 2016).
In the selection of journals to be used in systematic
Physical activity is often associated with a lower risk journal review should have the same characteristics
of dementia. The relationship seems not only related and Feasibility study, it is assessed by using PICOT
to the number of calories spent during exercise, but approach so it is easier and easier to understand in
also with the number of activities that indicate that writing systematic review.
there is a synergy between exercise and cognitive
Population: the population used in this study was
stimulation. Research data have shown the aged elderly (>60 year) with mild and severe
relationship between physical activity with cognitive dementia
function and risk of dementia. A study showed that a Intervensi: 1. physical activity interventions that
physical exercise program for 6 months or about 150 include aerobic exercise (Atherton et al., 2016),
minutes per week can improve cognitive function physical exercise (Souto et al., 2016)(Holthoff et al.,
(Gitlin et al., 2016). 2015). The dance movement (Tin et al., 2015)

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handmovement program (Eggermont et al., 2009) 3.3 Study Review Results
foot massage (Moyle et al., 2014) daily jogging
exercise (Zeng et al., 2016). Scientific study results are done by writers who get
Comparisson: Participants were randomized to at from Proquest, Medline, and Science Direct, and
least one control group and the same treatment scopus. The overall total of all study participants
group were treated, but for the control group, the was 940 with age >60 years and have a good
usual treatment of physical activity, while the group dementia disorders were light and heavy
treatment group performed the usual treatment interventions are used in all the studies are
interventions and added with the exercise multicomponent interventions including behavioral,
intervention.. educational and cognitive techniques used in
Output: pre- and post-intervention data for both physical activity. With an average duration of
intervention and control for one or more outcomes therapy for 6 weeks with an average 24-week
related to physical activity and dementia. And the follow-up. From all the research mostly using
results are measured in DSM IV (Souto et al., 2016) measuring devices the same: Scale-cognitive
Desain studi: Randomized control trials (RCT). subscale (ADAS-cog)(Atherton et al., 2016), DSM
IV (Souto et al., 2016) Mini-Mental State (sMMSE)
Number of journals : 940 journals (Holthoff et al., 2015) College of Sports Medicine
 Scopus (n=330) (ACSM) (Karssemeijer et al., 2017)
 Proquest (n=440) neuropsychological, MRI and Bloodbase (Zeng et
 Science Direct (n=170)
al., 2016) and physical exercise its other like dance,
foot massage, recreational (Souto et al., 2016).
increased mood with socialization (Tin et al., 2015)
incompatible n= 840
movement of hand and finger movements
(Eggermont et al., 2009)
Review Abstrak From several literature journals that have been
n=100 done PICOT there is a statistically significant effect
incompatible Variable found from physical activity (physical activity)
physical activity, which includes aerobics, dancing, gymnastics,
dementia n = 63
cycling and other physical activities provide
significant results. After doing the routine and
Review Full Text scheduled treatment
n=37 Then do measurements using measuring
instruments that have berstandart. The results
incompatible inclusion
obtained in the elderly with both mild and severe
and exclusion criteria dementia can experience significant reductions, and
removed n=22 mempu improve the quality of life of the elderly.

Related articles
The authors selected 15 journals with similar
Gambar 1: Search Flow characteristics in the systematic writing of this
review. The authors chose to look at the influence
between physical activity and the incidence of
3.2 Characteristics of the Study dementia occurring in the elderly. From the review
several studies have shown that the application of
Characteristics of the study are described in table 1. physical activity to treat patients with mild and
All the journals obtained from the results of the severe dementia showed significant results on the
study have physical activity therapy performed on decline of dementia status in different measurements
clients with dementia. All studies have age criteria using Scale-Cognitive subscale (ADAS-
of repondent 60 years and over. All 15 studies were cog)(Atherton et al., 2016), DSM IV, (Souto et al.,
clients with mild, moderate, severe dementia.. 2016), Mini-Mental State (sMMSE) (Holthoff et al.,

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2015) College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) 5 CONCLUSION
(Karssemeijer et al., 2017) neuropsychological, MRI
and Bloodbase (Zeng et al., 2016). Of all the results In conclusion, this review indicates that physical
shown lead to improvement of the incidence of activity in clients with dementia can be lowered
dementia in the elderly, which in doing intervention according to the results of research indicating that
and physical training.Physical. physical activity with various types of physical
activity One non-pharmacological approach is exercise has a significant effect on the incidence of
the use of activities that utilize the individual's dementia experienced by the elderly. This can be
ability to engage as well as the social role, which is used as a guide and become a reference for further
very useful for his or her interests, thus people with research that is tailored to the demographic client's
dementia can effectively engage in daily activities, characteristic
thereby reducing the symptoms of depression. Non-pharmacological therapy, such as physical
Activities are adjusted to the ability of the elderly, so activity intervention, is an interesting alternative or
as to prevent the occurrence of saturation and add-on for non-pharmacological therapy when
discomfort.(Gitlin et al., 2016) cognitive symptoms in patients with dementia
Scheduled exercise programs that are easy to (Groot et al., 2016)
apply in the treatment of dementia significantly
reduce the signs of neuropsychiatric signs and
symptoms in patients suffering from moderate and Acknowledgements
severe (Fleiner et al., 2017) signs of
neuropsychiatric and dementia symptoms include The authors would like to thank the parties who
various symptoms of depression, agitation and helped the implementation of this systematic review.
apathy. Both became the most common. Thus Thank you to Airlangga University for giving us the
physical activity can be termed as an alternative non opportunity, thanks also to our mentors who always
pharmacological treatment that can be done in helped to provide feedback and guidance on this
patients with dementia, it also has many advantages systematic review. Thanks to all members of the
among them can be easily applied in daily activities, group who have given the spirit and dedication for
but to get the results the maximum physical activity the implementation of this systematic review, and all
(physical activity) is done in a scheduled and routine parties who helped and we can not mention one by
so that will get the maximum results (Rathore, 2017) one

4.1 Implications

The results of various research reviews can be

implicated in the nursing sphere especially on
Atherton, N. et al. (2016) ‘Dementia and Physical Activity
mental nursing. Which in the client with dementia ( DAPA ) - an exercise intervention to improve
both mild moderate and severe by doing physical cognition in people with mild to moderate dementia :
activityis one of non-pharmacological skills and study protocol for a randomized controlled trial’,
handlers that can reduce the incidence of dementia Trials. Trials, pp. 1–12. doi: 10.1186/s13063-016-
in the elderly. 1288-2.
Bloom, R. et al. (2017) ‘Computerized cognitive training
physical activity is one form of nursing
for older diabetic adults at risk of dementia : Study
intervention that can be easily applied in daily protocol for a randomized controlled trial’,
activities and is non-pharmacological, and can also Alzheimer’s & Dementia: Translational Research &
provide nursing orders. However, it is still necessary Clinical Interventions. Elsevier Inc., 3(4), pp. 636–
to do a more in-depth study, sehinnga physical 650. doi: 10.1016/j.trci.2017.10.003.
activity can be applied and entered in a sensual Eggermont, L. H. P. et al. (2009) ‘Hand motor activity ,
intervention, especially in patients with dementia. cognition , mood , and the rest – activity rhythm in
dementia A clustered RCT’, 196, pp. 271–278. doi:
Fleiner, T. et al. (2015) ‘Evaluation of a hospital-based
day-structuring exercise programme on exacerbated
behavioural and psychological symptoms in dementia
- the exercise carrousel : study protocol for a

616 The 9th International Nursing Conference 2018

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randomised controlled trial’, Trials. Trials, pp. 1–8.
doi: 10.1186/s13063-015-0758-2.
Fleiner, T. et al. (2017) ‘Structured physical exercise
improves neuropsychiatric symptoms in acute
dementia care : a hospital-based RCT’. Alzheimer’s
Research & Therapy, pp. 1–9. doi: 10.1186/s13195-
Gitlin, L. N. et al. (2016) ‘Reducing neuropsychiatric
symptoms in persons with dementia and associated
burden in family caregivers using tailored activities :
Design and methods of a randomized clinical trial ☆’,
Contemporary Clinical Trials. Elsevier Inc., 49, pp.
92–102. doi: 10.1016/j.cct.2016.06.006.
Groot, C. et al. (2016) ‘The effect of physical activity on
cognitive function in patients with dementia : A meta-
analysis of randomized control trials’. Elsevier B.V.,
25, pp. 13–23.
Holthoff, V. A. et al. (2015) ‘Effects of Physical Activity
Training in Patients with Alzheimer ’ s Dementia :
Results of a Pilot RCT Study’, pp. 1–11. doi:
Jøranson, N. et al. (2015) ‘Effects on Symptoms of
Agitation and Depression in Persons With Dementia
Participating in Robot-Assisted Activity : A Cluster-
Randomized Controlled Trial’, Journal of the
American Medical Directors Association. Elsevier
Inc., pp. 1–7. doi: 10.1016/j.jamda.2015.05.002.
Karssemeijer, E. G. A. et al. (2017) ‘The effect of an
interactive cycling training on cognitive functioning in
older adults with mild dementia : study protocol for a
randomized controlled trial’. BMC Geriatrics, 9101,
pp. 1–8. doi: 10.1186/s12877-017-0464-x.
Moyle, W. et al. (2014) ‘International Journal of Nursing
Studies Foot massage versus quiet presence on
agitation and mood in people with dementia : A
randomised controlled trial’, International Journal of
Nursing Studies. Elsevier Ltd, 51(6), pp. 856–864. doi:
Rathore, A. (2017) ‘The effects of chronic and acute
physical activity on working memory performance in
healthy participants : a systematic review with meta-
analysis of randomized controlled trials’. Systematic
Reviews, pp. 1–16. doi: 10.1186/s13643-017-0514-7.
Souto, P. De et al. (2016) ‘Effects of a long-term exercise
programme on functional ability in people with
dementia living in nursing homes : Research protocol
of the LEDEN study , a cluster randomised controlled
trial’, Contemporary Clinical Trials. Elsevier Inc., 47,
pp. 289–295. doi: 10.1016/j.cct.2016.02.004.
Tin, R. et al. (2015) ‘A 3-arm randomized controlled trial
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exercises on elderly with early dementia’, BMC
Geriatrics. BMC Geriatrics, pp. 1–8. doi:
Zeng, Z. et al. (2016) ‘Effect of physical activity training
on dementia patients : A systematic review with a
meta-analysis’, Chinese Nursing Research. Elsevier
Ltd, 3(4), pp. 168–175. doi:

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